Todays Protest At Chicago Mercantile Exchange.Well, They Voted For Their States Financial Mess!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue::eusa_wall: Just another day in Chicago. Democrats protesting over their financial woes and looking to blame it on anyone in charge. Today it was at the CME {and maybe even still as we speak}. Looks like they are complaining about the rich being too rich and the rest of them all in dire straights.
Well, its a blue state! {well until recently now that they have a red governor}. Chicago, like many other blue cities created their own messes because 55/60% of the residents voted for chaos. Just like when 52/53 % of the country voted for the mess we are in now!!!:hellno:
Hundreds of Moral Mondays activists protest at Chicago Board of Trade, 41 arrested

Activists with Moral Mondays Illinois protested at the Chicago Board of Trade to demand a tax on financial trading in Chicago. According to Chicago police, 41 protesters were arrested and one has been cited.


Activists are blocking the entrances to the building on West Jackson.

Hundreds of protesters gathered for the demonstration Monday morning, with some estimates on Twitter putting the crowd at 1,000 people or more. Police began arresting activists shortly before noon.


Hundreds of Moral Mondays activists protest at Chicago Board of Trade, 41 arrested
:argue::eusa_wall: Just another day in Chicago. Democrats protesting over their financial woes and looking to blame it on anyone in charge. Today it was at the CME {and maybe even still as we speak}. Looks like they are complaining about the rich being too rich and the rest of them all in dire straights.
Well, its a blue state! {well until recently now that they have a red governor}. Chicago, like many other blue cities created their own messes because 55/60% of the residents voted for chaos. Just like when 52/53 % of the country voted for the mess we are in now!!!:hellno:
Let the city burn...
We used to live in Illinois, the blame lies directly with the democrats, they were warned a decade ago this was coming
Do they think they can better their lives by by raising taxes (on the rich) so that businesses are forced to move out of Chicago? Barry's adopted home town is a mess isn't it? I guess we might be able to say that about his adopted Country too.
next week they will hold protests in Oakland because all of the Walgreens/CVS type stores shut down.
Chicago Democrats just slammed the poor and middle class with a $500 million dollar property tax increase, all of which is earmarked for the public employee union pension fund so that the unions can kick money back to the Democratic party campaign funds. Who exactly is raping the poor and middle class the 'rich' or the Democratic party?
Chicago Democrats just slammed the poor and middle class with a $500 million dollar property tax increase, all of which is earmarked for the public employee union pension fund so that the unions can kick money back to the Democratic party campaign funds. Who exactly is raping the poor and middle class the 'rich' or the Democratic party?
and wait until they are under 4 feet of snow, major black-out in Jan/Feb. lets see if anyone come to the rescue
Let me tell you how bad it is there...............they are talking about putting in a SPECIAL TAX for people who work in Chicago, but do not live there.

When you think about it, it is kind of humorous..............the left has run the city FOREVER, (kind of like Detroit) and when you point it out on this forum, all you hear from lefties is excuses, excuses, excuses.

So what is the truth? Chicago has been run soley by the left since the 50s I believe. The US has been run by Obama for 7 years. SHAZZAM!!!!!!! The lefties are correct about Obama. It took 2nd and 3rd tier lefties 40 and 50 years to destroy big cities. BUT, it only took a tier 1 lefty socialist like Obama 7 years to bring the greatest nation this planet has ever seen to her knees. Now they want another tier 1 like Bernie or Hilly, to bury her.
i didnt see any intelligent white people wearing glasses and holding a brief case in that crowd.
The problem with pension funds, both public and private, is that the managers of those funds assumed an 8 percent or better return on investment, after inflation. Since the crash, ROI has been much lower than that.

If you have a future obligation of $100 million, and you assume an 8 percent return instead of, say, a 4 percent return, then you invest a much lower amount of money than you would have if you assumed a 4 percent return.

Then, if you get a 4 percent return, your pension fund is going to come up very, very short when those obligations come due.

And that is exactly what has happened. Public and private pension funds are trillions and trillions of dollars short.

The average state and local public pension is only about 72% funded for its obligations.

Private pensions aren't doing any better.

Now, you can be a dumb shit and blame all this on Democrats, but you'd be a dumb shit. Republican mayors and governors made the exact same stupid mistakes in funding state and local pensions and expanding retirement benefits. Wall Street snookered everyone.
Let me tell you how bad it is there...............they are talking about putting in a SPECIAL TAX for people who work in Chicago, but do not live there.

When you think about it, it is kind of humorous..............the left has run the city FOREVER, (kind of like Detroit) and when you point it out on this forum, all you hear from lefties is excuses, excuses, excuses.

So what is the truth? Chicago has been run soley by the left since the 50s I believe. The US has been run by Obama for 7 years. SHAZZAM!!!!!!! The lefties are correct about Obama. It took 2nd and 3rd tier lefties 40 and 50 years to destroy big cities. BUT, it only took a tier 1 lefty socialist like Obama 7 years to bring the greatest nation this planet has ever seen to her knees. Now they want another tier 1 like Bernie or Hilly, to bury her.

The left will vamp suck a city or state until its destroyed. We normal people look on in horror wondering why they would kill the goose that laid the golden egg. The answer is Democrats are just a loose collection of individuals, most of them losers, and each is out for themselves. Their culture is one of 'ima get mine'.

The FBI busted like 60 elected Democrats in a state legislature maybe 20 years ago. 60 minutes showed some of the under cover video of meetings with these elected officials selling their votes on various measures. One particularly corrupt bastard was selling a whole block of votes for like $70k. He said, "I don't give a shit about the people I'm in this for me".

So don't be surprised when Democrats just continue vamp sucking a city or state dry until its destroyed. It seems insane but they are not operating as a group, its get yours screw the people in their world.
$1 million at a rate of 8 percent a year will garner you $4.7 million after 20 years.

So if you assume an 8 percent ROI after inflation, and you have a $4.5 million future obligation for your public pension fund, then you would provide $1 million to that fund.

If, however, you end up only getting a 6 percent ROI after inflation over that period of time, you will end up with only $3.2 million.

20 years later, it will be too late to go back and re-jigger your assumptions.

And that's where we are today.
this is why no one trusts anyone with their life's savings/investments!
$1 million at a rate of 8 percent a year will garner you $4.7 million after 20 years.

So if you assume an 8 percent ROI after inflation, and you have a $4.5 million future obligation for your public pension fund, then you would provide $1 million to that fund.

If, however, you end up only getting a 6 percent ROI after inflation over that period of time, you will end up with only $3.2 million.

20 years later, it will be too late to go back and re-jigger your assumptions.

And that's where we are today.

Fascinating supposition you have made, and highly accurate too. What you didn't know is..................just like most lefty, broke, cities; they skipped payments to the pention funds because, what else; they had to buy votes for certain alderman, so they spent the funds elsewhere.

Now yes, I am being slightly sarcastic with my take on them buying votes for certain alderman; but I am being 100% accurate on them skipping payments for teachers union pensions, or putting in a lesser amount.

Let me tell you how BAAAAADDDDDDDD a liberal leaning city government actually is. About 8 to 10 years ago, they SOLD the parking meters, and the parking meter income across the city to an outside contractor for 1 billion (that is billion with a B) dollars. Oh yes they did! Know what?!?!?!?! Within a couple of years, the money was GONE! It was supposed to last years, upon years for special projects.

Tax revenue is now dropping like a rock as people who actually DO work are fleeing their jurisdiction; just as they are fleeing Illinois. Businesses who actually SELL something, and not a service can NOT compete with the collar counties, nor Indiana which is also, very close to the South side.

Let me put it this way, especially to those on the left, and it will become crystal clear-------------->what politician raises taxes like this, unless they ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO? No POLITICIAN, that is who! And if you notice, they put it on property taxes because they know, THEY HAVE A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE! Who is going to buy a home with taxes going up like this?

Now, according to you guys on the left, why they should raise the CORPORATE tax on the fat cats, shouldn't they? That is always your prescription, is it not? And Chicago is run by Obamas former chief of staff, the Rahmster! So why aren't they doing that?

HELLO lefties of la-la land, it is because what we conservatives are constantly telling you is true! You can believe all your little hearts desire that the rich are going to pay for it all, but as we can see, it is the homeowners of Chicago, the middle class as you like to call them; are the ones getting fleeced. It is because THAT IS WHERE THE MONEY IS, and they all can't sell their homes so they are TRAPPED.

And oh, by the way, it is called TYRANNY in case your wondering, and if you are all for it, I am sure you can go purchase a home on the cheap in Chicago with this plan in motion, as I am positive the for sale market will saturate very, very, soon. Now go be good little libs, buy a house there, and pay your fairshare-)

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