To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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If we could raise a dollar per insult to resolve the low wage issue, we could solve this issue off this thread's insults alone.

Yes, you are very good at it. :)
You are much better at it than I. AND YOU INITIATE IT!!!

Again prove it!

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Anybody can read this thread for themselves. The best proof is that you have to make an insult in order to answer my posts that don't even mention you.
Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

Right. So you make 14.50 an hour, acn't get insurance, living in a festering dump of a city, but as long as you can look down on black people, you're happier than a pig in shit.

Done with you.
If we could raise a dollar per insult to resolve the low wage issue, we could solve this issue off this thread's insults alone.

Yes, you are very good at it. :)
You are much better at it than I. AND YOU INITIATE IT!!!

Again prove it!

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Anybody can read this thread for themselves. The best proof is that you have to make an insult in order to answer my posts that don't even mention you.

Can’t prove it, okay then.

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Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

Right. So you make 14.50 an hour, acn't get insurance, living in a festering dump of a city, but as long as you can look down on black people, you're happier than a pig in shit.

Done with you.

$14.50 an hour? Where did you create that bullshit from?
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Even McDonald's acknowledges that their business was intended for children.
Holding businesses that are created with the employment of kids & college students responsible for the poor choices people make in life is wrong. If you're in your mid to late 20's or higher & working for minimum wage you have no one to blame but yourself. You're poor choices should not result in a 10.00 Big Mac or 4 dollar fry.
Ridiculous. Do you mean they intended to have cheap child labor run their business? Why? Those people work hard and McDonald’s makes a lot of money. Why not pay a living wage?

And I don’t mind you automating everything if that’s your business model but the people you do hire should be paid a fair wage.

Also if you can get people to work for $10 then you shouldn’t have to pay more but hopefully trump you guys said would increase wages by booting illegals. McDonald’s should have to pay $15 because no American will work for less. There should be lots of $15 hr jobs out there after trump makes America great again right?

Depends if he will address our welfare state or not. Many people on the dole want to stay there, so they only work enough hours to stay under the maximum to continue to receive benefits.

If a person can work 30 hours a week at $10.00 an hour and still get benefits, they will only work 15 hours a week if you increase the minimum wage to $20.00 an hour.
With all the illegals gone how aren’t wages going up naturally?

Who said they were gone? You do know each deportation case has to have a court hearing, don't you? You can't just round them up, throw them on a bus and send it to Mexico.
Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

Right. So you make 14.50 an hour, acn't get insurance, living in a festering dump of a city, but as long as you can look down on black people, you're happier than a pig in shit.

Done with you.

$14.50 an hour? Where did you create that bullshit from?

You just blew him up, nice job Ray! He has nothing but hate and jealousy over those that have it better than he.
Actually I don't worry about anybody. I don't worry about the rich and I don't worry about the poor. You see, I view this country as opportunity. It's up to the individual to accept or decline opportunity. It's also their business as long as they aren't taking anything of mine.

Right. So you make 14.50 an hour, acn't get insurance, living in a festering dump of a city, but as long as you can look down on black people, you're happier than a pig in shit.

Done with you.

$14.50 an hour? Where did you create that bullshit from?

You just blew him up, nice job Ray! He has nothing but hate and jealousy over those that have it better than he.

Sometimes honesty is difficult to confront.
Republicans clearly don't understand that skills need to be developed. You aren't born with them.

So as long as the GOP blocks education and job training, we will never have the qualified workers we need. Without them, our GDP will never increase. But if they had an education, they would know that and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Which is why people getting their first job merit so little in pay. They are a liability to the company until they begin to learn some skills.

How has the GOP blocked education? Aren't the Progressives strong supporters of Unions?

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all does it not?

One item on your wish list is already going down in flames. While petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is the first President in history to not have a single year where the GDP was 3% or more.

President Donald Trump already has two quarters above 3% and the forecast for the next quarter is 3.2%.

We had eight years of failure. Why is that what you yearn for instead of the success? We just have the man and party which is bringing success, why not enjoy instead of hating?
$15 an hour? Really? My soon-to-be son-in-law has a degree and is a computer specialists working for a company that works on company networks and computer repair, and he only makes $14 right now.
Wow really? $14/hour with college degree in computer specialist? REALLY? Unbelievable. Since you lie a lot. I don’t believe you. Either that something is wrong with that kid. Economy is booming big time and its very hard to find qualified people right now. I pay my lowest entry level $16+ an hour in order to be competitive that including janitor.

Awww, DAMN! The fact that YOU don't believe me just RUINED THE $H!T out of my weekend!

:p Bwuhahahaha......


The young man lives in a small town, works for Office Max, which is going under, and he will lose his job at the beginning of the year. He is actually making $14 an hour right now after Office Max just cut his and everyone else's salary as they start winding down. Like almost every college graduate understands, not everyone right out of college gets a huge-paying job right out of college.

Just last week, however, he was approached by a small business owner whose business is taking off, and he was offered a job. WHEN HE STARTS that job (after 2 weeks notice), he will be making 3 times what he was making at Office Max - a generous offer in the small town where he will be working, but the company is really taking off.

But again, it just bums the ever-lovin' sh!t out of me, just about ruins my Christmas, that YOU think I am lying.


Do you expect me to believe that? You purposely omitted what city and state.

For everyone just in case you missed what I’ve posted in the past.
I’m in the Medical industry business I have employees all over US that service hospitals, clinics, labs and research centers. This is where I get some or all these kinds information. It is part of living allowance and raises of employees depending where the territory they service ......... That said.
Do you mind elaborate what state and city?

Lying. This is the problem when people lie a lot and post hatred. The credibility is just a goner.

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If we could raise a dollar per insult to resolve the low wage issue, we could solve this issue off this thread's insults alone.

Yes, you are very good at it. :)
You are much better at it than I. AND YOU INITIATE IT!!!

Again prove it!

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Anybody can read this thread for themselves. The best proof is that you have to make an insult in order to answer my posts that don't even mention you.

Can’t prove it, okay then.

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If you can't read the thread, then leave me alone. Don't you think it's time to put the bullshit aside and allow the thread to progress?

I've asked your dumb ass to take the personal stuff to PM. WTF dude? Are you so infantile that you cannot understand English?

This is not about your fragile ego; this is about people who work and don't get paid a realistic wage. I know. You get a grand a month for a mental disability and don't have to think about such things.

... Moving right along. Unless the American people can get their heads out of their rear ends, the Democrats will retake the White House and at least one branch of Congress and end up supporting Bernie Sanders style socialism.
Republicans clearly don't understand that skills need to be developed. You aren't born with them.

So as long as the GOP blocks education and job training, we will never have the qualified workers we need. Without them, our GDP will never increase. But if they had an education, they would know that and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Says it all does it not?

One item on your wish list is already going down in flames. While petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is the first President in history to not have a single year where the GDP was 3% or more.

President Donald Trump already has two quarters above 3% and the forecast for the next quarter is 3.2%.

We had eight years of failure. Why is that what you yearn for instead of the success? We just have the man and party which is bringing success, why not enjoy instead of hating?

This is a good example of what I’m talking about people lying.

1. Obama inherited a bad economy at the start. Then the collapse of the real state enterprises that hurt every sector of business enterprises. It took years to recover.
For 8 years entire GOP lawmakers tried to bring down Obama the very first day he started at the Oval Office.

Year 2015 and 16 shows the economy has recovered then unemployment went down tremendously.
Trump inherited an excellent economy. Then catapulted to 2017. The booming economy that you see right now..... Has NOTHING to do with this lousy POTUS.
2. Trump is a good example of like a little lying petulant kid. Always saying or doing something stupid.
Petulant Obama really? Give one example.
3. Why not just enjoy instead of hating Trump? You should ask that to yourself.
This is the POTUS that support a sexual predator Moore. A pathological liar, hypocrite, abusive, unethical, immoral, arrogant, racist, pussy grabber, sexual predator.

Yesterday at WH lawn he blasted the FBI because he is being investigated by the FBI. That same day he spoke front a bunch of FBI. Tell me how much they hate this dude.
His tax cut speech. Exact words “ It’s not good for me”. When he is getting a big tax cut from 35% to 20%. Liar.

He denied meeting or knowing women that he assaulted or harassed. There are evidence or pictures of him with his accusers. Liar.

He promotes Buy Americans Hire Americans....... When his products are made overseas and continue to hire foreign workers. Hypocrite.

He blasted his own AG and Secretary O S in public. Who the hell do that?

He goes to Asia blasted his own intelligence agencies just to support his master Putin. Blasted and lied about Obama that has nothing to do with the Asian summit just to make him big and Coward.

So tell me what is there to love about this POTUS? His blond hair?

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

Trump's administration is the most corrupt government institution in the U.S.: poll

USA Today editorial says Trump unfit to clean Obama's toilet

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Last edited:
Republicans clearly don't understand that skills need to be developed. You aren't born with them.

So as long as the GOP blocks education and job training, we will never have the qualified workers we need. Without them, our GDP will never increase. But if they had an education, they would know that and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Says it all does it not?

One item on your wish list is already going down in flames. While petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is the first President in history to not have a single year where the GDP was 3% or more.

President Donald Trump already has two quarters above 3% and the forecast for the next quarter is 3.2%.

We had eight years of failure. Why is that what you yearn for instead of the success? We just have the man and party which is bringing success, why not enjoy instead of hating?

This is a good example of what I’m talking about people lying.

1. Obama inherited a bad economy at the start. Then the collapse of the real state enterprises that hurt every sector of business enterprises. It took years to recover.
For 8 years entire GOP lawmakers tried to bring down Obama the very first day he started at the Oval Office.

Year 2015 and 16 shows the economy has recovered then unemployment went down tremendously.
Trump inherited an excellent economy. Then catapulted to 2017. The booming economy that you see right now..... Has NOTHING to do with this lousy POTUS.
2. Trump is a good example of like a little lying petulant kid. Always saying or doing something stupid.
Petulant Obama really? Give one example.
3. Why not just enjoy instead of hating Trump? You should ask that to yourself.
This is the POTUS that support a sexual predator Moore. A pathological liar, hypocrite, abusive, unethical, immoral, arrogant, racist, pussy grabber, sexual predator.

Yesterday at WH lawn he blasted the FBI because he is being investigated by the FBI. That same day he spoke front a bunch of FBI. Tell me how much they hate this dude.
His tax cut speech. Exact words “ It’s not good for me”. When he is getting a big tax cut from 35% to 20%. Liar.

He denied meeting or knowing women that he assaulted or harassed. There are evidence or pictures of him with his accusers. Liar.

He promotes Buy Americans Hire Americans....... When his products are made overseas and continue to hire foreign workers. Hypocrite.

He blasted his own AG and Secretary O S in public. Who the hell do that?

He goes to Asia blasted his own intelligence agencies just to support his master Putin. Blasted and lied about Obama that has nothing to do with the Asian summit just to make him big and Coward.

So tell me what is there to love about this POTUS? His blond hair?

Donald Trump brings the words “idiot” and “liar” to American voters’ minds, new poll says

Trump's administration is the most corrupt government institution in the U.S.: poll

USA Today editorial says Trump unfit to clean Obama's toilet

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Maybe it is not your intention to lie, but insofar as jobs go, even the liberal Huffington Post disagreed with what you want us to believe:

What Obama Ignored About The 'Lowest Unemployment Rate In Over 5 Years' | HuffPost

I don't know that you can lay the blame OR the success on just a president alone and here is one reason why:

5 middle-class careers that are growing, and 5 that are shrinking

Politifact has a valid point:

"A final point. When checking statements like this, we usually note that presidential actions do not necessarily have much of an impact on job numbers, which are often driven by broader factors, such as international economic conditions and technological change."

How strong has job growth been on Donald Trump's watch?

As Politifact notes, job growth under Trump has been linked to his promise to cut taxes on business. He's just about there, but at what cost? Will we get a lot more jobs paying below poverty level?
Yes, you are very good at it. :)
You are much better at it than I. AND YOU INITIATE IT!!!

Again prove it!

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Anybody can read this thread for themselves. The best proof is that you have to make an insult in order to answer my posts that don't even mention you.

Can’t prove it, okay then.

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If you can't read the thread, then leave me alone. Don't you think it's time to put the bullshit aside and allow the thread to progress?

I've asked your dumb ass to take the personal stuff to PM. WTF dude? Are you so infantile that you cannot understand English?

This is not about your fragile ego; this is about people who work and don't get paid a realistic wage. I know. You get a grand a month for a mental disability and don't have to think about such things.

... Moving right along. Unless the American people can get their heads out of their rear ends, the Democrats will retake the White House and at least one branch of Congress and end up supporting Bernie Sanders style socialism.

Again, you make accusations, then you need to back it up, I am not going to let you make up crap without calling you out. I don’t use PM, grow up and deal with it. If you can’t tell me in the open, then you don’t need to say it at all. Got it, good.

...Moving right along. I’d support Sanders over Trump. The GOP needs to either listen to their constituents or they will lose control in the House or the Senate in 2019. The GOP was lucky the Democrats ran Clinton, any other candidate would have beat Trump.
$14.50 an hour? Where did you create that bullshit from?

Your own posts where you said that's what you made and if they raised the Min Wage to $15.00, they'd have to raise yours, too.

You just blew him up, nice job Ray! He has nothing but hate and jealousy over those that have it better than he.

Please, buddy. Ray himself admitted he makes shit wages and can't get health insurance...

But he gets to look down on black people, so he's happy.
Your own posts where you said that's what you made and if they raised the Min Wage to $15.00, they'd have to raise yours, too.

Comprehension problems I see. What I said is if they made MW $15.00 an hour, I would have to ask for at least $40.00 an hour. How did you come up with $14.50? I don't know if there are even any tractor-trailer jobs that pay that little.

Please, buddy. Ray himself admitted he makes shit wages and can't get health insurance...

But he gets to look down on black people, so he's happy.

Your OCD is really getting out of hand Joe.
Year 2015 and 16 shows the economy has recovered then unemployment went down tremendously.
Trump inherited an excellent economy. Then catapulted to 2017. The booming economy that you see right now..... Has NOTHING to do with this lousy POTUS.

Comprehension problems I see. What I said is if they made MW $15.00 an hour, I would have to ask for at least $40.00 an hour. How did you come up with $14.50? I don't know if there are even any tractor-trailer jobs that pay that little.

Okay, buddy, you want to change your story... that's awesome.
Comprehension problems I see. What I said is if they made MW $15.00 an hour, I would have to ask for at least $40.00 an hour. How did you come up with $14.50? I don't know if there are even any tractor-trailer jobs that pay that little.

Okay, buddy, you want to change your story... that's awesome.

Never changed my story:

Well great. You and your ilk do that Joe. Because I make well over twice the minimum wage. And once you make that minimum wage $15.00 an hour, I will demand my employer pay me $40.00 an hour. See how that works?
$14.50 an hour? Where did you create that bullshit from?

Your own posts where you said that's what you made and if they raised the Min Wage to $15.00, they'd have to raise yours, too.

You just blew him up, nice job Ray! He has nothing but hate and jealousy over those that have it better than he.

Please, buddy. Ray himself admitted he makes shit wages and can't get health insurance...

But he gets to look down on black people, so he's happy.

It seems you like to look down at people, Ray has never left that impression. I also couldn’t find where he said he made $14.50 an hour and I would be willing to be you can’t either.
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