Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays - AGAIN!

Horse shit. In all these years I'm yet to vote a straight ticket. Can you say that (honestly) rdean? You know damned well you have never crossed the aisle on any subject.

So who was the last dem you liked/voted for and why?

That you've heard of? Former governor Strickland. Why? because I thought he was the best candidate at the time. The Republican running against him i felt was a bit shady. And 8 years ago I made the mistake of voting for Tim Ryan for Congress, I've been working ever since to get him out. Maybe with the redistricting......

I am pretty sure If RDean checked his voting record, he can find 2 republicans he liked over dems in the last 8 freaking years as well.

I know I can.
I admit you have said a frew things that the right may or may not call you a traitor, but you have to admit, there are right leaning peoeple in here who will support/back/defend ANYTHING and everything the repulicans do.

Look at this Donalt trump thing. There are bonafide real, honest republicans in here who says it right up front, he is a joke, yet there are the predictable hard righty's who of course say he is better than Obama and would make a wonderful president blah blah. Those are the same ones who say Palin would be great as well.


I admit you have said a frew things that the right may or may not call you a traitor, but you have to admit, there are right leaning peoeple in here who will support/back/defend ANYTHING and everything the repulicans do.

absolutly agree....but the same can be said for a lot of Dems here.....

Look at this Donalt trump thing. There are bonafide real, honest republicans in here who says it right up front, he is a joke, yet there are the predictable hard righty's who of course say he is better than Obama and would make a wonderful president blah blah. Those are the same ones who say Palin would be great as well.

i think Trump is a joke too.....and even though i wasnt voting for McCain just because i wont vote for a person in a pressure job like the President has that is his soon as he picked Palin it wasnt even a Consideration after that......and yea i did vote for Clinton before you ask.....and was about 40/60 with him as Prez.......
So who was the last dem you liked/voted for and why?

That you've heard of? Former governor Strickland. Why? because I thought he was the best candidate at the time. The Republican running against him i felt was a bit shady. And 8 years ago I made the mistake of voting for Tim Ryan for Congress, I've been working ever since to get him out. Maybe with the redistricting......

I am pretty sure If RDean checked his voting record, he can find 2 republicans he liked over dems in the last 8 freaking years as well.

I know I can.

he wont admit that.....he would rather have his fingernails pulled out than say he voted for a Republican this decade......i voted for Loretta Sanchez over Bob Dornan because Dornan was kinda getting strange and it was time for him to go.....but i am not that pleased with Sanchez today and i dont care for her much now.....its time for her to go too....even though my Union has their collective lips planted on her ass....but screw them.....
I just checked back in to see if the GOP was still trying to throw Gays into internment camps.


You can have sex any way you like. No one is stopping you. However, there are very good reasons not to allow gays to marry. The marriage laws of this country were created for the benefit of mother and children. Watering down that benefit by extending it to arrangements that can't possibly produce children is counter productive. It would make better sense to abolish these laws than to extend them to gays. this is RICH. You REALLY DO want to have fertility tests prior to couples getting married. :lol: I truly love this "let's get rid of them for everyone just so those pesky gheys can't get them". OMFG! :cuckoo:

The obligation to make a compelling case is incumbent on those who want to overturn the centuries old norms of society, not those who wish to maintain them.

That might be what you WISH were true, but it isn't. (and again the reason that these challenges to DOMA and prop 8 are (duh) WINNING).
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Bripat, where is your compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gays and lesbians? What is the over-riding harm in allowing me and my partner of 15 years and our two children the benefits of legal marriage?

"your two children?" They certainly aren't your biological children. There's plenty of evidence that shows growing up in a gay household is harmful to children.

They ARE my biological children. Do you have no concept of science? Infertile couples are having children left and right these days. Should they not enjoy the benefits and protections of legal marriage because the child is not biologically theirs? What of couples who adopt? How does this work in your super nanny state? You gonna test everyone for dusty eggs or slow moving sperm prior to getting their marriage license? :lol:

There is ZERO evidence that children being raised by same sex parents is harmful to the children. In fact, the evidence points to children being raised by same sex parents are at no disadvantage to children being raised by heterosexuals and may even have an advantage in many areas. How about you provide your "plenty of evidence".

As I said previously, the marriage laws of this country were implemented for the benefit of mothers and children. Extending them to any arrangement waters them down and makes them less effective. For one thing, it makes it easier for gays to adopt, which is harmful to children. It also places additional burdens on Social Security and other programs that mother's and children often depend on. When government benefits are going to gays simply because they decide to shackup together, they can't go to mother's and children. It's a simple as that.

I've been legally married for two and a half years now. Please show how that makes some heterosexual's marriage "less effective" in any way, shape or form.
So who was the last dem you liked/voted for and why?

That you've heard of? Former governor Strickland. Why? because I thought he was the best candidate at the time. The Republican running against him i felt was a bit shady. And 8 years ago I made the mistake of voting for Tim Ryan for Congress, I've been working ever since to get him out. Maybe with the redistricting......

I am pretty sure If RDean checked his voting record, he can find 2 republicans he liked over dems in the last 8 freaking years as well.

I know I can.

That would be Democrats that you know, whom I have voted for. There are many locals which I not only vote for but have placed signs on my property for. Mayors, councilmen, judges...... rdean and others on this board have never crossed the aisle, on any issue or person. I'm quite certain of that.

Can't you just feel the hatred?

But then look who i'm talking to...... this is RICH. You REALLY DO want to have fertility tests prior to couples getting married. :lol: I truly love this "let's get rid of them for everyone just so those pesky gheys can't get them". OMFG! :cuckoo:

Where have I said anything even remotely resembling that?

That might be what you WISH were true, but it isn't. (and again the reason that these challenges to DOMA and prop 8 are (duh) WINNING).

Where has any challenge to it won?
That might be what you WISH were true, but it isn't. (and again the reason that these challenges to DOMA and prop 8 are (duh) WINNING).

Where has any challenge to it won?

Gill v. Office of Personnel Management
Massachusetts v. United States Department of Health and Human Services
Perry v. Schwarzenegger

I believe they are currently all on appeal pending action by the SCOTUS. In each case some aspect of DOMA or Prop 8 was found to be unConstitutional. If the SCOTUS refuses to hear the cases, then that ruling will stand within that courts jurisdiction.

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I just checked back in to see if the GOP was still trying to throw Gays into internment camps.



[ame=]YouTube - Men don't DANCE - Dammit![/ame]
One of my favorite scenes.

******************** IMPORTANT MUSICAL INTERRUPTION ***********************

For your musical pleasure...

[ame=]YouTube - It's All Because (The Gays Are Getting Married)[/ame]​


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