To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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You live up to your handle, as well. Makes me question if you are trolling.
Nobody...not adults, not kids, not college students should apply for min wage jobs. Let them remain unfilled. If mcpukes shut down nobody would shed one tear. In fact I would laugh incredibly.
Nobody...not adults, not kids, not college students should apply for min wage jobs. Let them remain unfilled. If mcpukes shut down nobody would shed one tear. In fact I would laugh incredibly.

Sounds like a great plan. But don't even think about setting your tent up in my front yard.
Nope...just the facts..leave the jobs unfilled....I would cheer huge. Nobody needs to fill those jobs. They can find better paying work. I do not want to raise the min wage. The way to higher wages is to see those jobs unfilled. As far as my handle....its the american creed. Do youy think people wake up and work to see the country improve? Nipe...that is the very last thought. Every american is out there for themselves first.
Explain why someone HAS to work for min wage. Your type say its all about choices. So make the choice not to apply. With barely a work ethic one can do better. Those co panies are awful places to work.
My kids worked during college...the lowest pay was 17 dollars per hour. They laughed at 8 dollars...
Nope...just the facts..leave the jobs unfilled....I would cheer huge. Nobody needs to fill those jobs. They can find better paying work. I do not want to raise the min wage. The way to higher wages is to see those jobs unfilled. As far as my handle....its the american creed. Do youy think people wake up and work to see the country improve? Nipe...that is the very last thought. Every american is out there for themselves first.
. I see your frustration, but that won't work, and there is nothing wrong with a minimum wage start off, and then to work ones way up from there. The problem found, is the amount that is set for minimum wage in which fell behind long long ago.

This country has seen companies increase their profit margins to unbelievable levels, but for some reason they began a trend of not wanting to share the wealth throughout the company in ways that helps to reward (in an appropriate way) the employees that are sticking it out with them or had helped them to build their wealth.

Then to top it all off, the companies got into even a bigger game of hiring illegals to work as unregulated workers for whom they could say to that kind of worker through their interpretors, that if you don't like 7 days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day, then you can get your ace back across that border to be replaced quickly by another. Then these sorry pieces of so called management forces would stand there and say that "hey their just doing the jobs Americans won't do". Well I wonder why the Americans won't do these dam jobs ?? For starters they don't want Americans in these jobs, so it's off to their mommy's basements in which they all will go until their 26 years ruined. People should be looked up, and their wealth taken from them in order to give it back to America or to give it back to the American workers in the form of Healthcare subsidies, retirement plans and social security. To undermine this country in the ways that these people had done should come with consequences.
Explain why someone HAS to work for min wage. Your type say its all about choices. So make the choice not to apply. With barely a work ethic one can do better. Those co panies are awful places to work.
. Every company in America should be a place that any American wouldn't mind working for temporarily or even full time. Every company in America ought to treat their employees decent and fair. Companies stop with the lying already.
Nope...just the facts..leave the jobs unfilled....I would cheer huge. Nobody needs to fill those jobs. They can find better paying work. I do not want to raise the min wage. The way to higher wages is to see those jobs unfilled. As far as my handle....its the american creed. Do youy think people wake up and work to see the country improve? Nipe...that is the very last thought. Every american is out there for themselves first.

They would simply play more and stay in business, then raise their prices to the consumers. They won’t go out of business as people aren’t as stupid and naive as you are.

I also disagree with your notion every American is out there for themselves first. Again more proof you are not very smart and naive as yourself.
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Kids have been shut out of these jobs by illegal aliens.


it isn't kids working at these jobs anymore. not since rightwignuts crashed the economy last time.


You're an idiot, I'll grant you that.

It isn't kids working these jobs since the Communists opened the borders and the illegals took their jobs.
Let's hire management from the third world.

For fast food? We already do.
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
Poverty is a complex issue. To blame it all on laziness is absolutely ridiculous and sends the message that corporations can pay employees wages that are way behind on the rising cost of living for the sake of massive profit that only benefits a small group of executives per company.
Explain why someone HAS to work for min wage. Your type say its all about choices. So make the choice not to apply. With barely a work ethic one can do better. Those co panies are awful places to work.
. Every company in America should be a place that any American wouldn't mind working for temporarily or even full time. Every company in America ought to treat their employees decent and fair. Companies stop with the lying already.

Companies don't open up to provide a livable wage and good benefits. Companies open up to provide a product or service for a profit. Opening up a business is not a social obligation. Opening up a business is for business.
Nope...just the facts..leave the jobs unfilled....I would cheer huge. Nobody needs to fill those jobs. They can find better paying work. I do not want to raise the min wage. The way to higher wages is to see those jobs unfilled. As far as my handle....its the american creed. Do youy think people wake up and work to see the country improve? Nipe...that is the very last thought. Every american is out there for themselves first.
. I see your frustration, but that won't work, and there is nothing wrong with a minimum wage start off, and then to work ones way up from there. The problem found, is the amount that is set for minimum wage in which fell behind long long ago.

This country has seen companies increase their profit margins to unbelievable levels, but for some reason they began a trend of not wanting to share the wealth throughout the company in ways that helps to reward (in an appropriate way) the employees that are sticking it out with them or had helped them to build their wealth.

Then to top it all off, the companies got into even a bigger game of hiring illegals to work as unregulated workers for whom they could say to that kind of worker through their interpretors, that if you don't like 7 days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day, then you can get your ace back across that border to be replaced quickly by another. Then these sorry pieces of so called management forces would stand there and say that "hey their just doing the jobs Americans won't do". Well I wonder why the Americans won't do these dam jobs ?? For starters they don't want Americans in these jobs, so it's off to their mommy's basements in which they all will go until their 26 years ruined. People should be looked up, and their wealth taken from them in order to give it back to America or to give it back to the American workers in the form of Healthcare subsidies, retirement plans and social security. To undermine this country in the ways that these people had done should come with consequences.

How do you suppose these companies are going to provide all these great things when the American consumer won't buy their products? After all, if you have a light bulb factory and sell your 50' string of Christmas lights for $25.00, but the ones from China cost $7.50, nobody is going to buy your light set. Then you have to close your business and nobody has a job yet alone a good paying one.
Nobody...not adults, not kids, not college students should apply for min wage jobs. Let them remain unfilled. If mcpukes shut down nobody would shed one tear. In fact I would laugh incredibly.

Lots of people would shed a tear. You are delusional to believe that most people think like you. Sorry, most people think exactly opposite of what you think.
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

And you didn't have to speak Spanglish to have it understood.
I guess what those who poke fun at that segment of society want is for taxpayers to foot their entire bill since not everybody can learn more to earn more.

Those of us on the right don't want to foot any bill. Cut social programs down to the bare bone, and it will force people to work harder and better themselves.
. True, but will there be a trap set for those by evil greedy business owners who will be standing there yelling at each poor soul that walks through his door " you got no where to run now, so get your ace in there on that sanding machine, and I don't want to hear another word out of you for 5 years, and then I might just decide to raise you from $7.50 an hour to $8.50 an hour ". The worker then tells his co-workers " I got to get out of here man", but they quickly remind him that they have tried themselves to get out, but the good ole boys at the top are working together in so that it's super hard to quit and just go somewhere else. Then if they do get out, they quickly run into a dead end because the city or towns people in these companies are far more connected than was first thought of. They work together to know who is moving about, who is making waves, who is demanding more, and what to do when the sheep begin to get restless. Why do you people think that such a thing as employee history, recommendations, and references are so important to managements ?

Because it's important to find out if they are going to waste their time on a loser or somebody that really wants to do the job. In fact, several of our customers only hire through temp agencies. This way they get to try out the worker several months to a year before offering them a full-time job.

You'd be surprised at how many lowlifes work for X amount of time just to get enough work months in to go back on unemployment for the next four months. If you have a record of this, nobody is going to want to hire you and rightfully so.

For the most part, there are always other places to go if you are unhappy with your employer. And if you do good work, no employer wants to discourage you from coming to work in the morning because you found another job. These days, good workers are hard to find. In my line of work, I spend most of the day in industrial areas. They are all loaded with HELLP WANTED signs that remain there for weeks and months.
But let's say you don't think like that; anybody can do his job, so you hire a CEO for about one million a year. In the meantime, I find out about your rejection and I hire that CEO for 10 million a year, and then we take away your business and you have to close down.

Except the CEO isn't really that important. Jesus Christ, I've never met a CEO who wasn't full of himself, never met one who even knew what we did on a day to day basis.

Companies work well only if the employees are motivated and committed. The Japanese and Germans get this. Their CEO's don't make anything near what ours make, but their work forces are more unionized, and better motivated, and better educated than ours are.

But dun, der, Cleetus I don't dun der need to learn nothin' from dem der fur-hen-nurs.

They also buy their own products; something Americans won't do.

If CEOs are so worthless, why don't you become a CEO? After all, if you are so talented to criticize them, then it should be a no-brainer for you. And when you spend your life working your ass off, flying all over the country and world, relocating every couple of years and become successful, you can then refuse a five million dollar a year job and tell them to give it to the workers instead. You'll do the CEO job for 75K a year.
I guess what those who poke fun at that segment of society want is for taxpayers to foot their entire bill since not everybody can learn more to earn more.

Those of us on the right don't want to foot any bill. Cut social programs down to the bare bone, and it will force people to work harder and better themselves.

Pardon me, but that is a silly reply. Lots of people simply can't do what you expect... you know anybody with autism, Downs, or is IQ challenged?
I have my own question along these lines:

A month or so ago I needed a pressure relief valve replaced on my water heater. A plumber came and looked at it when I already knew what was wrong. I asked him to tell me over the phone what it would cost to do the job, but nooo... he's got to see it.

When he tells me what I already knew, he went to his van and forty minutes later, he comes back with an estimate of $275. He charged $40 just to look at it.

I got a 70 year old handyman to help and we changed it out in under half an hour and all he wanted was $30. The part cost $16. I had to hook up the water hose to the water heater and drain it out while the handyman got a pipe wrench out of his truck. By the time I got the water hose unhooked and put away, he was finished.

So, why do we think that a skill set that takes six months to learn is worth a surgeon's wages, but balk at paying MickeyDs workers for their time?

You just proved the point against minimum wage. You had the work performed buy someone willing to accept less money.

He worked for less money, but he was paid for his services.

BTW, I don't think minimum wage is the answer. I think the answer lies in local control.

If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

I think that county commissioners would sell out their low skilled workers for a chance at additional tax revenue
Build in our county and we will ensure low cost labor

You have a point there, but it is largely because the citizenry don't pay attention to what their county commission is doing.

County commissioners are known to condemn private property and put the mom and pop stores out of business in order to get Walmart in town. Then Walmart pays junk wages and increases the number of poor in that county. The tax commissioners only worry about taxes (they call it revenue.) The workers need to focus their efforts on county commissioners.

Walmart actually attracts customers to smaller businesses.

It's called an Anchor Store, and it's a business strategy used by mall creators. The get companies like Walmart to move into their complex and other stores open up because of it. It's a proven theory that Walmart (or other Anchor Stores) shoppers will not just shop there. They will branch out to the other stores in the mall and do business with them as well.

I don't know where you live, but our Walmarts are stand alone stores to ones with a few surrounding stores - and most of those stores stay empty.
If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

Then those businesses go to the next county that stays the hell out of their business and that county reaps in the tax revenue.

A few years ago our city was considering a huge minimum wage increase. They wanted it $15.00 an hour. Even the liberal council realized what a grave mistake that would have been. They voted it down because they knew businesses would flee Cleveland and reopen in the suburbs.

Since that was a failure, they tried to get the county to have a $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They too refused to go along with the idea for the same reason.

Asked and answered. If people cannot make a realistic wage, they will qualify for welfare, housing subsidies, AFDC, etc. Taxpayers will either pay higher taxes or 15 cents more a meal for a Big Mac.
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