Tolerance and Bigotry: What happens when the shoe is on the other foot?

I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.
I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

In spite of of centuries of persecution, 42% of LGBT identify themselves as Christians.

I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you would feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

In spite of of centuries of persecution, 42% of LGBT identify themselves as Christians.
I think most liberals believe tolerance to be the same as acceptance.

For thousands of years, we Christians have tolerated sinners and blasphemers, but we didn't accept them. The same would seem to apply for gay marriage .... we may tolerate it, but it doesn't mean we have to accept it.
And what you think is as usual wrong.

In fact, your ignorance of 'liberals' is comprehensive, as is the case with most everything else.

For thousands of years Christians have perfected the art of intolerance – codifying that intolerance into secular law and conjoining church and state in an effort compel conformity and punish diversity and dissent.

Indeed, the Framers of the Constitution in response to this saw fit to ratify the First Amendment, to protect the citizens of the new Nation from the arrogance and intolerance inherent in all religions, including Christianity.

Today you and other Christians are at liberty to practice your hate and intolerance of gay Americans and other whom you perceive as 'sinners' in the context of your private lives and private places of worship; but you are not at liberty to seek to codify your errant, subjective religious dogma into secular law, nor attempt to compel conformity by conjoining church and state in violation of the First Amendment.

Dang ---- what a twisted perception of reality you weave in order to justify a skewed mentality.
I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.

Aside from the mistaken logic, the victimhood, and the length of the OP, having Chekov as a better liked character than Sulu is the dumbest thing about the OP. C'mon! Chekov's boring. What about Bones or Scotty? Even Yeoman Rand is better than Chekov. Khan putting that worm in his ear was the only interesting thing of which he was ever apart.

Get a grip, you right wing nut job! Only conservatards put Chekov above anybody except maybe some red shirts...:tongue-44:

Horsefeathers. Ensign Checkhov has a much wider emotioal range than Sulu. Well, except when he got to do the swordfight thing. Scotty, even more, if predictably. You want boring --- Leonard McCoy.

You know, posters who use such vulgar language only reveal their cruder, less developed artistic sensibilities especially when it comes to such high brow productions as Star Trek.

Sure. Takei is no great actor by any means, in fact he can barely act at all, but his character was more interesting than Chekov. At least, Leonard Nimoy went on to be the narrator for the incredibly well produced and factually accurate "Ancient Mysteries".
I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.

Aside from the mistaken logic, the victimhood, and the length of the OP, having Chekov as a better liked character than Sulu is the dumbest thing about the OP. C'mon! Chekov's boring. What about Bones or Scotty? Even Yeoman Rand is better than Chekov. Khan putting that worm in his ear was the only interesting thing of which he was ever apart.

Get a grip, you right wing nut job! Only conservatards put Chekov above anybody except maybe some red shirts...:tongue-44:

LOL. Such a witty reposte! Dealing with angry liberals like you is like trying to pass the legit version of the Kobayashi Maru. It's impossible!

Well, I was attempting to be funny and a little sarcastic, but I guess it didn't come across very well...dammit.

Though, Chekov does suck as a character...

I do apologize if I took it the wrong way. :D
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of the Christian faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

You worry about reprisals against homosexuals, but forget gays aren't openly persecuted in America anymore. All they have to fight for are rights under the law. In the Middle East however, they have to fight for their lives. But you don't care about them, do you?

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
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I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.

Aside from the mistaken logic, the victimhood, and the length of the OP, having Chekov as a better liked character than Sulu is the dumbest thing about the OP. C'mon! Chekov's boring. What about Bones or Scotty? Even Yeoman Rand is better than Chekov. Khan putting that worm in his ear was the only interesting thing of which he was ever apart.

Get a grip, you right wing nut job! Only conservatards put Chekov above anybody except maybe some red shirts...:tongue-44:

LOL. Such a witty reposte! Dealing with angry liberals like you is like trying to pass the legit version of the Kobayashi Maru. It's impossible!

Well, I was attempting to be funny and a little sarcastic, but I guess it didn't come across very well...dammit.

Though, Chekov does suck as a character...

I do apologize if I took it the wrong way. :D

The fault lies with the writer, not the reader.
In spite of of centuries of persecution, 42% of LGBT identify themselves as Christians.

That's nice. So, are they now part of the problem? Surely one can't be gay and be one of those hateful bigoted Christians can they?
I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.

Aside from the mistaken logic, the victimhood, and the length of the OP, having Chekov as a better liked character than Sulu is the dumbest thing about the OP. C'mon! Chekov's boring. What about Bones or Scotty? Even Yeoman Rand is better than Chekov. Khan putting that worm in his ear was the only interesting thing of which he was ever apart.

Get a grip, you right wing nut job! Only conservatards put Chekov above anybody except maybe some red shirts...:tongue-44:

LOL. Such a witty reposte! Dealing with angry liberals like you is like trying to pass the legit version of the Kobayashi Maru. It's impossible!

Well, I was attempting to be funny and a little sarcastic, but I guess it didn't come across very well...dammit.

Though, Chekov does suck as a character...

I do apologize if I took it the wrong way. :D

The fault lies with the writer, not the reader.

Either way, my response was unkind. All's well that ends well. :)
I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

In spite of of centuries of persecution, 42% of LGBT identify themselves as Christians.

I'm a huge fan of George Takei, and I follow him on Facebook, Takei makes no bones about the fact that he's flaming gay and has a husband/partner named Brad. Hikaru Sulu was and is still one of my favorite characters in the original Star Trek (aside from Spock, Kirk and Chekov). But sometimes he can be quite provocative and downright hostile to people who express dissenting views of homosexuality (namely Memories Pizza), and as a result, I must sometimes roll my eyes and scroll past some of his inflammatory discussion topics (most of the time he is absolutely brilliant with puns and therefore a constant source of hilarity), but one of his topics tonight in particular compelled me to write this thread, of which can be seen here.

It's funny though, there is this far reaching cry in America for religious tolerance of homosexuality, or otherwise face inevitable demise for their intransigence. I hear how the religious (mainly the Christian religion) should have to change their values and precepts in order to be more inclusive to homosexuals, yet what I see in today's far left social liberal are words of hate and bigotry towards Christians and people of faith. In other words, the same hatred, intolerance, and bigotry that those same people claim come from those of faith.

One wonders, how does it feel for them to become the very thing they're fighting against? Doesn't tolerance work both ways? It stands to reason that if you want tolerance, you must give it in same while taking care not to be what you condemn; as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, "fight not with monsters, lest you become a monster, for if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

If you fight so much and so hard, and with too much zealousness against a perceived evil (in this case, intolerance and bigotry), you risk becoming the same evil you were fighting against in the first place (intolerant and bigoted). This is what the LGBT activists and hordes of pro gay rights liberals have done and are doing. Preaching against intolerance and bigotry whilst being intolerant and bigoted.

Am I saying there aren't bigots? Not at all, there are. There are bigots all over the place! Am I saying that all gay people are this way? Heck no. In fact, I've seen a few examples of gay people standing up for people of faith. Am I am saying that all pro gay rights liberals are this way? Well, I'd be lying if I said no.

But this is ludicrous. The only target of this outrage in America thus far is Christianity. Not one Muslim has been sued or called out by the LGBT community for discriminating or contending that homosexuality is a sin against Allah. Nope. Just Christianity. As far as I can tell, and from what I've read, Muslims treat homosexuals a hundred times, no, a million times more harshly than any Christian today would. Christians think homosexuality is a sin that can be forgiven by God. Muslims think homosexuality is unforgivable, and is a sin punishable by death. But why just Christianity?

I also note the lack of concern some self proclaimed gay rights activists hold for homosexual people in the Middle East. When other gay people around the world are subject to the same, if not worse treatment that they condemn Christians for committing against gays in America, the silence is quite damning. To fight for gay rights in my mind, is to fight for the rights of gay individuals everywhere on Earth, not just here in America. Those who do only focus on gays here in America should realize their advocacy rings hollow. The focus is myopic.

Christianity is often condemned for its behavior during The Crusades, for forcing the conversion of unwitting Muslims and rightly so, though we have grown out of exercising such forms of barbarity; but now, I see a crusade of a different sort. And it's being waged by the extreme fringe of the LGBT crowd this time around. "Make your religion accept us, or be damned!" Their vanguard, consisting of the far left and left wage the war of identity against the opposition, hurling words like "intolerant" and "bigoted" like fire and pitch across the sociopolitical battlefield, landing squarely where it doesn't belong.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you would feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

In spite of of centuries of persecution, 42% of LGBT identify themselves as Christians.

... to no good result.
You know, some day, I wish the liberals would realize just how little Christians think about gay marriage, etc. We're comfortable with our choices ..... if you want to go to Hell for your actions, frankly, I don't give a damn. You won't hear any complaints from me ... and you don't hear me trying to convert you.

One of God's tenets is the concept of free will ---- we all have choices to make, and we will live - and die - by those choices. It is not God's intent to convince you to come over from the dark side. He has been pretty explicit about what the results will be - and left it to us to choose. If you choose not to believe in His laws, so be it. You've been given the facts --- now, make your choice.

I've chosen - and I'm comfortable with that choice. Is all this noise we hear just a case of trying to justify to yourself the decisions you have made?
How can someone who has proven that he does not understand tolerance start a thread on it?

I know that tolerance works both ways. You liberal gay rights activists seem to think this should only work one way. Surrender or die.

How can someone like you lecture me on tolerance when you are a member of a party who exhibits intolerance towards those who hold negative opinions of homosexuality? How can someone such as yourself lecture me about tolerance when you belong to a party that wishes to crush their opposition beneath their oh-so-tolerant boots?

O liberal, where is your victory? O liberal, where is your sting?
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
The vast majority of gays do not march in parades, carry signs condemning anybody. Most people that are gay have lived much of their life in the closet, hiding their homosexuality. Even after they come out, most are reluctant to reveal themselves to all but family and close friends. As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .1% of gays are married. Even it every gay and lesbian in the country married, 99% of all marriages would be between heterosexuals. The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
The vast majority of gays do not march in parades, carry signs condemning anybody. Most people that are gay have lived much of their life in the closet, hiding their homosexuality. Even after they come out, most are reluctant to reveal themselves to all but family and close friends. As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .1% of gays are married. Even it every gay and lesbian in the country married, 99% of all marriages would be between heterosexuals. The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.

Actually, I don't believe that ... I believe that gay marriage is an issue trotted out by the left in order to perpetuate their 'victimology' political agenda. It fits the narcissistic and egotistical need of leftists to prove they are better than everyone else because ONLY they know how to fix these self-created issues.
As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .5% of gays are married. ... The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.

So, why should such a small segment of the population hold so much sway over the majority? Gays are indeed "entitled" to those rights, yet somehow, people who believe homosexuality is wrong are neither "entitled" to have such a belief based on their religion, nor are they "entitled" to act on that belief. That's not very fair, is it? All this time gays speak of unfairness, yet are willing to trample on the rights of others if it means they are granted higher legal standing in society. To me, that represents pure and unfettered tyranny.

If the right that "gays believe they should have" to marry is that unimportant to them and if most of them will wind up not using said right, why are they fighting this fight? What's the big deal? Why buy the car if you aren't going to drive it anyway?
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
The vast majority of gays do not march in parades, carry signs condemning anybody. Most people that are gay have lived much of their life in the closet, hiding their homosexuality. Even after they come out, most are reluctant to reveal themselves to all but family and close friends. As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .1% of gays are married. Even it every gay and lesbian in the country married, 99% of all marriages would be between heterosexuals. The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.

Actually, I don't believe that ... I believe that gay marriage is an issue trotted out by the left in order to perpetuate their 'victimology' political agenda. It fits the narcissistic and egotistical need of leftists to prove they are better than everyone else because ONLY they know how to fix these self-created issues.
I believe it to be truth based on my experience with gays, both friends and family. However, it really doesn't make any difference to me whether you believe it or not.

As with most highly controversial social issues, a relatively small number of activist become the stereotype for a group. That was true of the blacks and segregationist in 60's, feminist in the 80's, an gays today.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
The vast majority of gays do not march in parades, carry signs condemning anybody. Most people that are gay have lived much of their life in the closet, hiding their homosexuality. Even after they come out, most are reluctant to reveal themselves to all but family and close friends. As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .1% of gays are married. Even it every gay and lesbian in the country married, 99% of all marriages would be between heterosexuals. The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.

Actually, I don't believe that ... I believe that gay marriage is an issue trotted out by the left in order to perpetuate their 'victimology' political agenda. It fits the narcissistic and egotistical need of leftists to prove they are better than everyone else because ONLY they know how to fix these self-created issues.
Then your belief is ridiculous, delusional idiocy.

Gay Americans didn't 'self create' the discrimination, the violation of their civil rights, or the hostility many on the right exhibit toward same-sex couples; there's nothing 'made up' about the many laws and measures enacted at the behest of conservatives with the intent to disadvantage gay Americans inconsistent with the 14th Amendment, or the many lawsuits filed by same-sex couples seeking relief from laws enacted to harm gay Americans by the states.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
The vast majority of gays do not march in parades, carry signs condemning anybody. Most people that are gay have lived much of their life in the closet, hiding their homosexuality. Even after they come out, most are reluctant to reveal themselves to all but family and close friends. As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .1% of gays are married. Even it every gay and lesbian in the country married, 99% of all marriages would be between heterosexuals. The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.

Actually, I don't believe that ... I believe that gay marriage is an issue trotted out by the left in order to perpetuate their 'victimology' political agenda. It fits the narcissistic and egotistical need of leftists to prove they are better than everyone else because ONLY they know how to fix these self-created issues.
Then your belief is ridiculous, delusional idiocy.

Gay Americans didn't 'self create' the discrimination, the violation of their civil rights, or the hostility many on the right exhibit toward same-sex couples; there's nothing 'made up' about the many laws and measures enacted at the behest of conservatives with the intent to disadvantage gay Americans inconsistent with the 14th Amendment, or the many lawsuits filed by same-sex couples seeking relief from laws enacted to harm gay Americans by the states.

See what I mean?

You, and others, have elevated anecdotal data to pretend there is some kind of mainstream movement. When you have no facts - and you obviously don't, or you would have brought them to the table -- you make grandiose and general accusations and then assign them to the targeted party. Tell me --- just exactly how many gay discrimination lawsuits were filed in the past 20 years that were not instigated by liberal groups????

I rest my case.
When you've been damned to hell for a couple thousand thousand years, burned at the stake, imprisoned, and denied the right to legally commit yourself to the person you love, it is certainly reasonable that you feel some intolerance to those that have persecuted you and made your life a living hell.

Right, so you plan to do the same to the so called oppressors, right? They gave you hell so you want to give them hell back. How mature. Gays are playing the role of judge, condemning their oppressors in the same way their oppressors condemned them. How colossally ironic.

Funny how I have people accusing me of not knowing what tolerance is, yet here I see people like you issuing your own definitions of tolerance, while passing down judgement on those wicked bigoted Christians! Gays want to fight persecution of their way of life, yet fully intend to persecute those who don't "tolerate" them, i.e. those of faith.

How dare you fight for tolerance? You don't want tolerance, you want outright capitulation. You want revenge, not acceptance. You don't want to build, you wish to destroy.

So, I wonder, how long will you keep this up until it completely backfires on you?
The vast majority of gays do not march in parades, carry signs condemning anybody. Most people that are gay have lived much of their life in the closet, hiding their homosexuality. Even after they come out, most are reluctant to reveal themselves to all but family and close friends. As far as gay marriage is concerned, less than .1% of gays are married. Even it every gay and lesbian in the country married, 99% of all marriages would be between heterosexuals. The reality is that gay marriage effects a very small percent of the population. It's important to gays because it's a right they believe they should have, even though most will not every use that right.

Actually, I don't believe that ... I believe that gay marriage is an issue trotted out by the left in order to perpetuate their 'victimology' political agenda. It fits the narcissistic and egotistical need of leftists to prove they are better than everyone else because ONLY they know how to fix these self-created issues.
Then your belief is ridiculous, delusional idiocy.

Gay Americans didn't 'self create' the discrimination, the violation of their civil rights, or the hostility many on the right exhibit toward same-sex couples; there's nothing 'made up' about the many laws and measures enacted at the behest of conservatives with the intent to disadvantage gay Americans inconsistent with the 14th Amendment, or the many lawsuits filed by same-sex couples seeking relief from laws enacted to harm gay Americans by the states.

See what I mean?

You, and others, have elevated anecdotal data to pretend there is some kind of mainstream movement. When you have no facts - and you obviously don't, or you would have brought them to the table -- you make grandiose and general accusations and then assign them to the targeted party. Tell me --- just exactly how many gay discrimination lawsuits were filed in the past 20 years that were not instigated by liberal groups????

I rest my case.
Liberals fight for the rights of others. What's your beef with that?

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