Today 28JAN is expected to be 65 deg F - global warming?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
65F in SW Missouri in Winter? That's gotta be global warming right? Well no not necessarily. Looking at Intellicast's historic averages and records (kept since the late 1800s) 65 on Jan 28th isn't unprecedented, nor even a record. It's 22 deg above the average for this month, but not in record territory.

Intellicast - Springfield Historic Weather Averages in Missouri 65802

Record for the month is 76 set in 1950. And a day in Jan had 74 way back in 1890 long before any conceivable global warming effects were taking place.

Global warming is in fact happening, but a local anomolous variation isn't sufficient evidence to make any claims about what's going on. The recently published annual global average is the kind of proof you need to make any conclusions. But even then, only when compared against the whole of record-keeping history. Not yanking one year out and saying "ah ha!"
65F in SW Missouri in Winter? That's gotta be global warming right? Well no not necessarily. Looking at Intellicast's historic averages and records (kept since the late 1800s) 65 on Jan 28th isn't unprecedented, nor even a record. It's 22 deg above the average for this month, but not in record territory.

Intellicast - Springfield Historic Weather Averages in Missouri 65802

Record for the month is 76 set in 1950. And a day in Jan had 74 way back in 1890 long before any conceivable global warming effects were taking place.

Global warming is in fact happening, but a local anomolous variation isn't sufficient evidence to make any claims about what's going on. The recently published annual global average is the kind of proof you need to make any conclusions. But even then, only when compared against the whole of record-keeping history. Not yanking one year out and saying "ah ha!"
Global warming has been going on since God decided we did not need the Ice Age megafauna anymore.

Beats the fuck out of being cold.
65F in SW Missouri in Winter? That's gotta be global warming right? Well no not necessarily. Looking at Intellicast's historic averages and records (kept since the late 1800s) 65 on Jan 28th isn't unprecedented, nor even a record. It's 22 deg above the average for this month, but not in record territory.

Intellicast - Springfield Historic Weather Averages in Missouri 65802

Record for the month is 76 set in 1950. And a day in Jan had 74 way back in 1890 long before any conceivable global warming effects were taking place.

Global warming is in fact happening, but a local anomolous variation isn't sufficient evidence to make any claims about what's going on. The recently published annual global average is the kind of proof you need to make any conclusions. But even then, only when compared against the whole of record-keeping history. Not yanking one year out and saying "ah ha!"
been happening for millions of years.
Exactly Limbaughs point...altho he takes it a bit further.
Ah yes, the word of an uneducated obese junkie beats that of most of the scientists in the world.
hahahahahahahaha jealous much? I still can't believe the stupid you post. And yet, you keep posting the stupid getting more stupid everyday. The big bad old Limbaugh guy has you distraught, tsk, tsk.... Hilarious the artful way he can get under skins like yours. what is it to you? what exactly are you so afraid of. I'm entrigued by the way the left fear Limbaugh. it's hysterica..........l

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