Todays Observation : old married couple


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
The US has turned into an old married couple that needs a divorce. We don't believe each others polls, government numbers, or politicians. We come equipt with our own fact checkers, media bias, and church teaching. We don't talk to one another, we talk at one another. We don't want compromise we want all cost. The truth is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps a divorce is in order. The Conservatives can take the southwest, the liberals can take the west coast, and North eastern US. The independants get the midwest. Let Texas and Alaska cede from the Union and see how long they last on their own.

I believe there is no hope of compromise. There is no hope for civility. There is no hope for us. A Christian nation...HA!!! look at how we treat one another.
Well let's talk about the FACTS first though.
Just as this thread uses hyperbole, exaggeration and generally SUBJECTIVE observations with very few FACTS and hardly any substantiation there are very few polls that up front admit their bias.
And poll bias is exhibited way at the tail end of the poll methodology where you find that MOST political POLLS have more Democrats and Democrat leaning independents then GOP.
That presents then generally more favorable Democrat results, i.e. Obama leading Romney in most polls.
Now for an example and FACT of that above statement..

For example here is a CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT HELP BUT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people.

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

So the first point must be conceded is that MEDIA Bias as exhibited by sampling errors that generally favor Democrats!
If there can't be honesty at least in recognizing that then most other of your points are useless.
Useless because polls are used to make decisions by voters and politicians in legislation.
Polls showed Obama In SPITE of his inexperience, lack of qualifications was the favorite of the MSM hence the polls and therefore the voters are convinced!
Well let's talk about the FACTS first though.
Just as this thread uses hyperbole, exaggeration and generally SUBJECTIVE observations with very few FACTS and hardly any substantiation there are very few polls that up front admit their bias.
And poll bias is exhibited way at the tail end of the poll methodology where you find that MOST political POLLS have more Democrats and Democrat leaning independents then GOP.
That presents then generally more favorable Democrat results, i.e. Obama leading Romney in most polls.
Now for an example and FACT of that above statement..

For example here is a CBS/USATODAY poll that has (and I usually go to their sampling methodology) can NOT HELP BUT be biased when this occurs:
CBS News State of the Union Poll - CBS News

The above CBS poll of 659 people.

44% or 290 were Democrats almost 43% more Democrats were asked then GOP!
31% or 204 were Independent
25% or 165 were GOP

Now of the 204 Independents how many leaned more Democrat the GOP???

Independent Lean Democrat 17%
Independent Lean GOP 13%
Strong Democrat 18%
Not strong Democrat 12%
Independent, lean Democrat 17%
Independent, not lean 20%
Independent, lean Republican 13%
Not strong Republican 8%
Strong Republican 13%
Independent Does Not Mean Nonpartisan Or Non-Ideological | NDN

So the first point must be conceded is that MEDIA Bias as exhibited by sampling errors that generally favor Democrats!
If there can't be honesty at least in recognizing that then most other of your points are useless.
Useless because polls are used to make decisions by voters and politicians in legislation.
Polls showed Obama In SPITE of his inexperience, lack of qualifications was the favorite of the MSM hence the polls and therefore the voters are convinced!

Thanks for proving my point on trusting each other. Conservative POV - all liberals lie, cheat and are stupid. If they weren't they would be conservative. The Liberals just believe that Conservatives are trying to destroy everything, and shouldn't be trusted. Please trot out more "facts" to support your POV. The other side trots out facts to support their side. The arguing starts and nothing gets done. No Hope.

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