Tolerance and Bigotry: What happens when the shoe is on the other foot?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Someone gets it!
Well boys, we are fixing the law. So sad for you two.

I will not follow any law that requires me to violate my faith. Guess you'll be paying taxes for my room and board?
Works for me. Jail is a good place for people who refuse to obey the law.

So be it. :)
Romans 13:1-7 doesn't apply to you it seems...

Absolutely it does. And as long as the law does not contradict G-d, then absolutely I follow the law. In fact, people hate me for it. I'm that one guy that drives down the highway, doing exactly 65, while people are passing me on both sides, flashing their lights, and honking their horns.

I've actually thought that perhaps I'll be killed by a nutter in a road rage incident. So be it.

But, when the laws of man contradict the laws of G-d.. G-d's word is the higher authority.

Acts 5:27
The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.”

Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!​

So to you I say.... I must obey G-d, rather than human beings. So be it. :)
The left's idea of tolerance is the same as their idea of compromise.
As long as they get what they want you are doing it correctly ... But don't expect them to be tolerant or compromise.

Tolerance stops at intolerance.

Yes, you are intolerant, and I'm not tolerating it.

"Law and order" isn't a high priority for some when it comes to illegal aliens, of course.

Would you like us to ruin the economy by rounding them all up? You guys won't even let us issue a national ID to everyone.

You would round up all the Christians and toss them in prison? That wouldn't ruin the economy?
The left's idea of tolerance is the same as their idea of compromise.
As long as they get what they want you are doing it correctly ... But don't expect them to be tolerant or compromise.

Tolerance stops at intolerance.

Thanks for agreeing ... Intolerance is not tolerance.

I'm intolerant of many things, like rape, murder, and witch-burning for example.

I know, I'm just like Hitler...
The left's idea of tolerance is the same as their idea of compromise.
As long as they get what they want you are doing it correctly ... But don't expect them to be tolerant or compromise.

Tolerance stops at intolerance.

Thanks for agreeing ... Intolerance is not tolerance.

I'm intolerant of many things, like rape, murder, and witch-burning for example.

Same. I'm also intolerant of people who are intolerant of belief systems they don't agree with.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Someone gets it!
Well boys, we are fixing the law. So sad for you two.

I will not follow any law that requires me to violate my faith. Guess you'll be paying taxes for my room and board?
Works for me. Jail is a good place for people who refuse to obey the law.

So be it. :)
Romans 13:1-7 doesn't apply to you it seems...

Ahh, perhaps verses 8-10 don't apply to you then.

"8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments "You shall not commit adultery,""You shall not murder,""You shall not steal,""You shall not covet," and whatever other command there may be, are all summed up in this one command: "Love thy neighbor as yourself." 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is fulfillment of the law.

Well, for those of you who say "love is love" the why do you use your "love" to do harm to others? Remember, Love does no harm to a neighbor. But here you are, harming your neighbors with your own version of hatred and bigotry towards Christians who stand up for their beliefs.

Don't quote the Bible. You only use it as a weapon. The Bible shouldn't be weaponized or a tool for ideological warfare.
The left's idea of tolerance is the same as their idea of compromise.
As long as they get what they want you are doing it correctly ... But don't expect them to be tolerant or compromise.

Tolerance stops at intolerance.

Thanks for agreeing ... Intolerance is not tolerance.

I'm intolerant of many things, like rape, murder, and witch-burning for example.

I know, I'm just like Hitler...

I couldn't care less what you are intolerant towards ... But thanks or agreeing with my statement anyway.

"Law and order" isn't a high priority for some when it comes to illegal aliens, of course.

Would you like us to ruin the economy by rounding them all up? You guys won't even let us issue a national ID to everyone.
Screws me.

I'm just impressed by your selective passion about the law.

Jail is a good place for people who refuse to obey the law.

Reminds me of totalitarianism.
Well, it isn't. It's called law and order.

Isn't it funny how things are portrayed changes magically depending on the political ideology?

I could have sworn this same guy 'paintmyhouse', was saying that police shooting people who are breaking the law, deadbeats who don't pay child support, and have a warrant for their arrest, fighting with a police officer, knocking off quick-marts..... that's police brutality and tyranny.

But a Christian who simply wants to follow his faith, tossing an entire religious group into prison..... For..... not baking a cake... or not selling a pizza.... Now that!! That... is law and order. Even more ironic is that if you go over to any of the other threads, business owners are exploiters, and taking advantage by profiting off the public.

So now the left is throwing business owners in jail for.... not exploited and profiting off the public.

It's just fascinating how the left flip flop all over the place more than a fish on the beach, in order to justify whatever argument they happen to be in at the moment.
You have me confused with someone else, and I don't flip-flop, ever.

.... more like somersaults.
The left's idea of tolerance is the same as their idea of compromise.
As long as they get what they want you are doing it correctly ... But don't expect them to be tolerant or compromise.

Tolerance stops at intolerance.

Yes, you are intolerant, and I'm not tolerating it.

"Law and order" isn't a high priority for some when it comes to illegal aliens, of course.

Would you like us to ruin the economy by rounding them all up? You guys won't even let us issue a national ID to everyone.

You would round up all the Christians and toss them in prison? That wouldn't ruin the economy?
I'd just be happy if they were actual Christians.
The left's idea of tolerance is the same as their idea of compromise.
As long as they get what they want you are doing it correctly ... But don't expect them to be tolerant or compromise.

Tolerance stops at intolerance.

Yes, you are intolerant, and I'm not tolerating it.

"Law and order" isn't a high priority for some when it comes to illegal aliens, of course.

Would you like us to ruin the economy by rounding them all up? You guys won't even let us issue a national ID to everyone.

You would round up all the Christians and toss them in prison? That wouldn't ruin the economy?
I'd just be happy if they were actual Christians.

So would I. The difference is, I base real Christian faith, on who adheres to the Bible which is the basis of the faith.

You base 'christianity' on who follows your ideology.

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