Today is the 104 birthday of the 35th President: JFK

Another photo from that same day...

President Kennedy speaks to guests at his last birthday party

The last of the real Democrats.

Along with him, the Democrat Party was also killed in America.
I thought you were a staunch conservative — Trump "lost" or rather the election was stolen from him by fraudulent counting, and now you're pining after "real Democrats."

To what extent did JFK take after his father Joseph Patrick Kennedy who ordered a frontal lobotomy to be performed on his sister Rosemary in order to make her more docile and compliant, allegedly for mental health and sanity?

And what about Jackie Onassis who married into that Kennedy clan? Wasn't she lobotomized or forced to undergo some mental health therapy against her will as well?

And JFK's running mate and Vice President LBJ who assumed office on his death and immediately railroaded the GUN CONTROL ACT OF 1968 through a complicit Vietcong-controlled CONGRESS—?
The last of the real Democrats.

Along with him, the Democrat Party was also killed in America.
I thought you were a staunch conservative — Trump "lost" or rather the election was stolen from him by fraudulent counting, and now you're pining after "real Democrats."

To what extent did JFK take after his father Joseph Patrick Kennedy who ordered a frontal lobotomy to be performed on his sister Rosemary in order to make her more docile and compliant, allegedly for mental health and sanity?

And what about Jackie Onassis who married into that Kennedy clan? Wasn't she lobotomized or forced to undergo some mental health therapy against her will as well?

And JFK's running mate and Vice President LBJ who assumed office on his death and immediately railroaded the GUN CONTROL ACT OF 1968 through a complicit Vietcong-controlled CONGRESS—?

Stop that BS. ^^^

Just celebrating Jack's birthday now.
Stop that BS. ^^^

Just celebrating Jack's birthday now.
That mental health shite is all 100% pure Democrat BS. I didn't dream you'd ever support it, with all your love for Donald Trump.
Stop that BS. ^^^

Just celebrating Jack's birthday now.
That mental health shite is all 100% pure Democrat BS. I didn't dream you'd ever support it, with all your love for Donald Trump.

Open another thread

This one here is celebrating Kennedy's 104 birthday.
Joe Dimaggio married Marilyn Monroe.
A man has a whack job for a woman, but it's generally another man he's whacking or having whacked, as the case may be. Jealousy as a motive for murder.

There's a whack job all right.
She made men utterly nuts
When she left them they stayed nuts and that may be what got him killed
My Life Magazine with her on cover in blue robe right before her death is very sought after.
The last of the real Democrats.

Along with him, the Democrat Party was also killed in America.

View attachment 495259
He had admirable qualities, but faithfulness to his wife wasn't one of them. Hes still a dirtbag but lightyears ahead of today's Democrats

We know that.

I prefer to talk about his good traits today, and like you rightly say, he is light years ahead of today's Rats.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The understatement of the year.He is rolling over in his grave how corrupt his party has become now.Kennedy back then made you PROUD to be a democrat.He was the greatest president of the 20th century.Back then because of him the party deserved to be called Democrats instead of DemoRATS thst they are now.Ever sense Clinton,the party has earned the title DemoRATS.
Truth be told, we could definitely use some hard-ass, strict, straight forward leadership right now
That's why I like DeSantis. So much like Trump minus those things that turn off those without a sense of humor.
Desantis would be the greatest president sense Kennedy,He reminds me so much like Kennedy,a man of the people,for the constitution,and against big government.
Truth be told, we could definitely use some hard-ass, strict, straight forward leadership right now
That's why I like DeSantis. So much like Trump minus those things that turn off those without a sense of humor.
Desantis would be the greatest president sense Kennedy,He reminds me so much like Kennedy,a man of the people,for the constitution,and against big government.
I'm not a fan of Kennedy. Not a single one of them
The last of the real Democrats.

Along with him, the Democrat Party was also killed in America.

View attachment 495259
He had admirable qualities, but faithfulness to his wife wasn't one of them. Hes still a dirtbag but lightyears ahead of today's Democrats

We know that.

I prefer to talk about his good traits today, and like you rightly say, he is light years ahead of today's Rats.
We never would have went to Nam, he was waiting to be safely reelected to pull out, but it didn't work out
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: Damn right,the people on message boards that day johnson was contiuning his policys on Vietnam are paid shills for Langley.every serious researcher knows he INHERITED Vietnam,he did not get us involved in it as our corrupt school system teaches.Two of his closest aides have maintained thst he wanted to pull out of Vietnam but he had to wait till he was re-elected to do so.there were even headlines in the Stars and Stripes pentagon paper that read kennedy to withdraw from Vietnam by 1965,it was hardly any kind of secret.

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