To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Depends on where you live. Cost of living and wages vary from area to area. You pay a lot more for workers in LA, San Fran, NY and Chicago than in Boise, Pudducah or Galena.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and add cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging were added, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...

Cheap daycare? Then daycare's close up because they can't make it and can afford to pay people wages. Cheap training, you mean government paying? That is how it would work and then what force people into the fields they want to train people in? We need truck drivers all over the country, it is good paying wage yet we have a shortage but in 5-10 years trucks will drive themselves and then there will be a glut of truck drivers.
No I'm talking about tax breaks and subsidies. Our non rich and infrastructure need all kinds of help after 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP bulshit.

I'm all for cutting all corporate welfare but that means ALL including including Democratic sacred idols such as PBS and Amtrak that are antiquated beasts.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging were added, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...

Cheap daycare? Then daycare's close up because they can't make it and can afford to pay people wages. Cheap training, you mean government paying? That is how it would work and then what force people into the fields they want to train people in? We need truck drivers all over the country, it is good paying wage yet we have a shortage but in 5-10 years trucks will drive themselves and then there will be a glut of truck drivers.

I would have to disagree there. They may be able to make trucks go straight, but that's about it. One member posted story on it. The truck cost something like 6 million dollars. It still had it's problems and somebody still has to drive it to the highway. The infrastructure would cost billions and nobody has the money for that right now.

I believe it is just around the corner, it is happening in Europe and there are some examples here in the states and they are not straight lines. They are over our highways.
And then the guy who doesn't consider you worth insuring will just say, "Have fun at McDonalds, twit!"

Still no dealing with your obsessive compulsive disorder I see. I guess you never will. You (like so many others with mental disabilities) refuse to believe you have one. In your mind, there is nothing wrong with you. It's everybody else around you that's Fd up.

No, my employer couldn't tell me that because no matter who he tried to hire would want the same. Nobody who has a field of work would be willing to work for just a couple of bucks hour over minimum wage. Everybody would want much more.

Okay, let's look at that. When we established a REAL living wage back in the 1950's, yup, everything else went up. And you know what, we enjoyed fantastic prosperity in the years following WWII. Well, white people did anyway. It still kind of sucked to be black in those days.

The big union days were a bubble Joe. It was no different than the tech bubble or the housing bubble. All bubbles eventually burst.

The good old days of being very well paid to do monkey jobs are long gone. They've been slowly disappearing for over 30 years. Want to see them disappear even faster? Raise minimum wage to $15.00 an hour.
. Last I noticed all the jobs are still there/here, but the companies decided to see if they could get away with paying way less to Americans or to see if they can get cheap labor to do those jobs for little of nothing. What's gonna happen when America runs out of humans who are simple minded or just plain dumb in the world ??

That's a good question I don't have an answer to. Glad I'll be off of this planet by then.

But higher pay for manual labor would only speed up the problem. If its's more affordable to keep humans doing the work, that's what the industry will allow. If they keep demanding and getting more money, then industry has to decide if the expense of replacing humans is worth it.

Right now we are at that balancing point and automation is only going to get cheaper with more advanced technology. It's humans vs machines.
Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging were added, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...

Cheap daycare? Then daycare's close up because they can't make it and can afford to pay people wages. Cheap training, you mean government paying? That is how it would work and then what force people into the fields they want to train people in? We need truck drivers all over the country, it is good paying wage yet we have a shortage but in 5-10 years trucks will drive themselves and then there will be a glut of truck drivers.

I would have to disagree there. They may be able to make trucks go straight, but that's about it. One member posted story on it. The truck cost something like 6 million dollars. It still had it's problems and somebody still has to drive it to the highway. The infrastructure would cost billions and nobody has the money for that right now.

I believe it is just around the corner, it is happening in Europe and there are some examples here in the states and they are not straight lines. They are over our highways.

I'm not too worried about it. Uber has been trying to use manless cars for their clients, and even those things have problems. The ones they tried to use kept going into default mode which means the vehicle stops and the human has to finish the ride to their destination.

Until we see about a decade of successful driverless cars, only then might we see anything close to a driverless truck. Between the expense and the infrastructure, it's a very costly experiment.

When I first bought a computer, I also bought one of those "Dummies" books to learn much quicker. The author pointed out something I always remembered. He said that when they make new software, they test it tens of thousands of times before they can get it to work and it becomes marketable. But when you pass that improved software to millions, more problems come up That's why you never by Program X 3.0. Wait several months for Program X 3.1 or 3.2, because those are the updated versions with all the bugs worked out.

I see this happen all the time. X-Box comes out with a new game system or Apple comes out with a new I-phone, and of course, after millions of people get their hands on it, there are all kinds of problems.

So even if driverless cars and trucks ever become reality, wait until millions of people try them before concluding they are a success.
I'm 66 and happily retired, thank you very much, dipstick LOL.. but I do remember the good old days when the mega Rich were taxed their fair share and the money was invested in infrastructure and our people... Maybe you should stop blaming people and start blaming government policies which have led to this mess, hater dupe.

Sorry you are living in the past, but the past is never coming back.

Back in those days, US wages were closer to those overseas. Moving your company to anther country was very costly. Transportation was much more dangerous than today since we have all this technology telling us if travel is safe. So dragging all your executives to Brazil to have monthly meetings were very costly and dangerous.

Fast forward to today, and executives can manage much of their work via internet. They can keep an eye on their company just using a cell phone while sitting on the toilet. Company meetings are also done on the internet, and wealthy people don't need to sit by a machine waiting for it to spit out tape of how their investments are doing. We do all that over a cell phone now with up to the second results.

When our wages went up one dollar, overseas wages went up three cents. When our wages increased another dollar, overseas wages increased five cents, so we've managed to price ourselves out of the world market when it comes to labor.

So now it's cheaper to have products made elsewhere and still make a profit when you consider costly transportation. Raise taxes on the wealthy, and you'll see much more of that.
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.

Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

We all look for the lowest price. It's part of being an American these days. And unless you tell me that you always hire the highest priced person to do work for you, then you are no less guilty than that CEO or company that pays lower or minimum wage.

People don't open up companies as a social obligation, people open up businesses to provide services or products at a profit. The company that can provide those goods or services for the lowest price is the most successful company.
Funny how the richest don't worry about the lowest cost, just the non Rich who have been suffering more and more under Reagan tax rates and policy and it's about to get worse.

I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.

Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

We all look for the lowest price. It's part of being an American these days. And unless you tell me that you always hire the highest priced person to do work for you, then you are no less guilty than that CEO or company that pays lower or minimum wage.

People don't open up companies as a social obligation, people open up businesses to provide services or products at a profit. The company that can provide those goods or services for the lowest price is the most successful company.
. I buy the best products, and I buy the best services for quality and longevity of both. If I pay more, then you say I'm like that corporation that pays less ???? That makes no sense to me.

Unlike products, you don't always get the best by paying more. So if you can pay less to get the same quality of work that you'd otherwise pay more for, why not hire the cheapest?

I do the same. Before I make a decision, I find out what products the company or person I consider are using. I find out how long they've been in business. But if I can get the same quality of work from somebody who gives me a lower price, I'm picking that person for the job.
The ceo shouldn't be able to take home 50 million per year either. Funny how there's never any discussion of this.

Then are you for athletes, actors and singers to take less pay? Are you wanting to cap what people are allowed to earn?
No you raise the upper tax rates back to what they were before Reagan and that controls these ridiculous pay levels...

The top 10% of wage earners pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. If that's not a fair share, what should the top 10% be paying?
I don't mind gays, straights, Hispanic, Blacks or anyone else, they are all people and at the end of the day we all have the same needs.

Okay, if you want to tell yourself that... but you keep throwing in with the people who screw them.

Hmmmm. Very strange. I thought it was because of your Republican boss that made you switch.

Um, yeah... that was the boat he was trying to sink... The only real line is the one between the One Percenters and the rest of us. I'm sorry you are too dumb to see that even after they cancelled your health insurance.

So well that you still have to keep a full time job.

Not at this point, I don't.
And what laws might those be? Illinois still ranks 8th strictest state when it comes to gun restrictions.

That's like saying, "I'm the leper with the most fingers!" NO state has good gun laws, and it really doesn't matter if they do if you can drive over to IN or WI and get all the guns your heart desires.

No, my employer couldn't tell me that because no matter who he tried to hire would want the same. Nobody who has a field of work would be willing to work for just a couple of bucks hour over minimum wage. Everybody would want much more.

I garuntee you buddy, the guy who cancelled your Health Insurance knows that your only job skill is being able to drive in a straight line. He can get someone to do that for $15.00 an hour, easily.

Probably less stressful than flipping burgers.

The big union days were a bubble Joe. It was no different than the tech bubble or the housing bubble. All bubbles eventually burst.

The good old days of being very well paid to do monkey jobs are long gone. They've been slowly disappearing for over 30 years. Want to see them disappear even faster? Raise minimum wage to $15.00 an hour.

Again, we hear this shit from you guys for years... and it never happens.

Yes, Automation is going to get rid of some jobs, and create others. And those new jobs should pay a living wage.
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.

Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

We all look for the lowest price. It's part of being an American these days. And unless you tell me that you always hire the highest priced person to do work for you, then you are no less guilty than that CEO or company that pays lower or minimum wage.

People don't open up companies as a social obligation, people open up businesses to provide services or products at a profit. The company that can provide those goods or services for the lowest price is the most successful company.

Walmart isn't the largest retailer in the world because they are expensive, that is the reality. People don't want to pay more for goods and services. So point is well taken, I myself will look at reviews and decide because I have found quality is better in the long run over pricing but like I said, Walmart is number one for a reason.
. Walmart is number one because of the huge amount of government dependency in this country (all by design), and the government giving out millions to the poor in this country at the working class expense. Where do those government checks end up being spent ? You guessed it Walmart, and then Dollar General who is actually stealing Walmarts fire because of the local convience that Dollar General has set itself up to give.
No. This is called the Ferguson effect and it's going on all over the country where minorities live. Our police don't have cameras and they are doing the same thing all the other cops are doing, and that is not being proactive on crime. If somebody calls for help, sure they will come out. But if they see a drug deal going on while they are sitting at a stop light, they just pretend not to see it.

Okay, so what? Drug deals- no big deal. same thing with traffic stops and "Driving while black" stops. If the cops are doing less of those, no big deal.

There is no "Ferguson Effect". That myth has been debunked.

Here's what the real Ferguson effect is. People in the inner city are less likely to call police, because they just make things worse by shooting people over petty crimes or domestic arguments. It's what happens when you don't respect people.

Has the 'Ferguson Effect’ Finally Been Debunked?

Three sociologists who studied over 800,000 911 calls in Milwaukee concluded that following a publicized death of a black man at the hands of police calls to the emergency dispatch dropped precipitously, especially in black neighborhoods. “High-profile cases of police violence against unarmed citizens can undermine the legitimacy of legal authority,” they wrote.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and add cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.
Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

Well, if that's how you buy stuff, you are doing it wrong.

as someone who used to buy a lot of stuff, yes, price is a factor. So is service and so is quality.

So let's take your Plumber example. You have the guy woh charges $70.00 an hour, but he has a lot of five star reviews on Yelp and your neighbor used him last year and raves about what a great job he did.

Or you got the guy who charges $35.00 an hour, but he's got a lot of complaints on Yelp and your neighbor who used him last year complained about how he was still cleaning up the mess he left.
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.

Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

We all look for the lowest price. It's part of being an American these days. And unless you tell me that you always hire the highest priced person to do work for you, then you are no less guilty than that CEO or company that pays lower or minimum wage.

People don't open up companies as a social obligation, people open up businesses to provide services or products at a profit. The company that can provide those goods or services for the lowest price is the most successful company.

Walmart isn't the largest retailer in the world because they are expensive, that is the reality. People don't want to pay more for goods and services. So point is well taken, I myself will look at reviews and decide because I have found quality is better in the long run over pricing but like I said, Walmart is number one for a reason.
. Walmart is number one because of the huge amount of government dependency in this country (all by design), and the government giving out millions to the poor in this country at the working class expense. Where do those government checks end up being spent ? You guessed it Walmart, and then Dollar General who is actually stealing Walmarts fire because of the local convience that Dollar General has set itself up to give.
Sure doesn't have anything to do with the Pander to the rich GOP tax rates of the last 35 years with the ensuing ruin of the middle class and our infrastructure and of course the George Bush corrupt depression which killed the non-rich, does it, super dupe?
Then are you for athletes, actors and singers to take less pay? Are you wanting to cap what people are allowed to earn?

Why not?

Now, I'm never sure why you guys keep going for the "Actor" example. If I go to see a Tom Cruise movie, it's because I want to see Tom Cruise. That and Space Lord Zenu demands it....

So, yeah, probably $10MM a movie is justified because people wouldn't have seen that movie otherwise.


Although why anyone went to see this is a mystery.

But nobody ever buys a product because So and So is the CEO and I think he's an awesome CEO and I just love his CEO-ness.
The ceo shouldn't be able to take home 50 million per year either. Funny how there's never any discussion of this.

Then are you for athletes, actors and singers to take less pay? Are you wanting to cap what people are allowed to earn?
No you raise the upper tax rates back to what they were before Reagan and that controls these ridiculous pay levels...

The top 10% of wage earners pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. If that's not a fair share, what should the top 10% be paying?
Yes I know as a dupe all you can think about is federal income tax the only Progressive text we have. However if you count all taxes everyone pays between 18 and 29% in all taxes with the rich is getting all the new wealth and no money to invest in infrastructure and the people, for the billionth time. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary
I don't mind gays, straights, Hispanic, Blacks or anyone else, they are all people and at the end of the day we all have the same needs.

Okay, if you want to tell yourself that... but you keep throwing in with the people who screw them.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.
I agree, there's no excuse for why the richest country in the world can't provide a living wage for every adult capable of working.

None whatsoever

The country is not responsible for providing wages--employers are.

I'm capable of paying my electricians more money, my plumbers more money, my grocery store more money, but why should I? Companies (like consumers) pay the lowest price they can for services and products. If somebody is willing to work cheaper for me, I hire that person. If somebody is able to sell me the same quality of product at a cheaper price than another, then that's who I buy my product from. I don't care what their floor sweepers make, what their maintenance people make, what their shelf stockers make.
. If someone is willing to work cheaper for you, then you hire that person eh ??

Is cheaper your gauge on hiring a person Ray ? Is that the most important thing to you when hiring someone Ray ?? I wonder how the employee interview went with someone like Ray in his thinking ?? Hmm let me see now, on the one hand we have Ray saying "well this is the job, so will you do it for $5.00 dollars lump sum as the kid looks out over 8 acres of heavy grown up yard with his run down push mower "?? The poor kid trusting the adult like his parents taught him to do in life, says "YES SIR, I can do it", as a thinker like Ray then turns with an evil grin on his face thinking to himself "what a dupe this poor kid must be" right ??

At what point are the adults, bosses, and CEO'S gonna realize that American's just want to be respected in life again, and to be treated fairly again, and to be compensated correctly by those they had put their trust in, and had given their respect towards in life, and all because their parents taught them to do that when coming up ?? Can you imagine the let down the youth have experienced these day's, when they were taught to say YES SIR and YES MAM to deplorables in life ?? Not to say you are a deplorable in life Ray, but some thinking that you might have could qualify maybe.

Then you say you buy the cheapest products ?? Well I will say that I don't do that if the product is no good just because it's cheaper.

Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

We all look for the lowest price. It's part of being an American these days. And unless you tell me that you always hire the highest priced person to do work for you, then you are no less guilty than that CEO or company that pays lower or minimum wage.

People don't open up companies as a social obligation, people open up businesses to provide services or products at a profit. The company that can provide those goods or services for the lowest price is the most successful company.

Walmart isn't the largest retailer in the world because they are expensive, that is the reality. People don't want to pay more for goods and services. So point is well taken, I myself will look at reviews and decide because I have found quality is better in the long run over pricing but like I said, Walmart is number one for a reason.
. Walmart is number one because of the huge amount of government dependency in this country (all by design), and the government giving out millions to the poor in this country at the working class expense. Where do those government checks end up being spent ? You guessed it Walmart, and then Dollar General who is actually stealing Walmarts fire because of the local convience that Dollar General has set itself up to give.

I would agree with that. I dislike the big box stores, I find them impersonal and cold.
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