To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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You sure ain't shy about throwing out the race card willy nilly, now do you have the sense to answer my post properly or are you gonna deflect with the race card again ? Like I said if one is a murderer, do you think we should water down the title by calling it something else ??

Murderer has a clear legal definition. "thug" is just another way of racists to say N****r.

We have Hillary being watered down to just a matter in order to escape justice.

Naw, it was watered down because "using the wrong email address" wasn't a real crime. The challenge I've given to right wingers was to point out where someone else did what Hillary did and went to prison for it. And you guys couldn't cite ONE FUCKING CASE.

Words are simply magical in the twisted usage of them, and now we have Chicago that has gotten so bad on gangland thug violence, that we have that official calling for help from the UN ??? Blue helmets on the streets of Chicago ???

Okay, not sure where you are going with this... the funny thing is, the City Council has always been a clown show with people saying really stupid things between being indicted for petty corruption.

Now, we are having a violence problem in Chicago. Part of the problem is the National Rampage Association got our sensible gun laws overturned, and flooded our streets with even more guns. The other part is that because the feds busted up the big gangs, a bunch of smaller gangs are fighting over the drug trade. The final problem is that our wonderfully corrupt and incompetent police department is getting timid because with body cams, they can't go around claiming he was totally going for that drop piece I just put on his corpse.
. Do you realize that you are actually saying that the black community in Chicago needs baby sat, and that they need to be treated more differently than other American's throughout the country who have guns, and own guns, and aren't running around destroying their communities, killing their brothers and sisters, and then blaming the rest of the country for the problem ?? Do you like defending the indefensible Joe ??

This nation is going to get away from Demon-crats trying to punish everyone for the actions of groups who can't deal with life in the ways that they had created it for themselves in places like Chicago or any other inner cities that have been trashed over time. Listen, poverty is not and never will be an excuse for violence, thuggerry, gangs, fatherless homes, extreme drop out rates etc. Excuses won't work. It's time to honor those black heroes who had sacrificed their lives trying to fix the problems, and to honor them not blaming the white man for the problems, but instead seeing that people who want to do bad things will find or use any excuse available to do it. It's just like a drunk who needs an excuse to go on the next stooper, where as they will sometimes start an argument on purpose to justify it.

Stay drunk for weeks at a time afterwards, and even had to get an ambulance to the residence in order to save the person until the next yearning for it happens again.
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Do you realize that you are actually saying that the black community in Chicago needs baby sat, and that they need to be treated more differently than other American's throughout the country who have guns, and own guns, and aren't running around destroying their communities, killing their brothers and sisters, and then blaming the rest of the country for the problem ?? Do you like defending the indefensible Joe ??

Hey, think the fact it is too easy to get guns is a problem overall. If you arent' a cop or a soldier, you shouldn't have a fucking gun.

Listen, poverty is not and never will be an excuse for violence, thuggerry, gangs, fatherless homes, extreme drop out rates etc.

Spoken like a man who has never gone to bed hungry.
Do you realize that you are actually saying that the black community in Chicago needs baby sat, and that they need to be treated more differently than other American's throughout the country who have guns, and own guns, and aren't running around destroying their communities, killing their brothers and sisters, and then blaming the rest of the country for the problem ?? Do you like defending the indefensible Joe ??

Hey, think the fact it is too easy to get guns is a problem overall. If you arent' a cop or a soldier, you shouldn't have a fucking gun.

Listen, poverty is not and never will be an excuse for violence, thuggerry, gangs, fatherless homes, extreme drop out rates etc.

Spoken like a man who has never gone to bed hungry.
. So you are saying that the blacks in Chicago etc. can't own or have guns because they are to wild to understand that you're not suppose to use them to do evil with them ?? So let's just punish the whole nation as so we don't make the thugs, gangs etc. in Chicago feel bad about their misunderstanding about what a gun was actually created for ????

The gun was created to help the lesser of the human being in physical terms, to be equal to a more physically fit criminal that could easily over power the light weight by way of the light weight having access to an equalizer in the form of a gun, two × four, kitchen knife etc.

Now these things can be used for bad as well by criminals, terrorist, gangs and the like, but the equalizer is that the good citizens have the means to stop the spread of these wanta be bad folks whether it be one or many who would then swell up in numbers that could reach well beyond the borders where the huge problems begin or exist and/or where the trends of using our freedoms to do violence as a group/gang is prevalent or even stopping an individual who decides to use violence as an individual will also be stopped in it's tracks.
Spoken like a man who has never gone to bed hungry.
. Just another excuse. Anyone going to sleep hungry in America in the last 30 years, were doing it on their own without help, because with all the programs this nation has had over the years in order to feed the poor makes it impossible for anyone to go to bed hungry. Try again.
Funny that he has no idea on what to call white thugs. Is he so racist that he doesn’t think white thugs exist? :dunno: Racist Democrats seem to think only blacks can be low lifes.

No, I don't thing anyone is a lowlife. I think that when your sort blurts out "thug", it's because you've discovered you can't say N****r anymore.

And you would be wrong, I grew up in a rural white community, where if you called a thug a thug they were white because that was all there were. Back then we never applied names to the color of ones skin. I never used the n word because it was degrading, but my black flatmate when I moved into an apartment used it all the time, and the skin color of who he used the word on didn’t matter. It seems you live in a part of the world that you look at everything as a negative.
The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.

So if we all decide that we are going to change the law to make the minimum wage $15.00 an hour, that's the cheapest people will pay.

See how easy that was?

And you think that would be the end of the story?

Well great. You and your ilk do that Joe. Because I make well over twice the minimum wage. And once you make that minimum wage $15.00 an hour, I will demand my employer pay me $40.00 an hour. See how that works?

It's not just me, but all labor would demand huge increases in salary as well. If you think somebody making $20.00 an hour now would continue to be satisfied with $20.00 an hour if minimum wage went to $15.00, then you have another thing coming.

You cannot raise wages for one segment of our workforce alone. It would crate a domino effect just like the unions did years ago. And within a few years of that increase, cost of living would increase just as much, so those minimum wage workers afterwords would find themselves in the exact same position they are in today, and that is not making a livable wage.

Last year the minimum wage jumped in our state, we as a company decided to increase the wages of all our worker by the same percentage. With that when workers left or retired we didn’t replace several of them we also increased or pricing. Companies aren’t going to eat the added expense. They increase work loads, cut back in other areas and increase the prices. Small businesses have no real choice.
. Quick question - Why is it that companies who are making huge profits always take the attitude that if they have to increase the labor budget by just a small percentage, then they rebel against the employee's because they may actually lose a tiny fraction of a percentage point ?? Do companies have any family ties to their employee's anymore or have they gone the same way as the break down that is found within the American family ?

Where we are the minimum wage went up from $9 to $11 so all the employees, none made minimum wage, still got a raise of 22% so the hit was hard. The company doesn’t make large profits, they are 5-7%.

As far as companies with large profits? Those are larger companies and I refuse to work for them.
When you say ALL managers are assholes and ALL business owners are douche bags it is YOU that does not have an argument.

sure I do. It's just not an argument you like... because you are probably a douchebag asshole, but we can tell that from your posts and your basic disregard for human decency.


Do you know where I first heard that term hoodrat ? Black folk... Are you surprised ?

I think the word would be "indifferent". "It Timmy jumped off a bridge would you jump off a bridge", as Sister Mary Butch would say when I tried to use that excuse in the fifth grade.

And I can tell from your posts that there is nothing in the world you will not whine about. I mean really if you act at a job like you do here it's no wonder you are treated like shit everywhere you work.

Too bad you can't make it in your own business but then again people who think everyone is an asshole don't generally do well in small business
When you say ALL managers are assholes and ALL business owners are douche bags it is YOU that does not have an argument.

sure I do. It's just not an argument you like... because you are probably a douchebag asshole, but we can tell that from your posts and your basic disregard for human decency.


Do you know where I first heard that term hoodrat ? Black folk... Are you surprised ?

I think the word would be "indifferent". "It Timmy jumped off a bridge would you jump off a bridge", as Sister Mary Butch would say when I tried to use that excuse in the fifth grade.

And I can tell from your posts that there is nothing in the world you will not whine about. I mean really if you act at a job like you do here it's no wonder you are treated like shit everywhere you work.

Too bad you can't make it in your own business but then again people who think everyone is an asshole don't generally do well in small business

My wife tells the grandkids, what you think about, you bring about. If you are a negative person that believes the rich are evil and bosses are trying to screw everyone over, then that is your reality because you set yourself up for that kind of world.

I believe in taking responsibility for myself and where I am today is because of me. If I want to change it, it starts with me. If everyone took responsibility for themselves, we would have an entirely different world and I believe more productive, peaceful and understanding. Just the way I live.
I believe in taking responsibility for myself and where I am today is because of me. If I want to change it, it starts with me. If everyone took responsibility for themselves, we would have an entirely different world and I believe more productive, peaceful and understanding. Just the way I live.

What the hell is wrong with you? That's not the 'Liberal American Way'!
Blame Others
Take NO Responsibility
You are ALWAYS the 'Victim'
People / Someone 'OWES' you

I believe in taking responsibility for myself and where I am today is because of me. If I want to change it, it starts with me. If everyone took responsibility for themselves, we would have an entirely different world and I believe more productive, peaceful and understanding. Just the way I live.

What the hell is wrong with you? That's not the 'Liberal American Way'!
Blame Others
Take NO Responsibility
You are ALWAYS the 'Victim'
People / Someone 'OWES' you


Lol, that doesn’t seem to work well in my world. I’d rather have control, it always keeps me thinking of ways to make my life better and help others who aren’t as blessed as I am. I know, crazy talk.
So you are saying that the blacks in Chicago etc. can't own or have guns because they are to wild to understand that you're not suppose to use them to do evil with them ?

No, I'm saying nobody should own a gun, period. There's no good reason for civilians to own guns. The point I made was we had common sense gun laws in Chicago, then the NRA got them thrown out and surprise, surprise, we had more murders because we have more guns.

Too bad you can't make it in your own business but then again people who think everyone is an asshole don't generally do well in small business

I'm doing quite well with my own business, thanks.
And you would be wrong, I grew up in a rural white community, where if you called a thug a thug they were white because that was all there were. Back then we never applied names to the color of ones skin. I never used the n word because it was degrading, but my black flatmate when I moved into an apartment used it all the time, and the skin color of who he used the word on didn’t matter. It seems you live in a part of the world that you look at everything as a negative.

You mean the part where Conservatives are really racist, as much as they pretend they aren't?

Yeah, it's called America, with 50 years of "young bucks', "welfare queens' and "Willie Horton' rhetoric meant to get stupid white people to be more afraid of blacks then rich white people who actually screw them.
Just another excuse. Anyone going to sleep hungry in America in the last 30 years, were doing it on their own without help, because with all the programs this nation has had over the years in order to feed the poor makes it impossible for anyone to go to bed hungry. Try again.

Ahhhh. the voice of Clueless White People.


Hunger in America

According to Feeding America, 1 in 7 Americans struggles with hunger. Food insecurity exists in every county in America. Despite a gradual economic recovery and stock market rebound, wages for many Americans have simply not risen fast enough to cover the increased cost of living. To these Americans, food has become an unaffordable luxury.

In 2015, 42.2 million people faced hunger in the U.S. (Source: USDA).

According to the Feeding America Hunger Study 2014:
  • 57% of client households served by Feeding America food banks said 66% had to choose between medical care and food, and 69% had to choose between utilities and food.
  • In 2015, 43.1 million people (13.5 percent) were in poverty.

Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Nice OPINION...but therein lies the problem with Liberals. They think their OPINION should be forced upon everyone else as law...despite what the Constitution states.

The constitution talks about "Well-Regulated Militias", not individual gun ownership. In fact, the word "Gun" is nowhere in the 2nd Amendment, nor is the word rifle, firearm, or Assault Weapon, which is what you clowns think people should have.
Getting back to the topic at hand...

So I pull into a Fast food place the other night, place my order and asked for 3 packets of condiments, and drive up to the window. When I get there, the young woman I had JUST spoken to asks me if I want any condiments with my meal. I said, 'yes' and repeated my request for 3. She steps back inside the window to work on my order. Less than 2 minutes later she comes back and AGAIN asks me if I want any condiments with my order. AGAIN, I said 'yes' and repeated my request. once more she leaves the window - 30 seconds later she returns with my food, holds it out the window, I take it, she says 'Have a nice night', and shuts the window.

The good news is, for once - the 1st time in months - they actually got my food order right. Yeah - you guessed it - no condiments. I was forced to tap on the window and ask for them AGAIN.

$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.
The good news is, for once - the 1st time in months - they actually got my food order right. Yeah - you guessed it - no condiments. I was forced to tap on the window and ask for them AGAIN.

Has it occurred to you they fuck up your order hoping you won't come back?

$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.

well, that's fucked up to, but it kind of proves the point. If they can exploit the people with no skills, they'll exploit the people with skills, too, given the chance.
And you would be wrong, I grew up in a rural white community, where if you called a thug a thug they were white because that was all there were. Back then we never applied names to the color of ones skin. I never used the n word because it was degrading, but my black flatmate when I moved into an apartment used it all the time, and the skin color of who he used the word on didn’t matter. It seems you live in a part of the world that you look at everything as a negative.

You mean the part where Conservatives are really racist, as much as they pretend they aren't?

Yeah, it's called America, with 50 years of "young bucks', "welfare queens' and "Willie Horton' rhetoric meant to get stupid white people to be more afraid of blacks then rich white people who actually screw them.

So when you were a conservative you were a racist. Got it.
and to think there was once a time when so many of us were begging for those $2.30 hr jobs flipping burgers! and now they want 15 ???

Plus you had to put some effort into getting one of those jobs. Unlike today, nobody was begging you to take it.

Back in the mid 70's, our suburb opened up it's first fast food place. It was a Burger King. Over 1,000 of us (mostly kids) stood in a line for hours under the hot sun to try and get a job there. There were only 12 openings or so, and they all paid minimum wage.
But, the minimum wage bought more in the 70's, as far as those things you need to survive like rent, utilities, etc, then the minimum wage buys now.
Sure now even poor people can have big screen tv's. Can't eat a big screen tv. Owning one, or not owning one, isn't a big factor with whether you are able to pay your rent.

My mother goes to the church and gets free bread, free cakes, free stuff to make you fat. But it's real hard to find free vegetables. The stuff you need to live isn't getting cheaper, only the stuff you don't need to live is.

I had a cell phone a clam shell. I refused to upgrade to smart phone. I didn't need a phone to do a bunch of tricks. I needed a phone to call people. But THEY (the ones who make cell phones) for fucking ever refused to sell a cellphone that I could use to call people cheaper. Instead they put stuff I didn't need on a cell phone and drove the price up.

They make it so rich people can live cheaper than poor people. Poor people can't buy in bulk.

Why does a cheap watch cost 7 bucks along with a cheap meal? A watch last longer than a meal therefore it should be more expensive. Why is it the things we need to live never get cheaper only the things we don't need to live?
The late 70's were the worst of times (for these modern times) min wage was around 2 to 3 dollars, it was so bad that even hookers had no choice but to charge $1.50 hr,,,PLUS TIP !!!!
$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.

Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable.

Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid.
Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now.

I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

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