To the NeverTrumpers: Will You Now Heed the Call?

Will You Vote for Trump or Enable Criminal hiLIARY to Takeover the Country

  • Yes, I will vote for Trump

  • No, I will allow Criminal hiLIARy to take over the country

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I am about the furthest thing from an ideologue on this entire board, Jim. I am hardly a cretin, either, as the University I attended doesn't accept just anybody.
If John Kasich were running against Hillary, I would be voting for him. I just cannot accept Trump, so my only response to you is
fucking deal with it, dude.
No, when we have 8 liberal justices ont he SCOTUS, you deal with it dude.

When corporations run every square inch of this country via their control of Friends of Billary you deal with it dude.

You are such a fucking fool, I am astonished you got into any higher level education anywhere.

On many issues in the past I have agreed with you, and now, suddenly, I am some sort of fucking fool just because I am not voting for Trump.

Has your keyboard shorted out yet? The spittle flying as you type must be considerable.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
You're so delusional.

Why won't Trump release his tax returns, again?
I am about the furthest thing from an ideologue on this entire board, Jim. I am hardly a cretin, either, as the University I attended doesn't accept just anybody.
If John Kasich were running against Hillary, I would be voting for him. I just cannot accept Trump, so my only response to you is
fucking deal with it, dude.
No, when we have 8 liberal justices ont he SCOTUS, you deal with it dude.

When corporations run every square inch of this country via their control of Friends of Billary you deal with it dude.

You are such a fucking fool, I am astonished you got into any higher level education anywhere.

On many issues in the past I have agreed with you, and now, suddenly, I am some sort of fucking fool just because I am not voting for Trump.

Has your keyboard shorted out yet? The spittle flying as you type must be considerable.

That's kind of an important issue given that this is the politics forum.

And yes, you are a fool for it, good call.
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.

I almost fell for the Trump con....
Glad I backed off on that....

I am sitting this election out....didn't want Hilly before and don't now...
Still think she would be better in WH...
The problem is the Republicans will never work with Hillary if she wins
So if she manages to hold's gonna be a rough ride.

Good luck people.
Here's the thing: Right-Wingers cared more about building a wall (illegal immigration is at net zero) and tearing up TPP (which Bernie or Hillary will also do) than they did SCOTUS. If you cared about SCOTUS you would have nominated someone who could beat Hillary, which is practically the entire Republican contenders except for Cruz, Fiorina, Huckabee, Carson, and Paul. Any of the others could have beaten her.

Now you have a guy who will lose badly to her, while taking down the entire Republican Party. And a guy, who if by some miracle was elected, would be impeached within the first year, due to his criminal enterprises.
Yeah, I am still never going to vote for Trump.
I am sure he is relieved to hear that.

I am.

I am not going to vote against my principles just so you guys can crack open a bottle of champagne on Election Day. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I am sure you are not in the target demographics that Trump or any reasonable candidate is trying to get to.

So go enjoy your Purple Drink and shut up already, how about it?
You're doing a super job swaying wary voters to Trump by hurling insults and acting like a petulant child. :lol:

When push comes to shove and you have to wake idiots up and realize what they are about to do to our precious country, yeah, I can get a little rude, but so what?

If you cant handle that little amount of rudeness over your PC monitor, maybe you should be searching for your safe zone instead.
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.

Up until a few days ago I was in your camp. Now, I have changed. I will vote for the trumpster, not because he's a good candidate, or because I think he will be a better POTUS, but because the entire political ESTABLISHMENT is against him. That is what convinced me to change my vote to him.
I almost fell for the Trump con....
Glad I backed off on that....
lol, so instead you are going to vote for a known crook who is once again under FBI investigation.

lol, what has happened to our country? decades of disinformation and idiots running our educational system.
You're doing a super job swaying wary voters to Trump by hurling insults and acting like a petulant child. :lol:

When push comes to shove and you have to wake idiots up and realize what they are about to do to our precious country, yeah, I can get a little rude, but so what?

If you cant handle that little amount of rudeness over your PC monitor, maybe you should be searching for your safe zone instead.

Oh, you're quite mistaken. I don't care if you're the least bit rude about it. In fact, I am rather enjoying your temper tantrum b/c I won't blindly vote for your candidate of choice.
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.

Up until a few days ago I was in your camp. Now, I have changed. I will vote for the trumpster, not because he's a good candidate, or because I think he will be a better POTUS, but because the entire political ESTABLISHMENT is against him. That is what convinced me to change my vote to him.

I can respect that, and I agree about the political establishment.

Watching the debates should provide a clue to any fair-minded person. When you have moderators actually debating against a candidate, something is seriously wrong with the whole set up.
Yeah, I am still never going to vote for Trump.
I am sure he is relieved to hear that.

I am.

I am not going to vote against my principles just so you guys can crack open a bottle of champagne on Election Day. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I am sure you are not in the target demographics that Trump or any reasonable candidate is trying to get to.

So go enjoy your Purple Drink and shut up already, how about it?

I am a college educated, taxpayer, living in a swing state. I've been invited to attend both candidates rallies in my city, but I've politely declined b/c I have severe allergic reactions to bullshit.
Oh, you're quite mistaken. I don't care if you're the least bit rude about it. In fact, I am rather enjoying your temper tantrum b/c I won't blindly vote for your candidate of choice.
Let me make this as plain as I can make it.

If YOU and your kind were voting for Trump, I would not be voting for Trump.

That you are going to go home and jack off to Manga on election day is good news to my mind.

Get it now?

/talking shit

Just kidding about the Manga, lol, but you and I have different demographical interests, no joke and I doubt that Trump can reach out to both our groups simultaneously.
I am a college educated, taxpayer, living in a swing state. I've been invited to attend both candidates rallies in my city, but I've politely declined b/c I have severe allergic reactions to bullshit.
Irony abounds in life.
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.

Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but at least he's not a crook and his actions didn't cost any Americans' lives... There is a huge difference between words and actions.

Too bad so many people don't understand that their vote could be decisive and plan on staying home instead of voting.

#NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.
Hillary hasn't been found a "crook" anymore or less than Trump.
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.
I don't know if this is counted, but if it is, I think this year will have the most blanks at the top of the ballot, and the most write-in's ever.
Think the major parties will listen?
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.

Up until a few days ago I was in your camp. Now, I have changed. I will vote for the trumpster, not because he's a good candidate, or because I think he will be a better POTUS, but because the entire political ESTABLISHMENT is against him. That is what convinced me to change my vote to him.

I can respect that, and I agree about the political establishment.

Watching the debates should provide a clue to any fair-minded person. When you have moderators actually debating against a candidate, something is seriously wrong with the whole set up.

And that is what has ultimately convinced me to vote for the trumpster, as vile a creature as he is. If the establishment is against him it means he hasn't been coopted by them which means he might actually do what he says and drain the swamp. And boy does that swamp need to be drained.
Yeah, I am still never going to vote for Trump.
I am sure he is relieved to hear that.

I am.

I am not going to vote against my principles just so you guys can crack open a bottle of champagne on Election Day. Don't like it? Tough shit.

I am sure you are not in the target demographics that Trump or any reasonable candidate is trying to get to.

So go enjoy your Purple Drink and shut up already, how about it?

I am a college educated, taxpayer, living in a swing state. I've been invited to attend both candidates rallies in my city, but I've politely declined b/c I have severe allergic reactions to bullshit.

You're doing a super job swaying wary voters to Trump by hurling insults and acting like a petulant child. :lol:

When push comes to shove and you have to wake idiots up and realize what they are about to do to our precious country, yeah, I can get a little rude, but so what?

If you cant handle that little amount of rudeness over your PC monitor, maybe you should be searching for your safe zone instead.

Oh, you're quite mistaken. I don't care if you're the least bit rude about it. In fact, I am rather enjoying your temper tantrum b/c I won't blindly vote for your candidate of choice.

Between all the hive mind leftists and the Trumpsters here, it can be a little lonely here for anybody with an independent bent.

I'm just heartened to receive the same treatment from a righty as I usually do the true believers of the left. I get called stupid by them as well, for not marching in lockstep with the hive.
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I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.

Even if you don't like Trump, he hasn't done anything yet. Everybody knows what Hillary has done already and how many lives it has already costed (and what we know may be just a tip of an iceberg!).

Trump may sound rough, but at least he's not a crook and his actions didn't cost any Americans' lives... There is a huge difference between words and actions.

Too bad so many people don't understand that their vote could be decisive and plan on staying home instead of voting.

#NeverTrumpers! Try not to look like ostriches with their heads in sand and butts sticking out. It is a very awkward position in both meanings of this word.
Hillary hasn't been found a "crook" anymore or less than Trump. E
I am still firm in my resolve. I will not vote for a candidate I cannot support in any way.

I am not voting for president his year. Let the general populace select this year's weevil.
I don't know if this is counted, but if it is, I think this year will have the most blanks at the top of the ballot, and the most write-in's ever.
Think the major parties will listen?

The only reason why the shrilary is not sitting in a jail cell awaiting trial is because she is protected by the political establishment. If a repub politician had done half of the shit she has done you would be screaming for their head on a pike.
Oh, you're quite mistaken. I don't care if you're the least bit rude about it. In fact, I am rather enjoying your temper tantrum b/c I won't blindly vote for your candidate of choice.
Let me make this as plain as I can make it.

If YOU and your kind were voting for Trump, I would not be voting for Trump.

That you are going to go home and jack off to Manga on election day is good news to my mind.

Get it now?

I am not really sure who 'my kind' is, but keep melting. It warms the cockles of my heart. lol

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