Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays - AGAIN!

Why do we always have to compare race with gay issues?

Sorry, it's simply not the same thing.

The restriction of freedom and liberty is the same no matter if it is over race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. The restictions of freedom and liberty is wrong unless it provokes or causes violence. Do what you want to do but harm none in doing it, it is a simple principal, unless you want to control others.
This is the reason President Obama decided NOT to defend the unconstitutional DOMA...

Widow's $363,000 Tax Bill Led to Obama Shift on Marriage Act

Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer had a 40-year engagement and a two-year marriage, starting with a wedding in Canada recognized under the laws of New York, where they lived, and ending when Spyer died two years ago.

Her death triggered a $363,053 federal tax bill from which her widow would have been exempt had she been married to a man, because the federal Defense of Marriage Act bars the U.S. government from recognizing same-sex unions.

The only reason Obama decided not to defend it is because he's a sleazy unscrupulous democrat who thinks he's free to ignore whatever laws are on the books he doesn't like even though defending those laws is his job.

When a Republican has to do Obama's job, turds like you attack him. It has nothing to do with the money or time involved. It's purely an attempt to advance your agenda.

Marriage predates civilization, nitwit. Look at any primitive culture, and they will have an institution that we would call marriage.

Excuse me, douchebag, but gays and lesbians are fighting for equal access to legal, civil marriage, not religious marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.
Wrong douchebag. Gays want RELIGIOUS Marriage. Civil Unions have been offered to Gays for some time now but the Gay Mafia insists that it's a CIVIL RIGHT to have RELIGIOUS Marriage.

Most religious people I know have no problem with gay civil unions. But gays want to change the MEANING of marriage to include gays. THAT'S the issue.

Douchebag! :lol:
We aren't comparing race with sexual orientation. You are being simplistic. What is compared is discrimination, period.

YOU feel justified in your discrimination against gays and lesbians do you not?

Defining marriage as a union between persons of the opposite sex isn't discrimination of any kind.

So if I were denied a driver's license because I'm gay, that wouldn't be discrimination?

Who said you can't get a driver's license?
Excuse me, douchebag, but gays and lesbians are fighting for equal access to legal, civil marriage, not religious marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.

Legal marriage exists for one purpose: to protect mothers and children. Since there's no possibility of children from two gays shacking up together, there's no reason to provide such an arrangement with any legal benefits or privileges.

Frankly, I don't think conventional marriages should receive any special provisions in the law, but there's even less excuse to provide them for gays shacking up together.
Boehner hires lawyer to oppose gay rights – wants to bill DOJ

House Republicans have hired a prominent conservative attorney to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act in a pending lawsuit, legal sources say, and will make an effort to divert money from the Justice Department to fund its high-profile fight.

“Not only are House Republican leaders defending the indefensible, they’ve brought in a high-priced attorney to deny federal recognition to loving, married couples,” said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “Speaker Boehner appears ready to go to great lengths, and the great expense of a high-power law firm, to try to score some cheap political points on the backs of same-sex couples…”

Boehner hires lawyer to oppose gay rights – wants to bill DOJ « Eideard

Boehner seeks to divert funds for gay marriage fight

Boehner said he has directed the House's counsel and the House Administration Committee to ensure that there are "sufficient resources" and expertise to defend the law. Paul Clement, a former solicitor general for President George W. Bush, has been retained by Boehner and the Republicans to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, according to news reports.

Boehner seeks to divert funds for gay marriage fight - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -


Told ya.

Muslims, Hispanics, gays, nurses, teachers, women's rights.

Wanna bet it's because the "War on the Elderly" isn't going well?

Looks like Boehner doesn't mind spending after all, as long as it's going towards curtailing someone's rights.
Why do we always have to compare race with gay issues?

Sorry, it's simply not the same thing.

yes. under the definition of "equal protection", it is.

sorry, ollie. it just is. you can like that. you can not like that. but it is.

Yes, the left likes all of their special interest groups in the same category.

Gays, Abortion-advocates, African-Americans, Hispanics, Unions, old people who eat cat-food, babies being poisoned by the GOP, the handicapped. All of them fall under the same wing.

I'm waiting for Communists to join the crowd.
So if I were denied a driver's license because I'm gay, that wouldn't be discrimination?

Of course it would, just as it would be discrimination if you were denied a driver's license because you are a Republican. However, no one thinks it's a violation of anyone's right to keep them from voting in Republican primaries if they aren't registered as Republicans.
Why do we always have to compare race with gay issues?

Sorry, it's simply not the same thing.

We aren't comparing race with sexual orientation. You are being simplistic. What is compared is discrimination, period.

YOU feel justified in your discrimination against gays and lesbians do you not?

How do you discriminate against something that has NEVER existed to time imemorium?

If you libs can show me an example of "gay marriage" in the past you will have your argument.

Even Ancient Greece which touted homosexuality as something wonderful NEVER had gay marriage.

This is something gays CONCOCTED only a few yeas ago as a POLITICAL MOVE to attack the traditional family and hetrosexuality.

We are not attacking gays, gays are attacking marriage.

How dare those for traditional marraive defend themselves! Geesh!

Are you trying to get me to believe that...

Once upon a time a group of gay people got together and said, "hey you know what we need to do. We need to see if we can actually marry one another under the law, because if we can that will destroy traditional marriage, and then everone will quit getting married altogether, and soon they will all become homosexuals. This will be great because...because...because...well I don't know why, but it sure would be great to piss off the traditional marriage people."

Gay marriage has been legal in several states, and it has been around for several years now. Please tell me how it has personally harmed you? Have you lost personal wealth? Have you been physically attacked? Have you lost any sleep? Have you had any actuall negative effects?

Just what are you defending yourselves against?
Most religious people I know have no problem with gay civil unions. But gays want to change the MEANING of marriage to include gays. THAT'S the issue.

Douchebag! :lol:

I have a problem with granting any legal benefits or privileges to two guys because they choose to shack up together. The last thing this country needs is to hand out more benefits and privileges to special interest groups.
Marriage predates civilization, nitwit. Look at any primitive culture, and they will have an institution that we would call marriage.

Excuse me, douchebag, but gays and lesbians are fighting for equal access to legal, civil marriage, not religious marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.
Wrong douchebag. Gays want RELIGIOUS Marriage. Civil Unions have been offered to Gays for some time now but the Gay Mafia insists that it's a CIVIL RIGHT to have RELIGIOUS Marriage.

Most religious people I know have no problem with gay civil unions. But gays want to change the MEANING of marriage to include gays. THAT'S the issue.

Douchebag! :lol:

No, I'm nitwit...bripat is douchebag (ask him, he's the one with the pet names :dunno:)

Let's go with "Thumper" for your pet name.

There is a world of legal difference between civil unions and legal, civil marriage. (I'd also like you to show me where civil unions have been "offered" and not fought tooth and nail for...against STRONG religious opposition EVERYWHERE they have been proposed or enacted). Civil unions do not carry with them a FRACTION of the rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage. There is also that pesky little thing known as "separate but equal" (and civil unions aren't even EQUAL)

Allowing gays and lesbians equal access to legal civil marriage does absolutely nothing to change the "meaning" of marriage.
Excuse me, douchebag, but gays and lesbians are fighting for equal access to legal, civil marriage, not religious marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.

Legal marriage exists for one purpose: to protect mothers and children. Since there's no possibility of children from two gays shacking up together, there's no reason to provide such an arrangement with any legal benefits or privileges.

Frankly, I don't think conventional marriages should receive any special provisions in the law, but there's even less excuse to provide them for gays shacking up together.

If your idiotic and simplistic view of legal marriage were true, then we would require that couples take a fertility test prior to getting their marriage license. (god, would you have to wait in line like at the DMV?)

Gays and lesbians ARE raising partner and I have two. Why is our family less deserving of the benefits and protections of legal marriage than YOUR family?
So if I were denied a driver's license because I'm gay, that wouldn't be discrimination?

Of course it would, just as it would be discrimination if you were denied a driver's license because you are a Republican. However, no one thinks it's a violation of anyone's right to keep them from voting in Republican primaries if they aren't registered as Republicans.

Just when I thought it wasn't possible for your logic to get any more convoluted...
This is the reason President Obama decided NOT to defend the unconstitutional DOMA...

Widow's $363,000 Tax Bill Led to Obama Shift on Marriage Act

Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer had a 40-year engagement and a two-year marriage, starting with a wedding in Canada recognized under the laws of New York, where they lived, and ending when Spyer died two years ago.

Her death triggered a $363,053 federal tax bill from which her widow would have been exempt had she been married to a man, because the federal Defense of Marriage Act bars the U.S. government from recognizing same-sex unions.

The only reason Obama decided not to defend it is because he's a sleazy unscrupulous democrat who thinks he's free to ignore whatever laws are on the books he doesn't like even though defending those laws is his job.

Please be consistant and call Reagan and Ford "sleazy unscrupulous" and those who think they were "free to ignore whatever laws are on the books".

This is far from the first time that Congress has stepped in to defend a law the administration decided not to defend. Once was when Ford elected not to defend the post Watergate campaign finance laws, another was when Reagan decided not to defend the independent counsel laws.

Marriage predates civilization, nitwit. Look at any primitive culture, and they will have an institution that we would call marriage.

Excuse me, douchebag, but gays and lesbians are fighting for equal access to legal, civil marriage, not religious marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.
Wrong douchebag. Gays want RELIGIOUS Marriage. Civil Unions have been offered to Gays for some time now but the Gay Mafia insists that it's a CIVIL RIGHT to have RELIGIOUS Marriage.

Most religious people I know have no problem with gay civil unions. But gays want to change the MEANING of marriage to include gays. THAT'S the issue.

Homosexuals aready have the right to RELIGIOUS Marriage. The determination is up to the individual religious organization as to whether they will perform Religious Marriages and there are many institutions that already perform those types of marriages all across the country.

The definition of "marriage" already includes homosexuals as there are multiple States that recognize same-sex Civil Marriage between same-sex couples.

Defining marriage as a union between persons of the opposite sex isn't discrimination of any kind.

So if I were denied a driver's license because I'm gay, that wouldn't be discrimination?

Who said you can't get a driver's license?

Not what she asked. She asked if drivers licenses were denied based on sexual orientation would that be discrimination. Not was it happening, but if it would be discrimination if it did.

The only reason Obama decided not to defend it is because he's a sleazy unscrupulous democrat who thinks he's free to ignore whatever laws are on the books he doesn't like even though defending those laws is his job.

He isn't ignoring the law. His administration is still enforcing the law, he simply refuses to defend it (for the reason provided).
Excuse me, douchebag, but gays and lesbians are fighting for equal access to legal, civil marriage, not religious marriage. We already have equal access to religious marriage.

Legal marriage exists for one purpose: to protect mothers and children. Since there's no possibility of children from two gays shacking up together, there's no reason to provide such an arrangement with any legal benefits or privileges.

Frankly, I don't think conventional marriages should receive any special provisions in the law, but there's even less excuse to provide them for gays shacking up together.

If Civil unions were exactly the same as marraige and conveyed the same rights and status you would be correct.

What about adoption? Unless we are taking that away as well.
I gotta admit, this is pretty stupid move by Boehner. Not that I don't agree with the political idea behind it. It's just that we have FAR greater things to worry about.

If our country goes bankrupt, the fags won't have the $$ to buy a marriage license anyway.


A Fag was commonly referred in the 16th and 17th century as a bundle of sticks. Later, in the 1960's, a fag was a term used for a single cigarette.....
A Fag was used as the term for a servant/slave in the Victorian era onwards in private and public school boarding establishments in England. The elder upper class students would have a younger child fag for them. .......i thought you were educated?.....

They're libs... they only think they're more informed than everyone else on the planet. Actually, they're a bunch of fucking Neanderthals when it really comes down to it.

What part of the country doesn't get broadcast TV, cable, or internet?

This was back in 2009:

Study: 8.5 Million Households Face Poor DTV Reception

Converting Analog Television to Digital TV Not Working for Millions of Americans

Since America went "digital", there are many people who simply can't afford the converters or a new TV. There are people who live in areas where the digital range simply isn't "far enough". There are people who live in Alaska, the desert in Nevada, in Appalachia who don't have access to cable and the new digital signal is too poor to allow them much TV.
For all these people, the radio is there best source of reliable news, information and even entertainment.
I visited relatives outside of Gabbs, Nevada and was surprised they were without TV for exactly those reasons. I've always taken it for granted.

this is the same government you think should be in charge of health care, and now you are pointing out they cannot even get TV right.

I really don't know what planet you are from, but there is not a single household in this country that is dependent on NPR as its only source of news.

Yea, in Appalachia and the outskirts of Alaska and the desert in Nevada, everyone has cable and newspapers. I'm from earth. I live in a huge country that has many poor people.

You however, must live in the "Land of Milk and Cookies". What else could explain the lack and knowledge compounded by the delusions?

Every time I think right wingers can't possibly be any more ignorant, one pops up to surprise me. Well, I'm surprised.
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