To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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In the course of this thread I have not advocated NOR supported an laws that would impose a requirement that an employer pay an employee any kind of wage. Giving employers a chance to reduce their taxes by more than half (and it is clearly THEIR choice) is not socialism in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

They are the ones against a free market. BTW, why protect jobs if you're only going to force people to work for slave wages?

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.
. Well could it be that you have never been at the levels needed to understand what I'm saying Ray ? I have been there Ray, and I have seen things Ray.

I started out working minimum wage jobs; plenty of them. My employers back then had no more power over me than my employer now. If they push me too hard, I find something else even if I have to take vacation days for an interview.
While nobody has a right to welfare, it exists and the government is going to utilize that to their advantage. I'm taking it all into account and reframing the whole issue. The objective is to incentivize employers to pay more in wages and employees need to be incentivized to go out, get a job, and try to better themselves.

Welfare and safety nets are a FAR BETTER and efficient way of "testing need" and subsidizing income. Because you're NOT -- inflating EVERYBODY'S wages by artificially making bottom jobs worth MORE than they are. It's a smarter form of triaging the wounded. If only govt was smart enough to do it right..

You are guessing based upon mere theories. It's like the Republicans having compromised with the left and allowing the Assault Weapon Ban (though that's a bad example and I would never have supported that), but the legislation had a shelf life that expired after we found out that the ban made crime worse.

This idea I floated does NOT require any of socialism or forcing anyone to "do" anything. Give employers an option and see which they prefer. Those who want to have lower taxes will take people off welfare and recruit those who are motivated. IF the idea fails, it will have a shelf life and one day, you can go back to business as usual and try another solution.

Not everyone at bottom rung NEEDS the welfare. Therefore they don't need an inflated wage job in an inflated wage world. It's detrimental to their "gain".. It's DOESN'T JUST replace welfare (if it does at all). It's a braindead way of raising EVERYBODY regardless of "need"..

I'm not guessing about this. It's not "a theory".. Even with employer choice, you're spending Other People's Money (OPiuM) to ENTICE them. How is that different than welfare? In that system, the cost of subsidies should ABSOLUTELY be counted against the decreases in welfare.

TRIAGING the needy is necessary. Otherwise you're making a bunch of summer HS employees who go home to middle class homes spoiled. And wasting money in the system. That's not a theory. It's how things work..

Furthermore the emphasis should be on incentives for blasting your way OUT of the bottom jobs thru continuing education. THAT is sane and compassionate. Inflating the JOB and making comfortable there is immoral.

What I'm saying is not theory either.
Why do you bitch about insults when you are the one that started them?

Where did I insult?

Dude, get a life. This thread is about whether or not low end workers deserve a realistic wage.

The rest of the shit that you allude to is off topic, personal, and irrelevant. Grow up, get a life, and leave me alone. I gave you the opportunity to take this up in PM and you didn't. Give it a rest now.

You want to showboat and prove how many misguided National Socialists back your warped version of "conservatism" while lying to the posters here and trying to badger me. This is not the place nor the proper thread for it.

So, excuse the Hell out of me while I ignore you.

You made an accusation I voted for Hillary and I responded by saying I didn’t. Then you claim I am always insulting, and called me a name. Then you claimed I started the insults and when I asked for proof you now claim I am off topic? Lol!

I made the claim because you made an idiotic, chickenshit, bogus claim that I was a lefty. I took it to PM. Got a problem with me? Take it up in PM.

I don’t PM people, if you can’t tell it out here then it doesn’t need to be said. Again more personal insults. This is a zone 2 thread you are violating the TOS.
And you, sir, began that violation by making this a series of personal insults. Get a life; get over it.
In the course of this thread I have not advocated NOR supported an laws that would impose a requirement that an employer pay an employee any kind of wage. Giving employers a chance to reduce their taxes by more than half (and it is clearly THEIR choice) is not socialism in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

They are the ones against a free market. BTW, why protect jobs if you're only going to force people to work for slave wages?

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.

You are foolish. Not everyone has the same emotional, intellectual or educational capabilities. Not everyone has the same level of responsibility. But, I'm finished debating the point. If you don't understand it, then you are blindly following fools that have talking points and no real solution.
In the course of this thread I have not advocated NOR supported an laws that would impose a requirement that an employer pay an employee any kind of wage. Giving employers a chance to reduce their taxes by more than half (and it is clearly THEIR choice) is not socialism in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

They are the ones against a free market. BTW, why protect jobs if you're only going to force people to work for slave wages?

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.

You are foolish. Not everyone has the same emotional, intellectual or educational capabilities. Not everyone has the same level of responsibility. But, I'm finished debating the point. If you don't understand it, then you are blindly following fools that have talking points and no real solution.

No, I don't understand it because I don't believe other than a tiny fraction have these disabilities you keep bringing up. I believe that only around 3% of our workforce are paid minimum wage. Out of that small percentage, most are high school or college kids, stay at home wives, or retirees just looking to make extra money. I believe that mosts people making minimum wage today will not be making minimum wage next year provided they stay with the same company and do a good job.

People with "true" disabilities are taken care of by our social programs. Hell......people that can still work full-time get on those very same social programs.
In the course of this thread I have not advocated NOR supported an laws that would impose a requirement that an employer pay an employee any kind of wage. Giving employers a chance to reduce their taxes by more than half (and it is clearly THEIR choice) is not socialism in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

They are the ones against a free market. BTW, why protect jobs if you're only going to force people to work for slave wages?

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.

You are foolish. Not everyone has the same emotional, intellectual or educational capabilities. Not everyone has the same level of responsibility. But, I'm finished debating the point. If you don't understand it, then you are blindly following fools that have talking points and no real solution.

No, I don't understand it because I don't believe other than a tiny fraction have these disabilities you keep bringing up. I believe that only around 3% of our workforce are paid minimum wage. Out of that small percentage, most are high school or college kids, stay at home wives, or retirees just looking to make extra money. I believe that mosts people making minimum wage today will not be making minimum wage next year provided they stay with the same company and do a good job.

People with "true" disabilities are taken care of by our social programs. Hell......people that can still work full-time get on those very same social programs.

First, I have an apology to make.

I use the term "minimum wage," but for purists (and I'd bet my last dollar you are one), the minimum wage is the least amount of money you can pay to an employee under federal law.

For me anything below poverty level is the minimum wage as even places like MickeyDs pay more than the federal minimum wage.

Be that as it may, you can talk theory all day long, but I grew up in this kind of atmosphere until I ran away from home and made a better life for myself. And today, I have a wife whose son is a product of our generation.

He was neglected by his father and basically (for all intents) all but abandoned. And now, no amount of punishment could reverse his lot in life. I happen to know that he is not an anomaly, but a fairly representative example of what our generation has turned out.

If I had my way, many parents would be in prison for abuse. A lifetime of mollycoddling and enabling their kids has led to the worse form of human beings on the face of the earth. In any event, you cannot punish them into maturity and good choices. You cannot suppress wages in order to pander to those with more money than common sense.

We will either look for a viable solution or the socialists will take over.
In the course of this thread I have not advocated NOR supported an laws that would impose a requirement that an employer pay an employee any kind of wage. Giving employers a chance to reduce their taxes by more than half (and it is clearly THEIR choice) is not socialism in any way, shape, fashion or form.

Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

They are the ones against a free market. BTW, why protect jobs if you're only going to force people to work for slave wages?

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.

You are foolish. Not everyone has the same emotional, intellectual or educational capabilities. Not everyone has the same level of responsibility. But, I'm finished debating the point. If you don't understand it, then you are blindly following fools that have talking points and no real solution.

No, I don't understand it because I don't believe other than a tiny fraction have these disabilities you keep bringing up. I believe that only around 3% of our workforce are paid minimum wage. Out of that small percentage, most are high school or college kids, stay at home wives, or retirees just looking to make extra money. I believe that mosts people making minimum wage today will not be making minimum wage next year provided they stay with the same company and do a good job.

People with "true" disabilities are taken care of by our social programs. Hell......people that can still work full-time get on those very same social programs.
. Ok so it is established that you agree with minimum wage, but only if it remains as a start up with absolutely no cost of living adjustments ever right ?? Otherwise keep it an undesirable wage that will push people to bypass a job offer that pays it, and gets them to go on to a job offer that will pay a new comer above the minimum wage (where ever that job might be) right ??? Well I see the corps smiling down upon you son, and welfare will only increase under your opinion, and not deminish anytime in the near or distant future.
Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.

You are foolish. Not everyone has the same emotional, intellectual or educational capabilities. Not everyone has the same level of responsibility. But, I'm finished debating the point. If you don't understand it, then you are blindly following fools that have talking points and no real solution.

No, I don't understand it because I don't believe other than a tiny fraction have these disabilities you keep bringing up. I believe that only around 3% of our workforce are paid minimum wage. Out of that small percentage, most are high school or college kids, stay at home wives, or retirees just looking to make extra money. I believe that mosts people making minimum wage today will not be making minimum wage next year provided they stay with the same company and do a good job.

People with "true" disabilities are taken care of by our social programs. Hell......people that can still work full-time get on those very same social programs.
. Ok so it is established that you agree with minimum wage, but only if it remains as a start up with absolutely no cost of living adjustments ever right ?? Otherwise keep it an undesirable wage that will push people to bypass a job offer that pays it, and gets them to go on to a job offer that will pay a new comer above the minimum wage (where ever that job might be) right ??? Well I see the corps smiling down upon you son, and welfare will only increase under your opinion, and not deminish anytime in the near or distant future.

That's possible which means welfare is now a blackmail tool. Give them what they want, or they will live on your tax dollars. experience with our social programs has been entirely different. A friend of mine works at a company where they use a lot of temp help. They do so to try out workers first before offering them a full-time job with the company, and they can fluctuate their workforce based on business activity.

He told me that the most common subject they discuss during breaks is what they get from the government. Several of them live in the same home, claims on how much they sold their food stamp cards for, and how good the rest of them eat. When the company gets busy, they ask their temps to work more hours. They refuse. Why? Because working more would cut into their government stipend. It would be like working for free.

Of course the company would never consider such workers for a full-time job, and they close the doors on opportunity just to collect free stuff.

But my friend is not alone. Some of our customers have the same setup. They all tell me the same story about their temps. A few exceptions of course, but people that use our social programs are experts at using the system.

Raise the minimum wage on welfare people, they simply work less hours to stay on welfare. What was solved????
Great, then why not offer such tax breaks to employers that provide employees with healthcare insurance instead? I'd be all for that.

Can you name me one person who is "forced" to work for anybody for any wage? I've had several jobs in my life, and nobody ever forced me to take any of them. I took those jobs by my own choice.
. Ray, Ray, Ray... Your right no one is forced, but what can be done (is that very smart people can read a situation of an employee), and it can be capitalized upon in that situation by using it to keep the person right where they want the person to be, and to work to lesson the chances of opportunity for that person.. This is usually done in order to keep the person working without an ability to freely choose to move on, and especially if there is no viable options to become better educated due to time constraints that are caused by working 14 hours a day in some cases or to have better financial circumstances come their way all due to (fair treatment), in which would release them being there by design if was the case in which they couldn't see so easily..

I don't buy into anything you said. I've never seen it happen and I never heard of anybody who knows of it happening. The only control my employer has over me is what time to come in and how many days I work. That's it. it's the same way with every working person.

You are foolish. Not everyone has the same emotional, intellectual or educational capabilities. Not everyone has the same level of responsibility. But, I'm finished debating the point. If you don't understand it, then you are blindly following fools that have talking points and no real solution.

No, I don't understand it because I don't believe other than a tiny fraction have these disabilities you keep bringing up. I believe that only around 3% of our workforce are paid minimum wage. Out of that small percentage, most are high school or college kids, stay at home wives, or retirees just looking to make extra money. I believe that mosts people making minimum wage today will not be making minimum wage next year provided they stay with the same company and do a good job.

People with "true" disabilities are taken care of by our social programs. Hell......people that can still work full-time get on those very same social programs.

First, I have an apology to make.

I use the term "minimum wage," but for purists (and I'd bet my last dollar you are one), the minimum wage is the least amount of money you can pay to an employee under federal law.

For me anything below poverty level is the minimum wage as even places like MickeyDs pay more than the federal minimum wage.

Be that as it may, you can talk theory all day long, but I grew up in this kind of atmosphere until I ran away from home and made a better life for myself. And today, I have a wife whose son is a product of our generation.

He was neglected by his father and basically (for all intents) all but abandoned. And now, no amount of punishment could reverse his lot in life. I happen to know that he is not an anomaly, but a fairly representative example of what our generation has turned out.

If I had my way, many parents would be in prison for abuse. A lifetime of mollycoddling and enabling their kids has led to the worse form of human beings on the face of the earth. In any event, you cannot punish them into maturity and good choices. You cannot suppress wages in order to pander to those with more money than common sense.

We will either look for a viable solution or the socialists will take over.

So how would an increase in minimum wage help your wife's son?
My field of work is in law. So, let me assure you, the Brown decision did not over-turn Dred Scott:

What Supreme Court case overturned Dred Scott vs. Sandford? | eNotes

Did the Fourteenth Amendment overturn the Dred Scott case

The point I was making is that the law is seldom what you think it is and can easily be overturned by the Courts.

Fine, talk to yourself because real lawyers, judges and our citizens know it did.

Dred Scott: Separate but equal is Constitutional.

Brown vs Board of Education Separate but equal is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Now continue talking to yourself or splitting hairs or whatever it is you like to do to yourself.
Well argued! I posted my thoughts, you cut and copied a meme that says nothing. Too hard to think for yourself? Welcome to today's Conservatism!

I said everything your thoughtless post required!
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I will keep repeating this for you. I don't know what point you're trying to make. So, I will not fathom an answer. If you're asking what a poor child's chances are, they are still not equal to the rich kid's AND they have the disadvantage of not having been reared to set priorities.

You, answering my question, which is quite simple and you have provided nothing to date is quite simple, shall we try again? If you don't know, just say you have no clue, admit to being ignorant about a subject you profess to know thoroughly, but you are ignorant about the topic.

Once again....

Why are you afraid to answer my simple question? For your convenience, allow me to repost here:

Other than money, what is the single most important difference between a child being raised in poverty and a child being raised above the poverty level?
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

Fast food workers need a union just like Wal-Mart workers i know so many older adults in these jobs working two full time jobs just trying to survive.

What is your point?

I can remember a few times in college when I had one job aside from classes. When I had been carrying 18 hours or so. Otherwise, my entire life, at least two. My income for the past 30+ years, over six figures. It's called personal responsibility.

Make it illegal to hire an adult below a living wage. Force McDonald's to crew their underpaid staff with kids.
You seem to be of the impression that giving workers a cost of living wage somehow will destroy them,

Raises to cover inflation accomplish nothing. A worker has to improve their value to the company.

One thing petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama did do is keep the inflation rate down, WAY down so why should there be any cost of living wage increases if there is not a cost of living increase.

If inflation goes down, does that mean wages decrease at the same rate?

You seem to be of the impression that giving workers a cost of living wage somehow will destroy them,

Raises to cover inflation accomplish nothing. A worker has to improve their value to the company.

One thing petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama did do is keep the inflation rate down, WAY down so why should there be any cost of living wage increases if there is not a cost of living increase.

If inflation goes down, does that mean wages decrease at the same rate?

Ohh the magic of words.... Well since a cost of living adjustment hasn't been given in years, and companies have been subsidizing their labor force with welfare and food stamp workers/recipients for years, then your point is debunked isn't it ?
Where did I insult?

Dude, get a life. This thread is about whether or not low end workers deserve a realistic wage.

The rest of the shit that you allude to is off topic, personal, and irrelevant. Grow up, get a life, and leave me alone. I gave you the opportunity to take this up in PM and you didn't. Give it a rest now.

You want to showboat and prove how many misguided National Socialists back your warped version of "conservatism" while lying to the posters here and trying to badger me. This is not the place nor the proper thread for it.

So, excuse the Hell out of me while I ignore you.

You made an accusation I voted for Hillary and I responded by saying I didn’t. Then you claim I am always insulting, and called me a name. Then you claimed I started the insults and when I asked for proof you now claim I am off topic? Lol!

I made the claim because you made an idiotic, chickenshit, bogus claim that I was a lefty. I took it to PM. Got a problem with me? Take it up in PM.

I don’t PM people, if you can’t tell it out here then it doesn’t need to be said. Again more personal insults. This is a zone 2 thread you are violating the TOS.
And you, sir, began that violation by making this a series of personal insults. Get a life; get over it.

Prove it!

Have you ever gone to a place with these?

The only place I've seen that has tried to use these is Panera Bread. The only time people use these is if there is a long line at the counter. People would still rather give their order to a person.

Similarly, Jewel Osco tried to use self-checkout for a while. Then they realized they were losing too much money when people "neglected" to scan things.
STill -- that was a better solution than taking on a mountain of debt thru student loans. You did the right thing. MAYBE could have reduced the pain by taking the 1st 2 years at a Comm College. I took freshman year at a Comm College and continued in academics for 5 more years at full colleges of my choice.. No academic advantage in the 1st 2 years of college paying PREMIUM prices for the standard trivial freshman/soph stuff.

What about the OTHER students buying your service? They are ones that have to subsidize jobs that are value-warped and inflated by "living wage".

My point was, 30 years ago what I did was actually an option. Today it isn't, really.

Tuition has skyrocketed, Minimum Wage hasn't kept up with inflation.
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