Today in liberal college academia


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The University of Minnesota student government rejected a proposal by Theo Menon, the student group representative to MSA for the College Republicans at the University, which would have allowed students to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11, where 3000 people died at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists. The reason?

It violated their safe space and showed bias against Muslims. I kid you not. This is what they said:

The passing of this resolution might make a space that is unsafe for students on campus even more unsafe.

I am growing more and more convinced that liberalism is in fact a mental disorder. In the past I thought "liberalism is a mental disorder" to be nothing more than an empty childish slight. However, the hysterics, the apoplectics, the anxiety, the moodiness---all over some perceived offense, is making the phrase more of a reality.

If you're so spineless that you need a freakin' safe space to protect you from opposing views or other people... you don't belong in college. You belong in a mental ward.

On Tuesday, November 10, the Minnesota Student Association (MSA)–the undergraduate student government at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (UMN)– rejected a resolution for a moment of recognition on future anniversaries of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Theo Menon, the student group representative to MSA for the College Republicans (CRs) at UMN, introduced the resolution; MSA’s forum voted against it 36-23 (with three abstentions). The proposed resolution pointed to the university’s lack of any sort of commemoration regarding the attacks on 9/11. It then called for a campus-wide moment of recognition on every September 11 from now on.

“I wrote this resolution because I think we need to recognize the victims of this world-changing event,” said Menon, “The innocent men, women, and servicemen who died on that day deserve to be honored.”

Nathan Amundson serves as President of UMN’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter and student group representative for Write Things, a creative writing group. Amundson said debate on the resolution centered around whether enacting the moment of recognition might instill a more islamophobic sentiment on campus.

UMN student govt: 9/11 remembrance would violate our safe space

Diversity in action folks!
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I call bullflop !

Why are they asking for this 14 yrs after 911 ? There are shenanigans afoot!
I am someone liberal and I'll agree that this is nutz. Muslims are the people we're at war with world wide but yet these idiots don't want to admit that maybe their own people have caused this distrust???

Colleges don't even try to make understandings anymore. Just you're bad and they're good.
We are seeing the unreal affects of political correctness. This is the price. They are calling for mass censorship and to turn anyone in that makes any speech that makes anyone uncomfortable.

Why is it that I cannot turn them in for offending me?

The price of an overly liberal world all designed to create socialism. Trust this. None of these protests have anything to do with race equality. None of it has anything to do with "equality." This is about the communist puppet masters using these issues to manipulate the gullible and naive as their puppets.

Creating strife and most of all ripping our freedoms away. These protests are ALL ORGANIZED and yes it comes from the KING COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. Creating mass racial tension, gender wars, and class warfare. All of the hot button topics that manipulate the fools.

All while they have no clue what it is to actually live in a pure socialist condition. We already have so much of the socialist policies that we suffer in this country. Endless permits to cut down a tree in your yard for example.

These morons. These snot nosed little "red brigade" of this marxist in the white house and the dismantling of our constitution. The constitution has been circling the drain since the 60s (actually before that, since the 30s). A slow spiral downward.

How does it feel? It would have been more merciful if a 100 mile comet hit the middle of the country than have this unreal piece of shit become president. A disaster of epic proportions.
I call bullflop !

Why are they asking for this 14 yrs after 911 ? There are shenanigans afoot!

Why does it matter when they call for it? You have something against it?

Someone using 9/11 as some tool for a campus politics fight ? Yeah I'd have a problem with it .

Well, I guess I'll write you off as a kook. What would you have rather him done? Propose a day to memorialize the death of Che Guevara?
You are so naive templer.

I'm just guessing . But it could be the campus GOP played this knowing they would box in the student gov. Great move by the way .

I'm big on conspiracys . The timing is what raised my brow . These college kids don't even remember 911 . Whole thing sounds like a work.
You are so naive templer.

I'm just guessing . But it could be the campus GOP played this knowing they would box in the student gov. Great move by the way .

I'm big on conspiracys . The timing is what raised my brow . These college kids don't even remember 911 . Whole thing sounds like a work.

Just shut up.
You are so naive templer.

I'm just guessing . But it could be the campus GOP played this knowing they would box in the student gov. Great move by the way .

I'm big on conspiracys . The timing is what raised my brow . These college kids don't even remember 911 . Whole thing sounds like a work.

Just shut up.

Well that's a witty retort! Guess I win!
You are so naive templer.

I'm just guessing . But it could be the campus GOP played this knowing they would box in the student gov. Great move by the way .

I'm big on conspiracys . The timing is what raised my brow . These college kids don't even remember 911 . Whole thing sounds like a work.

Just shut up.

Well that's a witty retort! Guess I win!

The bullshit award. I'll gladly concede that to you.
Is it really bullshit ? Think about it . There is no bigger dramatic asshat than a college student . Liberal or conservative !
Yes I am. I'm not some fool who believes the hype . Our politicians rely on meatheads like yourself .

Remember when some Saudi prince wanted to donate money to the NYC 911 memorial? The city turned them down. Do you think that was the right decision?
"Today in liberal college academia"

Today in rightwing composition fallacies, we have this thread that fails as a ridiculous lie.

‘Liberalism’ has nothing to do with what a handful of students might do at a given university.

The only mental illness belongs to conservatives obsessed with a tiny number of collage students representative of no one, who speak for no one but themselves, and the propensity of many on the right to contrive and propagate idiotic lies about colleges, students, and ‘liberals.’
You are so naive templer.

I'm just guessing . But it could be the campus GOP played this knowing they would box in the student gov. Great move by the way .

I'm big on conspiracys . The timing is what raised my brow . These college kids don't even remember 911 . Whole thing sounds like a work.

Just shut up.
How typically conservative – hostile to dissent, others’ opinions, and opposing points of view.
Yes I am. I'm not some fool who believes the hype . Our politicians rely on meatheads like yourself .

Remember when some Saudi prince wanted to donate money to the NYC 911 memorial? The city turned them down. Do you think that was the right decision?

You're a disgrace. How dare you make a conspiracy out of the deaths of 3000 people. It is so sickening to know there are people like you out there who think all of this is a joke or an inside job.
Yes I am. I'm not some fool who believes the hype . Our politicians rely on meatheads like yourself .

Remember when some Saudi prince wanted to donate money to the NYC 911 memorial? The city turned them down. Do you think that was the right decision?

You're a disgrace. How dare you make a conspiracy out of the deaths of 3000 people. It is so sickening to know there are people like you out there who think all of this is a joke or an inside job.

The conspiracy is this 911 memorial request is actually sincere .

But you do make a point about political correctness . CONSERVATIVE political correctness ! "911 memorial ! We must build another one whenever it's requested ! Cause it's not like their ain't one in every city in the country ! But don't you dare speak against it, you commie !"
What is more interesting is the rightwing response. Every talk radio and television broadcast is in lockstep, trying to turn this into a leftwing conspiracy.

They're not attempting to give a detailed timeline of specific events that lead to the football team's decision.

For instance, nobody on the right is reporting that several academic departments called for the President's resignation - for reasons that go far beyond the handling of racial issues.

This guy was incompetent on so many different levels.

But the Right doesn't care. They are at war with a fire breathing liberal demon. They have become Trotskyites. Information is no longer tied to the world, rather, it is a weapon to change it. The Right feels psychologically compelled to super-impose their own self-serving narrative on every event, and they think the left is doing the exact same thing.

This creates a kind political stasis. Divide and conquer. The status quo is protected.
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