To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.
Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable. Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid. Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now. I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

Awww, DAMN! The fact that YOU don't believe me just RUINED THE $H!T out of my weekend!

:p Bwuhahahaha......


The young man lives in a small town, works for Office Max, which is going under, and he will lose his job at the beginning of the year. He is actually making $14 an hour right now after Office Max just cut his and everyone else's salary as they start winding down. Like almost every college graduate understands, not everyone right out of college gets a huge-paying job right out of college.

Just last week, however, he was approached by a small business owner whose business is taking off, and he was offered a job. WHEN HE STARTS that job (after 2 weeks notice), he will be making 3 times what he was making at Office Max - a generous offer in the small town where he will be working, but the company is really taking off.

But again, it just bums the ever-lovin' sh!t out of me, just about ruins my Christmas, that YOU think I am lying.

$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.

Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable.

Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid.
Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now.

I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Yeah, believe it or not, you don't make the same salary in 'Podunk Rural America', USA as you do in LA, San Fran, NY, Chicago, Atlanta, etc...
So when you were a conservative you were a racist. Got it.

Probably on some level... I fell for that shit the same as the rest of you rubes.

Then one morning, I figured out that the gay hispanic chick was really in the same boat i was in, the one the One Percenters were trying to sink.

I don't mind gays, straights, Hispanic, Blacks or anyone else, they are all people and at the end of the day we all have the same needs.
Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Yeah, believe it or not, you don't make the same salary in 'Podunk Rural America', USA as you do in LA, San Fran, NY, Chicago, Atlanta, etc...

Amazing isn't it? Yet, some people aren't that smart to figure it all out. Oh well!
So you are saying that the blacks in Chicago etc. can't own or have guns because they are to wild to understand that you're not suppose to use them to do evil with them ?

No, I'm saying nobody should own a gun, period. There's no good reason for civilians to own guns. The point I made was we had common sense gun laws in Chicago, then the NRA got them thrown out and surprise, surprise, we had more murders because we have more guns.

Too bad you can't make it in your own business but then again people who think everyone is an asshole don't generally do well in small business

I'm doing quite well with my own business, thanks.
So well that you still have to keep a full time job.
So when you were a conservative you were a racist. Got it.

Probably on some level... I fell for that shit the same as the rest of you rubes.

Then one morning, I figured out that the gay hispanic chick was really in the same boat i was in, the one the One Percenters were trying to sink.

Hmmmm. Very strange. I thought it was because of your Republican boss that made you switch.
Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable.

Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid.

Not at all. You don't get paid by how much you learned or how well you did in school, you get paid according to demand.

I found that out many years ago when I went to electronics school. Electronics is very hard because it's all math. Mind you this was back in the early 80's, but after going to school for two years, the jobs only paid 18K a year if you could find one; only 16k after one year of schooling.

The problem is everybody and their mother wanted to get into electronics at the time. Way too much supply and way too little demand, so the jobs didn't pay crap.

A beautician is one of the top worst paying professions. That's not all that easy either, especially since you have to deal with the government. But many girls want to style hair for a living so it doesn't pay very much.
$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.

Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable.

Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid.
Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now.

I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
I'd say they are more worthy of $15 an hour than the Paris Hilton's of the world are worthy of their millions.
No, I'm saying nobody should own a gun, period. There's no good reason for civilians to own guns. The point I made was we had common sense gun laws in Chicago, then the NRA got them thrown out and surprise, surprise, we had more murders because we have more guns.

And what laws might those be? Illinois still ranks 8th strictest state when it comes to gun restrictions.
$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.

Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable.

Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid.
Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now.

I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Hey, think the fact it is too easy to get guns is a problem overall. If you arent' a cop or a soldier, you shouldn't have a fucking gun.

if you aren't a patient under doctors care, you shouldn't have opioid products either. Funny how laws have very little effect on bad people.
The final problem is that our wonderfully corrupt and incompetent police department is getting timid because with body cams, they can't go around claiming he was totally going for that drop piece I just put on his corpse.

No. This is called the Ferguson effect and it's going on all over the country where minorities live. Our police don't have cameras and they are doing the same thing all the other cops are doing, and that is not being proactive on crime. If somebody calls for help, sure they will come out. But if they see a drug deal going on while they are sitting at a stop light, they just pretend not to see it.
$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.

Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable.

Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid.
Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now.

I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
And then the guy who doesn't consider you worth insuring will just say, "Have fun at McDonalds, twit!"

Still no dealing with your obsessive compulsive disorder I see. I guess you never will. You (like so many others with mental disabilities) refuse to believe you have one. In your mind, there is nothing wrong with you. It's everybody else around you that's Fd up.

No, my employer couldn't tell me that because no matter who he tried to hire would want the same. Nobody who has a field of work would be willing to work for just a couple of bucks hour over minimum wage. Everybody would want much more.

Okay, let's look at that. When we established a REAL living wage back in the 1950's, yup, everything else went up. And you know what, we enjoyed fantastic prosperity in the years following WWII. Well, white people did anyway. It still kind of sucked to be black in those days.

The big union days were a bubble Joe. It was no different than the tech bubble or the housing bubble. All bubbles eventually burst.

The good old days of being very well paid to do monkey jobs are long gone. They've been slowly disappearing for over 30 years. Want to see them disappear even faster? Raise minimum wage to $15.00 an hour.
The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.

So if we all decide that we are going to change the law to make the minimum wage $15.00 an hour, that's the cheapest people will pay.

See how easy that was?

And you think that would be the end of the story?

Well great. You and your ilk do that Joe. Because I make well over twice the minimum wage. And once you make that minimum wage $15.00 an hour, I will demand my employer pay me $40.00 an hour. See how that works?

It's not just me, but all labor would demand huge increases in salary as well. If you think somebody making $20.00 an hour now would continue to be satisfied with $20.00 an hour if minimum wage went to $15.00, then you have another thing coming.

You cannot raise wages for one segment of our workforce alone. It would crate a domino effect just like the unions did years ago. And within a few years of that increase, cost of living would increase just as much, so those minimum wage workers afterwords would find themselves in the exact same position they are in today, and that is not making a livable wage.

Last year the minimum wage jumped in our state, we as a company decided to increase the wages of all our worker by the same percentage. With that when workers left or retired we didn’t replace several of them we also increased or pricing. Companies aren’t going to eat the added expense. They increase work loads, cut back in other areas and increase the prices. Small businesses have no real choice.

It's very difficult to explain that to a leftist. They live in their own little world. In their minds, if we raised minimum wage, Mr.Moneybags would just have to dig deeper and do with one less yacht.

As for the rest of us, we know it doesn't work that way. You stated you were in transportation. Remember what your company had to do to recoup all that lost money on pollution shit they put in trucks today; all that DEF fluid and constant repairs of trucks?

My experience is that trucks break down ten times more often than 20 years ago. Most of the time, it's because some pollution gadget went haywire. Companies have to get that lost money back from somewhere.
Why does a cheap watch cost 7 bucks along with a cheap meal? A watch last longer than a meal therefore it should be more expensive. Why is it the things we need to live never get cheaper only the things we don't need to live?

Because those things are made in China.
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