To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Your problem is that you think people that want to actually succeed are not good people just like you think every person that owns a business is a douche bag. That's your own hang up

No, that's reality. I used to think "That guy is a jerk", but after seeing the same jerky behavior multiple times, I've kind of concluded that is the mentality of people who do that.

And anyone can write a resume by using the same boiler plate software you use or by reading a book on how to do it.

sure they can. And you know what, those are the resumes that get thrown in the trash....

Trust me, I see the "boilerplate" ones and I laugh every time i see them.

But the fact remains no one who has ever accomplished anything worked only 40 hours a week.

And nobody ever said on his deathbed, "Dammit, if I only spent more time at the office".

You assume that he is working for someone else because you can't fathom anything else. You don't realize that one can put the time in so as not to have to work full time until retirement do you? Of course you don't because you have no vision or imagination. I know this because you have a broad brush perception of the world.

And really if resume writing was a career you wouldn't need to work another full time job would you?

If you were a burger bagger you'd be telling everyone that it's a job that needs skill so you can delude yourself into thinking you are better than you really are.
Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.

RIght, it has nothing to with the greed of the Auto-makers who greenlit such wonders as the Pinto, the Chevette, the Escort, the Gremlin, the Edsel.

It's those damned lazy workers.
I never called them lazy did I?

No I did not.

You can't read for comprehension can you?
You assume that he is working for someone else because you can't fathom anything else. You don't realize that one can put the time in so as not to have to work full time until retirement do you? Of course you don't because you have no vision or imagination. I know this because you have a broad brush perception of the world.

I have vast imagination... I just never met a manager who didn't lie to me, never met one who wasn't an arrogant jerk and never met one who wasn't largely clueless about what was going on under his nose.

And really if resume writing was a career you wouldn't need to work another full time job would you?

Well, except for the last six months I've been doing exactly that and making pretty good money doing it. And I don't even charge the criminal prices my competitors do.

If you were a burger bagger you'd be telling everyone that it's a job that needs skill so you can delude yourself into thinking you are better than you really are.

Frankly, have you ever been to a fast food place where they don't know what they are doing... they get your order wrong, they ring up the wrong price, and so on..

Here's the thing, you probably wouldn't last a week behind a burger counter. Your own co-workers would probably do you in.
You assume that he is working for someone else because you can't fathom anything else. You don't realize that one can put the time in so as not to have to work full time until retirement do you? Of course you don't because you have no vision or imagination. I know this because you have a broad brush perception of the world.

I have vast imagination... I just never met a manager who didn't lie to me, never met one who wasn't an arrogant jerk and never met one who wasn't largely clueless about what was going on under his nose.

And really if resume writing was a career you wouldn't need to work another full time job would you?

Well, except for the last six months I've been doing exactly that and making pretty good money doing it. And I don't even charge the criminal prices my competitors do.

If you were a burger bagger you'd be telling everyone that it's a job that needs skill so you can delude yourself into thinking you are better than you really are.

Frankly, have you ever been to a fast food place where they don't know what they are doing... they get your order wrong, they ring up the wrong price, and so on..

Here's the thing, you probably wouldn't last a week behind a burger counter. Your own co-workers would probably do you in.

You never even thought that if everyone you meet is a douche bag that the douche bag might be YOU.

I worked fast food, I waited tables and tended bar. I did those things while working other jobs and going to college full time. So I think I know what I'm talking about where you as usual do not.

And I honestly cannot remember when I last ate fast food. it's been at least 10 years and I have to think it's no harder than it was when I was a teenager
You never even thought that if everyone you meet is a douche bag that the douche bag might be YOU.

Nope. Never thought that. Because my coworkers really have never been douchebags... and most of them had the same opinion of the "genius" in the corner office.

I worked fast food, I waited tables and tended bar. I did those things while working other jobs and going to college full time. So I think I know what I'm talking about where you as usual do not.

Good for you. But could you do it now? Probably not. Now given your age is probably about around mine (as you previously mentioned you were born in the vietnam time frame) when you worked that fast food job to pay for college, you could actually pay for college with a fast food job. As I pointed out earlier in this thread, I was able to pay for college working two min wage jobs and the National Guard.

You couldn't do that today.

Even a school like UIC, which was originally built so inner city kids could have access to college, is too expensive to go to.
You never even thought that if everyone you meet is a douche bag that the douche bag might be YOU.

Nope. Never thought that. Because my coworkers really have never been douchebags... and most of them had the same opinion of the "genius" in the corner office.

I worked fast food, I waited tables and tended bar. I did those things while working other jobs and going to college full time. So I think I know what I'm talking about where you as usual do not.

Good for you. But could you do it now? Probably not. Now given your age is probably about around mine (as you previously mentioned you were born in the vietnam time frame) when you worked that fast food job to pay for college, you could actually pay for college with a fast food job. As I pointed out earlier in this thread, I was able to pay for college working two min wage jobs and the National Guard.

You couldn't do that today.

Even a school like UIC, which was originally built so inner city kids could have access to college, is too expensive to go to.

Man you're delusional.

Maybe you just have to work shit jobs because you have no skills.

I don't have to do it now because unlike the morons who never move beyond low skill jobs I made myself worth more to the market place.

In fact I don't even work 40 hours a week anymore because I spent the last 10 years working 60 to 80 hours a week building a business and putting systems in place so now the business runs very well if I am not there all the time.

and unlike you I'll actually have a business that I can sell because it will have tangible value.
No kidding, I understood what humorme was conveying, and it didn’t seem racist to me.

A lot of things "don't seem racist" to your side, that's the problem.

When you call someone a "thug" or a "hood rat" or just drop all the pretense and use the N-word, it's meant to dehumanize them.
. Society has labels, and then people end up placing themselves under the labels all depending upon their actions I guess. What should the killer gangs be called, otherwise if they are a gang slam full of murderous thugs ?? Choir boys maybe ????
Man you're delusional.

Maybe you just have to work shit jobs because you have no skills.

Actually, I've worked great jobs... for shitty bosses. In addition to my military career, I've had an extensive career in procurement and logistics. I've negotiated and executed millions of dollars in purchases for multi-national corporations.

And as we have had this discussion before, I often ordered more product in a day that your shitty little company makes in a month.
Society has labels, and then people end up placing themselves under the labels all depending upon their actions I guess. What should the killer gangs be called, otherwise if they are a gang slam full of murderous thugs ?? Choir boys maybe ????

Why do you feel the need to label them at all?

You see, as I pointed out earlier, when you label someone, whether you call them a thug or an N-word, it's to dehumanize them.

If we have youth out there acting in a bad manner because society hasn't taught them right and offers them little hope for the future, that's kind of on us.
Man you're delusional.

Maybe you just have to work shit jobs because you have no skills.

Actually, I've worked great jobs... for shitty bosses. In addition to my military career, I've had an extensive career in procurement and logistics. I've negotiated and executed millions of dollars in purchases for multi-national corporations.

And as we have had this discussion before, I often ordered more product in a day that your shitty little company makes in a month.

Uh huh

Places with shitty bosses do not offer great jobs.
and unlike you I'll actually have a business that I can sell because it will have tangible value.

Yes, guy, used to work with 'businessmen' like you all the time. Little half-ass operators, most of my day was keeping on their asses because they couldn't hit delivery dates.

Well there you go again thinking your limited experience defines all businesses.

I don't deliver goods to buyers. I work directly with the public. They come to me to purchase my services. Sales reps come to me to sell their products

And in another 10 years when I'm ready to retire completely I'll be able to sell my little half assed business for more than you'll ever see in your lifetime.
Because we need investments in the middle class and the country...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
You are still brainwashed by GOP bulshit propaganda... Which can only talk about federal income tax because if you count all taxes everybody pays about the same between 18 and 29%, and the richest Pay less then much of the middle-class and are getting almost all the new wealth while the country and the middle class go slowly to hell and it is about to get worse. Great job!

State taxes are not the same for everyone even a moron like you should know that.

I only talk about federal taxes because those are the only taxes that affect everyone equally. I don't live in your state ( or at least I hope I don't) so your state taxes are meaningless to me
State and local taxes are all higher because of GOP tax cuts for the rich, and they and fees kill the non rich. Great job!
You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
An idiot is someone who is stupid whose brain doesn't work right. I say no such thing when I call you a Dupe
Look it up. They ought to change the name of your party to the Greedy Billionaire and Dope Party. You're not stupid or idiotic, you're just not paying attention or the victim of a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine. Get it yet?

I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
You are still brainwashed by GOP bulshit propaganda... Which can only talk about federal income tax because if you count all taxes everybody pays about the same between 18 and 29%, and the richest Pay less then much of the middle-class and are getting almost all the new wealth while the country and the middle class go slowly to hell and it is about to get worse. Great job!

State taxes are not the same for everyone even a moron like you should know that.

I only talk about federal taxes because those are the only taxes that affect everyone equally. I don't live in your state ( or at least I hope I don't) so your state taxes are meaningless to me
State and local taxes are all higher because of GOP tax cuts for the rich, and they and fees kill the non rich. Great job!

Well I'm not now nor have i ever been a member of the republican party and I have not voted for a republican in the 2 plus decades I have been eligible to vote so I really don't know who you are talking to. But then again you like to respond to your own posts so I don't think you ever know who you are talking to
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
It's still true.
If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

actually considering they get people jobs making thousands of dollars, they are worth quite a lot... but never m ind.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

Why not? Frankly, there's a reason why corporations want to keep salaries a deep dark secret. They don't want the employees to know how badly they are being ripped off.

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.

Well, if I know what it was, I wouldn't.
Now, the nice thing is, websites like Glassdoor and and Indeed make it easier to get an idea of what corporate cultures and salaries are like at companies, so there's that.

If you don't like your salary then get another job. It really is that simple.

Invest in yourself to improve your skills so as to command a higher salary. That is how life works. That is how life has always worked
What about when all the jobs pay crap like today? Thanks GOP!
And the GOP refuses to allow training programs for tech jobs and the good jobs and keeps college loans hi rates Etc etcetera?
you do realize you are talking to yourself don't you?
Obviously I added to my talk to you... That's why you read it.
actually considering they get people jobs making thousands of dollars, they are worth quite a lot... but never m ind.

Why not? Frankly, there's a reason why corporations want to keep salaries a deep dark secret. They don't want the employees to know how badly they are being ripped off.

Well, if I know what it was, I wouldn't.
Now, the nice thing is, websites like Glassdoor and and Indeed make it easier to get an idea of what corporate cultures and salaries are like at companies, so there's that.

If you don't like your salary then get another job. It really is that simple.

Invest in yourself to improve your skills so as to command a higher salary. That is how life works. That is how life has always worked
What about when all the jobs pay crap like today? Thanks GOP!
And the GOP refuses to allow training programs for tech jobs and the good jobs and keeps college loans hi rates Etc etcetera?
you do realize you are talking to yourself don't you?
Obviously I added to my talk to you... That's why you read it.

I find the delusional people who talk to themselves entertaining.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.
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