To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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My field of work is in law. So, let me assure you, the Brown decision did not over-turn Dred Scott:

What Supreme Court case overturned Dred Scott vs. Sandford? | eNotes

Did the Fourteenth Amendment overturn the Dred Scott case

The point I was making is that the law is seldom what you think it is and can easily be overturned by the Courts.

Fine, talk to yourself because real lawyers, judges and our citizens know it did.

Dred Scott: Separate but equal is Constitutional.

Brown vs Board of Education Separate but equal is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Now continue talking to yourself or splitting hairs or whatever it is you like to do to yourself.

I have this discussion with law professors and constitutional practitioners on a regular basis. Maybe you'd like to be a guest at one of the meetings?

. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??

That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.
. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??

That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.
Minorities vote Democrat because they are a bunch of racists who don't believe in themselves and expect others to pay their living expenses.
My field of work is in law. So, let me assure you, the Brown decision did not over-turn Dred Scott:

What Supreme Court case overturned Dred Scott vs. Sandford? | eNotes

Did the Fourteenth Amendment overturn the Dred Scott case

The point I was making is that the law is seldom what you think it is and can easily be overturned by the Courts.

Fine, talk to yourself because real lawyers, judges and our citizens know it did.

Dred Scott: Separate but equal is Constitutional.

Brown vs Board of Education Separate but equal is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Now continue talking to yourself or splitting hairs or whatever it is you like to do to yourself.

I have this discussion with law professors and constitutional practitioners on a regular basis. Maybe you'd like to be a guest at one of the meetings?


That's the best you can do? It don't have squat to do with the topic.
Now its funny how real law professors and actual law practitioners all disagree with your claim about Dred Scott. Brown did overturn exactly what Markle stated. The 1866 CRA and the 14A nullified the rest of the Dred Scott decision.

Thank you. But we both know it won't make any difference to HumorMe.

Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

Just a question: is there anything you don't make about race?????

There is no such thing as "the wealth" because wealth in this country is endless. Nobody is stopping you or anybody else from making more than they do.

You people believe we live in a bubble. Within our bubble there is only so much money. So when one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

It's a leftist delusion. If we took half of the wealth of every American that has over one million dollars, how does that make your life any better? How does that money end up in your pocket, and even if it did, what did you do to deserve somebody else's money?

And if we are going to have such a society, why stop at money alone????

You have a dozen beautiful bushes in your front yard. It's not fair that you have such a beautiful yard and you neighbor on the next street doesn't. Wouldn't it be fair if the government came along, took half of your bushes, and gave them to the family that didn't have any?

Or perhaps you like entertainment and have four big screen televisions in your house. That's not right. Government should come along and take two of your big screens and give them to people that don't have any big screen televisions.

If you want to live in such a world, then perhaps it's time for you to find another country. In this country (so far) people are paid what they work for.

This country fought and abolished slavery. And what is slavery? Slavery is forcing others to work for no pay in order to benefit yourself. Yet this is the very thing liberals promote; people working for the benefit of others and having their pay taken away from them in essence making them work for no pay.

Ray, I don't think you wholly understand the concept of slavery.

When blacks were slaves, they were paid for the work they did; most lived far better than their blue collar counterparts that were white and free. Maybe that has been why we're butting heads all the time over this issue.

Socialism definitely isn't the answer, but there is a reality here:

We've shifted from a Republic to a Democracy. The masses can ultimately vote themselves pay raises and so forth, so what you need is a solution that challenges all sides and gives them options.
That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.
Minorities vote Democrat because they are a bunch of racists who don't believe in themselves and expect others to pay their living expenses.
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.
. Huh ?? Yet all it takes here is to cross that southern border, get to a sanctuary City, and then quickly find that indentured servitude job that your inside contact set up for you, otherwise where as it is expected of you (an illegal) to work like a dog for little of nothing, and have no protections, and then if complain get sent packing to be replaced by the next perceived slave or cheap laborer from across that border ??

That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
In that case, if a CEO can go to another country and make more money due to this cap on wages, how do we attract the best CEOs?

As you know, it was President Bill Clinton who foolishly, against the advice of his economic advisers, attempted to put cap on CEO's income. We know how that worked out.
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.

Nonsense. Millions have gotten it down to a science as to what combination of work and welfare will provide them with the greatest income and least work.

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Why do you keep making welfare an employer problem instead of a government problem? Employers don't put people on welfare--government puts people on welfare. So blame the government for it.

No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

Just a question: is there anything you don't make about race?????

There is no such thing as "the wealth" because wealth in this country is endless. Nobody is stopping you or anybody else from making more than they do.

You people believe we live in a bubble. Within our bubble there is only so much money. So when one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

It's a leftist delusion. If we took half of the wealth of every American that has over one million dollars, how does that make your life any better? How does that money end up in your pocket, and even if it did, what did you do to deserve somebody else's money?

And if we are going to have such a society, why stop at money alone????

You have a dozen beautiful bushes in your front yard. It's not fair that you have such a beautiful yard and you neighbor on the next street doesn't. Wouldn't it be fair if the government came along, took half of your bushes, and gave them to the family that didn't have any?

Or perhaps you like entertainment and have four big screen televisions in your house. That's not right. Government should come along and take two of your big screens and give them to people that don't have any big screen televisions.

If you want to live in such a world, then perhaps it's time for you to find another country. In this country (so far) people are paid what they work for.

This country fought and abolished slavery. And what is slavery? Slavery is forcing others to work for no pay in order to benefit yourself. Yet this is the very thing liberals promote; people working for the benefit of others and having their pay taken away from them in essence making them work for no pay.

Ray, I don't think you wholly understand the concept of slavery.

When blacks were slaves, they were paid for the work they did; most lived far better than their blue collar counterparts that were white and free. Maybe that has been why we're butting heads all the time over this issue.

Socialism definitely isn't the answer, but there is a reality here:

We've shifted from a Republic to a Democracy. The masses can ultimately vote themselves pay raises and so forth, so what you need is a solution that challenges all sides and gives them options.
How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.
Minorities vote Democrat because they are a bunch of racists who don't believe in themselves and expect others to pay their living expenses.
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.

That is one of the funniest lies ever told! Lol! Thanks for the laugh dupe.
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.

Nonsense. Millions have gotten it down to a science as to what combination of work and welfare will provide them with the greatest income and least work.

And that's not anti-minority or racist or bigoted at all...I can't see where they don't vote for the GOP or whatever militia you're in LOL...
That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
The truth is like that, and of course I'm slumming with you brainwashed functional morons... By the way the United States has never been more unequal and unfair economically then it is now after 30 years of Reagan tax rates and policies. All the GOP has to offer to the non-rich is b******* propaganda and screw jobs, you incredible dingbats...
That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
And of course your believing that minorities are lazy Good for nothings is not racist at all, right?
That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
That sounds like a good reason to go after the companies that hire illegals... not the illegals themselves.

How about both plus the sanctuary cities?
What is the idea behind Sanctuary cities?

The idea is that the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

Democrats understand that every other group beyond whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote a majority Democrat, the Hispanics vote a majority Democrat, the middle-east people vote a majority Democrat, the Asians vote a majority Democrat, the blacks? Forget about it. 90+% vote for Democrats.

The goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in history. If Democrats can do that, then they can turn us into a one-party government forever once they get rid of us whites.

So they will do anything to achieve that goal including sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with the feds on removal of aliens. They want those people here criminal or not. It doesn't matter if they take jobs away from Americans, close down health facilities because they obviously don't have insurance, kill Americans for drugs or other reasons. The only thing the Democrats care about is making whites a minority for political power.
Minorities vote for the Democrats because the Republicans are full of racist and bigots, plus they Pander to the rich and screw the poor and the middle class now.

When I read (or hear that) I realize I'm trying to discuss politics with somebody that knows nothing about the subject. So let me fill you in on some truth here:

Minorities vote for Democrat for one reason and one reason only, and that is what Democrats promise to give them. They promise to take from others to give to their constituents. You support taking from others because like most Democrats, you are selfish and greedy. You can't produce for yourself so you support politicians that promise to take from others that do.

And don't give me this BS story that you are a businessman and retired teacher. Nobody with an advanced education writes like you. Your writings are comparable to a sixth grader. You repeat the same shit over and over again with every post; nothing new to offer.
And I'm not writing, I'm talking into this stupid smart phone LOL
My field of work is in law. So, let me assure you, the Brown decision did not over-turn Dred Scott:

What Supreme Court case overturned Dred Scott vs. Sandford? | eNotes

Did the Fourteenth Amendment overturn the Dred Scott case

The point I was making is that the law is seldom what you think it is and can easily be overturned by the Courts.

Fine, talk to yourself because real lawyers, judges and our citizens know it did.

Dred Scott: Separate but equal is Constitutional.

Brown vs Board of Education Separate but equal is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Now continue talking to yourself or splitting hairs or whatever it is you like to do to yourself.

I have this discussion with law professors and constitutional practitioners on a regular basis. Maybe you'd like to be a guest at one of the meetings?


That's the best you can do? It don't have squat to do with the topic.
But seriously where did you hear that slaves were paid and had it better than whites? That is serious b*******.
Democracy is restricting income? That doesn't sound like democracy, that sounds like dictatorship.

Um, no, if everyone votes that the rich shouldn't be uber rich anymore, that's democracy.

The main thing that protects the rich, is that most of us don't know how rich they really are.


the above chart shows what wealth distribution actually is, what people think it is (they are wrong) and what they think it should be.

While people are hardly voting for "communism", most people think that the bottom should have a fair share and the top shouldn't have so much.

Sure isn't what our founding fathers saw nor certainly made America the greatest country the world has ever seen. Why do you want that destroyed? Why do you want us to be transformed into China or Russia?
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.

Nonsense. Millions have gotten it down to a science as to what combination of work and welfare will provide them with the greatest income and least work.

And that's not anti-minority or racist or bigoted at all...I can't see where they don't vote for the GOP or whatever militia you're in LOL...

Show us all where you have an identical video of whites demonstrating in the street for Obama's Stash or celebrating getting a free Obama phone.
Nobody wants to be on welfare everybody wants a good job... You are brainwashed functional morons believe me... Of course there aren't many good jobs now thanks GOP.

Nonsense. Millions have gotten it down to a science as to what combination of work and welfare will provide them with the greatest income and least work.

And that's not anti-minority or racist or bigoted at all...I can't see where they don't vote for the GOP or whatever militia you're in LOL...

Show us all where you have an identical video of whites demonstrating in the street for Obama's Stash or celebrating getting a free Obama phone.

We don't have a propaganda machine that cherry-picks that stuff for us, dupe. Plus Obama had nothing to do with those free phones...
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