To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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I'm not going anywhere a******... Only Republicans the silly Dupes believe that is some kind of argument brainwashed functional morons... You don't care about the GOP? You just repeat all of their talking points and stupid insults and vote for them no doubt what
Democracy is doing what the voters want, dingbat. And no we're not talking about texting people like you more just the richest. But nice Pavlov dog reaction, dupe.
Because we need investments in the middle class and the country...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
. The question is this, what is the federal and state governments doing with the wealth that is generated in the form of money/revenues being taken from the rich (i.e. in the form of taxes) ?? If the trickle down isn't coming, then is the government also to blame for operating a super inefficient system that is highly wasteful ??? Is the government casting blame on the very rich it takes the most from in order to hide it's bullcrap ??

Government wastes more money than any entity on the planet. And what makes you think tax revenue or any revenue for that matter has to "trickle down"?

The biggest lie the government tells you is that you have less because someone else has more. Stop believing that and go out and get more for yourself
Never gonna happen, nor should it.

If you want a job where your pay is controlled by the government then get a government job.

Or maybe we can decide what every job is worth and tell everyone how much they can make. Let's see what you get for cutting and pasting resumes then.

I would probably get a lot more for them... IN fact, I'm probably going to up my pricing next year.

But to the point, maybe we need government to regulate pay more given all the bad actors out there.

Here's what I'd like to see.

"Wage Transparency" - If you get a job at a buyer at XYZ corp, they have to disclose what they are paying every other buyer there.

CEO's can no longer be paid in stock options, or any other bullshit. They get a salary. If they do well, then you increase his salary.

Replace the minimum wage with a living wage.

If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.
. Ok, then maybe companies shouldn't be allowed to get so big, and to become the majority employer in areas where people's choices have been limited sorely, and all because these huge employers starved out or undercut their competition in order to become a monopoly that many weren't able to escape ?? End monopolies now in America, and give more choices to Americans in America again. Begin yesterday.
The government is the largest employer in the US but you have no problem with government getting bigger do you?
Government wastes more money than any entity on the planet. And what makes you think tax revenue or any revenue for that matter has to "trickle down"?

actually, having worked for both government and private entities, I would say both are equally wasteful.

The difference is, the private sector spends billions promoting itself, and government really just takes all the verbal abuse. "Thank you, sir, may i have another."

The biggest lie the government tells you is that you have less because someone else has more. Stop believing that and go out and get more for yourself

And you rape victims, stop whining about that time you were raped, go out and buy a strap on dildo and do some raping yourself!!!!
No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
So calling someone a dupe is political? You are so full of it.

So if I called you an idiot, which to me is the same as dupe, then that is a political attack? Lol!

If you really believe that then I think you yourself are one. Unreal logic!
An idiot is someone who is stupid whose brain doesn't work right. I say no such thing when I call you a Dupe
Look it up. They ought to change the name of your party to the Greedy Billionaire and Dope Party. You're not stupid or idiotic, you're just not paying attention or the victim of a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine. Get it yet?

I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
. Not always about smarts, but it is also about handling work schedules, work loads, being on time, being clean and we'll presented, doing a great job, working well with customers, caring, working well with management, and just being a good person who works hard. All this is worth something, and adds value to the company, customer base and longevity of a company.

What has happened in some cases is that companies have been forced by government coercion to hire people who could care less about these qualities listed, but the government persuades them by incentives offered. This then deals a blow to the good employee, and causes disrespect to come from the management who disrespects all because it now is putting up with bad employee's in which the government promoted it to do so. Otherwise it all becomes a joke where the good workers end up as the butt of the joke. Then the corporation realizes that it has been duped by government, and it rebels against it's employees by threats of kiosk, automation, no minimum wage hikes, no raises, and places everyone into the socialist basket together.

Next we as customers get abused by being served by unhappy workers who are underpaid, don't give a crap, and figures they can't be fired, and then ruins it for the workers who still try to be the best as they were taught by their parents to be.This has been the same senario in the housing problem where communities have been destroyed all due to government persuading or forcing landlord's to rent to people who then destroy the place, and in many cases destroy's the neighborhoods.

When a business such as fast food can have a high turnover rate with no reduction of revenue it's because the jobs require little or no skill.

And I hate to tell you this but getting up in the morning, taking a shower and being on time are not job skills.
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Government wastes more money than any entity on the planet. And what makes you think tax revenue or any revenue for that matter has to "trickle down"?

actually, having worked for both government and private entities, I would say both are equally wasteful.

The difference is, the private sector spends billions promoting itself, and government really just takes all the verbal abuse. "Thank you, sir, may i have another."

The biggest lie the government tells you is that you have less because someone else has more. Stop believing that and go out and get more for yourself

And you rape victims, stop whining about that time you were raped, go out and buy a strap on dildo and do some raping yourself!!!!

So now getting a job is the same as being raped?

No wonder you're such a fucking failure.
The work place is a ladder not a bed and if you don't want to climb the ladder but rather lay in bed then you get what you are worth.

sorry, if you are putting in a full day's work, you are not "in bed".

This concept that we have to "Climb a ladder" or be in a "rat race" might be fine with you....

but as I tell my resume clients, no one ever said on his deathbed, "I wish i had spent more time at the office."
If you work fast food for 20 years and never get a promotion or another job then yes your job is a bed.

Life is a ladder. If you don't climb it that's your own fault

So your so you clients that can't cut and paste for themselves are all applying for low skill low wage jobs so they don't work too much huh?

No one who ever became successful at anything only ever worked just 40 hours a week
When a business such as fast food can have a high turnover rate with no reduction of revenue it's because the jobs require little or no skill.

And I hate to tell you this but getting up in the morning, taking a shower and being on time are not job skills.

No, but they should still be paid a fair wage for doing them.
When a business such as fast food can have a high turnover rate with no reduction of revenue it's because the jobs require little or no skill.

And I hate to tell you this but getting up in the morning, taking a shower and being on time are not job skills.

No, but they should still be paid a fair wage for doing them.
You don't get paid to wake up in the morning, you don't get paid for wiping your own ass, you don't get paid for taking a shower.

That may be what it's like in your fantasy land but those of us who live in the real world know it's not how the world has ever worked
Because we need investments in the middle class and the country...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
. The question is this, what is the federal and state governments doing with the wealth that is generated in the form of money/revenues being taken from the rich (i.e. in the form of taxes) ?? If the trickle down isn't coming, then is the government also to blame for operating a super inefficient system that is highly wasteful ??? Is the government casting blame on the very rich it takes the most from in order to hide it's bullcrap ??

Government wastes more money than any entity on the planet. And what makes you think tax revenue or any revenue for that matter has to "trickle down"?

The biggest lie the government tells you is that you have less because someone else has more. Stop believing that and go out and get more for yourself
If government was to do right by the tax revenues collected, then there would be a trickle down effect in order to assist in those things it needs to assist in or help in. The problem is that government has been using the revenues to create dependency instead of independency among the individual citizen.

Two forms of trickle down in society. One is by profit sharing in the private sector based upon merit based ideas or the other has been by government aid and/or incentive programs that are offered from the government sectors in order to keep balance in the system. Otherwise if that balance is put in danger by trends and shifts that considers not the dangers when an out of balance situation occurs . The problem is that government became entrapped in the ideologies of political correctness, where as it figures that it knows best about how to keep balance in society, but it gets highjacked by groups who then take advantage of the power it has in which was bestowed upon it by the people.
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If you work fast food for 20 years and never get a promotion or another job then yes your job is a bed.

Life is a ladder. If you don't climb it that's your own fault

Again, looking at the people who climb the ladder as their top priority, they aren't people who are very likable or decent. They are the ones you have to keep your eye on because they will happily fuck you over to advance themselves.

So your so you clients that can't cut and paste for themselves are all applying for low skill low wage jobs so they don't work too much huh?

Actually, I've done them for everything from Ph.D's all the way down to HS dropouts. The ugly reality of resume writing is that most people don't do it often enough to it well. If you only do something once every 5-10 years, how good are you going to be at it?

I've written enough of them where I've actually made up a list of the 11 most common things people do wrong. The most common one is to take their boilerplate job description and paste it into their resume. Often keeping the third person verb tense when talking about themselves.

No one who ever became successful at anything only ever worked just 40 hours a week

Again, I worked 60 hours a week at the company that cured me of Republican/Capitalist bullshit, and they still screwed me over when I busted up my knee. So I quite honestly don't want to hear any of the meritocracy bullshit.
You don't get paid to wake up in the morning, you don't get paid for wiping your own ass, you don't get paid for taking a shower.

That may be what it's like in your fantasy land but those of us who live in the real world know it's not how the world has ever worked

Guy, I know how the real world works.

I've seen girls fired for getting pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they had to cover up for the mistake of someone with more influence.
I've seen a person fired because she was gay.
I've seen so much awful fucking behavior that frankly, wouldn't go on if we had strong unions and worker protection laws.

If the scumbags want to screw each other, let them, but the rest of us just want to live our lives, thank you very much.
Now its funny how real law professors and actual law practitioners all disagree with your claim about Dred Scott. Brown did overturn exactly what Markle stated. The 1866 CRA and the 14A nullified the rest of the Dred Scott decision.

Thank you. But we both know it won't make any difference to HumorMe.


It appears that you've summed yourself up pretty good. I have no idea why you are choosing to make this a personal deal when I have a PM here. Lack of guts?
When a business such as fast food can have a high turnover rate with no reduction of revenue it's because the jobs require little or no skill.

And I hate to tell you this but getting up in the morning, taking a shower and being on time are not job skills.

No, but they should still be paid a fair wage for doing them.
You don't get paid to wake up in the morning, you don't get paid for wiping your own ass, you don't get paid for taking a shower.

That may be what it's like in your fantasy land but those of us who live in the real world know it's not how the world has ever worked
. He wasn't saying anyone gets paid for what you suggest here, but rather he was saying that when you clock in on that job, and you bring those qualities with you, and you apply those qualities in the best way that you can, then you as an employee should be respected for that, and should be compensated appropriately for that. Yes merit based is a good system, and it should be honored. If not careful you will look as though you could give a crap less about those who help a company amass it's wealth, and that reflects as an unethical mindset in which you might have.
You don't get paid to wake up in the morning, you don't get paid for wiping your own ass, you don't get paid for taking a shower.

That may be what it's like in your fantasy land but those of us who live in the real world know it's not how the world has ever worked

Guy, I know how the real world works.

I've seen girls fired for getting pregnant.
I've seen people fired because they had to cover up for the mistake of someone with more influence.
I've seen a person fired because she was gay.
I've seen so much awful fucking behavior that frankly, wouldn't go on if we had strong unions and worker protection laws.

If the scumbags want to screw each other, let them, but the rest of us just want to live our lives, thank you very much.
. Unions in times past had started falling into the same trap that government in a citizen union representative way had fallen into as well. Where as it began protecting and promoting less quality employees, but demanding more and more and more for them. It has been a bad deal that resulted in the failing of the quality expectations we have created throughout the nation, and it has destroyed the hopes of those who had put forth their best efforts, yet not realizing that they were being grouped into a sea of inequality that had begun hiding their efforts in a new socialized system that was being promoted by government, and by the corps who found out it was a way to push down wages in a socialized way across the boards.
well at least in the late 70's, the kids werent taking bites out of our burgers, and we werent finding "Grilled Mouses" in our Whoppers when they were getting 2.35 an hour. :eusa_drool:
well at least in the late 70's, the kids werent taking bites out of our burgers, and we werent finding "Grilled Mouses" in our Whoppers when they were getting 2.35 an hour. :eusa_drool:
. Had nothing to do with what was paid and hour, but has everything to do with the destruction of a respected merit based system in which government and corporations who operate like government as a monopoly has since destroyed.
Yes merit based is a good system, and it should be honored.

Yeah, you know what, I've been in the civilian workforce for 25 years after leaving the Army, I'm still waiting to see the "Merit-based" system.

what I usually see is the biggest ass-kissers get promoted and the underlings usually suffer the brunt of management's bad decision-making.
Unions in times past had started falling into the same trap that government in a citizen union representative way had fallen into as well. Where as it began protecting and promoting less quality employees, but demanding more and more and more for them. It has been a bad deal that resulted in the failing of the quality expectations we have created throughout the nation, and it has destroyed the hopes of those who had put forth their best efforts, yet not realizing that they were being grouped into a sea of inequality that had begun hiding their efforts in a new socialized system that was being promoted by government, and by the corps who found out it was a way to push down wages in a socialized way across the boards.

I think there are problems with unions, to be sure. But at least they are making the effort to protect working people, and not finding new and inventive ways to screw them.
Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

Just a question: is there anything you don't make about race?????

There is no such thing as "the wealth" because wealth in this country is endless. Nobody is stopping you or anybody else from making more than they do.

You people believe we live in a bubble. Within our bubble there is only so much money. So when one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

It's a leftist delusion. If we took half of the wealth of every American that has over one million dollars, how does that make your life any better? How does that money end up in your pocket, and even if it did, what did you do to deserve somebody else's money?

And if we are going to have such a society, why stop at money alone????

You have a dozen beautiful bushes in your front yard. It's not fair that you have such a beautiful yard and you neighbor on the next street doesn't. Wouldn't it be fair if the government came along, took half of your bushes, and gave them to the family that didn't have any?

Or perhaps you like entertainment and have four big screen televisions in your house. That's not right. Government should come along and take two of your big screens and give them to people that don't have any big screen televisions.

If you want to live in such a world, then perhaps it's time for you to find another country. In this country (so far) people are paid what they work for.

This country fought and abolished slavery. And what is slavery? Slavery is forcing others to work for no pay in order to benefit yourself. Yet this is the very thing liberals promote; people working for the benefit of others and having their pay taken away from them in essence making them work for no pay.

Ray, I don't think you wholly understand the concept of slavery.

When blacks were slaves, they were paid for the work they did; most lived far better than their blue collar counterparts that were white and free. Maybe that has been why we're butting heads all the time over this issue.

Socialism definitely isn't the answer, but there is a reality here:

We've shifted from a Republic to a Democracy. The masses can ultimately vote themselves pay raises and so forth, so what you need is a solution that challenges all sides and gives them options.
How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.
Minorities vote Democrat because they are a bunch of racists who don't believe in themselves and expect others to pay their living expenses.
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.

You obviously have nothing substantive to say on this subject.

The National Socialists pretending to be conservatives (sic) jumped into this, lumping everybody they disagree with into the same mold. If your views get challenged you want to make baseless allegations, spew swill you're too gutless to repeat in public where you can be held personally liable.

Get this dumbass:

I know, for a fact, that the overwhelming majority of the people who have become dependent upon Uncle Scam for their standard of living do not want a job. I have people in my own family that will never have a job. What you, the average taxpayer, will not give them in welfare / "entitlements," mommy or some other sap will hand over to them.

If anybody is a moron, it is those who think they have a monopoly on the understanding of the issue and actually believe all this horseshit that anyone that disagrees with you is a liar, moron, etc., etc. Son, it wasn't but a couple of years ago that the American standard was that the first person to start calling other's names had lost the debate.

Your side lost this debate / discussion a long time ago. When you have all these people posting crap they won't say to someone's face, it says they are scared. They are pessimistic over their own solutions. The largest segment of hood rats, thugs, and lazy scumbags that don't have A job don't want one. The side you've joined don't understand that.

The Democrats only want votes. They are so far removed from reality that they only care about the vote that the "poor" can bring to the table. But, our poor are a complex lot. You have single mothers who should have gotten married to a productive male before they spread their legs OR they should not have gotten divorced. There are those who cannot, intellectually or emotionally, learn enough to work jobs requiring a lot of skill sets (physically handicapped, autistic people, mentally challenged, etc.)

There are people who have screwed up in life. They may have done drugs, gotten involved in gangs, etc. and really want to turn their lives around. MY objective is to throw those people a life line and encourage them to become self sufficient. To those who who do not want a job; to those who think it's funny to impose upon the taxpayer... not to mention their families and make life Hell on us... to those people I would let them starve to death. Bottom line son, when people do nothing but bring misery upon their fellow man, if they don't want to be here, I'd loan them the tools they need to take that celestial dirtnap.

At the end of the day there are people working their ass off to provide for their needs and not being paid a realistic wage. So, the government steps in and makes up the difference at a cost to those of us who are productive and fortunate enough to have the wherewithal to make enough to live on. Welfare is a state issue and the states with bleeding heart liberals that are pro-welfare encourage enough people to live a dependent lifestyle to the point that they export that caliber of people. And so, dependency on government is like a religion. It requires a different solution to find and deal with those who do not want to work.
well at least in the late 70's, the kids werent taking bites out of our burgers, and we werent finding "Grilled Mouses" in our Whoppers when they were getting 2.35 an hour. :eusa_drool:
. Had nothing to do with what was paid and hour, but has everything to do with the destruction of a respected merit based system in which government and corporations who operate like government as a monopoly has since destroyed.
i still remember hearing about someone who got their meal from the drive thru, then noticed a chunk of their burger was bitten off. yecch!
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