Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays - AGAIN!

And again the color of a mans skin is not a lifestyle.....

But discrimination by law is still discrimination by law whether it is based on the color of one's skin, one's gender, one' age, one's religion, or one's sexual orientation.

This isn't about race....that is a red is about discrimination for no legitimate reason.

But there is a legitimate reason. Marriage laws discriminate against men in all manner of ways. They exist for the benefit of mothers and children. Why do you think gays should be exempt?

Who said anything about exempt? We are mothers and we have children...You want to leave us out of your marriage laws.....why?
There was no attempt to target minorities for the "NO on Prop H8" vote...that will never happen again.

What is that supposed to mean, that lib propaganda organs weren't sufficiently employed to bamboozle black voters?

Besides that, you have not in anyway shown that all blacks are against gay rights. But I suppose it comforts you in some way to think that "Hah! Minorities against gays so it must be ok!"

ROFL! The fact that blacks voted against rights in overwhelming numbers doesn't show that they are against gay rights? Is there anything in your mind that would show they are opposed to gay rights?

The liberal talent for deluding themselves is extraordinary

I love how you suddenly think that one election where there admittedly was no advertising towards minorities suddenly says that those minorities are now and forever against gays....and I really laugh over how you seem to think that makes discrimination against gays ok...."after all...the blacks are against it must be the right thing....." :lol::lol::lol:
Bripat, where is your compelling state reason to deny marriage equality to gays and lesbians? What is the over-riding harm in allowing me and my partner of 15 years and our two children the benefits of legal marriage?

"your two children?" They certainly aren't your biological children. There's plenty of evidence that shows growing up in a gay household is harmful to children.

As I said previously, the marriage laws of this country were implemented for the benefit of mothers and children. Extending them to any arrangement waters them down and makes them less effective. For one thing, it makes it easier for gays to adopt, which is harmful to children. It also places additional burdens on Social Security and other programs that mother's and children often depend on. When government benefits are going to gays simply because they decide to shackup together, they can't go to mother's and children. It's a simple as that.
Boehner hires lawyer to oppose gay rights – wants to bill DOJ

House Republicans have hired a prominent conservative attorney to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act in a pending lawsuit, legal sources say, and will make an effort to divert money from the Justice Department to fund its high-profile fight.

“Not only are House Republican leaders defending the indefensible, they’ve brought in a high-priced attorney to deny federal recognition to loving, married couples,” said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “Speaker Boehner appears ready to go to great lengths, and the great expense of a high-power law firm, to try to score some cheap political points on the backs of same-sex couples…”

Boehner hires lawyer to oppose gay rights – wants to bill DOJ « Eideard

Boehner seeks to divert funds for gay marriage fight

Boehner said he has directed the House's counsel and the House Administration Committee to ensure that there are "sufficient resources" and expertise to defend the law. Paul Clement, a former solicitor general for President George W. Bush, has been retained by Boehner and the Republicans to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, according to news reports.

Boehner seeks to divert funds for gay marriage fight - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -


Told ya.

Muslims, Hispanics, gays, nurses, teachers, women's rights.

Wanna bet it's because the "War on the Elderly" isn't going well?

Why do YOU get scared every time you read some of this BS you're trying to pass off, rdone?

Hit too close to home, maybe .....:eusa_think:
I love how you suddenly think that one election where there admittedly was no advertising towards minorities suddenly says that those minorities are now and forever against gays....

So minorities don't know what they think until liberal propaganda tells them what to think?

That is the ultimate in arrogance and self delusion.

and I really laugh over how you seem to think that makes discrimination against gays ok...."after all...the blacks are against it must be the right thing....." :lol::lol::lol:

Restricting marriage to unions of opposite sexes is not "discrimination" against gays. Marriage exists to facilitate the raising of children. Gay couples can't have children. There is no point in having the institution if any arrangement is included.
I love how you suddenly think that one election where there admittedly was no advertising towards minorities suddenly says that those minorities are now and forever against gays....

So minorities don't know what they think until liberal propaganda tells them what to think?

That is the ultimate in arrogance and self delusion.

and I really laugh over how you seem to think that makes discrimination against gays ok...."after all...the blacks are against it must be the right thing....." :lol::lol::lol:

Restricting marriage to unions of opposite sexes is not "discrimination" against gays. Marriage exists to facilitate the raising of children. Gay couples can't have children. There is no point in having the institution if any arrangement is included.

Gosh darn're right....advertising is NEVER used on anyone but poor benighted black people to convince them one way or another....:rolleyes:

Of course, we won't get into how the lying commercials FOR prop H8 sure fooled a lot of stupid people black and white, eh? was all reactionary propaganda and the stupids fell for it.

i agree.....they give them everything but that document ......i know too many gay people on my route......they are nicer to me than most of the "regular" my attitude has changed since i was a young radical years back...unlike people like Dean....i can evaluate a person as an individual.... not as a group like he does....

Yea sure. Evaluate Republicans as individuals when they start acting like individuals. Right now, the party is 90% white. They vote in a block. They act in a block. Their beliefs are 90% the same. How often to Democrats vote 100% one way on any issue? Now ask that about Republicans.

oh fuck you so tired of hearing your repetitious act in Block with every fucking Far Leftist in the what the hell does that make you?....outside of being a fucking Hypocrite......and thanks for backing up what i said about you.....

Republicans do vote in a block and they are 90% white. You should be proud. All that discipline.
Gosh darn're right....advertising is NEVER used on anyone but poor benighted black people to convince them one way or another....:rolleyes:


You're the one who claimed the blacks voted the way they did because they weren't subjected to sufficient quantities of leftwing propaganda. You obviously believe they can't think for themselves and need liberals to tell them what to think.

That sentiment is hardly surprising. Liberals are fundamentally racist. You just made it apparent.

Of course, we won't get into how the lying commercials FOR prop H8 sure fooled a lot of stupid people black and white, eh? was all reactionary propaganda and the stupids fell for it.

So those poor ignorant black folk are just too gullible too discern the facts for themselves? You just can't keep from sticking your big fat foot in your mouth and showing everyone what you really think about blacks, can you?

Don't you libs believe the majority posseses some kind of pipeline directly to the truth? Do you believe in democracy? It doesn't appear that you do.
Gosh darn're right....advertising is NEVER used on anyone but poor benighted black people to convince them one way or another....:rolleyes:


You're the one who claimed the blacks voted the way they did because they weren't subjected to sufficient quantities of leftwing propaganda. You obviously believe they can't think for themselves and need liberals to tell them what to think.

That sentiment is hardly surprising. Liberals are fundamentally racist. You just made it apparent.

Of course, we won't get into how the lying commercials FOR prop H8 sure fooled a lot of stupid people black and white, eh? was all reactionary propaganda and the stupids fell for it.

So those poor ignorant black folk are just too gullible too discern the facts for themselves? You just can't keep from sticking your big fat foot in your mouth and showing everyone what you really think about blacks, can you?

Don't you libs believe the majority posseses some kind of pipeline directly to the truth? Do you believe in democracy? It doesn't appear that you do.

How interesting that you missed what I said....was it intentional or are you one of the easily gullible ones I talked about? Hmmmmm.

Republicans do vote in a block and they are 90% white. You should be proud. All that discipline.

and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

Republicans do vote in a block and they are 90% white. You should be proud. All that discipline.

and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

Republicans do vote in a block and they are 90% white. You should be proud. All that discipline.

and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

Horse shit. In all these years I'm yet to vote a straight ticket. Can you say that (honestly) rdean? You know damned well you have never crossed the aisle on any subject.

Republicans do vote in a block and they are 90% white. You should be proud. All that discipline.

and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

And you tell those 'GROUPS' that they're NOTHING without the Party or your likes...

It's the ultimate CONCEIT...the ultimate arrogance.

Republicans do vote in a block and they are 90% white. You should be proud. All that discipline.

and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

since the Republican Party is not "my kind" and i have gone against their views in this forum many times, it does not make any sense for me to say that......but the FAR Left is your kind and you vote and back ANYTHING they do and say....and have proven that time and time again.....
and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

Horse shit. In all these years I'm yet to vote a straight ticket. Can you say that (honestly) rdean? You know damned well you have never crossed the aisle on any subject.

thats for dam sure.....
and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

Horse shit. In all these years I'm yet to vote a straight ticket. Can you say that (honestly) rdean? You know damned well you have never crossed the aisle on any subject.

So who was the last dem you liked/voted for and why?
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and you dont vote in block with the Far Left? should be proud.....your kind are trying to destroy this Country by keeping people apart.....the difference between you and me Dean....i vote and back a variety of things from Left to just back and vote left,the farther Left the who is the lock stepper here?......

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

since the Republican Party is not "my kind" and i have gone against their views in this forum many times, it does not make any sense for me to say that......but the FAR Left is your kind and you vote and back ANYTHING they do and say....and have proven that time and time again.....

I admit you have said a frew things that the right may or may not call you a traitor, but you have to admit, there are right leaning peoeple in here who will support/back/defend ANYTHING and everything the repulicans do.

Look at this Donalt trump thing. There are bonafide real, honest republicans in here who says it right up front, he is a joke, yet there are the predictable hard righty's who of course say he is better than Obama and would make a wonderful president blah blah. Those are the same ones who say Palin would be great as well.

In the Democratic Party, there is no "my kind". Because it's a "coalition" party made up of many different groups of people. Now if you said, "Your kind" while referring to the Republican Party, that would make all kinds of sense.

Horse shit. In all these years I'm yet to vote a straight ticket. Can you say that (honestly) rdean? You know damned well you have never crossed the aisle on any subject.

So who was the last dem you liked/voted for and why?

That you've heard of? Former governor Strickland. Why? because I thought he was the best candidate at the time. The Republican running against him i felt was a bit shady. And 8 years ago I made the mistake of voting for Tim Ryan for Congress, I've been working ever since to get him out. Maybe with the redistricting......

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