To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
I am not a Republican, so you are wrong, I didn’t vote For Trump or Clinton, I have a distaste for fake people. I am not deceived, I realize that neither party looks out for the people. I think you have been duped but I wouldn’t call you a dupe. That is me, I also don’t respect you for calling others a dupe. Also it is not just Republicans that make personal attacks on this board. Humorme and The Derp have made several personal attacks on myself without warrant. But I also know you live in a fantasy world. So enjoy the rest of your life.
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

So now you are insulting union workers, lol! Why don’t you go to the autoworkers union and tell them how dumb they are.
I'm not insulting anyone. The ones who have mindless jobs know it. It's part of what they are being paid for.
. So you are saying above that those who work mindless jobs are getting paid what they deserve at around say $2.00 dollars an hour for menial labor regardless of the company or people worked for ? Then what ? Teach them how to go down and qualify for welfare etc. ?? My taxes are high enough as it is, but you want more people living off my labor in order to subsidize their labor for the wealthy who can easily afford those who work for them at a better wage ??
Jesus you ignorant GOP dupes are so stupid LOL. We only want to improve our beautiful country that you morons have been destroying for 35 years. All to save the rich from paying their fair share, super dupes.
I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I belong to no political party and subscribe to no doctrine but my own.

And the top 10% of earners pay more income tax than the bottom 90% combined so I really don't know what you are whining about.
You are still brainwashed by GOP bulshit propaganda... Which can only talk about federal income tax because if you count all taxes everybody pays about the same between 18 and 29%, and the richest Pay less then much of the middle-class and are getting almost all the new wealth while the country and the middle class go slowly to hell and it is about to get worse. Great job!

State taxes are not the same for everyone even a moron like you should know that.

I only talk about federal taxes because those are the only taxes that affect everyone equally. I don't live in your state ( or at least I hope I don't) so your state taxes are meaningless to me
State and local taxes are all higher because of GOP tax cuts for the rich, and they and fees kill the non rich. Great job!

Well I'm not now nor have i ever been a member of the republican party and I have not voted for a republican in the 2 plus decades I have been eligible to vote so I really don't know who you are talking to. But then again you like to respond to your own posts so I don't think you ever know who you are talking to
I didn't reply to my own response, I was adding to my comment to you. That is why you read it sheesh... You certainly aren't voting for Democrats so I don't know who you're voting for but at any rate it's the wrong ones for the wrong reasons.
Then they can try it for 8 hours...
Actually the Democrats do care for the people, just have been obstructed for 50 years... Obama had 34 days of control and we got Medicaid for the poor workers and a solution for our Healthcare mess given the time... It has to be worked on forever.

Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

So now you are insulting union workers, lol! Why don’t you go to the autoworkers union and tell them how dumb they are.
I'm not insulting anyone. The ones who have mindless jobs know it. It's part of what they are being paid for.
. So you are saying above that those who work mindless jobs are getting paid what they deserve at around say $2.00 dollars an hour for menial labor regardless of the company or people worked for ? Then what ? Teach them how to go down and qualify for welfare etc. ?? My taxes are high enough as it is, but you want more people living off my labor in order to subsidize their labor for the wealthy who can easily afford those who work for them at a better wage ??
I'm saying that nowadays adults have to work at those jobs as a career and so they should be paid a living wage,$11 out of the country and $15 in expensive cities. And I'm saying the bloated Rich must be taxed more like before Reagan so we have money to use to invest in infrastructure that is falling apart and training and education for the non-rich who are also falling apart, for 35 years now.
Society has labels, and then people end up placing themselves under the labels all depending upon their actions I guess. What should the killer gangs be called, otherwise if they are a gang slam full of murderous thugs ?? Choir boys maybe ????

Why do you feel the need to label them at all?

You see, as I pointed out earlier, when you label someone, whether you call them a thug or an N-word, it's to dehumanize them.

If we have youth out there acting in a bad manner because society hasn't taught them right and offers them little hope for the future, that's kind of on us.
. If a murderer, then I ain't gonna call you a saint. If you worry about a murderer being called a murderer in which is a label, and a category, then you need help. Thugs do thug things which is why they are called thugs by those on the receiving end of those thuggish things.
Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

So now you are insulting union workers, lol! Why don’t you go to the autoworkers union and tell them how dumb they are.
I'm not insulting anyone. The ones who have mindless jobs know it. It's part of what they are being paid for.
. So you are saying above that those who work mindless jobs are getting paid what they deserve at around say $2.00 dollars an hour for menial labor regardless of the company or people worked for ? Then what ? Teach them how to go down and qualify for welfare etc. ?? My taxes are high enough as it is, but you want more people living off my labor in order to subsidize their labor for the wealthy who can easily afford those who work for them at a better wage ??
I'm saying that nowadays adults have to work at those jobs as a career and so they should be paid a living wage,$11 out of the country and $15 in expensive cities. And I'm saying the bloated Rich must be taxed more like before Reagan so we have money to use to invest in infrastructure that is falling apart and training and education for the non-rich who are also falling apart, for 35 years now.
^ why Progressives have a 100% economic Fail Rate
Any monkey can work in fast food. You make it sound like it takes a fucking PhD to put burgers and fries into paper bags
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

So now you are insulting union workers, lol! Why don’t you go to the autoworkers union and tell them how dumb they are.
I'm not insulting anyone. The ones who have mindless jobs know it. It's part of what they are being paid for.
. So you are saying above that those who work mindless jobs are getting paid what they deserve at around say $2.00 dollars an hour for menial labor regardless of the company or people worked for ? Then what ? Teach them how to go down and qualify for welfare etc. ?? My taxes are high enough as it is, but you want more people living off my labor in order to subsidize their labor for the wealthy who can easily afford those who work for them at a better wage ??
I'm saying that nowadays adults have to work at those jobs as a career and so they should be paid a living wage,$11 out of the country and $15 in expensive cities. And I'm saying the bloated Rich must be taxed more like before Reagan so we have money to use to invest in infrastructure that is falling apart and training and education for the non-rich who are also falling apart, for 35 years now.
^ why Progressives have a 100% economic Fail Rate
. Why ? Is it because they want a company to share in the profits that are generated better than they had been before or haven't been for years and years now ??? Every company needs a profit sharing program. I remember a friend talking about how they couldn't get a raise where they worked, because the owner kept wedding women who then divorced him soon after, where as in the settlements they ended up with millions. He said he was tired of watching the wealth he helped build, get throne out of the window like that. The owner also lost big in Vegas a few times as well.
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

So now you are insulting union workers, lol! Why don’t you go to the autoworkers union and tell them how dumb they are.
I'm not insulting anyone. The ones who have mindless jobs know it. It's part of what they are being paid for.
. So you are saying above that those who work mindless jobs are getting paid what they deserve at around say $2.00 dollars an hour for menial labor regardless of the company or people worked for ? Then what ? Teach them how to go down and qualify for welfare etc. ?? My taxes are high enough as it is, but you want more people living off my labor in order to subsidize their labor for the wealthy who can easily afford those who work for them at a better wage ??
I'm saying that nowadays adults have to work at those jobs as a career and so they should be paid a living wage,$11 out of the country and $15 in expensive cities. And I'm saying the bloated Rich must be taxed more like before Reagan so we have money to use to invest in infrastructure that is falling apart and training and education for the non-rich who are also falling apart, for 35 years now.
^ why Progressives have a 100% economic Fail Rate
Wonder why the GOP has produced all the depressions and great recessions in memory while the Democrats always have to clean up their mess, super dupe. What bubble is Wall Street up to now under GOP non-regulation? Did you notice that the middle class and the country's infrastructure have been slowly going to hell the last 35 years all to protect your precious greedy idiot GOP rich... Brainwashed functional moron.
Did you miss the whole part about the Democrats do care about people and the middle class and the poor? LOL. McDonald's takes as much intelligence as many jobs at General Motors or any assembly line That pays a lot more...

Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...
Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
No, Employers do put people on welfare.

Let's look at it this way. Our GDP is bout 17 Trillion. If you divided that evenly across the 170 million in the workforce, everyone would earn six figures, have a comfortable life and never, ever need to so on welfare.

Instead, we have the top 1% who have 43% of the wealth and the top 20% who have 87% of the wealth.

The ironic thing is you whine about the pittance we pay poor people to not riot, but don't complain about the 40 million retired people living high on the hog with Social Security and Medicare.

But that's white people welfare.

You do know that the top 1% don't get their money from a paycheck don't you?

And I hate to tell you this but not all skills are equal. Putting burgers and fires into paper bags is not a skill that is worth 6 figures

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I can train my 9-year-old to do it, it ain't worth $15 an hour. Period.
. So you are against profit sharing, and you are against a janitor getting more than just a flat janitorial pay as based on what though ? Where is the flat rate listed for a janitors pay in America ?? Who sets a janitors pay ? Is it set by the government whether federal, state, and local or is it set by the company based upon a single owners assessment of the employee ?? Or is it the shareholders who demand that the janitor best not be found to be sharing in the profits made or they will see to it that the slave (I mean janitor) will be taken out and whipped for his idea that he could actually share in the profits of a gazillion dollar company ?

Does the company WANT to profit share? Have they determined, of their own free will, that it will improve their business model? Then I'm all for it. I personally think that giving employees a stake in the success of the company beyond continuing basic employment is a great idea. What I'm against is anyone outside the business FORCING the company to do so.

I'm not aware that any "flat rate for janitors" NEEDS to be listed. I can tell you what the going rate is for janitors in a particular area, but as with all jobs, the wage needs to be determined by the person paying it.

Throwing in buzzwords like "slave" - and totally misusing them - has no effect on me, so save your effort. Unless someone's holding a gun to his head and ACTUALLY taking him out and whipping him, you just submarined your own argument with silliness. Congratulations. :clap:
. No one wants to tell anyone what to do ever, but when you got a huge over populated nation that finds itself needing to grow in a healthy and balanced way, then you need the smart folks to be aware as to whether the systems in which are being participated in by all, are being kept in a harmonious balance...This should be mindful to everyone as so that it doesn't come with a huge backlash that is caused by things being ignored or purposely destroyed all due to a trend of greed.... Otherwise a greed that may have risen up out of a smarter generation, who then figures out how to abuse and exploit everything to their advantage.

Otherwisese to hell with anyone for whom they decided to use and abuse in order to get their way, and to amass wealth unimaginable right ?

That's a very lofty-sounding pile of bullshit you're using to justify tyranny of the elites. I'm very impressed.
That hasn't been true for quite a while...
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...
Never gonna happen, nor should it.

If you want a job where your pay is controlled by the government then get a government job.

Or maybe we can decide what every job is worth and tell everyone how much they can make. Let's see what you get for cutting and pasting resumes then.

I would probably get a lot more for them... IN fact, I'm probably going to up my pricing next year.

But to the point, maybe we need government to regulate pay more given all the bad actors out there.

Here's what I'd like to see.

"Wage Transparency" - If you get a job at a buyer at XYZ corp, they have to disclose what they are paying every other buyer there.

CEO's can no longer be paid in stock options, or any other bullshit. They get a salary. If they do well, then you increase his salary.

Replace the minimum wage with a living wage.

If you want people to vote for the worth of your cut and paste service you will get what it's worth. Nothing.

And why does a private corporation have to disclose the salary of any employee to the the public?

If you don't like the wage structure of a company then don't work for that company.
. Ok, then maybe companies shouldn't be allowed to get so big, and to become the majority employer in areas where people's choices have been limited sorely, and all because these huge employers starved out or undercut their competition in order to become a monopoly that many weren't able to escape ?? End monopolies now in America, and give more choices to Americans in America again. Begin yesterday.

Monopolies. Puh-leeze. The only real monopolies are the ones created by government regulations and meddling "for people's own good".

God save me from do-gooders who are trying to "help".
If you work fast food for 20 years and never get a promotion or another job then yes your job is a bed.

Life is a ladder. If you don't climb it that's your own fault

Again, looking at the people who climb the ladder as their top priority, they aren't people who are very likable or decent. They are the ones you have to keep your eye on because they will happily fuck you over to advance themselves.

So your so you clients that can't cut and paste for themselves are all applying for low skill low wage jobs so they don't work too much huh?

Actually, I've done them for everything from Ph.D's all the way down to HS dropouts. The ugly reality of resume writing is that most people don't do it often enough to it well. If you only do something once every 5-10 years, how good are you going to be at it?

I've written enough of them where I've actually made up a list of the 11 most common things people do wrong. The most common one is to take their boilerplate job description and paste it into their resume. Often keeping the third person verb tense when talking about themselves.

No one who ever became successful at anything only ever worked just 40 hours a week

Again, I worked 60 hours a week at the company that cured me of Republican/Capitalist bullshit, and they still screwed me over when I busted up my knee. So I quite honestly don't want to hear any of the meritocracy bullshit.

Your problem is that you think people that want to actually succeed are not good people just like you think every person that owns a business is a douche bag. That's your own hang up and it's no wonder you're the miserable fuck you are. It must be tough to hate everyone who has done more than you.

And anyone can write a resume by using the same boiler plate software you use or by reading a book on how to do it. It isn't that difficult to do you just like to think it is because it makes you feel better about yourself. Tell me do you put down all those people who come to you who are looking to climb the ladder and be a success like you do here?

How much of those 60 hours a week were sent whining? I'll bet half.

But the fact remains no one who has ever accomplished anything worked only 40 hours a week.

My older son says he was talking to his friends about capitalism, and they told him he was "blinded by money". I told him to tell them that was code for "being supported by my parents."
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...

And Cadillac is the lowest.

I linked the consumer reports article, ask you might want to ask them to move on from their facts. Hater dupe.
Last edited:
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...

And Cadillac is the lowest.

I linked the consumer reports article, ask you might want to ask them to move on from their facts. Hater dupe.
A few years ago they are all were the lowest and no American cars in the top 20, or reliability. And now many American cars are in the top four performance and original quality. But thanks for hating American cars, Dupe.
It's still true.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

That's when I switched to Toyota. Never been happier. They come with a 100,000 mile 7 year bumper to bumper warranty. I've had two since I made the switch. Never have I seen a tow truck and I have never been stranded.

I don't know what American cars are like today. If they are better, the only reason is because foreign auto manufacturers forced them to make better cars. That and American auto workers don't get paid anything like they used to. The unions almost totally ruined our auto industry.

As my former mechanic explained, Toyota puts their money into engineering and quality parts. American manufacturers put their money into high pay for labor and benefits.
US Car quality Has risen in the last 10 or 15 years. Read any car magazine or Consumer Reports. Also performance and mileage.

Consumer Reports have them lagging far behind Japan and European models. Looks like you are a dupe.

Car Reliability: U.S. Automakers vs. the World
10 years ago they had none in the top ranks now they have some and Buick rated number one...

Ohh goody, one out of how many? The reality is, they still trail far behind the rest of the world. Dupe.
That is all about reliability and still Buick is number one. American cars have improved immeasurably in reliability and then everything else they're just as good as foreign cars, with cheaper repair bills. You are relying on Myth that car people have moved on from...

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did.

That's when I switched to Toyota. Never been happier. They come with a 100,000 mile 7 year bumper to bumper warranty. I've had two since I made the switch. Never have I seen a tow truck and I have never been stranded.

I don't know what American cars are like today. If they are better, the only reason is because foreign auto manufacturers forced them to make better cars. That and American auto workers don't get paid anything like they used to. The unions almost totally ruined our auto industry.

As my former mechanic explained, Toyota puts their money into engineering and quality parts. American manufacturers put their money into high pay for labor and benefits.
Republicans blame the unions Democrats blame the designers and the executives... It isn't as if Japanese workers are paid poorly...
Well you're right about that which is why the quality of our cars sucks as bad as it does.

RIght, it has nothing to with the greed of the Auto-makers who greenlit such wonders as the Pinto, the Chevette, the Escort, the Gremlin, the Edsel.

It's those damned lazy workers.

Yep, that and the unions that made them lazy.

I'm so glad this company I work for doesn't deal with auto manufacturers anymore. My employer quit delivering to them because they were lazy union bastards. It took them half a day to do what other non-union companies did in less than 45 minutes.
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