To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
Calling me a dupe is a personal attack. That you hang around with people you think are dupes and super dupes is your business not mine. Thank you.
No, that is a political attack. A personal attack is what the dupes on here call Democrats... Like faget, unemployed gay stupid, on welfare etc etc. I always call you people brainwashed functional idiots morons stupid Etc. I know you're not stupid and I don't assume that you are on welfare or anything else like most GOP voters do our here... Because they are brainwashed...

So calling someone a dupe is political? You are so full of it.

So if I called you an idiot, which to me is the same as dupe, then that is a political attack? Lol!

If you really believe that then I think you yourself are one. Unreal logic!
An idiot is someone who is stupid whose brain doesn't work right. I say no such thing when I call you a Dupe
Look it up. They ought to change the name of your party to the Greedy Billionaire and Dope Party. You're not stupid or idiotic, you're just not paying attention or the victim of a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine. Get it yet?

I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??

That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?
It doesn't matter. Sanctuary cities are harboring criminals.

Have you ever gone to a place with these?

The only place I've seen that has tried to use these is Panera Bread. The only time people use these is if there is a long line at the counter. People would still rather give their order to a person.

Similarly, Jewel Osco tried to use self-checkout for a while. Then they realized they were losing too much money when people "neglected" to scan things.

Eventually they will force people to checkout themselves. In our grocery store, they only have two cashiers and four self-checkouts. If you want to stand in line behind four other customers, then you can wait and use the cashier. If you want to get the hell out of there, you go to the self-checkout lines and be out of there in five minutes because there is no line there.
The future is stores with no check out lines.

How Amazon Plans to Totally Reinvent Grocery Shopping
If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

actually considering they get people jobs making thousands of dollars, they are worth quite a lot... but never m ind.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

Why not? Frankly, there's a reason why corporations want to keep salaries a deep dark secret. They don't want the employees to know how badly they are being ripped off.

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.

Well, if I know what it was, I wouldn't.
Now, the nice thing is, websites like Glassdoor and and Indeed make it easier to get an idea of what corporate cultures and salaries are like at companies, so there's that.
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???
Of course that $2.30 is now equivalent to $11 and McDonald's is a career choice now.
Any unskilled person who wants to make putting burgers into bags a career isn't worth 15 an hour.

The work place is a ladder not a bed and if you don't want to climb the ladder but rather lay in bed then you get what you are worth.
If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

actually considering they get people jobs making thousands of dollars, they are worth quite a lot... but never m ind.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

Why not? Frankly, there's a reason why corporations want to keep salaries a deep dark secret. They don't want the employees to know how badly they are being ripped off.

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.

Well, if I know what it was, I wouldn't.
Now, the nice thing is, websites like Glassdoor and and Indeed make it easier to get an idea of what corporate cultures and salaries are like at companies, so there's that.

If you don't like your salary then get another job. It really is that simple.

Invest in yourself to improve your skills so as to command a higher salary. That is how life works. That is how life has always worked
Who is "YOU" in your statement of who will be responsible for increasing their salary ????? The government, who ??? This won't fly as there couldn't have been a Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg etc. if was the case. How many jobs has these cats created ?

You see, you are making the mistake of confusing a parasite for vital organ. Consumer demand creates jobs, not rich people. Therefore, if you really wanted prosperity as far as the eye can see, then you want working people to all make a living wage, not a few rich people hoarding all the wealth.

Again, after WWII, the rich paid a top rate of 93%, 33% of the workforce was unionized, and people lived pretty good lives. The minimum wage meant something because it was in fact a living wage.

And then the republicans fucked all that up.

and when the top rate was 93% the lowest rate was higher. There were less deductions, no refundable tax credits, no tax credits for buying certain consumer items etc. If we still had those old brackets you'd be in the 50% bracket so be careful what you wish for
I can't imagine where we would be today if liberals were allowed to implement your leftist ideas. We would probably be on computers right now that were manufactured 20 years ago. We wouldn't have the internet, and if we did, we wouldn't be able to afford it. Our cell phones would probably be like the first ones where you had to carry around a car battery in order to make it work.

Guy, rich people didn't create any of those things. It was usually some poor schlub in an engineering department who had everything he created declared "intellectual property" of the rich people, then assembled by someone who got paid very little.
If that engineer didn't like the contract he had to sign he didn't have to work there. He could have provided all the capital, the facilities and hired his own team to develop his own ideas
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???

Plus you had to put some effort into getting one of those jobs. Unlike today, nobody was begging you to take it.

Back in the mid 70's, our suburb opened up it's first fast food place. It was a Burger King. Over 1,000 of us (mostly kids) stood in a line for hours under the hot sun to try and get a job there. There were only 12 openings or so, and they all paid minimum wage.
In the seventies minimum wage was what Ray ? Now what would be the amount equivalent to that minimum wage today ?? Would it be $ 8.50 an hour, $ 10.00 an hour, $ 12.50 an hour, $ 15.00 an hour what Ray ???????????????? I mean you were glad they had that MINIMUM WAGE job offered back then, but you now fight to end minimum wage jobs today ?? Just because someone wants to raise the wage up from the period of stagnation it fell into over to many years now, somehow you get angry about it ?? Who are you getting angry for ? Is it only you that gets angry for no one but you in the debating contest or is it your idea of who the rich are in this country that makes you angry when the nation ask them to adjust the bottom wage a bit ? What are they doing to gain your loyalty in order to protect their greed if it is the case that they have been greedy or operating in a greedy way Ray ??
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???

Plus you had to put some effort into getting one of those jobs. Unlike today, nobody was begging you to take it.

Back in the mid 70's, our suburb opened up it's first fast food place. It was a Burger King. Over 1,000 of us (mostly kids) stood in a line for hours under the hot sun to try and get a job there. There were only 12 openings or so, and they all paid minimum wage.
In the seventies minimum wage was what Ray ? Now what would be the amount equivalent to that minimum wage today ?? Would it be $ 8.50 an hour, $ 10.00 an hour, $ 12.50 an hour, $ 15.00 an hour what Ray ???????????????? I mean you were glad they had that MINIMUM WAGE job offered back then, but you now fight to end minimum wage jobs today ?? Just because someone wants to raise the wage up from the period of stagnation it fell into over to many years now, somehow you get angry about it ?? Who are you getting angry for ? Is it only you that gets angry for no one but you in the debating contest or is it your idea of who the rich are in this country that makes you angry when the nation ask them to adjust the bottom wage a bit ? What are they doing to gain your loyalty in order to protect their greed if it is the case that they have been greedy or operating in a greedy way Ray ??
3 dollars an hour in 1980 is about 9.45 today. Not 15.
Shouldn't a McDonald's employee who works his ass off make more money than a GM employee who stands there with a wrench tightening bolts for a living?

Actually, they should both make a living wage. But when I'm hurtling down a highway at 65 MPH in a chunk of metal that is powered by a flammable liquid, and there are a bunch of other vehicles that fall in the same category, I really and truly want the guy who tightened the bolts on it to be well paid and engaged in his job.
Ray as a truck driver should understand this better than anyone.
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???

Plus you had to put some effort into getting one of those jobs. Unlike today, nobody was begging you to take it.

Back in the mid 70's, our suburb opened up it's first fast food place. It was a Burger King. Over 1,000 of us (mostly kids) stood in a line for hours under the hot sun to try and get a job there. There were only 12 openings or so, and they all paid minimum wage.
In the seventies minimum wage was what Ray ? Now what would be the amount equivalent to that minimum wage today ?? Would it be $ 8.50 an hour, $ 10.00 an hour, $ 12.50 an hour, $ 15.00 an hour what Ray ???????????????? I mean you were glad they had that MINIMUM WAGE job offered back then, but you now fight to end minimum wage jobs today ?? Just because someone wants to raise the wage up from the period of stagnation it fell into over to many years now, somehow you get angry about it ?? Who are you getting angry for ? Is it only you that gets angry for no one but you in the debating contest or is it your idea of who the rich are in this country that makes you angry when the nation ask them to adjust the bottom wage a bit ? What are they doing to gain your loyalty in order to protect their greed if it is the case that they have been greedy or operating in a greedy way Ray ??
3 dollars an hour in 1980 is about 9.45 today. Not 15.
. Ok, so are we at $9.45 today ??
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???

Plus you had to put some effort into getting one of those jobs. Unlike today, nobody was begging you to take it.

Back in the mid 70's, our suburb opened up it's first fast food place. It was a Burger King. Over 1,000 of us (mostly kids) stood in a line for hours under the hot sun to try and get a job there. There were only 12 openings or so, and they all paid minimum wage.
In the seventies minimum wage was what Ray ? Now what would be the amount equivalent to that minimum wage today ?? Would it be $ 8.50 an hour, $ 10.00 an hour, $ 12.50 an hour, $ 15.00 an hour what Ray ???????????????? I mean you were glad they had that MINIMUM WAGE job offered back then, but you now fight to end minimum wage jobs today ?? Just because someone wants to raise the wage up from the period of stagnation it fell into over to many years now, somehow you get angry about it ?? Who are you getting angry for ? Is it only you that gets angry for no one but you in the debating contest or is it your idea of who the rich are in this country that makes you angry when the nation ask them to adjust the bottom wage a bit ? What are they doing to gain your loyalty in order to protect their greed if it is the case that they have been greedy or operating in a greedy way Ray ??
3 dollars an hour in 1980 is about 9.45 today. Not 15.
. Ok, so are we at $9.45 today ??

Many states are already.

Some states have higher minimum wages that that.
Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Shouldn't a McDonald's employee who works his ass off make more money than a GM employee who stands there with a wrench tightening bolts for a living?

Can't see any particular reason he should, no.
Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
. So you are against profit sharing, and you are against a janitor getting more than just a flat janitorial pay as based on what though ? Where is the flat rate listed for a janitors pay in America ?? Who sets a janitors pay ? Is it set by the government whether federal, state, and local or is it set by the company based upon a single owners assessment of the employee ?? Or is it the shareholders who demand that the janitor best not be found to be sharing in the profits made or they will see to it that the slave (I mean janitor) will be taken out and whipped for his idea that he could actually share in the profits of a gazillion dollar company ?

Does the company WANT to profit share? Have they determined, of their own free will, that it will improve their business model? Then I'm all for it. I personally think that giving employees a stake in the success of the company beyond continuing basic employment is a great idea. What I'm against is anyone outside the business FORCING the company to do so.

I'm not aware that any "flat rate for janitors" NEEDS to be listed. I can tell you what the going rate is for janitors in a particular area, but as with all jobs, the wage needs to be determined by the person paying it.

Throwing in buzzwords like "slave" - and totally misusing them - has no effect on me, so save your effort. Unless someone's holding a gun to his head and ACTUALLY taking him out and whipping him, you just submarined your own argument with silliness. Congratulations. :clap:
So feel free to move to any or every other country and stop your fucking whining.

And quite frankly I don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck what the GOP does so you can stop whining about them too.
I'm not going anywhere a******... Only Republicans the silly Dupes believe that is some kind of argument brainwashed functional morons... You don't care about the GOP? You just repeat all of their talking points and stupid insults and vote for them no doubt what
Democracy is restricting income? That doesn't sound like democracy, that sounds like dictatorship.
Democracy is doing what the voters want, dingbat. And no we're not talking about texting people like you more just the richest. But nice Pavlov dog reaction, dupe.
Because we need investments in the middle class and the country...
and now you are talking to yourself.

You better go find one of those foreign countries you love so much that has the best socialized mental health care you can find
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
. The question is this, what is the federal and state governments doing with the wealth that is generated in the form of money/revenues being taken from the rich (i.e. in the form of taxes) ?? If the trickle down isn't coming, then is the government also to blame for operating a super inefficient system that is highly wasteful ??? Is the government casting blame on the very rich it takes the most from in order to hide it's bullcrap ??
Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
. So you are against profit sharing, and you are against a janitor getting more than just a flat janitorial pay as based on what though ? Where is the flat rate listed for a janitors pay in America ?? Who sets a janitors pay ? Is it set by the government whether federal, state, and local or is it set by the company based upon a single owners assessment of the employee ?? Or is it the shareholders who demand that the janitor best not be found to be sharing in the profits made or they will see to it that the slave (I mean janitor) will be taken out and whipped for his idea that he could actually share in the profits of a gazillion dollar company ?

Does the company WANT to profit share? Have they determined, of their own free will, that it will improve their business model? Then I'm all for it. I personally think that giving employees a stake in the success of the company beyond continuing basic employment is a great idea. What I'm against is anyone outside the business FORCING the company to do so.

I'm not aware that any "flat rate for janitors" NEEDS to be listed. I can tell you what the going rate is for janitors in a particular area, but as with all jobs, the wage needs to be determined by the person paying it.

Throwing in buzzwords like "slave" - and totally misusing them - has no effect on me, so save your effort. Unless someone's holding a gun to his head and ACTUALLY taking him out and whipping him, you just submarined your own argument with silliness. Congratulations. :clap:
. No one wants to tell anyone what to do ever, but when you got a huge over populated nation that finds itself needing to grow in a healthy and balanced way, then you need the smart folks to be aware as to whether the systems in which are being participated in by all, are being kept in a harmonious balance...This should be mindful to everyone as so that it doesn't come with a huge backlash that is caused by things being ignored or purposely destroyed all due to a trend of greed.... Otherwise a greed that may have risen up out of a smarter generation, who then figures out how to abuse and exploit everything to their advantage.

Otherwisese to hell with anyone for whom they decided to use and abuse in order to get their way, and to amass wealth unimaginable right ?
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Never gonna happen, nor should it.

If you want a job where your pay is controlled by the government then get a government job.

Or maybe we can decide what every job is worth and tell everyone how much they can make. Let's see what you get for cutting and pasting resumes then.

I would probably get a lot more for them... IN fact, I'm probably going to up my pricing next year.

But to the point, maybe we need government to regulate pay more given all the bad actors out there.

Here's what I'd like to see.

"Wage Transparency" - If you get a job at a buyer at XYZ corp, they have to disclose what they are paying every other buyer there.

CEO's can no longer be paid in stock options, or any other bullshit. They get a salary. If they do well, then you increase his salary.

Replace the minimum wage with a living wage.

If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.
. Ok, then maybe companies shouldn't be allowed to get so big, and to become the majority employer in areas where people's choices have been limited sorely, and all because these huge employers starved out or undercut their competition in order to become a monopoly that many weren't able to escape ?? End monopolies now in America, and give more choices to Americans in America again. Begin yesterday.
The work place is a ladder not a bed and if you don't want to climb the ladder but rather lay in bed then you get what you are worth.

sorry, if you are putting in a full day's work, you are not "in bed".

This concept that we have to "Climb a ladder" or be in a "rat race" might be fine with you....

but as I tell my resume clients, no one ever said on his deathbed, "I wish i had spent more time at the office."
Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
No, that is a political attack. A personal attack is what the dupes on here call Democrats... Like faget, unemployed gay stupid, on welfare etc etc. I always call you people brainwashed functional idiots morons stupid Etc. I know you're not stupid and I don't assume that you are on welfare or anything else like most GOP voters do our here... Because they are brainwashed...

So calling someone a dupe is political? You are so full of it.

So if I called you an idiot, which to me is the same as dupe, then that is a political attack? Lol!

If you really believe that then I think you yourself are one. Unreal logic!
An idiot is someone who is stupid whose brain doesn't work right. I say no such thing when I call you a Dupe
Look it up. They ought to change the name of your party to the Greedy Billionaire and Dope Party. You're not stupid or idiotic, you're just not paying attention or the victim of a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine. Get it yet?

I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
. Not always about smarts, but it is also about handling work schedules, work loads, being on time, being clean and we'll presented, doing a great job, working well with customers, caring, working well with management, and just being a good person who works hard. All this is worth something, and adds value to the company, customer base and longevity of a company.

What has happened in some cases is that companies have been forced by government coercion to hire people who could care less about these qualities listed, but the government persuades them by incentives offered. This then deals a blow to the good employee, and causes disrespect to come from the management who disrespects all because it now is putting up with bad employee's in which the government promoted it to do so. Otherwise it all becomes a joke where the good workers end up as the butt of the joke. Then the corporation realizes that it has been duped by government, and it rebels against it's employees by threats of kiosk, automation, no minimum wage hikes, no raises, and places everyone into the socialist basket together.

Next we as customers get abused by being served by unhappy workers who are underpaid, don't give a crap, and figures they can't be fired, and then ruins it for the workers who still try to be the best as they were taught by their parents to be.This has been the same senario in the housing problem where communities have been destroyed all due to government persuading or forcing landlord's to rent to people who then destroy the place, and in many cases destroy's the neighborhoods.
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