To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Like I told you, if I intend to call someone a racial name, I'm capable of saying the word. The first time I ever heard the word thug, it was used by George Wallace (probably before your time.)

You mean George Wallace, the famous segregationist? Was that after people started frowning when he said the N-word openly?

I'm well aware that the whites constitute more welfarites than blacks. In most cases, there is no excuse for it.

I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

Do you have a point in quoting me?
Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.

And trucks are just as bad. Freightliner used to be the top of the line in trucks. Today they are one of the worst. I've been driving them now for decades and seen the serious decline in quality. In fact today I was bitching because they install those cheap garbage Panasonic radios in the truck and they don't work for crap. Panasonic is junk and always was, but they put that junk in because it's cheap and they don't care if it works properly or not. Anybody that ever owned a Panasonic product knows what I'm talking about.
If a murderer, then I ain't gonna call you a saint. If you worry about a murderer being called a murderer in which is a label, and a category, then you need help. Thugs do thug things which is why they are called thugs by those on the receiving end of those thuggish things.

Wow, guy, why don' t you just use the N-word, you'll feel better and it won't be as dishonest.
Yep, that and the unions that made them lazy.

I'm so glad this company I work for doesn't deal with auto manufacturers anymore. My employer quit delivering to them because they were lazy union bastards. It took them half a day to do what other non-union companies did in less than 45 minutes.

Again, the only reason they were lazy is they probably realized you were a prick.
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
Yep, that and the unions that made them lazy.

I'm so glad this company I work for doesn't deal with auto manufacturers anymore. My employer quit delivering to them because they were lazy union bastards. It took them half a day to do what other non-union companies did in less than 45 minutes.

Again, the only reason they were lazy is they probably realized you were a prick.

No, the only reason they were lazy is because the union protected them from being fired because they were lazy. That doesn't happen in a non-union atmosphere.

Back when unions were actually around, if I delivered or picked up from a company without knowing a thing about them, I could tell you if they were a union shop or not within five minutes. Employees that worked for non-union shops had an entirely different attitude than union places. Union workers had a "I don't give a shit" attitude.

My employer charges for layover time. If he charged a company three hours layover time because they sent us to a union place, there was nothing they could do. If we charged a non-union operation three hours layover time, heads would roll. Somebody would be held responsible. Somebody would have to answer why their company paid $225.00 for a driver to sit there at their docks.
Do you have a point in quoting me?

Pointing out how silly you sound?

I don't sound as silly as you look stupid quoting me when what you are quoting don't have squat to do with what you're saying.

You seem to be bucking for a fight, screwing with everybody you don't like. It's a bit childish and makes you appear immature. The persistent yapping you do about racism is NOT what this thread is about. You do realize there is a forum for that, don't you?

Probably not.
The persistent yapping you do about racism is NOT what this thread is about. You do realize there is a forum for that, don't you?

Probably not.

Don't mind Joe, he does that in every topic on USMB. You could be talking about the best water heaters to buy, and Joe would somehow make it a race issue. It's a sickness you know.....
The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.

So if we all decide that we are going to change the law to make the minimum wage $15.00 an hour, that's the cheapest people will pay.

See how easy that was?
Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

That's when I switched to Toyota. Never been happier. They come with a 100,000 mile 7 year bumper to bumper warranty. I've had two since I made the switch. Never have I seen a tow truck and I have never been stranded.

I don't know what American cars are like today. If they are better, the only reason is because foreign auto manufacturers forced them to make better cars. That and American auto workers don't get paid anything like they used to. The unions almost totally ruined our auto industry.

As my former mechanic explained, Toyota puts their money into engineering and quality parts. American manufacturers put their money into high pay for labor and benefits.
Republicans blame the unions Democrats blame the designers and the executives... It isn't as if Japanese workers are paid poorly...

Correct, they don't make bad money at all, they just don't make ridiculous amounts of money like UAW workers used to.

Over here they had employees that punched the time card for other employees that didn't go to work very often. A person would punch in two or three workers, they would get paid for not being there, and the absent employees would give the worker who punched them in a few hundred bucks a month.

So on top of their ridiculous wages, they were making hundreds of tax-free dollars a month just to punch in their coworkers.

The company knew what was going on, but were afraid to address the problem for years because of unions.
The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.

So if we all decide that we are going to change the law to make the minimum wage $15.00 an hour, that's the cheapest people will pay.

See how easy that was?

And you think that would be the end of the story?

Well great. You and your ilk do that Joe. Because I make well over twice the minimum wage. And once you make that minimum wage $15.00 an hour, I will demand my employer pay me $40.00 an hour. See how that works?

It's not just me, but all labor would demand huge increases in salary as well. If you think somebody making $20.00 an hour now would continue to be satisfied with $20.00 an hour if minimum wage went to $15.00, then you have another thing coming.

You cannot raise wages for one segment of our workforce alone. It would crate a domino effect just like the unions did years ago. And within a few years of that increase, cost of living would increase just as much, so those minimum wage workers afterwords would find themselves in the exact same position they are in today, and that is not making a livable wage.
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

That's when I switched to Toyota. Never been happier. They come with a 100,000 mile 7 year bumper to bumper warranty. I've had two since I made the switch. Never have I seen a tow truck and I have never been stranded.

I don't know what American cars are like today. If they are better, the only reason is because foreign auto manufacturers forced them to make better cars. That and American auto workers don't get paid anything like they used to. The unions almost totally ruined our auto industry.

As my former mechanic explained, Toyota puts their money into engineering and quality parts. American manufacturers put their money into high pay for labor and benefits.
Republicans blame the unions Democrats blame the designers and the executives... It isn't as if Japanese workers are paid poorly...

Correct, they don't make bad money at all, they just don't make ridiculous amounts of money like UAW workers used to.

Over here they had employees that punched the time card for other employees that didn't go to work very often. A person would punch in two or three workers, they would get paid for not being there, and the absent employees would give the worker who punched them in a few hundred bucks a month.

So on top of their ridiculous wages, they were making hundreds of tax-free dollars a month just to punch in their coworkers.

The company knew what was going on, but were afraid to address the problem for years because of unions.
The whole operation was arrogant and didn't care... In the late 70s until the 2008 meltdown. But I will blame the designers and the executives or not keeping up the performance. Thank you President Obama for saving them and telling them to get their act in gear now... I'm sure you will agree LOL.
At any rate it's time for the United States to become a leader again instead of a mess of reaganism and screwed over non rich. The greatest Generation figured it out after the Depression and World War II and now we've gone to hell again. Time for new GI Bill and free Reagan taxes. And a living wage which is $11 in Republican areas and $15 in urban Democrat areas.
If a murderer, then I ain't gonna call you a saint. If you worry about a murderer being called a murderer in which is a label, and a category, then you need help. Thugs do thug things which is why they are called thugs by those on the receiving end of those thuggish things.

Wow, guy, why don' t you just use the N-word, you'll feel better and it won't be as dishonest.
. You sure ain't shy about throwing out the race card willy nilly, now do you have the sense to answer my post properly or are you gonna deflect with the race card again ? Like I said if one is a murderer, do you think we should water down the title by calling it something else ?? We have Hillary being watered down to just a matter in order to escape justice. Words are simply magical in the twisted usage of them, and now we have Chicago that has gotten so bad on gangland thug violence, that we have that official calling for help from the UN ??? Blue helmets on the streets of Chicago ??? Kidding me right ?? Keep deflecting and spinning your racist bullcrap around here Joe, nobody's fooled by it.
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???

Plus you had to put some effort into getting one of those jobs. Unlike today, nobody was begging you to take it.

Back in the mid 70's, our suburb opened up it's first fast food place. It was a Burger King. Over 1,000 of us (mostly kids) stood in a line for hours under the hot sun to try and get a job there. There were only 12 openings or so, and they all paid minimum wage.
But, the minimum wage bought more in the 70's, as far as those things you need to survive like rent, utilities, etc, then the minimum wage buys now.
Sure now even poor people can have big screen tv's. Can't eat a big screen tv. Owning one, or not owning one, isn't a big factor with whether you are able to pay your rent.

My mother goes to the church and gets free bread, free cakes, free stuff to make you fat. But it's real hard to find free vegetables. The stuff you need to live isn't getting cheaper, only the stuff you don't need to live is.

I had a cell phone a clam shell. I refused to upgrade to smart phone. I didn't need a phone to do a bunch of tricks. I needed a phone to call people. But THEY (the ones who make cell phones) for fucking ever refused to sell a cellphone that I could use to call people cheaper. Instead they put stuff I didn't need on a cell phone and drove the price up.

They make it so rich people can live cheaper than poor people. Poor people can't buy in bulk.

Why does a cheap watch cost 7 bucks along with a cheap meal? A watch last longer than a meal therefore it should be more expensive. Why is it the things we need to live never get cheaper only the things we don't need to live?
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.
Is an Americans life worth more than a Cambodians life? Why is it ok for Cambodian to work for a dollar a day but it isn't ok for an American to do so? Do we have the right to a better life, than a Cambodians, simply because we were born American?
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