Today in liberal college academia

Yes I am. I'm not some fool who believes the hype . Our politicians rely on meatheads like yourself .

Remember when some Saudi prince wanted to donate money to the NYC 911 memorial? The city turned them down. Do you think that was the right decision?

You're a disgrace. How dare you make a conspiracy out of the deaths of 3000 people. It is so sickening to know there are people like you out there who think all of this is a joke or an inside job.

The conspiracy is this 911 memorial request is actually sincere .

But you do make a point about political correctness . CONSERVATIVE political correctness ! "911 memorial ! We must build another one whenever it's requested ! Cause it's not like their ain't one in every city in the country ! But don't you dare speak against it, you commie !"

Actually, it's free speech. Nobody told him to do what he did. Only communists would work to restrict free speech.
What is more interesting is the rightwing response. Every talk radio and television broadcast is in lockstep, trying to turn this into a leftwing conspiracy.

It's not a conspiracy, it's a movement. Lo and behold your response, trying to play this down as something insignificant. Please, stop trying.
But the Right doesn't care. They are at war with a fire breathing liberal demon. They have become Trotskyites. Information is no longer tied to the world, rather, it is a weapon to change it. Real world events no longer exist. They feel psychologically compelled to super-impose their own self-serving narrative on every event, and they think the left is doing the exact same thing.

This creates a kind political stasis. Divide and conquer. The status quo is protected.

You missed the point entirely. It appears you don't care about the intellectual freedom of the students at these colleges and universities.

People like you complain about this "political stasis" yet do nothing but pontificate to the rest of us about it. Nobody does anything to break it, nobody wants to. Those are empty words, coming from you.

Information is deadly to those who fear it. Reality is harmful to those who deny it. Freedom is repulsive to those who wish to bind its power.

By the way, I'm not a "right winger." I stopped being one of those a long time ago. I am servile to no one except my creator. The division you see is perpetuated by one side or the other, and there are people like you who wish only to further such a divide, to strengthen this "political stasis."

They're not attempting to give a detailed timeline of specific events that lead to the football team's decision.
Perhaps you can explain what other reasons compelled them to do what they did.
Perhaps you can explain what other reasons compelled them to do what they did.

Here is an example of what your side does.

Fox News put out a story discrediting the poop-swastika. A decision was clearly made to spread confusion over as many details as possible. This is standard Trotsky. Muddy the story so debate is impossible.

The swastika story was misreported form the beginning (by several different media sources). The swastika was written in what appeared to be coal, and there was also some poop on the wall under it, reportedly... but the poop didn't/doesn't matter. The swastika is the problem, and it made people feel unsafe. The concerns of scared students were not heard. This president was getting pressure from everywhere to resign for his lack of institutional control.

FYI: Someone named Bradley Becker was charged for a crime in association with this event. This was the second instance of anti-semitic vandalism in the same building, also reported and filed.

Junior Thalia Sass, president of the Jewish Student Organization, said she understands from experience what it’s like to be concerned for her safety. “It becomes harder to show my Jewish identity,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Jewish student on this campus. I’m so proud to flaunt my Jewish identity but when incidents like this happen, it’s scary. This person doesn’t know me but they hate me just because of the single aspect that I’m Jewish.”

There weren't just blacks putting pressure on the university.

Are Jews part of the conspiracy too?

Your party's desire to erase or distort the event before getting all the details is dangerous.

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Here is an example of what your side does.

Your party's desire to erase or distort the event before getting all the details is dangerous.

"My side," "your party." I see. I guess I won't take the rest of your post seriously now. I told you. I don't take sides.

Fox News put out a story discrediting the poop-swastika. A decision was clearly made to spread confusion over as many details as possible. This is standard Trotsky. Muddy the story so debate is impossible.

I don't recall ever mentioning the "poop swastika." If I remember, I dismissed it because of that same reason. The incident occurred in 2014. However, that had nothing to do with why Wolfe resigned:

2010: Two white students scatter cotton balls outside the campus Black Culture Center. The student newspaper, The Maneater, quoted an official from the school saying "this was much more, in our view, than a childish prank."

August 9, 2014: Police Officer Darren Wilson shoots and kills an unarmed black teenager, Micheal Brown, after Brown charged him and attempted to take his firearm. This incident sparked the "Black Lives Matter" movement, and heightened discussion about racial issues on campuses across the nation, including Missouri.

September 12th, 2015: Missouri Student Association President Payton Head posts on Facebook that young people in a pickup truck off campus yelled racial slurs at him. Though nobody could corroborate the story. Not soon after, protests and sit-ins and other forms of protests began amid fears the administration was not doing enough to address the issue.

September 24th: Students hold the first of two "Racism Lives Here" rallies in response to Payton Head's post.

October 5th: A drunk man yells racial slurs at members of the Legion of Black Collegians.

October 6th: Students and faculty stage a sit in to protest the lack of response by administrators to the incident.

October 8th: The university announces that incoming freshmen will be required to undergo "diversity training."

October 10th: A group of demonstrators crashes the homecoming parade in an attempt to get Wolfe's attention. He chose not to respond. In an attempt to get away, his car hits graduate student Johnathon Butler. The lack of response was seen by the students as further proof of his inability or refusal to act. Butler uses this incident to incite more protests.

October 11th: Another "Racism Lives Here" rally is broken up by university police.

October 20th: Concerned Student 1950 issues a list of demands which includes Wolfe's resignation.

It wasn't until 4 days later on October 24th when accusations began flying that a swastika was allegedly drawn on a dorm bathroom wall with feces. This turned out to be a hoax when a photo emerged with a similar image that was dated from 2014.

But by then the anger was already full blown the process was already underway.

October 27th: Concerned Student 1950 meets with Wolfe, with no resolution to the standoff.

November 2nd: Graduate student Jonathan Butler begins a hunger strike, which included demands that whites admit to their 'White Privilege' because they had access to luxuries he didn't have because of his skin color, due to their 'White Privilege.' Butler vows not to eat until he dies or Wolfe is removed. It is worth noting that Butler's father is a multimillionaire. And that Butler himself lied about being hit by Wolfe's car, having been found on video tape charging towards Wolfe's car at the homecoming parade on Oct 10.

November 7th: Black football players for Missouri's Division-1 football team state that they will refuse to play in a game until Wolfe resigns.

As you can see, the swastika was not on their minds.

November 8th: The rest of the football team joins in with the black players, threatening to cancel the game against Brigham Young University. Wolfe at this point refuses to step down.

November 9th: The chancellor resigns.

November 10th: Wolfe resigns.
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Damn. Those colleges are terrible places. The OP had better avoid them at all costs. If he went to a liberal college, he'd soon be indoctrinated into liberalism. All people who go to college come out with the liberal mental disorder.
What would happen if they went ahead and hand their commemoration anyway.
What's a bunch of fems going to do about it.
Go to court. As it should
The University of Minnesota student government rejected a proposal by Theo Menon, the student group representative to MSA for the College Republicans at the University, which would have allowed students to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11, where 3000 people died at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists. The reason?

It violated their safe space and showed bias against Muslims. I kid you not. This is what they said:

The passing of this resolution might make a space that is unsafe for students on campus even more unsafe.

I am growing more and more convinced that liberalism is in fact a mental disorder. In the past I thought "liberalism is a mental disorder" to be nothing more than an empty childish slight. However, the hysterics, the apoplectics, the anxiety, the moodiness---all over some perceived offense, is making the phrase more of a reality.

If you're so spineless that you need a freakin' safe space to protect you from opposing views or other people... you don't belong in college. You belong in a mental ward.

On Tuesday, November 10, the Minnesota Student Association (MSA)–the undergraduate student government at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (UMN)– rejected a resolution for a moment of recognition on future anniversaries of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Theo Menon, the student group representative to MSA for the College Republicans (CRs) at UMN, introduced the resolution; MSA’s forum voted against it 36-23 (with three abstentions). The proposed resolution pointed to the university’s lack of any sort of commemoration regarding the attacks on 9/11. It then called for a campus-wide moment of recognition on every September 11 from now on.

“I wrote this resolution because I think we need to recognize the victims of this world-changing event,” said Menon, “The innocent men, women, and servicemen who died on that day deserve to be honored.”

Nathan Amundson serves as President of UMN’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter and student group representative for Write Things, a creative writing group. Amundson said debate on the resolution centered around whether enacting the moment of recognition might instill a more islamophobic sentiment on campus.

UMN student govt: 9/11 remembrance would violate our safe space

Diversity in action folks!

I agree this is dumb, and as noted in another thread the society is starting to push the PC pendulum back to center. Enough is enough.

But wailing against a coffee shop for selling a red cup for Christmas ranks with this as well. Religious PC is just as bad.

Let's get rid of all of it.
If you're so spineless that you need a freakin' safe space to protect you from opposing views or other people... you don't belong in college. You belong in a mental ward.
This is sad to watch. Is anyone surprised at this point?

The Regressive Left supports and enables this stuff, and then they whine when their motives are questioned.


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