To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Put asses in seats.

If I go to a Roger Waters concert, it's because I want to hear Roger Waters, not "some guy who can remember all the Lyrics to Roger's songs".

Shit, I can go to a Pink Floyd themed Karaoke night and hear that.

No, it's because those people have a talent very few possess just like CEO's. When you spend your life creating a record of turning losing companies around, increasing value of a company, making them more money than your salary, you are a very gifted person and a rarity. You are worth the money they pay you.

It's just like any other job. My employer pays me X amount of money because my work produces two or maybe three times what he pays me. That's the way CEOs work. They have a history of making more than their salary and benefits.

yet they tripled the salary for McDonald's CEO despite the company continuing to decline in sales and closing stores.

Sears is run by a complete asshole who has run down their business. They'll be out of business by the end of next year. Yet no one is going to sack this guy, who is getting rich selling off the assets.


No, absolutely fucking not. You see, this is the problem with our corporate culture. CEO's have vastly inflated opinions of themselves, and basically have conned the rest of us into believing it.

They can have any opinion they want of themselves. Nobody pays them for their self opinions. They pay them because of their record of success.
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...
Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

Uh, probably has to do more with our bloated Military Industrial Complex.

That and it goes up every time we cut taxes on the rich for growth that never shows up.

Nope. Social programs cost more than our military budget. But even if it didn't, we still get something for that money like protection. What do we get from social programs besides leaches?
Explain why someone HAS to work for min wage. Your type say its all about choices. So make the choice not to apply. With barely a work ethic one can do better. Those co panies are awful places to work.
. Every company in America should be a place that any American wouldn't mind working for temporarily or even full time. Every company in America ought to treat their employees decent and fair. Companies stop with the lying already.

Companies don't open up to provide a livable wage and good benefits. Companies open up to provide a product or service for a profit. Opening up a business is not a social obligation. Opening up a business is for business.

The right always has a talking point until you put them on the spot. If you saw a Mexican behind the counter, you'd be advocating putting the owner in jail as if they had a duty to provide jobs for Americans only.

And, no, I'm not a liberal, so don't give me yet another pre-approved message from Richard Spencer.
If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

Then those businesses go to the next county that stays the hell out of their business and that county reaps in the tax revenue.

A few years ago our city was considering a huge minimum wage increase. They wanted it $15.00 an hour. Even the liberal council realized what a grave mistake that would have been. They voted it down because they knew businesses would flee Cleveland and reopen in the suburbs.

Since that was a failure, they tried to get the county to have a $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They too refused to go along with the idea for the same reason.

Asked and answered. If people cannot make a realistic wage, they will qualify for welfare, housing subsidies, AFDC, etc. Taxpayers will either pay higher taxes or 15 cents more a meal for a Big Mac.

You speak from an assumption that taxpayers have a responsibility to provide a certain lifestyle to others. That attitude is increasingly being questioned, and circumstances may well change.
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

They put lettuce on their burgers?? Is that a new thing.
If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

Then those businesses go to the next county that stays the hell out of their business and that county reaps in the tax revenue.

A few years ago our city was considering a huge minimum wage increase. They wanted it $15.00 an hour. Even the liberal council realized what a grave mistake that would have been. They voted it down because they knew businesses would flee Cleveland and reopen in the suburbs.

Since that was a failure, they tried to get the county to have a $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They too refused to go along with the idea for the same reason.

Asked and answered. If people cannot make a realistic wage, they will qualify for welfare, housing subsidies, AFDC, etc. Taxpayers will either pay higher taxes or 15 cents more a meal for a Big Mac.

You speak from an assumption that taxpayers have a responsibility to provide a certain lifestyle to others. That attitude is increasingly being questioned, and circumstances may well change.

I don't have presumptions about anything. Either those who are only able to work certain jobs are paid for their services OR we will cover them.

If your way was THE way, how come it hasn't been done with a stacked Congress (Senate and House) along with the prez. Maybe, deep down, they don't buy the whole talking point?
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

They put lettuce on their burgers?? Is that a new thing.

IDK. No lettuce on the Big Mac?
Hey, maybe everyone doesn't want to spend their life in the rat race "trying to do better'. Maybe some people are just happy flipping burgers.

I wouldn't be, but a lot of people are.

They should make a living wage doing it.

They should overpay people because they like doing their job? Only a leftist would think of that.

Okay, but why do you think they'll give it to you?

They won't even give you health insurance.

They would have no choice. If they raised minimum wage that high, then very few would go into my line of work. As I stated, it comes with a lot of responsibilities. Many in my field leave the career because it's just too demanding and nerve racking. My employer would never be able to replace me at my current pay and he'd have to pay somebody more money no matter who he hired to get them to do the job. His only logical choice would be to pay me more money instead. He knows my quality of work, I'm familiar with the customers and what needs to be done, no training involved. He'd have no choice whatsoever.

And they would easily find someone to replace you, that's the thing.

Before they get a machine to do it.

Keep raising the minimum wage and that's exactly what will happen. They will invest in automation to replace non-skilled labor.
If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

They put lettuce on their burgers?? Is that a new thing.

IDK. No lettuce on the Big Mac?

That's lettuce? Seems more like coleslaw.
If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

Then those businesses go to the next county that stays the hell out of their business and that county reaps in the tax revenue.

A few years ago our city was considering a huge minimum wage increase. They wanted it $15.00 an hour. Even the liberal council realized what a grave mistake that would have been. They voted it down because they knew businesses would flee Cleveland and reopen in the suburbs.

Since that was a failure, they tried to get the county to have a $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They too refused to go along with the idea for the same reason.

Asked and answered. If people cannot make a realistic wage, they will qualify for welfare, housing subsidies, AFDC, etc. Taxpayers will either pay higher taxes or 15 cents more a meal for a Big Mac.

You speak from an assumption that taxpayers have a responsibility to provide a certain lifestyle to others. That attitude is increasingly being questioned, and circumstances may well change.

I don't have presumptions about anything. Either those who are only able to work certain jobs are paid for their services OR we will cover them.

If your way was THE way, how come it hasn't been done with a stacked Congress (Senate and House) along with the prez. Maybe, deep down, they don't buy the whole talking point?

Perhaps there are still too many Democrats in the Republican Party.

Charity is not nor has ever legally been the venue of the federal government. It is a usurped power.
Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

Uh, probably has to do more with our bloated Military Industrial Complex.

That and it goes up every time we cut taxes on the rich for growth that never shows up.

Nope. Social programs cost more than our military budget. But even if it didn't, we still get something for that money like protection. What do we get from social programs besides leaches?
There is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.

We do have a general welfare clause and a Commerce Clause.
Why shouldn't they?

If you want a new car, you may be putting yourself in debt for the next five years.
If you want a new home, you may be putting yourself in debt for the next 30 years.
If you open up your own business, you may be putting yourself in debt the next ten years.

Things you really want (or really believe will help you) in life often put us into debt.

Houses and cars are tangible. What your are really going for in a university degree is a piece of paper.

Nobody should have to go in as much debt as they would for a house for a fucking piece of paper.

That piece of paper gives you the ability to earn more than blue collar workers. It's called an investment.

You see, an investment is when you take your own money, buy something in hopes to get that money back plus a profit. Advanced education is exactly that. You spend your money and get a higher paying job where you get to repay your loan and then make an above average living. In a lifetime, you gained a profit from that investment in most cases.
Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

Uh, probably has to do more with our bloated Military Industrial Complex.

That and it goes up every time we cut taxes on the rich for growth that never shows up.

Nope. Social programs cost more than our military budget. But even if it didn't, we still get something for that money like protection. What do we get from social programs besides leaches?
There is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.

We do have a general welfare clause and a Commerce Clause.

Neither of which authorize the federal government to take cash from my pocket and deposit it to yours.
Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

Uh, probably has to do more with our bloated Military Industrial Complex.

That and it goes up every time we cut taxes on the rich for growth that never shows up.

Nope. Social programs cost more than our military budget. But even if it didn't, we still get something for that money like protection. What do we get from social programs besides leaches?
There is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.

We do have a general welfare clause and a Commerce Clause.

Yeah, you seem to misunderstand the definition of welfare.
Yeah? Well the wealthiest nation in the world is now 20 trillion in debt--much of that because of our social programs.

Uh, probably has to do more with our bloated Military Industrial Complex.

That and it goes up every time we cut taxes on the rich for growth that never shows up.

Nope. Social programs cost more than our military budget. But even if it didn't, we still get something for that money like protection. What do we get from social programs besides leaches?
There is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.

We do have a general welfare clause and a Commerce Clause.

Yeah, you seem to misunderstand the definition of welfare.
No, I don't.
Explain why someone HAS to work for min wage. Your type say its all about choices. So make the choice not to apply. With barely a work ethic one can do better. Those co panies are awful places to work.
. Every company in America should be a place that any American wouldn't mind working for temporarily or even full time. Every company in America ought to treat their employees decent and fair. Companies stop with the lying already.

Companies don't open up to provide a livable wage and good benefits. Companies open up to provide a product or service for a profit. Opening up a business is not a social obligation. Opening up a business is for business.

The right always has a talking point until you put them on the spot. If you saw a Mexican behind the counter, you'd be advocating putting the owner in jail as if they had a duty to provide jobs for Americans only.

And, no, I'm not a liberal, so don't give me yet another pre-approved message from Richard Spencer.

Company owners have the obligation to adhere to our laws just like anybody else. There are laws that say you cannot hire illegals.. There is no law stating you must pay anybody a livable wage.
Employers won't hire them, because the 35 year old illegal will show up every day and works harder. We have destroyed the ladder of success for American youth.

I agree but whose fault is it that youngsters don't show up on time and don't work hard? Why should an employer be forced to hire and retain poor employees?

There are many exceptions. I think McDonald's has a terrific ad campaign going right now on TV.
If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

Then those businesses go to the next county that stays the hell out of their business and that county reaps in the tax revenue.

A few years ago our city was considering a huge minimum wage increase. They wanted it $15.00 an hour. Even the liberal council realized what a grave mistake that would have been. They voted it down because they knew businesses would flee Cleveland and reopen in the suburbs.

Since that was a failure, they tried to get the county to have a $15.00 an hour minimum wage. They too refused to go along with the idea for the same reason.

Asked and answered. If people cannot make a realistic wage, they will qualify for welfare, housing subsidies, AFDC, etc. Taxpayers will either pay higher taxes or 15 cents more a meal for a Big Mac.

Which is a good argument for stopping those subsidies for people that want to smoke pot, work low wage jobs, and never try to better themselves.
You just proved the point against minimum wage. You had the work performed buy someone willing to accept less money.

He worked for less money, but he was paid for his services.

BTW, I don't think minimum wage is the answer. I think the answer lies in local control.

If someone came to a county and wanted a business license, I think that the county commission could say no if the business were not willing to pay their workers.

If the employer creates a job, but isn't going to pay people enough to maintain that area's standard of living, they should not be granted a business permit.

I think that county commissioners would sell out their low skilled workers for a chance at additional tax revenue
Build in our county and we will ensure low cost labor

You have a point there, but it is largely because the citizenry don't pay attention to what their county commission is doing.

County commissioners are known to condemn private property and put the mom and pop stores out of business in order to get Walmart in town. Then Walmart pays junk wages and increases the number of poor in that county. The tax commissioners only worry about taxes (they call it revenue.) The workers need to focus their efforts on county commissioners.

Walmart actually attracts customers to smaller businesses.

It's called an Anchor Store, and it's a business strategy used by mall creators. The get companies like Walmart to move into their complex and other stores open up because of it. It's a proven theory that Walmart (or other Anchor Stores) shoppers will not just shop there. They will branch out to the other stores in the mall and do business with them as well.

I don't know where you live, but our Walmarts are stand alone stores to ones with a few surrounding stores - and most of those stores stay empty.

Where I live Walmart's are in strip malls and contracts are made out for the smaller stores based on the Anchor store. If the anchor store leaves, all other contracts are null and void. This happened at a beautiful new mall in my area called City View. It did great until Walmart found a legal reason to break their contract. Since then, all the remaining stores closed up and that new complex is a ghost town.
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