To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
There are plenty of democrat rich people as well as plenty of democrat poor people and middle class arrrggghhh... Dupe.

Then why keep promoting the lie that the rich give exclusively to the Republicans? Most corporations and individual wealthy people give to both parties; some more heavily favored than others, but both parties nonetheless.

They want to keep all their bases covered no matter who wins. So stop with this crap that the Republicans are for the rich people because they only contribute to the Republican party.
You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.

No they don’t. That is such a farce. Every rich Democrat can give as much as they like in taxes and yet take every possible deduction and find every loophole not to. Even Buffett admitted he did when he used all his deductions to pay less of a percentage in taxes than his secretary. If he truly wanted to give more he could. He also as they all do want income taxes raised, not passive income mind you but earned income. The rich have more passive than earned income so it wouldn’t hurt them. Obamacare went after the hard working middle class and working class. Obama went so far as to exempt businesses the first year of Obamacare while sticking the mandatory requirements on the middle and working class. So spare me the BS, you are and have been duped by the two party’s. In the early 90’s your nutjob shad control of the House and Senate and used it to do nothing in helping the poor as you claim are your best buddies. You are a real dupe because you buy all in on the BS and aren’t interested in the real truth.

Four hedge fund managers gave Clinton millions to run for President. Corporate America backed her 2-1 over Trump.

Open your eyes dupe.
Democrats including the rich ones want to raise taxes on the rich... Of course they want Republicans to have to pay more to o. No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. Silly argument.

Bill Clinton what's a very moderate Democrat triangulation and all that... But they did try to have a health care System and did raise taxes on the rich a little... If you like Bernie and Dennis keep voting Democrat until they can get a real one in there... Voting Republican is idiotic unless you earn over$250,000 a year... And don't give a s*** about anyone...

The last time the Republicans addressed taxes, they increased them on individuals making over 400K a year, they increased the corporate tax and capital gains taxes.
You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.

No they don’t. That is such a farce. Every rich Democrat can give as much as they like in taxes and yet take every possible deduction and find every loophole not to. Even Buffett admitted he did when he used all his deductions to pay less of a percentage in taxes than his secretary. If he truly wanted to give more he could. He also as they all do want income taxes raised, not passive income mind you but earned income. The rich have more passive than earned income so it wouldn’t hurt them. Obamacare went after the hard working middle class and working class. Obama went so far as to exempt businesses the first year of Obamacare while sticking the mandatory requirements on the middle and working class. So spare me the BS, you are and have been duped by the two party’s. In the early 90’s your nutjob shad control of the House and Senate and used it to do nothing in helping the poor as you claim are your best buddies. You are a real dupe because you buy all in on the BS and aren’t interested in the real truth.

Four hedge fund managers gave Clinton millions to run for President. Corporate America backed her 2-1 over Trump.

Open your eyes dupe.
Democrats including the rich ones want to raise taxes on the rich... Of course they want Republicans to have to pay more to o. No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. Silly argument.

Bill Clinton what's a very moderate Democrat triangulation and all that... But they did try to have a health care System and did raise taxes on the rich a little... If you like Bernie and Dennis keep voting Democrat until they can get a real one in there... Voting Republican is idiotic unless you earn over$250,000 a year... And don't give a s*** about anyone...

Yep, thanks for proving to have been duped. Healthcare was abandoned because Democrats didn’t support the BS. Sorry I look at individuals not the party. If I looked at the party no one would get a vote they are both corrupt.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.

We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.
You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
There are plenty of democrat rich people as well as plenty of democrat poor people and middle class arrrggghhh... Dupe.

Then why keep promoting the lie that the rich give exclusively to the Republicans? Most corporations and individual wealthy people give to both parties; some more heavily favored than others, but both parties nonetheless.

They want to keep all their bases covered no matter who wins. So stop with this crap that the Republicans are for the rich people because they only contribute to the Republican party.

Bingo! I can’t believe that people can’t see this.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.

No they don’t. That is such a farce. Every rich Democrat can give as much as they like in taxes and yet take every possible deduction and find every loophole not to. Even Buffett admitted he did when he used all his deductions to pay less of a percentage in taxes than his secretary. If he truly wanted to give more he could. He also as they all do want income taxes raised, not passive income mind you but earned income. The rich have more passive than earned income so it wouldn’t hurt them. Obamacare went after the hard working middle class and working class. Obama went so far as to exempt businesses the first year of Obamacare while sticking the mandatory requirements on the middle and working class. So spare me the BS, you are and have been duped by the two party’s. In the early 90’s your nutjob shad control of the House and Senate and used it to do nothing in helping the poor as you claim are your best buddies. You are a real dupe because you buy all in on the BS and aren’t interested in the real truth.

Four hedge fund managers gave Clinton millions to run for President. Corporate America backed her 2-1 over Trump.

Open your eyes dupe.
Democrats including the rich ones want to raise taxes on the rich... Of course they want Republicans to have to pay more to o. No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. Silly argument.

Bill Clinton what's a very moderate Democrat triangulation and all that... But they did try to have a health care System and did raise taxes on the rich a little... If you like Bernie and Dennis keep voting Democrat until they can get a real one in there... Voting Republican is idiotic unless you earn over$250,000 a year... And don't give a s*** about anyone...

The last time the Republicans addressed taxes, they increased them on individuals making over 400K a year, they increased the corporate tax and capital gains taxes.

Dupes don’t like facts, just propaganda.
You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
There are plenty of democrat rich people as well as plenty of democrat poor people and middle class arrrggghhh... Dupe.

Then why keep promoting the lie that the rich give exclusively to the Republicans? Most corporations and individual wealthy people give to both parties; some more heavily favored than others, but both parties nonetheless.

They want to keep all their bases covered no matter who wins. So stop with this crap that the Republicans are for the rich people because they only contribute to the Republican party.
Greedy rich people give to the Republicans smart rich people give to the Democrats
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid.

Yes there is. If that's all they can get, there is something wrong with that person.

If you aren't happy with what you make at a job, find a better job. But don't demand twice what you're worth because you're incapable of doing something more than throwing a prepared patty on a griddle or a basket into a deep fryer.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.

We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.

It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.

No they don’t. That is such a farce. Every rich Democrat can give as much as they like in taxes and yet take every possible deduction and find every loophole not to. Even Buffett admitted he did when he used all his deductions to pay less of a percentage in taxes than his secretary. If he truly wanted to give more he could. He also as they all do want income taxes raised, not passive income mind you but earned income. The rich have more passive than earned income so it wouldn’t hurt them. Obamacare went after the hard working middle class and working class. Obama went so far as to exempt businesses the first year of Obamacare while sticking the mandatory requirements on the middle and working class. So spare me the BS, you are and have been duped by the two party’s. In the early 90’s your nutjob shad control of the House and Senate and used it to do nothing in helping the poor as you claim are your best buddies. You are a real dupe because you buy all in on the BS and aren’t interested in the real truth.

Four hedge fund managers gave Clinton millions to run for President. Corporate America backed her 2-1 over Trump.

Open your eyes dupe.
Democrats including the rich ones want to raise taxes on the rich... Of course they want Republicans to have to pay more to o. No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. Silly argument.

Bill Clinton what's a very moderate Democrat triangulation and all that... But they did try to have a health care System and did raise taxes on the rich a little... If you like Bernie and Dennis keep voting Democrat until they can get a real one in there... Voting Republican is idiotic unless you earn over$250,000 a year... And don't give a s*** about anyone...

The last time the Republicans addressed taxes, they increased them on individuals making over 400K a year, they increased the corporate tax and capital gains taxes.

Dupes don’t like facts, just propaganda.
I would love to know when the hell that imaginary incident happened... Republicans have never done anything but cut taxes on the rich and corporations.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
There are plenty of democrat rich people as well as plenty of democrat poor people and middle class arrrggghhh... Dupe.

Then why keep promoting the lie that the rich give exclusively to the Republicans? Most corporations and individual wealthy people give to both parties; some more heavily favored than others, but both parties nonetheless.

They want to keep all their bases covered no matter who wins. So stop with this crap that the Republicans are for the rich people because they only contribute to the Republican party.
Greedy rich people give to the Republicans smart rich people give to the Democrats

You mean smart rich people like unions, trial lawyers, environmentalists? They don't expect anything in return???

Let me ask: how many 500K speeches did Hillary or Bill give since her second loss as a presidential candidate? Now that there's no promise of a return, I bet they couldn't charge 25K for a speech.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.

We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.

It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Blacks are discriminated against so they turn to crime.
Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
There are plenty of democrat rich people as well as plenty of democrat poor people and middle class arrrggghhh... Dupe.

Then why keep promoting the lie that the rich give exclusively to the Republicans? Most corporations and individual wealthy people give to both parties; some more heavily favored than others, but both parties nonetheless.

They want to keep all their bases covered no matter who wins. So stop with this crap that the Republicans are for the rich people because they only contribute to the Republican party.
Greedy rich people give to the Republicans smart rich people give to the Democrats

You mean smart rich people like unions, trial lawyers, environmentalists? They don't expect anything in return???

Let me ask: how many 500K speeches did Hillary or Bill give since her second loss as a presidential candidate? Now that there's no promise of a return, I bet they couldn't charge 25K for a speech.
No, and true. But she did make 43 million dollars on that book...
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid.

Yes there is. If that's all they can get, there is something wrong with that person.

If you aren't happy with what you make at a job, find a better job. But don't demand twice what you're worth because you're incapable of doing something more than throwing a prepared patty on a griddle or a basket into a deep fryer.
. Good grief.. Who is demanding more than they are worth ?? All people want is a wage that keeps them from begging for a handout after they leave a 40 hour job. All I want is for the multi-gazillion dollar company they work for, to then consider paying better, because I'm tired of the government taxing me to death just so it can get the revenue needed to subsidize their business friends employee labor cost, while the employer's then make huge profits not having to do right by their employees.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.

We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.

It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Blacks are discriminated against so they turn to crime.
. Didn't know that poverty discriminates. People of all races are affected by poverty, but do they all become criminal violent gangsters because of it ?? Nope !!! Millions upon millions have worked and figured their way out of poverty, and they never considered violence or theft as one of their options.
I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.

We had some thugs come through our neighborhood and they busted car windows, busted mailboxes and stole the outdoor lightbulbs off every house down the block. They were white, however still thugs. Color of ones skin doesn’t make you a thug. Anyone can be a thug, that some racist thinks that only blacks can be thugs is unbelievably ignorant.

It's really not about crime--it's the type of crime.

When my suburb was white, we did have crime. We had kids turning on outside water faucets, lawn turfing, toilet papering trees, but nobody feared for their lives because some kid was driving around with Black Sabbath playing on their car radio.

When blacks moved in, that crime turned into armed robberies of stores, being mugged on the streets, shootings and murders, and school teachers being attacked at least once a month.

Crime is just a common part of society, but once again, it's the type of crime that counts.
Blacks are discriminated against so they turn to crime.
. Didn't know that poverty discriminates. People of all races are affected by poverty, but do they all become criminal violent gangsters because of it ?? Nope !!! Millions upon millions have worked and figured their way out of poverty, and they never considered violence or theft as one of their options.
No Republicans and many Democrats discriminate against blacks duh... And now one sixth of blacks are felons so how well do they do getting jobs LOL?
I don't mind gays, straights, Hispanic, Blacks or anyone else, they are all people and at the end of the day we all have the same needs.

Okay, if you want to tell yourself that... but you keep throwing in with the people who screw them.

Hmmmm. Very strange. I thought it was because of your Republican boss that made you switch.

Um, yeah... that was the boat he was trying to sink... The only real line is the one between the One Percenters and the rest of us. I'm sorry you are too dumb to see that even after they cancelled your health insurance.

So well that you still have to keep a full time job.

Not at this point, I don't.

Then why are you?

You're the one who says working too much is bad for you. But then again I guess it wouldn't take much to replace your full time job making minimum wage
I’m the guy that wants to wait for all the facts.

sure you are... funny how you guys seem to think all the facts are "the cop was totally right in shooting that guy."

So you need to approve of the person in order for them to get 50 million. Lol!

Do you sit there all day and think, "How can I miss the clearly stated point?"

I mean, are you really this fucking dense?

If you don’t think a CEO should get 50 mill., boycott the company, don’t buy stock in them.

Or we can REGULATE CEO PAY. The thing is, when you have a guy like Ed Hanaway of Cigna getting a NINE FIGURE retirement payout, he got that by cheating people like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant after her father had worked for/paid for insurance for years.

Say what you want about Tom Cruise, he didn't cheat me with "The Mummy". We knew there was going to be a mummy in that movie, and we knew there was going to be Tom Cruise in that movie.
There is something wrong when a person is working 40 or more hours a week and is still eligible for heating fuel assistance and food stamps and Medicaid.

Yes there is. If that's all they can get, there is something wrong with that person.

If you aren't happy with what you make at a job, find a better job. But don't demand twice what you're worth because you're incapable of doing something more than throwing a prepared patty on a griddle or a basket into a deep fryer.
. Good grief.. Who is demanding more than they are worth ?? All people want is a wage that keeps them from begging for a handout after they leave a 40 hour job. All I want is for the multi-gazillion dollar company they work for, to then consider paying better, because I'm tired of the government taxing me to death just so it can get the revenue needed to subsidize their business friends employee labor cost, while the employer's then make huge profits not having to do right by their employees.
Where is it written that 0ne 40 hour a week job has to pay enough to pay all your bills?

You work whatever number of hours it takes you to be able to pay your bills.
Then why are you?

I've already explained to you I'm not currently doing anything but the Resume writing right now.

You're the one who says working too much is bad for you.

I do a lot of things that are bad for me. What's your point?

But then again I guess it wouldn't take much to replace your full time job making minimum wage

Well, no, you really can't. In fact, what I've heard is the last place I left is still in chaos because they can't find good people for those slots, and the few they do find quit. (Again, mostly because the managers are douchebags.)
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