Today is the 104 birthday of the 35th President: JFK

Truth be told, we could definitely use some hard-ass, strict, straight forward leadership right now
That's why I like DeSantis. So much like Trump minus those things that turn off those without a sense of humor.
Desantis would be the greatest president sense Kennedy,He reminds me so much like Kennedy,a man of the people,for the constitution,and against big government.
I'm not a fan of Kennedy. Not a single one of them
That’s fine but whether you like him or hate him his assassination still affects all of us today and it still matters the fact that if the government can kill the president of the United States and get away with it,then NONE of us are safe from them.the corporate controlled media is STILL lying about who killed him today and I’m sick of it,thst they get off Scott fee with their lying as any true American would as well.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the United States where the people had control over the government instead of all these bankers and corporations that do now.Had he served a second term,we would NOT be the fascist dictatership banana republic we have been ever sense can hate on him all you want but those are the facts.
Stop that BS. ^^^

Just celebrating Jack's birthday now.
That mental health shite is all 100% pure Democrat BS. I didn't dream you'd ever support it, with all your love for Donald Trump.
She is not alone. I adored JFK, but I am also a Trump supporter. See, many of us have open minds and can are unbiased on jobs well done, the person who is doing the job regardless of partisanship, and in general, are sane. Its the tunnel visioned sheep that are the problem.
Stop that BS. ^^^

Just celebrating Jack's birthday now.
That mental health shite is all 100% pure Democrat BS. I didn't dream you'd ever support it, with all your love for Donald Trump.
She is not alone. I adored JFK, but I am also a Trump supporter. See, many of us have open minds and can are unbiased on jobs well done, the person who is doing the job regardless of partisanship, and in general, are sane. Its the tunnel visioned sheep that are the problem.
Amen to that.kennedy is my favorite president of the 20th century but I as well st the same time am also a trump supporter.unlike many biased posters here I vote for the person over the party.someone like biased troll pc for example thinks the gop party can do no wrong,she is an embarrassment to trump supporters because you CANNOT like both Trump AND Bush at the same time as she does.

Her hypocrisy makes her unamerican and a fake Trump supporter.She correctly talks about Obamas corruption all the time but she runs off with her tail between her legs refusing to admit the truth that Obama was a clone of her hero Bush,she is an embarrassment to the human race ignoring the corruption of Bush that him and Obama were two peas in a pod and the best of pals.same with clinton and the Bush’s.
John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy (who was running for Pres.)were both shot to death because of the Civil Rights Act and because they were Catholic.
John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy (who was running for Pres.)were both shot to death because of the Civil Rights Act and because they were Catholic.
Both Kennedy’s were more supportive of MLK that J Edgar and that was dangerous
You nailed it.resident troll Penelope cannot accept reality that kennedy is rolling over in his grave how corrupt his party has become sense his time,that ever sense clinton,they have earned the title demoRAts.traiter johnson of course was ALSO a DemoRAT.
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Truth be told, we could definitely use some hard-ass, strict, straight forward leadership right now
That's why I like DeSantis. So much like Trump minus those things that turn off those without a sense of humor.
Desantis would be the greatest president sense Kennedy,He reminds me so much like Kennedy,a man of the people,for the constitution,and against big government.
I'm not a fan of Kennedy. Not a single one of them
That’s fine but whether you like him or hate him his assassination still affects all of us today and it still matters the fact that if the government can kill the president of the United States and get away with it,then NONE of us are safe from them.the corporate controlled media is STILL lying about who killed him today and I’m sick of it,thst they get off Scott fee with their lying as any true American would as well.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the United States where the people had control over the government instead of all these bankers and corporations that do now.Had he served a second term,we would NOT be the fascist dictatership banana republic we have been ever sense can hate on him all you want but those are the facts.
The government did not kill him, Oswald did.

TGhis has long since been proven and you know it which is why you always scream shill
John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy (who was running for Pres.)were both shot to death because of the Civil Rights Act and because they were Catholic.
Both Kennedy’s were more supportive of MLK that J Edgar and that was dangerous
You nailed it.resident troll Penelope cannot accept reality that kennedy is rolling over in his grave how corrupt his party has become sense his time,that ever sense clinton,they have earned the title demoRAts.traiter johnson of course was ALSO a DemoRAT.
Yet all Kennedys moved to the far left with their party. Teddy gave us the flood of Turd Worlders colonizing this country.

I bet JFK would be right there with Nazi Pelosi. Bill Clinton was also prolife and pro marriage until his party told him he wasnt. Obama opposed gay "marriage" untilbhis party told him that wasnt the right position. I will never trust anyone with a "D"

and that.....yes...we also have seen before....:rolleyes:

Thats how much JFK was loved, by the whole country.......well, most of it.
I was just a baby then, but I remember the emotional feeling of people talking about JFK then, and they were always in awe of him.

That really is not accurate.

People cannot compare their personal experiences with the nation in general. SOme people seem to do it all the time.

Kennedy had his base of supporters it's true but he was not well loved by most of the nation. He won the presidency by a very narrow margin and to this day many believe his campaign cheated and for good reason.

He became far more popular after he was murdered by Oswald because he was then viewed as a martyr. Same thing with Lincoln who is far more revered in death than he was in life.

and that.....yes...we also have seen before....:rolleyes:

Thats how much JFK was loved, by the whole country.......well, most of it.
I was just a baby then, but I remember the emotional feeling of people talking about JFK then, and they were always in awe of him.

That really is not accurate.

People cannot compare their personal experiences with the nation in general. SOme people seem to do it all the time.

Kennedy had his base of supporters it's true but he was not well loved by most of the nation. He won the presidency by a very narrow margin and to this day many believe his campaign cheated and for good reason.

He became far more popular after he was murdered by Oswald because he was then viewed as a martyr. Same thing with Lincoln who is far more revered in death than he was in life.

The country loved Kennedy and went into a intense unprecedented week long mourning period in shock
You completely do not know what you are talking about.

and that.....yes...we also have seen before....:rolleyes:

Thats how much JFK was loved, by the whole country.......well, most of it.
I was just a baby then, but I remember the emotional feeling of people talking about JFK then, and they were always in awe of him.

That really is not accurate.

People cannot compare their personal experiences with the nation in general. SOme people seem to do it all the time.

Kennedy had his base of supporters it's true but he was not well loved by most of the nation. He won the presidency by a very narrow margin and to this day many believe his campaign cheated and for good reason.

He became far more popular after he was murdered by Oswald because he was then viewed as a martyr. Same thing with Lincoln who is far more revered in death than he was in life.

The country loved Kennedy and went into a intense unprecedented week long mourning period in shock
You completely do not know what you are talking about.

Yes that was after he was deads.

He was not a popular president. That was why he was in Texas in the first place. He was desperate to heal the rift between high ranking members of the democrat party in Texas. His re election chances were in doubt and if he did not have Texas he would lose and he had to have a unified party in Texas to carry the state.

Once again she shocl of seeing him murdered elevated him to martyr status which changhed many peoples feelings. He was far from a nationally beloved president in life however.

and that.....yes...we also have seen before....:rolleyes:

Thats how much JFK was loved, by the whole country.......well, most of it.
I was just a baby then, but I remember the emotional feeling of people talking about JFK then, and they were always in awe of him.

That really is not accurate.

People cannot compare their personal experiences with the nation in general. SOme people seem to do it all the time.

Kennedy had his base of supporters it's true but he was not well loved by most of the nation. He won the presidency by a very narrow margin and to this day many believe his campaign cheated and for good reason.

He became far more popular after he was murdered by Oswald because he was then viewed as a martyr. Same thing with Lincoln who is far more revered in death than he was in life.

The country loved Kennedy and went into a intense unprecedented week long mourning period in shock
You completely do not know what you are talking about.

Yes that was after he was deads.

He was not a popular president. That was why he was in Texas in the first place. He was desperate to heal the rift between high ranking members of the democrat party in Texas. His re election chances were in doubt and if he did not have Texas he would lose and he had to have a unified party in Texas to carry the state.

Once again she shocl of seeing him murdered elevated him to martyr status which changhed many peoples feelings. He was far from a nationally beloved president in life however.

If you were alive then and of a memory age then carry on. Otherwise shut up.
Your foolish incorrect reporting on events of that time is garbage. Also, anyone who has Nazi in their name is garbage
John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy (who was running for Pres.)were both shot to death because of the Civil Rights Act and because they were Catholic.
Both Kennedy’s were more supportive of MLK that J Edgar and that was dangerous
You nailed it.resident troll Penelope cannot accept reality that kennedy is rolling over in his grave how corrupt his party has become sense his time,that ever sense clinton,they have earned the title demoRAts.traiter johnson of course was ALSO a DemoRAT.
Yet all Kennedys moved to the far left with their party. Teddy gave us the flood of Turd Worlders colonizing this country.

I bet JFK would be right there with Nazi Pelosi. Bill Clinton was also prolife and pro marriage until his party told him he wasnt. Obama opposed gay "marriage" untilbhis party told him that wasnt the right position. I will never trust anyone with a "D"

You are totally clueless with thst nonsense that kennedy would be there right with pelosi,you clearly are clueless as well how kennedy signed the executive order thst Johnson reversed where for five months our money was backed by silver which would have eliminated the fed had Johnson not stepped in and reversed his executive order after the assassination which allowed the fed to continue going on now as it is.teddy sold out rfk and jfk,thst is correct,he went to the left yes.Kennedy not only tried to get rid of the fed but was planning to abolish the cia in his second term as well,those two organizations are the reason the world is in the mess it is president sense him has had the courage try and get rid of them. Oh and basest on how the democrat party has been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the cia the last couple years or so and how each president sense Clinton has been a warmonger,that I DONT blame you in the least fir never trusting a dem,heck gracie has been a long time supporter of the dem party until recently the last two years. :up: Thousands of Americans are fleeing the democrat party left and right same as gracie,so s your hardly alone there on not trusting the dems,no real america does anymore.:abgg2q.jpg:

and that.....yes...we also have seen before....:rolleyes:
Thats how much JFK was loved, by the whole country.......well, most of it.
I was just a baby then, but I remember the emotional feeling of people talking about JFK then, and they were always in awe of him.
That really is not accurate.

People cannot compare their personal experiences with the nation in general. SOme people seem to do it all the time.

Kennedy had his base of supporters it's true but he was not well loved by most of the nation. He won the presidency by a very narrow margin and to this day many believe his campaign cheated and for good reason.

He became far more popular after he was murdered by Oswald because he was then viewed as a martyr. Same thing with Lincoln who is far more revered in death than he was in life.
The country loved Kennedy and went into a intense unprecedented week long mourning period in shock
You completely do not know what you are talking about.
Yes that was after he was deads.

He was not a popular president. That was why he was in Texas in the first place. He was desperate to heal the rift between high ranking members of the democrat party in Texas. His re election chances were in doubt and if he did not have Texas he would lose and he had to have a unified party in Texas to carry the state.

Once again she shocl of seeing him murdered elevated him to martyr status which changhed many peoples feelings. He was far from a nationally beloved president in life however.
If you were alive then and of a memory age then carry on. Otherwise shut up.
Your foolish incorrect reporting on events of that time is garbage. Also, anyone who has Nazi in their name is garbage
:thankusmile: You nailed it.:thup:
this naz troll is a shill from Langley,he ain’t worth the time and effort,lies is all he knows to tell.this kid is sooo sad he has an obsession over kennedy and 9/11,chechk his past post history,that’s ALL he ever poss about in his basement he lives in. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
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and that.....yes...we also have seen before....:rolleyes:

Thats how much JFK was loved, by the whole country.......well, most of it.
I was just a baby then, but I remember the emotional feeling of people talking about JFK then, and they were always in awe of him.

That really is not accurate.

People cannot compare their personal experiences with the nation in general. SOme people seem to do it all the time.

Kennedy had his base of supporters it's true but he was not well loved by most of the nation. He won the presidency by a very narrow margin and to this day many believe his campaign cheated and for good reason.

He became far more popular after he was murdered by Oswald because he was then viewed as a martyr. Same thing with Lincoln who is far more revered in death than he was in life.

The country loved Kennedy and went into a intense unprecedented week long mourning period in shock
You completely do not know what you are talking about.

Yes that was after he was deads.

He was not a popular president. That was why he was in Texas in the first place. He was desperate to heal the rift between high ranking members of the democrat party in Texas. His re election chances were in doubt and if he did not have Texas he would lose and he had to have a unified party in Texas to carry the state.

Once again she shocl of seeing him murdered elevated him to martyr status which changhed many peoples feelings. He was far from a nationally beloved president in life however.

If you were alive then and of a memory age then carry on. Otherwise shut up.
Your foolish incorrect reporting on events of that time is garbage. Also, anyone who has Nazi in their name is garbage

Learn what soupnazi means my read on that time is correct being an infangt at that time gives no one special insight.
If he and his brother RFK had lived, odds are they would have followed the same path as brother Ted. Just like MLK would have become another Sharpton.
JFK was symbolic more of the era than any personal trait.
I definetely do not fault people like Death Angel in the least for never wanting to have anything to do with the democrat party ever again because as I said,every Democrat president sense clinton has been a fascist here to destroy America.Bush and Clinton long time pals going back to the 80,s were involved in the mena arkansa scandal together helping the cia smuggle drugs into the mena Arkansas airport under the watchful eye of Clinton while he was governor in exchange fir weapons given to the nicaguans.

any citizen Of Arkansas that knew about clintons activities,got arkansawed by the Clinton crime machine the CIA thst him and bush have close connections with,Obama does as well, Clinton had over a 100 people arkansawed off fir knowing too much.he is very well protected by the deep state.that was WHY Obama wanted Hitlery as Secretary of State. Notice that CIA plants like right winger and candyass,and soupnazi never said one bad peep about bush or Obama yet trump a non warmonger with no connections to the CIA comes in and they demonize HIM.proof trump is not part of the corrupt two party system.

the CIA that kennedy tried to abolish and paid the deadly price fir trying to do so,they have funded terrorists that have infiltrated the dem I said,even long line dem supporters like gracie who has been a democrat going back to her days of jfk,has left the democrat party,thousands just like her are fleeing the democrat party left and right.after Obama lied to the people about reversing the dreconian policys of bush and just expanded them,she has not been a democrat ever sense. :thup: :clap::clap::clap::clap:Again there are thousands of others just like gracie.ask gracie about that on this thread,she’ll tell you.:)kennedy had his faults and indeed was not a role model of a father or husband,that does nit take away his great accomplishments what he did in office as PRESIDENT though.serving the people and trying to get us back to return us to the constitution of the United States where the people had control over the government instead of all these bankers and corporations that do now.

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