Chicago black Community Where 97% Voted For Biden Getting Bumped Off Housing Waiting Lists In Favor Of Illegals Headed Their Way

Most of the wall is still stacked in yards along the border waiting to be erected. Unfortunately, the fraudulent 46th president as made it is job to turn is back on America and the people that supposedly elected him, open its borders, and destroying the country day by day.
Got pics?
You Democrats halted construction on it through frivolous lawsuits and a lack of cooperation in Congress.

Now you get a flood of criminal illegals who will rape and kill everyone you love, not to mention over 100,000 fentanyl deaths.

You piss goblins are proud of yourselves, aren't you?

Trump had four years to build his big beautiful wall
Considering his decades as a master builder of complex projects, it should have been easy for him
Trump had four years to build his big beautiful wall
Considering his decades as a master builder of complex projects, it should have been easy for him

He wasn't a Republican President when he built all those "complex projects"

You can't possibly be so stupid that you don't understand the two-tiered justice and political system in this county. I mean come on, nobody could possibly be that stupid.
He wasn't a Republican President when he built all those "complex projects"

You can't possibly be so stupid that you don't understand the two-tiered justice and political system in this county. I mean come on, nobody could possibly be that stupid.

Trump bragged that he was a different type of leader and we would not have the same old DC way of doing things.

Trump had four years to complete a wall that Mexico paid for
He failed and immigrants are still streaming over
Trump bragged that he was a different type of leader and we would not have the same old DC way of doing things.

Trump had four years to complete a wall that Mexico paid for
He failed and immigrants are still streaming over

Well maye when Trump promises to finish the wall in 2025, you libtards won't try so hard to stop him.
Because your kind interfered. This is a fine example for how you leftists operate. You fuck up your own beds and blame others for it.
We interfered?

Trump claimed he was a new Sheriff in town and he would show those DC insiders how business is done.

Trump had the money Mexico gave him for the wall, yet failed to build it.
What happened to the master builder ?
We interfered?

Trump claimed he was a new Sheriff in town and he would show those DC insiders how business is done.

Trump had the money Mexico gave him for the wall, yet failed to build it.
What happened to the master builder ?

Your life is a lie.
We interfered?

Trump claimed he was a new Sheriff in town and he would show those DC insiders how business is done.

Trump had the money Mexico gave him for the wall, yet failed to build it.
What happened to the master builder ?

When criminal illegals are raping and murdering your wives and daughters and flooding your country with fentanyl, does it really make a fuck's worth of difference who pays for a wall to keep them out?

Like it was posted above, the only reason we didn't get a rat-proof border under Trump, was you Democrats. You did this to our country. It's on your heads, and there's no logical way you can deny that, unless you're so afflicted with TDS that you're not in control of your own facilities. Which I suspect the case may be.
When criminal illegals are raping and murdering your wives and daughters and flooding your country with fentanyl, does it really make a fuck's worth of difference who pays for a wall to keep them out?

Like it was posted above, the only reason we didn't get a rat-proof border under Trump, was you Democrats. You did this to our country. It's on your heads, and there's no logical way you can deny that, unless you're so afflicted with TDS that you're not in control of your own facilities. Which I suspect the case may be.
Nice deflection
What does that have to do with Trumps failure to build a wall?
Nice deflection
What does that have to do with Trumps failure to build a wall?

Nobody is "deflecting" except yourself. If you want to have a real conversation, then let's talk about Joe Biden's blatant incompetence in protecting this country's borders.
Nobody is "deflecting" except yourself. If you want to have a real conversation, then let's talk about Joe Biden's blatant incompetence in protecting this country's borders.
The borders protected by the Great Wall of Trump?
Given the demographics that voted for Biden I suspect that many of these people (sic) that are protesting the Illegals moving into their neighborhood were glad that Trump lost.

Of course these are the same people that would also be complaining about inflation and the high cost of energy.

Maybe they should have thought about things like a couple of years ago. Great example of them deserving the government they elected.

Black Residents Of Chicago’s South Shore Are Told That 250 Illegals Are Coming To Their Neighborhood – This Is How They Reacted (Video)

The hypocrisy is amazing. The left were all fine with illegals poring into our country because it was red states's problems. Then, when the problem is in their own back yard, all of a sudden they gripe about illegal immigrants.
What happened to that big beautiful wall that Mexico paid so much to build?

I thought it would keep us safe?
You can thank Nacy Pelosi for us not having a wall that would have DRASTICALLY cut down the number of illegals flowing into the country. You guys LOVED it when she would stall or block Trumps wall construction. Now the entire nation has to deal with this emergency and pay for its enormous cost.
You can thank Nacy Pelosi for us not having a wall that would have DRASTICALLY cut down the number of illegals flowing into the country. You guys LOVED it when she would stall or block Trumps wall construction. Now the entire nation has to deal with this emergency and pay for its enormous cost.

Where is she responsible for building walls?

You mean Nancy once again beat Trump?
Some leader
Excellent! Too bad a majority of that 97% probably don't even know the politicians they are voting for .. what legislation is ... the basics of politics ..

But they sure know what sporting teams are in an upcoming championship, outcomes of a sport team trade , the rules of sports, bad decisions by officials, etc .. all that important stuff far more important than .. due diligence with voting.

Why would anyone feel sorry for them? They voted for this.

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