To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Vaccines are not 100%, We have been saying this all along...

But it is very effective... I showed the numbers from Canada earlier and it is obvious that being vaccinated helps reduce getting the virus transmission... Just compare vaccinated v unvaccinated case counts..

But that ignores the fact these mRNA vaccines are not FDA approved, kill thousands, and could cause far more deaths in the future from sensitizing the immune system to our own exosome spike proteins.
But that ignores the fact these mRNA vaccines are not FDA approved, kill thousands, and could cause far more deaths in the future from sensitizing the immune system to our own exosome spike proteins.
"Dr. Rigby" our Kremlin troll is posting lies again?
For example, "flattening the curve" all doctors know is a really BAD idea, since it prevents herd immunity.
All doctors also are not happy with these mRNA vaccines that don't have a real dead virus, but instead just spike proteins.
Notice the troll makes idiotic claims like this all the time and NEVER posts a link to back anything he says up
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
The proper term is organic people, not anti-vaxxers. Personally, I'm not against vaxxes, just not this experimental shit. I'll wait a few years to see if the men start growing tits or something, lol.
Notice the troll makes idiotic claims like this all the time and NEVER posts a link to back anything he says up

That is a lie.
There have been plenty of links to prove most doctors are unhappy with CDC statements and actions.

No one can question the obvious fact that "flattening the curve" is a horrendously stupid strategy that prevents herd immunity and keeps epidemics around forever.
Nor have you ever shown anything to counter the obvious fact the vaccines only contain spike proteins, which is dangerous for many reasons.
One is they can migrate, and second is that they could cause future allergic reactions to our own exosome spike proteins.
mRNA is the mechanism.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: How could anything developed this quickly be safe?

  • May 25, 2021
Written by: Moon Nahm, M.D.
Media contact: Jeff Hansen

1. mRNA vaccines: an idea more than 30 years in the making​

When Katalin Karikó, Ph.D., came to the United States from Hungary in 1985, she brought with her a passionate determination to work on mRNA. Messenger RNA is fundamental to life: sets of blueprints, spelled out using four nucleotide “letters,” for building every protein in every life form on Earth.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: How could anything developed this quickly be safe?

COVID-19 vaccine technologies have been studied for years and used in other treatments without issue.​

mRNA vaccines. The vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to deliver a message to your immune system with instructions on how to fight the coronavirus infection.

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. mRNA vaccines have been studied before for influenza, Zika and rabies. Beyond vaccines, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells. Learn more about how mRNA vaccines work.
How Do We Know the COVID-19 Vaccine Won’t Have Long-Term Side Effects?

at least 2 million .... & i got my info from ummm... the MAYO CLINIC.

Myth: We can achieve herd immunity by letting the virus spread through the population.​

Fact: Herd immunity occurs when a large portion of a community (the herd) becomes immune to a disease, making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely. As a result, the whole community becomes protected — not just those who are immune. There are some significant problems with relying on community infection to create herd immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19. First, it isn't yet clear if infection with the COVID-19 virus makes a person immune to future infection. If it does not create immunity, herd immunity will not work.

Even if COVID-19 infection creates long-lasting immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that 70% of the population in the U.S. — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic. This amount of infection also could lead to serious, and potentially long-term, complications and millions of deaths. If many people become sick with COVID-19 at once, the health care system could quickly become overwhelmed.
Herd immunity and COVID-19 (coronavirus): What you need to know

Well the inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, would disagree with you, and I think he's worth listening to and believing over anyone else.

Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Floats Inconvenient Question About Possible 'Safety Issues' with Genetic Jab

Trust the science: The phrase has echoed across the world throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a supposed safeguard against questioning what mainstream “science” feeds us — or even injects into us.

But as controversial as it seems, basement-dwelling, tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists aren’t the only ones acknowledging that something could go wrong with mRNA vaccines — some of the first vaccines authorized for distribution and COVID-19 prevention in the U.S.

This time Dr. Robert Malone — the inventor of mRNA vaccines — is considering the idea himself.
“What happens to confidence in public health and USG if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have [significant] safety issues?” he asked in a tweet on Saturday. “This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.”
“Regarding post-COVID genetic vaccine syndromes. I know they happen, do not know how severe or frequent,” he wrote. “I argue for data transparency from @CDCGlobal @CDCgov and #QALY based risk/benefit assessment. Data. Science-based Medicine. Honesty. Transparency. Bioethics. Not conspiracy.”
Malone isn’t the only person to question just how safe mRNA vaccines are and to argue for transparency on the issue, but, as the man who pioneered mRNA science, it’s safe to say his arguments pack a punch.

With so little insight into mRNA vaccines at the time their distribution began, shouldn’t scientists have been wary of advocating for the widespread use of this new technology so soon?

Malone seems to think so.

Even without advocating for or against the administration of mRNA COVID vaccines — or any COVID vaccine, for that matter — scientists should be open to all possibilities and should ensure that their “consumers” are aware of these possibilities as well.

Questions like Malone’s have led Big Tech companies to slap free-thinkers with “medical misinformation” warnings and, along with them, a threat to ban these users from their platforms altogether.

Asking questions about this new technology is obviously highly discouraged.

And we can safely assume why.

More on the 'Mayo Clinic' below...

Have you even heard of Noravax? I bet not, ever wonder why? It's a traditional vaccine being developed in the US that shows more promising results than the mRNA vaccines.

Novavax's COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know

As far as your copy/paste herd immunity bs, I can find as many articles and links that will say say just the opposite. Suddenly herd immunity is no more?? lol But, trust the science, right???

Overall, 166,477,481 people or 51% of the population have been fully vaccinated out of a population of 331,449,281, that's a little over 50%, according to the CDC there have been over 35.8 million cases of covid, so that puts us at over 202 million people either vaccinated or having had covid. That's not including people that had it and never knew and never got tested, or people that had symptoms and didn't get tested because a family member had it and they assumed they had it. So we are well approaching herd immunity numbers, but they don't want that out because it may discourage people from getting their vaccine, and we can't have that.

Why Is There Such Reluctance to Discuss Natural Immunity?
Those of us wanting good information certainly don’t want any of those outcomes. But others seem perfectly fine to risk them. They include not only elected officials, members of the media, political talking heads, self-important bureaucrats, and their wide-eyed acolytes harassing shoppers, but strangely also highly prominent health organizations.

For example, late last year Jeffrey Tucker showed that the World Health Organization (WHO) suddenly, and “for reasons unknown,” changed its definition of “herd immunity.” Using screenshots from a cached version on the Internet Archive, Tucker showed how the WHO altered its definition in such a way as to erase completely the role of natural immunity. Before, the WHO rightly said it “happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” The WHO’s change stated that it happens “if a threshold of vaccination is reached.” Not long after Tucker’s piece appeared, the WHO restored natural immunity to its definition.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), seemingly apropos of nothing, on May 19 issued a “safety communication” to warn that FDA-authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests “should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time.” The FDA’s concern appears to be that taking an antibody test too soon after receiving a vaccination may fail to show vaccine-induced antibodies, but why preclude its use for “identifying people with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 from a recent or prior infection?” Especially after stating outright that “Antibody tests can play an important role in identifying individuals who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and may have developed an adaptive immune response.”

Then there is the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, that ubiquitous font of fatuous guidance. He had told people that herd immunity would be at 60 to 70 percent immunity, and then he started publicly cinching those numbers up: 75 percent, 80 percent, 85 percent, even 90 percent (as if Covid-19 were as infectious as measles). He is quoted in the New York Times admitting to doing so deliberately to affect people’s behavior:

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent,” Dr. Fauci said. “Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85.
Now — or better put, as of this writingFauci has taken to arguing herd immunity is a “mystical elusive number,” a distracting “endgame,” and therefore not worth considering. Only vaccinations are worth counting. As he put it recently, “We don’t want to get too hung up on reaching this endgame of herd immunity because every day that you put 2 million to 3 million vaccinations into people [it] makes society be more and more protected.”

While composing an article about natural immunity and herd immunity for my home state of North Carolina, I happened to notice that the Mayo Clinic had removed a compelling factoid about natural immunity. It’s something I had quoted in an earlier discussion of the matter and wanted to revisit it.

Here’s what the Mayo Clinic once wanted people to know in its page on “Herd Immunity and COVID-19” with respect to natural immunity: “[T]hose who survived the 1918 flu (influenza) pandemic were later immune to infection with the H1N1 flu, a subtype of influenza A.” The Mayo Clinic pointed out that H1N1 was during the 2009-10 flu season, which would be 92 years later. That finding attested to just how powerful and long-lived natural immunity could be.


The Mayo Clinic also reoriented its page to feature vaccination over “the natural infection method” (method?) and added a section on “the outlook for achieving herd immunity in the U.S.” This new section stated that “it’s not clear if or when the U.S. will achieve herd immunity” but encouraged people nonetheless that “the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at protecting against severe illness requiring hospitalization and death … allowing people to better be able to live with the virus.”

Why, from people who know better, is there so much interest in downplaying or erasing natural immunity?

Is it because it’s hard to quantify how many people have natural immunity? Is it out of a mix of good intentions and worry, that discussing natural immunity would somehow discourage (“nudge,” in Fauci’s term) people from getting vaccines who otherwise would? Is it simple oversight, being so focused on vaccinations that they just plain forgot about natural immunity? Or is something else at work?

Whatever the reason, it’s keeping Americans in the dark about how many people have active immunity from Covid-19. It’s keeping people needlessly fearful and suspicious of each other. It’s empowering executive overreach. Worst of all, it’s tempting people to consider government and business restrictions on the unvaccinated, regardless of their actual immunity.

None of these people or these institutions are to be trusted, period.
Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making unsupported claims about the alleged toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines, and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted. He said LinkedIn suspended his account over what he claimed were posts he had made questioning the efficacy of some COVID-19 vaccines.[3][7][18][19]
Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making unsupported claims about the alleged toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines, and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted. He said LinkedIn suspended his account over what he claimed were posts he had made questioning the efficacy of some COVID-19 vaccines.[3][7][18][19]

Of course they did, he developed the technology, so what does he know, right??? :dunno:
In the 1980s, while a researcher at the Salk Institute, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[2][3] In the early 1990s, he collaborated with Jon A. Wolff, Dennis A. Carson, and others on a study that first suggested the possibility of synthesizing mRNA in a laboratory to trigger the production of a desired protein.[4] Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, although credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó or Derrick Rossi.[5][2][6][7]
In the 1980s, while a researcher at the Salk Institute, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[2][3] In the early 1990s, he collaborated with Jon A. Wolff, Dennis A. Carson, and others on a study that first suggested the possibility of synthesizing mRNA in a laboratory to trigger the production of a desired protein.[4] Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, although credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó or Derrick Rossi.[5][2][6][7]

So he knows more about it than only 99.99% of the population? The way you idiots jump on a band wagon to discredit someone who disagrees with the leftist agenda, as well as silence them, de-platform them, ban them, censor them, tells me all I need to know about you and your agenda. Evil.
I understand what I read perfectly.


Why Do Black Americans Still Lag In Covid Vaccinations Nationally?​

National News
August 10, 2021
Nationally 71% of Americans have received the Trump era Covid Vaccine. In the Black community the numbers are much lower. So why do Americans still lag in Covid vaccinations nationally?

As of this week, 70% of the adult population in the United States have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. While this progress represents a marked achievement in vaccinations that has led to steep declines in COVID-19 cases and deaths, vaccination coverage—and the protections provided by it—remains uneven across the country. With the growing spread of the more transmissible Delta variant, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are once again rising, largely among unvaccinated people. While White adults account for the largest share (57%) of unvaccinated adults, Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, particularly as the variant spreads.

I JUST sent you an article showing that black people are more likely to get the vaccine than Republicans and you completely missed it.

Why is that? Is it perhaps because you’re an idiot?
Malone received criticism for propagating COVID-19 misinformation, including making unsupported claims about the alleged toxicity of spike proteins generated by some COVID-19 vaccines, and tweeting a study by others questioning vaccine safety that was later retracted. He said LinkedIn suspended his account over what he claimed were posts he had made questioning the efficacy of some COVID-19 vaccines.[3][7][18][19]

And the POINT is the criticism against Dr Robert Malone is entirely inappropriate.
His statement that the current mRNA vaccines can become cytotoxic is entirely true.
The whole point of the vaccines are to get the immune system to attack spike proteins.
So if these spike proteins in the vaccine do not stay in the arm, but migrate somewhere else, they will cause where ever they end up to become attacks.
The fact the human body also produces and need spike proteins in order for exosomes to work is also a risk of these vaccines causing an autoimmune response.
There likely is no one more credible than Dr. Malone, and he should be listened to.
I JUST sent you an article showing that black people are more likely to get the vaccine than Republicans and you completely missed it.

Why is that? Is it perhaps because you’re an idiot?

No, you did not send me a link showing Blacks are more likely to get the vac than republicans.
The link you put up said Blacks were the least vaccinated.
I put up the link saying Blacks were the least vaccinated because you asked me to show where I was getting that impression from.
I can put up a lot more links on that subject if you want?
How could it possibly not?

I get my healthcare through the VA. And they've rolled the dice on my survival over trivia more than once.

I sometimes get the impression that "free" health care in the US often is used by companies to do "free" research and test products?
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
This is so utterly unscientific. I don’t even know where to begin. You perfectly embody the failure that is the GOP. I spit at your feet.

Accepting all your flat out false premises as true, the first question should be whose already recovered from COVID? They do no need the vaccine. Naturally acquired immunity is far more effective than vaccine immunity. Children, who are neither victims or vectors, also do not need this vaccine. This is the most stratified disease age wise in history (because it was made in a lab). Why are we pushing the vax on those who do not need it?

Second question should be is the vaccine safe? No, it is not. These vaccines work by telling your cells to produce the spike protein of the virus. The very same spike protein we found out was cytotoxic. This is the spike protein causes the bad symptoms of COVID like the micro clots and inflammation in those who are susceptible to it. The whole entire safety of this vax hinges on the hope it does not leave the injection site. It does. We know this for a fact. This is what the VAERS data reflecting. More adverse events and death from these vaccines than any other combined since we’ve been tracking vaccine injuries. Previous vaccines have been pulled for far less.

Now, the above wouldn’t be much of an issue in a pandemic, unless the vaccine didn’t work and there was no other treatment options. Both of these disqualifying conditions a true.

The vaccine isn’t working. It does not prevent infection nor spread. The viral titers are the same in the vaxed as the unvaxed. It supposedly has a efficacy as a therapeutic easing serious complications. If you buy that, after they’ve already lied about it being 95% effective at preventing symptomatic disease, it only works as a therapeutic for 2-6 months. This alone disqualifies these ridiculous calls for mandates. We’ve also never made vaxed during a pandemic. Nor have we ever created a vaccine for this type of rapidly mutating RNA virus. It’s not that we can’t. It’s that by the time we put the vax out there, it’ll already be old news. Saying that the unvaxed are the ones driving the mutation away from the vaccine coverage is insane. That’s like blaming methicillin resistance staph aureus (MRSA) on the people who’ve never taken methicillin in their life. It’s wholly unscientific. It’s voodoo level magical thinking. The virus was always going to escape any vaccine we put out there. This is exactly what Bidens own void czar in March of 2020 said would happen. They’re lying to you. They know it doesn’t work. Now they need a scape goat.

As far as effective treatments, oh boy they are coming out of the woodwork left and right. Most notably ivermectin. 61 studies, over 23,000 patients in those studies, 30 studies that are randomized controlled, all showing great efficacy against COVID. Especially the earlier you use it, even as a prophylactic far more effective than the vaccine. Unfortunately, most dumb fucks like you that listen to the talking heads on Fox News or any other MM source, have never heard of it. Probably because zero people will profit off of ivermectin since the patent has been up for decades now, and it is very cheap to manufacture.
In the 1980s, while a researcher at the Salk Institute, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[2][3] In the early 1990s, he collaborated with Jon A. Wolff, Dennis A. Carson, and others on a study that first suggested the possibility of synthesizing mRNA in a laboratory to trigger the production of a desired protein.[4] Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines, although credit for the distinction is more often given to later advancements by Katalin Karikó or Derrick Rossi.[5][2][6][7]

The point is Dr. Malone understands exactly how these mRNA vaccines work, and he knows they do not contain a dead virus, but ONLY the spike protein, and obviously there are many risks in trying to make a vaccines that is not very specific.
A vaccines so wide that it causes any spike protein to get attacked would be sure to wipe out all human civilization, because humans need exosomes and exosomes need to have spike proteins.
That along with data showing that unvaccinated people are more likely to die from covid, yes.
If YOU are vaccinated and standing between two infected people, one vaccinated and one not vaccinated, your chance of catching it are the same for both of them.

So why are you pissing your Depends over who isn't vaccinated?
No, you did not send me a link showing Blacks are more likely to get the vac than republicans.
The link you put up said Blacks were the least vaccinated.


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