To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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No, I don't see how racist it is. If I were looking to be racist, I'm not shy. I'd say the real words. There is no universally acceptable term to address those who prefer certain lifestyles. Yesterday on the Dr. Shill Show (Dr. Phil) he had a self proclaimed "thug" white girl on there who was attracted to a destructive lifestyle. What, exactly, are you comfortable calling people who are committed to self destruction and living off their fellow man? I'll use that term next time.

Wow, that you say "thug" (which has its own racist roots) instead of the N-word, that makes it okay?

Um. No. No it doesn't.
Thug is a racist term?

I was called a thug &/or hoodlum in my youth and I'm white.

Too many code words with you leftists, I can't keep up.

No kidding, I understood what humorme was conveying, and it didn’t seem racist to me.

What word do you call white thugs? :dunno:
No kidding, I understood what humorme was conveying, and it didn’t seem racist to me.

A lot of things "don't seem racist" to your side, that's the problem.

When you call someone a "thug" or a "hood rat" or just drop all the pretense and use the N-word, it's meant to dehumanize them.
I really hate this thread. My birthday is just over a month away, and I got some coupons for Burger King. I don't eat fast food anymore, and make a much better burger much cheaper, but once a year I like to do fast food. I don't need to feel like I'm abusing these people who are doing the same jobs I did when I was in high school and college. It didn't pay enough then. Jeez.
If you work fast food for 20 years and never get a promotion or another job then yes your job is a bed.

Life is a ladder. If you don't climb it that's your own fault

Again, looking at the people who climb the ladder as their top priority, they aren't people who are very likable or decent. They are the ones you have to keep your eye on because they will happily fuck you over to advance themselves.

So your so you clients that can't cut and paste for themselves are all applying for low skill low wage jobs so they don't work too much huh?

Actually, I've done them for everything from Ph.D's all the way down to HS dropouts. The ugly reality of resume writing is that most people don't do it often enough to it well. If you only do something once every 5-10 years, how good are you going to be at it?

I've written enough of them where I've actually made up a list of the 11 most common things people do wrong. The most common one is to take their boilerplate job description and paste it into their resume. Often keeping the third person verb tense when talking about themselves.

No one who ever became successful at anything only ever worked just 40 hours a week

Again, I worked 60 hours a week at the company that cured me of Republican/Capitalist bullshit, and they still screwed me over when I busted up my knee. So I quite honestly don't want to hear any of the meritocracy bullshit.

Your problem is that you think people that want to actually succeed are not good people just like you think every person that owns a business is a douche bag. That's your own hang up and it's no wonder you're the miserable fuck you are. It must be tough to hate everyone who has done more than you.

And anyone can write a resume by using the same boiler plate software you use or by reading a book on how to do it. It isn't that difficult to do you just like to think it is because it makes you feel better about yourself. Tell me do you put down all those people who come to you who are looking to climb the ladder and be a success like you do here?

How much of those 60 hours a week were sent whining? I'll bet half.

But the fact remains no one who has ever accomplished anything worked only 40 hours a week.
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No, I don't see how racist it is. If I were looking to be racist, I'm not shy. I'd say the real words. There is no universally acceptable term to address those who prefer certain lifestyles. Yesterday on the Dr. Shill Show (Dr. Phil) he had a self proclaimed "thug" white girl on there who was attracted to a destructive lifestyle. What, exactly, are you comfortable calling people who are committed to self destruction and living off their fellow man? I'll use that term next time.

Wow, that you say "thug" (which has its own racist roots) instead of the N-word, that makes it okay?

Um. No. No it doesn't.

I'm not PC. It takes too much time to please everybody.
No kidding, I understood what humorme was conveying, and it didn’t seem racist to me.

A lot of things "don't seem racist" to your side, that's the problem.

When you call someone a "thug" or a "hood rat" or just drop all the pretense and use the N-word, it's meant to dehumanize them.

Like I told you, if I intend to call someone a racial name, I'm capable of saying the word. The first time I ever heard the word thug, it was used by George Wallace (probably before your time.)

Wallace was clearly concerned with the high rates of crime by blacks and I grew up thinking thugs was a PC way of saying black .... until recent years. And, as I told you, yesterday a white girl on Dr. Phil was a self proclaimed "thug." So, when whites start mimicking the black culture, the stereotyping terminology should apply to everybody across the board. You're grasping at straws on this one.

I'm well aware that the whites constitute more welfarites than blacks. In most cases, there is no excuse for it. Rich white kids want to go to the hood wearing their wannabe thug ensemble that they got at the mall. They like to go slumming and pretend they are something they aren't because working for a living and being responsible is hard and not very glamourous. For me, it's frustrating, embarrassing and makes me livid... with the parents as well as the generation of parasites we're producing today.
No kidding, I understood what humorme was conveying, and it didn’t seem racist to me.

A lot of things "don't seem racist" to your side, that's the problem.

When you call someone a "thug" or a "hood rat" or just drop all the pretense and use the N-word, it's meant to dehumanize them.

What do you call white thugs? Or is that not allowed on “your” side, whatever the hell that means?
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

The answer is simple, even you might be able to understand why. The income earned by minimum wage earners is circulated through the local economy, and reduces the need for minimum wage earners to seek and receive government aid. It would be best for you to learn something about microeconomics.
A few extra dollars in taxes vs a doubling of wages. Hmmm.....

Yeah, get back to me when your brain starts working.

Those "few extra dollars" are spent in shops for food, clothing and transportation, maybe a movie and a box of popcorn. It circulates, unlike the dollars hidden off shore by those who will benefit from the tax created by and for the power elite.
I'm committed to finding a better way.
We need strong, functioning, efficient unions, so here's my stab at it:

Let's say there are essentially four overall elements to a union contract (keeping this very basic): Current salaries & benefits, workplace rules, workplace safety and after-work benefits.

I would revise that to maintain current salaries & benefits and workplace safety requirements. I would remove the types of workplace rules that say this guy can't drive that truck, or that guy can't touch these tools. That's ridiculous and inefficient. I would also change retirement benefits to defined contribution/401K with plenty of guidance and safeguards (like annuities and target date mutual funds).

Competition, particularly global competition, has become too competitive for the traditional union structure, yet we still need them. But they have to change.


I'd like to take some time and think about it.

The problem has been, most of my life, that the unions get a lot of power and make it unprofitable for companies to operate. The attitude that we let big business control everything means suddenly jobs don't pay enough to live on.

Ironically, millions of Americans were brought up by parents that worked jobs that didn't take a tremendous amount of skill. Many people that are 30, 40 and beyond are the children of factory workers, steel workers, and manufacturing businesses.

Not everybody is going to be a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates. I really don't have the answer. That is why I said, let's give the employer the option of paying higher taxes and hire whomever they want OR pay lower taxes, pay decent wages, and hire Americans. Put a five year limit on the legislation and see what it tells us.

But, I won't marginalize your idea. Even if I don't agree with it at some point, I won't denigrate you or the idea since we're basically wanting the same end result.
. So you are saying in affect that the company (if pays higher in taxes to the government), can then reject the older less technological savy American employee's (laborers), who you think expect more for less skills, and this will be all in favor of companies hiring the cheap laborer who will work the low wage job without complaining ?? So the higher taxes paid in will take care of the fall out found in the huge amount of American employee's out of work ?????

I would rather have Americans working instead of relying on taxes paid in by companies to the government in so that they (companies) can reject hiring Americans over cheap labor hiring.
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

The answer is simple, even you might be able to understand why. The income earned by minimum wage earners is circulated through the local economy, and reduces the need for minimum wage earners to seek and receive government aid. It would be best for you to learn something about microeconomics.
A few extra dollars in taxes vs a doubling of wages. Hmmm.....

Yeah, get back to me when your brain starts working.

Those "few extra dollars" are spent in shops for food, clothing and transportation, maybe a movie and a box of popcorn. It circulates, unlike the dollars hidden off shore by those who will benefit from the tax created by and for the power elite.
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
The truth is like that, and of course I'm slumming with you brainwashed functional morons... By the way the United States has never been more unequal and unfair economically then it is now after 30 years of Reagan tax rates and policies. All the GOP has to offer to the non-rich is b******* propaganda and screw jobs, you incredible dingbats...
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
And of course your believing that minorities are lazy Good for nothings is not racist at all, right?

You don't have to be a lazy good for nothing to get on the dole these days. You just assumed that (and put words in my mouth) because you're not racist......right????
Yep minorities all they want is free stuff and you don't mind the largest transfer of money from the middle class to the rich in the history of the world no problem... Pretty damn d u p e y...
So feel free to move to any or every other country and stop your fucking whining.

And quite frankly I don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck what the GOP does so you can stop whining about them too.
I'm not going anywhere a******... Only Republicans the silly Dupes believe that is some kind of argument brainwashed functional morons... You don't care about the GOP? You just repeat all of their talking points and stupid insults and vote for them no doubt what
Democracy is restricting income? That doesn't sound like democracy, that sounds like dictatorship.
Democracy is doing what the voters want, dingbat. And no we're not talking about texting people like you more just the richest. But nice Pavlov dog reaction, dupe.
Because we need investments in the middle class and the country...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
You are still brainwashed by GOP bulshit propaganda... Which can only talk about federal income tax because if you count all taxes everybody pays about the same between 18 and 29%, and the richest Pay less then much of the middle-class and are getting almost all the new wealth while the country and the middle class go slowly to hell and it is about to get worse. Great job!
Your comment shows you know nothing about wealthy people or the economy. What do you suppose the rich do when Uncle Sam comes to take their money away--open their wallets and bank accounts freely?

And why is it you socialists are so hung-up on CEO's? Let me ask: what do you think a star actresses hair stylist or make-up person makes compared to her? What do you suppose the guy selling popcorn at the stadium makes compared to the starting pitcher at a baseball game? What do you think a roady makes compared to the guitarist in a famous band? Bet you never boycotted or complained about any of those people.
I sure as hell do... Anybody making millions and millions of dollars is not being taxed enough... I am also totally against the price of tickets for all of the above these days.

And for all of you dupes who believed that the rich are paying too much, here are the actual rates that people are paying, basically all between 18 + 29%, with the rich getting basically all the new wealth while everyone else goes to hell along with the country.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19
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Sep 19, 2012 · But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't ...

As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

Then get rid of all states and bring everything under federal jurisdiction. Or move to a low tax state. Or better yet get the fuck out of the US. We'll all be happier that way
Republican Vice hateful stupid talking points, brainwashed functional moron read something
Yes we know you are brainwashed and only can think in terms of federal income taxes, are only progressive tax and now less than payroll taxes. If you don't count all taxes you are a brainwashed functional moron. Talk about sheep LOL

For 35 years the GOP has been cutting federal taxes and what happens is state and local taxes go up to make up for that. Not to mention fees and surcharges which kill the non rich, super dupe.


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest, super dupe.

And you are an expert on the tax structure of all states and understand all the differences huh? I suppose you can quote all state and local taxes for all 50 states and tell me how they effect every income bracket in every state.

If you don't like the taxes in your state then fucking move to a state with lower taxes. Or get rid of all the states and have every tax be a federal tax.

If you don't like living here, and you obviously don't considering how much of a fucking whiner you are, the get the fuck out and be happy in any of the foreign countries you love so much
I love living here and I wouldn't live anywhere else, stupid brainwashed functional moron. Plus by the way you have to be a millionaire or a doctor to do it. LOL I inherited a bar in Spain and couldn't do a thing with it. You can't work in foreign countries. unless you're a doctor or are sent there by your corporation.
. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??
Thanks to the GOP dupe who absolutely refuse the only solution there is, a social security ID card that cannot be faked, like was in the 2010 Democratic immigration bill. The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor force, and you are a brainwashed functional moron hater bigot.

So you whine about state taxes, you whine about federal taxes and you whine that other countries are so much better to live in but you really don't want to do anything about it but take more money from other people.

Talk about being a mindless democrat sheep.
That's the way it always was under the greatest generation and that is the way our country worked best. If you don't know we're slowly going to hell under Reagan tax rates and policies, you are a GOP chump no matter what your denials...
View attachment 164037

Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.

The answer is simple, even you might be able to understand why. The income earned by minimum wage earners is circulated through the local economy, and reduces the need for minimum wage earners to seek and receive government aid. It would be best for you to learn something about microeconomics.
A few extra dollars in taxes vs a doubling of wages. Hmmm.....

Yeah, get back to me when your brain starts working.

Those "few extra dollars" are spent in shops for food, clothing and transportation, maybe a movie and a box of popcorn. It circulates, unlike the dollars hidden off shore by those who will benefit from the tax created by and for the power elite.

Nominated ^^^ for the shortest idiot-gram of the month
Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
No, that is a political attack. A personal attack is what the dupes on here call Democrats... Like faget, unemployed gay stupid, on welfare etc etc. I always call you people brainwashed functional idiots morons stupid Etc. I know you're not stupid and I don't assume that you are on welfare or anything else like most GOP voters do our here... Because they are brainwashed...

So calling someone a dupe is political? You are so full of it.

So if I called you an idiot, which to me is the same as dupe, then that is a political attack? Lol!

If you really believe that then I think you yourself are one. Unreal logic!
An idiot is someone who is stupid whose brain doesn't work right. I say no such thing when I call you a Dupe
Look it up. They ought to change the name of your party to the Greedy Billionaire and Dope Party. You're not stupid or idiotic, you're just not paying attention or the victim of a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine. Get it yet?

I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
As I said the real need his training for six million plus tech jobs that are going begging. And we need to fix our infrastructure that has been going to hell for 35 years now, and it is time to go back to pre Reagan tax rates. This is stupid and about to get worse.
If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

actually considering they get people jobs making thousands of dollars, they are worth quite a lot... but never m ind.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

Why not? Frankly, there's a reason why corporations want to keep salaries a deep dark secret. They don't want the employees to know how badly they are being ripped off.

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.

Well, if I know what it was, I wouldn't.
Now, the nice thing is, websites like Glassdoor and and Indeed make it easier to get an idea of what corporate cultures and salaries are like at companies, so there's that.

If you don't like your salary then get another job. It really is that simple.

Invest in yourself to improve your skills so as to command a higher salary. That is how life works. That is how life has always worked
Anything to save the bloated mega-rich from paying their fair share... Dupe.
. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??

That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?
It doesn't matter. Sanctuary cities are harboring criminals.
Not really, Dupe. Sanctuary cities are where illegals are not afraid to finger the bastards. The criminals are getting deported at a higher rate than ever and were under Obama also.
If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

actually considering they get people jobs making thousands of dollars, they are worth quite a lot... but never m ind.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

Why not? Frankly, there's a reason why corporations want to keep salaries a deep dark secret. They don't want the employees to know how badly they are being ripped off.

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.

Well, if I know what it was, I wouldn't.
Now, the nice thing is, websites like Glassdoor and and Indeed make it easier to get an idea of what corporate cultures and salaries are like at companies, so there's that.

If you don't like your salary then get another job. It really is that simple.

Invest in yourself to improve your skills so as to command a higher salary. That is how life works. That is how life has always worked
What about when all the jobs pay crap like today? Thanks GOP!
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