To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and add cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
The ceo shouldn't be able to take home 50 million per year either. Funny how there's never any discussion of this.

Then are you for athletes, actors and singers to take less pay? Are you wanting to cap what people are allowed to earn?
No you raise the upper tax rates back to what they were before Reagan and that controls these ridiculous pay levels...

The top 10% of wage earners pay over 70% of all collected income taxes. If that's not a fair share, what should the top 10% be paying?
Yes I know as a dupe all you can think about is federal income tax the only Progressive text we have. However if you count all taxes everyone pays between 18 and 29% in all taxes with the rich is getting all the new wealth and no money to invest in infrastructure and the people, for the billionth time. Look up brainwashed in the dictionary

So in other words you can't answer the question. That's all you had to say you know.......
Let me ask you: If you need a new roof on your house, do you go with the highest priced roofer or the lowest? If you need a major repair on your car, do you go with the highest priced garage of the lowest? If you need a plumber, do you hire the guy that charges $70.00 an hour or the guy that charges $35.00 an hour?

Well, if that's how you buy stuff, you are doing it wrong.

as someone who used to buy a lot of stuff, yes, price is a factor. So is service and so is quality.

So let's take your Plumber example. You have the guy woh charges $70.00 an hour, but he has a lot of five star reviews on Yelp and your neighbor used him last year and raves about what a great job he did.

Or you got the guy who charges $35.00 an hour, but he's got a lot of complaints on Yelp and your neighbor who used him last year complained about how he was still cleaning up the mess he left.

In my experience those people don't last long.

A few years back my tenant was complaining that his washing machine wouldn't work. He said if he put the lid up and down a few times, he could get it to work. I knew it was the safety switch.

So I got the make and model number, called an appliance repair place, and he gave me an over-the-phone estimate of $180.00. I thought that was a little expensive, so I BS'd him and said I would weigh that option over getting a brand new washer. He tried to reassure me that it was worth the investment since it was an expensive machine.

I went to YouTube and punched in the problem and model number, low and behold, a guy made a video on it.

It didn't seem too hard on the video, but I must admit my work didn't go as fast, but I got the switch out in about 45 minutes.

I took the switch to a parts store and about seventy bucks. I figured it must be that expensive if the repair guy wanted to charge me $180.00. The switch was fifteen bucks. I took it home, put it in, put the washer back together, and it hasn't given me a problem since.

This clown wanted to charge me $160.00 to come out to replace the switch. I'm sure he could have done the job much quicker too, so he probably would have had it done in an hour. $160.00 for one hour of work.

Paying the highest price doesn't guarantee anything. There is no law about people like that guy ripping customers off. The only thing you can do is never use them again and perhaps post your experience on FaceBook so nobody else uses the place either.
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.

BS! There is a policy for calling people thugs? Lol! Supporting cops who...I have never said anything close to that BS. I’m the guy that wants to wait for all the facts. End affirmative action? Where in the hell did I say I supported that? Hmmm...voter suppression is another figment of your imagination. Dems need racial divide to keep power, that is as obvious as the nose on my face. Stereotyping is pretty funny and so inaccurate.
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No. This is called the Ferguson effect and it's going on all over the country where minorities live. Our police don't have cameras and they are doing the same thing all the other cops are doing, and that is not being proactive on crime. If somebody calls for help, sure they will come out. But if they see a drug deal going on while they are sitting at a stop light, they just pretend not to see it.

Okay, so what? Drug deals- no big deal. same thing with traffic stops and "Driving while black" stops. If the cops are doing less of those, no big deal.

There is no "Ferguson Effect". That myth has been debunked.

Here's what the real Ferguson effect is. People in the inner city are less likely to call police, because they just make things worse by shooting people over petty crimes or domestic arguments. It's what happens when you don't respect people.

Has the 'Ferguson Effect’ Finally Been Debunked?

Three sociologists who studied over 800,000 911 calls in Milwaukee concluded that following a publicized death of a black man at the hands of police calls to the emergency dispatch dropped precipitously, especially in black neighborhoods. “High-profile cases of police violence against unarmed citizens can undermine the legitimacy of legal authority,” they wrote.

What a load of garbage. They are trying to use ONE city to reflect the entire country. So out with the fake news and in with the real:

Violence began increasing in the second half of 2014, after two decades of decline. The Major Cities Chiefs Association convened an emergency session in August 2015 to discuss the double-digit surge in violent felonies besetting its member police departments.

Arrests, summonses and pedestrian stops were dropping in many cities, where data on such police activity were available. Arrests in St. Louis City and County, for example, fell by a third after the shooting of Michael Brown. Misdemeanor drug arrests fell by two-thirds in Baltimore through November 2015.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told Lynch that his officers were going “fetal”: “They have pulled back from the ability to interdict,” he said. “They don’t want to be a news story themselves, they don’t want their career ended early, and it’s having an impact.”

2015 closed with a 17 percent increase in homicides in the 56 largest cities, a nearly unprecedented one-year spike. Twelve cities with large black populations saw murders rise anywhere from 54 percent in the case of the District to 90 percent in Cleveland. Baltimore’s per capita murder rate was the highest in its history in 2015.

In the first quarter of 2016, homicides were up 9 percent and non-fatal shootings up 21 percent in 63 large cities, according to a Major Cities Chiefs Association survey.

Chicago is a prime example of the Ferguson effect. Stops were down nearly 90 percent in the first part of this year compared with last year. Shootings citywide through July 17 were up 50 percent compared with the same period in 2015; shootings were up 87 percent compared with the same period in 2014.

Opinion | The Ferguson effect

Now, if a big lib like your Mayor says it's real, then it's real. Police are not being proactive thanks to blacks protesting and rioting. Police losing their jobs simply for protecting the public.

On Facebook, we have a forum dedicated to our city. You have to be a resident to join, so several council people did just that. When I brought up the Ferguson Effect, none of them even tried to refute my claim. They are well aware many of our members listen to the police scanner on, and other members agreed with me that our police seldom do traffic stops anymore.

We are not worried about tail lights out or loud mufflers, but when our police used to stop people for petty things, they frequently ran into drivers with no drivers license, people with warrants out for their arrest, drug usage or criminal tools in the vehicle. In other words, they used to get the criminals before they could do any crime here.

The Ferguson Effect.
Then are you for athletes, actors and singers to take less pay? Are you wanting to cap what people are allowed to earn?

Why not?

Now, I'm never sure why you guys keep going for the "Actor" example. If I go to see a Tom Cruise movie, it's because I want to see Tom Cruise. That and Space Lord Zenu demands it....

So, yeah, probably $10MM a movie is justified because people wouldn't have seen that movie otherwise.


Although why anyone went to see this is a mystery.

But nobody ever buys a product because So and So is the CEO and I think he's an awesome CEO and I just love his CEO-ness.

So you need to approve of the person in order for them to get 50 million. Lol!

If you don’t think a CEO should get 50 mill., boycott the company, don’t buy stock in them. Better than crying about it and not doing anything. Several companies I don’t shop at or invest in because of political and environmental stands. Then it doesn’t bother me because I am not contributing my money to them.
Yay Galena... There sure are a hell of a lot of crap paying jobs that's all I can say...

Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging were added, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...

Cheap daycare? Then daycare's close up because they can't make it and can afford to pay people wages. Cheap training, you mean government paying? That is how it would work and then what force people into the fields they want to train people in? We need truck drivers all over the country, it is good paying wage yet we have a shortage but in 5-10 years trucks will drive themselves and then there will be a glut of truck drivers.
No I'm talking about tax breaks and subsidies. Our non rich and infrastructure need all kinds of help after 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP bulshit.

Lol! You make so much crap up. You make me smile.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and add cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...
Yep, you won't find New York City pay there.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging were added, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...

Cheap daycare? Then daycare's close up because they can't make it and can afford to pay people wages. Cheap training, you mean government paying? That is how it would work and then what force people into the fields they want to train people in? We need truck drivers all over the country, it is good paying wage yet we have a shortage but in 5-10 years trucks will drive themselves and then there will be a glut of truck drivers.
No I'm talking about tax breaks and subsidies. Our non rich and infrastructure need all kinds of help after 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP bulshit.

Lol! You make so much crap up. You make me smile.
So you're not brainwashed and don't believe Republican crap so the only alternative is that you are an idiot.
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and add cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Then are you for athletes, actors and singers to take less pay? Are you wanting to cap what people are allowed to earn?

Why not?

Now, I'm never sure why you guys keep going for the "Actor" example. If I go to see a Tom Cruise movie, it's because I want to see Tom Cruise. That and Space Lord Zenu demands it....

So, yeah, probably $10MM a movie is justified because people wouldn't have seen that movie otherwise.


Although why anyone went to see this is a mystery.

But nobody ever buys a product because So and So is the CEO and I think he's an awesome CEO and I just love his CEO-ness.

So you need to approve of the person in order for them to get 50 million. Lol!

If you don’t think a CEO should get 50 mill., boycott the company, don’t buy stock in them. Better than crying about it and not doing anything. Several companies I don’t shop at or invest in because of political and environmental stands. Then it doesn’t bother me because I am not contributing my money to them.

What Joe doesn't realize is that people deal with companies that pay good CEO salaries because they like their product or service. He thinks that's different than watching a movie because you like the actor or actress.

Like many today, I have investments in my retirement account. If I'm getting a good return, much of the credit does go to the CEO, and I don't care what he or she is paid as long as they make my money grow.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and add cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Sounds like a republican dupe... Everything the Republicans do is pandering to the rich, and the Democrats have Hillary getting a lot of money for speeches from Wall Street, and you idiots think that's equivalent arrrggghhh...
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
That will also necessitate higher taxes on your precious bloated mega-rich like the good old days...

Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.
Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.

Hillary set records for campaign contributions. Where did she get that money from, the homeless people? Democrats seem to think so.
There are plenty of democrat rich people as well as plenty of democrat poor people and middle class arrrggghhh... Dupe.
Or prices...
On the other hand if the minimum wage was raised and things like paid parental leave and cheap daycare and cheap training and College 4 jobs going begging were added, then prices could be raised on rents and the whole Backwater mess could be fixed...

Cheap daycare? Then daycare's close up because they can't make it and can afford to pay people wages. Cheap training, you mean government paying? That is how it would work and then what force people into the fields they want to train people in? We need truck drivers all over the country, it is good paying wage yet we have a shortage but in 5-10 years trucks will drive themselves and then there will be a glut of truck drivers.
No I'm talking about tax breaks and subsidies. Our non rich and infrastructure need all kinds of help after 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP bulshit.

Lol! You make so much crap up. You make me smile.
So you're not brainwashed and don't believe Republican crap so the only alternative is that you are an idiot.

I’m against all corporate welfare. In fact you are more for corporate welfare than I. I’m against big bucks in political elections. I’m against large box store corporations. I’m for raising taxes provided they cut 25% of spending including defense spending. I won’t own a gun, yet I think we all have a right to own them. I think minimum is a farce. So I am actually all over the board. Had the Democratic Party had Sanders as the nominee, he would have been my vote instead of a third party candidate. I also liked Dennis Kucinich, he was honest and had character.
Or Congress will continue to allow corporations more and more tax incentives and deductions like they have done since Reagan. Both parties give in to their special interests groups, sad but true. Politicians that have been in office forever have an agenda and get there payoffs.
Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.

No they don’t. That is such a farce. Every rich Democrat can give as much as they like in taxes and yet take every possible deduction and find every loophole not to. Even Buffett admitted he did when he used all his deductions to pay less of a percentage in taxes than his secretary. If he truly wanted to give more he could. He also as they all do want income taxes raised, not passive income mind you but earned income. The rich have more passive than earned income so it wouldn’t hurt them. Obamacare went after the hard working middle class and working class. Obama went so far as to exempt businesses the first year of Obamacare while sticking the mandatory requirements on the middle and working class. So spare me the BS, you are and have been duped by the two party’s. In the early 90’s your nutjob shad control of the House and Senate and used it to do nothing in helping the poor as you claim are your best buddies. You are a real dupe because you buy all in on the BS and aren’t interested in the real truth.

Four hedge fund managers gave Clinton millions to run for President. Corporate America backed her 2-1 over Trump.

Open your eyes dupe.
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Huge difference between the Democrats and the Republicans... The Republicans are totally bought off and fos.

You have been duped, they both are out for the rich, they don’t care about you until you vote.
Check the policies the two parties have and just look what the Republicans are doing now. There is no limit to their hip ocracy and pandering to the rich...

Yes, the Democrats are better at lying to the public about it. Both parties are out for the rich, the rich give them money that keeps them in power. Look at the money given to both parties by big corps. If you were right the Democrats would get barely any money from rich, yet they do.
Not surprisingly there are good rich people who even want to pay more in taxes to help the country. These are called Democratic rich. did you notice Obamacare which was the best thing that's happened to the poor and working-class for 50 years and was a tax on the rich... You appear to need a 2 x 4 to the Head.

No they don’t. That is such a farce. Every rich Democrat can give as much as they like in taxes and yet take every possible deduction and find every loophole not to. Even Buffett admitted he did when he used all his deductions to pay less of a percentage in taxes than his secretary. If he truly wanted to give more he could. He also as they all do want income taxes raised, not passive income mind you but earned income. The rich have more passive than earned income so it wouldn’t hurt them. Obamacare went after the hard working middle class and working class. Obama went so far as to exempt businesses the first year of Obamacare while sticking the mandatory requirements on the middle and working class. So spare me the BS, you are and have been duped by the two party’s. In the early 90’s your nutjob shad control of the House and Senate and used it to do nothing in helping the poor as you claim are your best buddies. You are a real dupe because you buy all in on the BS and aren’t interested in the real truth.

Four hedge fund managers gave Clinton millions to run for President. Corporate America backed her 2-1 over Trump.

Open your eyes dupe.
Democrats including the rich ones want to raise taxes on the rich... Of course they want Republicans to have to pay more to o. No one wants to pay more taxes than they have to. Silly argument.

Bill Clinton what's a very moderate Democrat triangulation and all that... But they did try to have a health care System and did raise taxes on the rich a little... If you like Bernie and Dennis keep voting Democrat until they can get a real one in there... Voting Republican is idiotic unless you earn over$250,000 a year... And don't give a s*** about anyone...
Not sure what all that means but okay. A racist is a person that believes his race is superior to another or other races. I don’t think I’m superior to anyone, we are all equal and all have potential beyond what we know.

I think the problem is, you try to absolve yourself by saying, "I'm not like the guys who wear the hoods and the swastikas!"

Okay. Totally going to give you that one.

Then when it comes to policies like calling people "thugs" or supporting cops who shoot people of color under dubious circumstances, or wanting to end Affirmative Action or insisting on voter suppression methods, you are totally down with that and rationalize it.
. A bunch of gangland thugs just stopped in the past week, and they spray painted some gang graffiti on my friends building that he owns. The family that lives up the hill from the road in which the thugs traveled, (who are good black folk), tried to tell my friend what the vehicle description was, and they wanted to call my friend when saw something suspicious going on, but didn't have his phone number at the time. Well he's got their number now, and them his.

Anyway, are you ready to defend these disrespectful varmints ?? Another sad thing that parents don't realize, is that these gangland thugs have infiltrated the public schools, and they are using intimidation tactics and other such bully methods to make your child's school experience a flippin nightmare. You still want to defend the gangland thugs ?? Just because you want to run your mouth about something here, doesn't mean crap to most.
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