Today’s Impeach-O-Meter at 85%: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Donald Trump is becoming more frantic and irrational every day as the impeachment noose tightens.

Trump is falling out of favor with the whole public including diminishing support among Republicans and GOP lawmakers turning against him.

Mitt Romney has now been triggered into being an impeachment activist by Trump's insults.

The question is, will Donald Trump survive until November 2020, or will he bail out and demand a pardon from Pence, that is if Pence himself is not trapped in the swamp of dirt engorging Donald Trump.

Time is not on Donald Trump's side as more dirt will be exposed as the impeachment investigation proceeds. The big pile of dirt could be in the Special Counsel's Grand Jury materials currently being litigated in court. This could bring down not only Donald Trump, but Bill Barr as well who is trying to prevent Congress access to this material.

The Donald Trump dirtbag should no longer be swept under the carpet, it should be swept from office.

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

By BEN MATHIS-LILLEY, OCT 08, 201912:03 PM

The original Impeach-O-Meter was a wildly subjective and speculative estimate of the likelihood that Donald Trump would be removed before his term ended. Republicans have since established that there’s nothing that Trump could do to lose their support, making a conviction in the GOP-held Senate inconceivable. But as evidence of the president’s criminal unfitness for office continues to accumulate, an increasing number of Democrats are willing to say that he should be held accountable, at the least, via impeachment proceedings in the House. So we’ve relaunched the Impeach-O-Meter as a (still wildly subjective and speculative) estimate of the likelihood that the House votes to impeach Trump before the end of his first term.

The big developments on impeachment:

• Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who represents a state where Trump has relatively strong support but who is also the kind of avowed Reasonable Republican who is, privately, probably really tired of dealing with his antics, told the Columbus Dispatch that there was nothing wrong with what Joe Biden did in Ukraine and that it was “inappropriate” for Trump to ask the country to investigate a political rival. (Caveat: Portman also said Trump’s behavior did not rise to the level of being “impeachable.”)

• A “[Mitt] Romney advisor” told Vanity Fair that the Utah senator is excited about having “power” as “a senator who will decide Trump’s fate in an impeachment trial.” The magazine says Romney “has been reaching out privately to key players in the Republican resistance” in recent days.

• A Washington Post–Schar School poll found that Americans support the launch of an impeachment inquiry by a 58 percent to 38 percent margin and would support the House voting to recommend removal from office by a 49 percent to 38 percent margin. Notably, the poll found that 28 percent of Republicans supported the inquiry and 18 percent would support voting to recommend removal.

• Trump blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from making a scheduled deposition to the House Intelligence Committee. Previously released text messages show that Sondland was enthusiastic about pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden (and to investigate Trump’s vague claims that Ukraine was involved in a conspiracy against him in 2016).

Let’s not overthink things here. The public supports Trump’s impeachment, and some Republicans are going out of their way to make clear that they won’t defend the conduct he might get impeached for. At the same time, he’s acting like he has something to hide. Meter up!


Illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo and Lisa Larson-Walker/Slate. Photos by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Win McNamee/Getty Images, Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images, Drew Angerer/Getty Images, and Peter Parks-Pool/Getty Images.
Trump is falling out of favor with the whole public including diminishing support among Republicans and GOP lawmakers turning against him.

Mitt Romney has now been triggered into being an impeachment activist by Trump's insults.

The question is, will Donald Trump survive until November 2020, or will he bail out and demand a pardon from Pence, that is if Pence himself is not trapped in the swamp of dirt engorging Donald Trump.

Time is not on Donald Trump's side as more dirt will be exposed as the impeachment investigation proceeds. The big pile of dirt could be in the Special Counsel's Grand Jury materials currently being litigated in court. This could bring down not only Donald Trump, but Bill Barr as well who is trying to prevent Congress access to this material.

The Donald Trump dirtbag should no longer be swept under the carpet, it should be swept from office.

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

By BEN MATHIS-LILLEY, OCT 08, 201912:03 PM

The original Impeach-O-Meter was a wildly subjective and speculative estimate of the likelihood that Donald Trump would be removed before his term ended. Republicans have since established that there’s nothing that Trump could do to lose their support, making a conviction in the GOP-held Senate inconceivable. But as evidence of the president’s criminal unfitness for office continues to accumulate, an increasing number of Democrats are willing to say that he should be held accountable, at the least, via impeachment proceedings in the House. So we’ve relaunched the Impeach-O-Meter as a (still wildly subjective and speculative) estimate of the likelihood that the House votes to impeach Trump before the end of his first term.

The big developments on impeachment:

• Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who represents a state where Trump has relatively strong support but who is also the kind of avowed Reasonable Republican who is, privately, probably really tired of dealing with his antics, told the Columbus Dispatch that there was nothing wrong with what Joe Biden did in Ukraine and that it was “inappropriate” for Trump to ask the country to investigate a political rival. (Caveat: Portman also said Trump’s behavior did not rise to the level of being “impeachable.”)

• A “[Mitt] Romney advisor” told Vanity Fair that the Utah senator is excited about having “power” as “a senator who will decide Trump’s fate in an impeachment trial.” The magazine says Romney “has been reaching out privately to key players in the Republican resistance” in recent days.

• A Washington Post–Schar School poll found that Americans support the launch of an impeachment inquiry by a 58 percent to 38 percent margin and would support the House voting to recommend removal from office by a 49 percent to 38 percent margin. Notably, the poll found that 28 percent of Republicans supported the inquiry and 18 percent would support voting to recommend removal.

• Trump blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from making a scheduled deposition to the House Intelligence Committee. Previously released text messages show that Sondland was enthusiastic about pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden (and to investigate Trump’s vague claims that Ukraine was involved in a conspiracy against him in 2016).

Let’s not overthink things here. The public supports Trump’s impeachment, and some Republicans are going out of their way to make clear that they won’t defend the conduct he might get impeached for. At the same time, he’s acting like he has something to hide. Meter up!


Illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo and Lisa Larson-Walker/Slate. Photos by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Win McNamee/Getty Images, Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images, Drew Angerer/Getty Images, and Peter Parks-Pool/Getty Images.
Yes we know about your democrat run polls. Lol they are conducted at the loony bin hahah
Donald Trump is becoming more frantic and irrational every day as the impeachment noose tightens.

Trump is falling out of favor with the whole public including diminishing support among Republicans and GOP lawmakers turning against him.

Mitt Romney has now been triggered into being an impeachment activist by Trump's insults.

The question is, will Donald Trump survive until November 2020, or will he bail out and demand a pardon from Pence, that is if Pence himself is not trapped in the swamp of dirt engorging Donald Trump.

Time is not on Donald Trump's side as more dirt will be exposed as the impeachment investigation proceeds. The big pile of dirt could be in the Special Counsel's Grand Jury materials currently being litigated in court. This could bring down not only Donald Trump, but Bill Barr as well who is trying to prevent Congress access to this material.

The Donald Trump dirtbag should no longer be swept under the carpet, it should be swept from office.

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

By BEN MATHIS-LILLEY, OCT 08, 201912:03 PM

The original Impeach-O-Meter was a wildly subjective and speculative estimate of the likelihood that Donald Trump would be removed before his term ended. Republicans have since established that there’s nothing that Trump could do to lose their support, making a conviction in the GOP-held Senate inconceivable. But as evidence of the president’s criminal unfitness for office continues to accumulate, an increasing number of Democrats are willing to say that he should be held accountable, at the least, via impeachment proceedings in the House. So we’ve relaunched the Impeach-O-Meter as a (still wildly subjective and speculative) estimate of the likelihood that the House votes to impeach Trump before the end of his first term.

The big developments on impeachment:

• Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who represents a state where Trump has relatively strong support but who is also the kind of avowed Reasonable Republican who is, privately, probably really tired of dealing with his antics, told the Columbus Dispatch that there was nothing wrong with what Joe Biden did in Ukraine and that it was “inappropriate” for Trump to ask the country to investigate a political rival. (Caveat: Portman also said Trump’s behavior did not rise to the level of being “impeachable.”)

• A “[Mitt] Romney advisor” told Vanity Fair that the Utah senator is excited about having “power” as “a senator who will decide Trump’s fate in an impeachment trial.” The magazine says Romney “has been reaching out privately to key players in the Republican resistance” in recent days.

• A Washington Post–Schar School poll found that Americans support the launch of an impeachment inquiry by a 58 percent to 38 percent margin and would support the House voting to recommend removal from office by a 49 percent to 38 percent margin. Notably, the poll found that 28 percent of Republicans supported the inquiry and 18 percent would support voting to recommend removal.

• Trump blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from making a scheduled deposition to the House Intelligence Committee. Previously released text messages show that Sondland was enthusiastic about pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden (and to investigate Trump’s vague claims that Ukraine was involved in a conspiracy against him in 2016).

Let’s not overthink things here. The public supports Trump’s impeachment, and some Republicans are going out of their way to make clear that they won’t defend the conduct he might get impeached for. At the same time, he’s acting like he has something to hide. Meter up!


Illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo and Lisa Larson-Walker/Slate. Photos by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Win McNamee/Getty Images, Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images, Drew Angerer/Getty Images, and Peter Parks-Pool/Getty Images.
Trump has raised 15 millions more last quarter then all democrats combined and that’s all small donors
Trump has raised 15 millions more last quarter then all democrats combined and that’s all small donors

Dupes? Will Donald Trump pocket the dupes' donations and walk away from running in 2020?
The public is favoring impeachment because tar-and-feather punishment is no longer permitted.
The public is favoring impeachment because tar-and-feather punishment is no longer permitted.
Yea polling San Fran and Boston will get democrats all the results they need lol

Feel good for 24 hours haha
I hope the commie shitheads do try to impeach hm. Like everything else they've tried, it will fail as well.

Liberals, beware!

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
The public is favoring impeachment because tar-and-feather punishment is no longer permitted.

That's nothing. We only tolerate you lefties because dropping ya'll out of helicopters is not only bad manners, but littering.

What a bunch of wankers.

The ‘October Surprise’ is supposed to be in the October right before the election...not a year earlier.

Democrat politicians come too fast.
Donald Trump is becoming more frantic and irrational every day as the impeachment noose tightens.

Trump is falling out of favor with the whole public including diminishing support among Republicans and GOP lawmakers turning against him.

Mitt Romney has now been triggered into being an impeachment activist by Trump's insults.

The question is, will Donald Trump survive until November 2020, or will he bail out and demand a pardon from Pence, that is if Pence himself is not trapped in the swamp of dirt engorging Donald Trump.

Time is not on Donald Trump's side as more dirt will be exposed as the impeachment investigation proceeds. The big pile of dirt could be in the Special Counsel's Grand Jury materials currently being litigated in court. This could bring down not only Donald Trump, but Bill Barr as well who is trying to prevent Congress access to this material.

The Donald Trump dirtbag should no longer be swept under the carpet, it should be swept from office.

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

Today’s Impeach-O-Meter: Trump Grows Obstructive as Mild-Mannered Senators Tighten Noose

By BEN MATHIS-LILLEY, OCT 08, 201912:03 PM

The original Impeach-O-Meter was a wildly subjective and speculative estimate of the likelihood that Donald Trump would be removed before his term ended. Republicans have since established that there’s nothing that Trump could do to lose their support, making a conviction in the GOP-held Senate inconceivable. But as evidence of the president’s criminal unfitness for office continues to accumulate, an increasing number of Democrats are willing to say that he should be held accountable, at the least, via impeachment proceedings in the House. So we’ve relaunched the Impeach-O-Meter as a (still wildly subjective and speculative) estimate of the likelihood that the House votes to impeach Trump before the end of his first term.

The big developments on impeachment:

• Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who represents a state where Trump has relatively strong support but who is also the kind of avowed Reasonable Republican who is, privately, probably really tired of dealing with his antics, told the Columbus Dispatch that there was nothing wrong with what Joe Biden did in Ukraine and that it was “inappropriate” for Trump to ask the country to investigate a political rival. (Caveat: Portman also said Trump’s behavior did not rise to the level of being “impeachable.”)

• A “[Mitt] Romney advisor” told Vanity Fair that the Utah senator is excited about having “power” as “a senator who will decide Trump’s fate in an impeachment trial.” The magazine says Romney “has been reaching out privately to key players in the Republican resistance” in recent days.

• A Washington Post–Schar School poll found that Americans support the launch of an impeachment inquiry by a 58 percent to 38 percent margin and would support the House voting to recommend removal from office by a 49 percent to 38 percent margin. Notably, the poll found that 28 percent of Republicans supported the inquiry and 18 percent would support voting to recommend removal.

• Trump blocked Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, from making a scheduled deposition to the House Intelligence Committee. Previously released text messages show that Sondland was enthusiastic about pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden (and to investigate Trump’s vague claims that Ukraine was involved in a conspiracy against him in 2016).

Let’s not overthink things here. The public supports Trump’s impeachment, and some Republicans are going out of their way to make clear that they won’t defend the conduct he might get impeached for. At the same time, he’s acting like he has something to hide. Meter up!


Illustration by Natalie Matthews-Ramo and Lisa Larson-Walker/Slate. Photos by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Win McNamee/Getty Images, Chris Kleponis-Pool/Getty Images, Drew Angerer/Getty Images, and Peter Parks-Pool/Getty Images.
What a load of crap!

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