To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Well I don't know much about how your dad passed so I can't comment on that other than sorry for your loss.

But for the data, it looks pretty reasonable to me. Have you noticed that everyone on this website who is against the vaccine happens to be a Trump supporter? This agrees with data showing that Republicans are one of the least likely groups to be vaccinated.

Additionally, we see a very clear pattern when we compare state vaccine rates.

View attachment 523752

I don't think this is a coincidence.
Biden didn't win Nevada, Georgia, Arizona or Michigan if we were being totally honest and Pennsylvania is an "iffy" one at best. Regardless of which "states" are the least vaccinated? My question is that if the vaccine is so fucking terrific, why do so many wring their hands over those that wish to formulate their own plan if they start coming down with symptoms of the flu like millions of us have? The last time I got a flu shot was back in December of 1999 and I ended up getting the flu and it was a solid month until I felt 100 percent. There was nothing a doctor could do but tell me to "ride it out, it's a virus and has to run it's course".

There are over 48 different strains of the flu (all man-made, btw) and there isn't a vaccine that is going to protect you from it. I don't like the ingredients in this "vaccine" by either Phizer or Moderna. I am especially leery of the fact that Bill Gates and those like George Soros are heavily invested in the vaccine game. My body, my choice and I don't give a shit as to which puppet that currently resides on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has to say about it. My body, my choice and I shan't be bullied nor coerced into taking something that I know isn't safe and will have long term implications. I respect your choice to get it.....respect my choice not to take "the jab".
Biden didn't win Nevada, Georgia, Arizona or Michigan if we were being totally honest and Pennsylvania is an "iffy" one at best.

Sorry, we disagree on that.

There are over 48 different strains of the flu (all man-made, btw) and there isn't a vaccine that is going to protect you from it. I don't like the ingredients in this "vaccine" by either Phizer or Moderna. I am especially leery of the fact that Bill Gates and those like George Soros are heavily invested in the vaccine game. My body, my choice and I don't give a shit as to which puppet that currently resides on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has to say about it. My body, my choice and I shan't be bullied nor coerced into taking something that I know isn't safe and will have long term implications. I respect your choice to get it.....respect my choice not to take "the jab".

It’s your choice as far as I’m concerned. You have the right to do what you want, and I have the right to discuss vaccine rates.
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
As a libertarian I feel an citizen in a free country has a right to decide if he wants to take what is currently an unapproved vaccine. I may feel the same way once the vaccines are totally approved unless the version of the virus at that time is much, much more lethal.

We will have no idea what the long term effect of these vaccines are for years and years.

Doctors have told me for at least 25 years to take ibuprofen for my back pain. Recently my current doctor advised me to stop taking Ibuprofen because over the long term it might cause kidney problems. Then test results showed me I now have chronic kidney disease.

Who knows what these new vaccines may cause over the long run. A citizen in a free country should not be forced to risk his health.

Having said that I decided to get the vaccine and am now fully vaccinated. Of course I am 75 years old so long term effects may not prove a problem for me.
You link also says that 14% of blacks are unvaxxed. That 11% appears to be an error. where the hell are the other 75% of blacks? Why is it the only number outside of the graph? Look at my link. It says something very different.

Its not my link, its your link.
But you have a point in that the vaccinated and unvaccinated together should be 100%, and the numbers do not make sense, so there has to be a typo.
However, all the articles I read in the past always said Blacks were the least vaccinated.
X, can you refute anything in Dr. Dan Stock's presentation?

Ya always listen to the experts they tell you to listen to

When is the left right about anything?
Not exactly a stellar record on anything FROM CLIMATE change starting ww3 for killing a "poet" to Russia collusion inflation isn't real ! Pfffft lol

Experts indeed

Get your boosters
For $cience !
You kind of said yourself...

You want to ignore the experts because they are experts... Seriously if you had a leak and plumber comes to your house do say I know you are an expert but I don't like what you are saying so I am going to ignore you...

Look at Greece this week concerning climate... Obviously Climate Change is not good news but I don't like it so I am not listening is just childish...

As for Russian Collusion, it has been past proven that the Trump Campaign past information to Russia and got assistance...
The vaccines do not prevent transmission

Per the CDC director, August 5th
Vaccines are not 100%, We have been saying this all along...

But it is very effective... I showed the numbers from Canada earlier and it is obvious that being vaccinated helps reduce getting the virus transmission... Just compare vaccinated v unvaccinated case counts..
Vaccines are not 100%, We have been saying this all along...

But it is very effective... I showed the numbers from Canada earlier and it is obvious that being vaccinated helps reduce getting the virus transmission... Just compare vaccinated v unvaccinated case counts..

They don't, and they were not meant to.
That’s because you can’t understand what you read.

I understand what I read perfectly.


Why Do Black Americans Still Lag In Covid Vaccinations Nationally?​

National News
August 10, 2021
Nationally 71% of Americans have received the Trump era Covid Vaccine. In the Black community the numbers are much lower. So why do Americans still lag in Covid vaccinations nationally?

As of this week, 70% of the adult population in the United States have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. While this progress represents a marked achievement in vaccinations that has led to steep declines in COVID-19 cases and deaths, vaccination coverage—and the protections provided by it—remains uneven across the country. With the growing spread of the more transmissible Delta variant, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are once again rising, largely among unvaccinated people. While White adults account for the largest share (57%) of unvaccinated adults, Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, particularly as the variant spreads.
You kind of said yourself...

You want to ignore the experts because they are experts... Seriously if you had a leak and plumber comes to your house do say I know you are an expert but I don't like what you are saying so I am going to ignore you...

Look at Greece this week concerning climate... Obviously Climate Change is not good news but I don't like it so I am not listening is just childish...

As for Russian Collusion, it has been past proven that the Trump Campaign past information to Russia and got assistance...

The CDC may have experts, but we will never know because they are controlled by politicians and bureaucrats who are obviously saying and doing silly things.
For example, "flattening the curve" all doctors know is a really BAD idea, since it prevents herd immunity.
All doctors also are not happy with these mRNA vaccines that don't have a real dead virus, but instead just spike proteins.

And by the way, there is nothing remotely illegal or odd about passing information to Russia or getting assistance in a campaign, as long as one pays for it.
The only thing illegal is getting campaign help for free.

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