Tolerant, Cosmopolitan, and Socially Liberal...

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Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
The typical anti-Jew canard.
Jews are Biblically commanded to care first for the nation in which they reside.
Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
Sure, sure, it's completely coincidental that your name decodes into a well known term of affection for Jews
Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
The typical anti-Jew canard.
Jews are Biblically commanded to care first for the nation in which they reside.

And, why, oh why, do 99 percent of Jewish Americans support mass immigration to America above all else, yet are fully cognizant of the mortal threat it poses to a country when it comes to Israel.
Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
The typical anti-Jew canard.
Jews are Biblically commanded to care first for the nation in which they reside.

And, why, oh why, do 99 percent of Jewish Americans support mass immigration to America above all else, yet are fully cognizant of the mortal threat it poses to a country when it comes to Israel.
Why don't you live in your ancestral nation?
Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
The typical anti-Jew canard.
Jews are Biblically commanded to care first for the nation in which they reside.

And, why, oh why, do 99 percent of Jewish Americans support mass immigration to America above all else, yet are fully cognizant of the mortal threat it poses to a country when it comes to Israel.
Why don't you live in your ancestral nation?
Cuz my ancestors built this one.
Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
The typical anti-Jew canard.
Jews are Biblically commanded to care first for the nation in which they reside.

And, why, oh why, do 99 percent of Jewish Americans support mass immigration to America above all else, yet are fully cognizant of the mortal threat it poses to a country when it comes to Israel.
Why don't you live in your ancestral nation?
Cuz my ancestors built this one.

Are you a white nationalist?
and racial equality..
What??? Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods, including, in many cities, ALL the rabbis, when white Christian men in Europe and North America cast, for the first time in history, slavery as a moral issue. Jews monopolized the slave trade to the Caribbean and South America (where the vast majority of African slaves went) and continued to profit from slavery there long after African slavery had been made illegal in North America and Europe.

If you actually were virtuous, you'd want to end slavery in the world TODAY !! But looking for "jews" wont get that job done.. Stop living in conspiracy-ville and get some actual knowledge..

By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times.The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.

Iabarot left Nigeria in February 2016 with a plan to head northward and buy passage on a smuggler’s boat destined for Europe, where he had heard from friends on Facebook that jobs were plentiful. The journey of more than 2,500 miles would take him across the trackless desert plains of Niger and through the lawless tribal lands of southern Libya before depositing him at the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. He never made it. Instead, he was captured the moment he arrived in Libya, then sold to armed men who kept a stable of African migrants they exploited for labor and ransom.

But along the way, tens of thousands like Iabarot are finding themselves treated not just as cargo but as chattel and trapped in a terrifying cycle of extortion, imprisonment, forced labor and prostitution, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. “They are not only facing inhuman treatment. They are being sold from one trafficker to another,” says Carlotta Sami, southern European regional spokesperson for UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency. Essentially, they are slaves: human beings who have been reduced to being possessions with a fixed value, based on assessments of the kind of income they can accrue to their owners as targets for extortion, as unpaid labor or—as is often the case with women—prostitutes.

I actually wasn't attempting any kind of virtue. But I do hate the hypocrisy and malevolence behind, say, Hollywood's consistent demonization of white Christians as responsible for the evils of slavery when, in fact, Jews were way over-represented in the slave trade and it was white Christians who put an end to slavery at great cost.

THat makes no sense at all. THey're gonna attack BOTH of us anytime they please. Jews are "over-respresented" in a lot of things. But it's not an excuse large enough to hide the entire NATIONAL TRADING guilds that were state sanctioned by white Christian nations for a couple hundred years.

Let's all just own up to our own little parts.. Not that I have any guilt BIGGER Than me not really doing shit to STOP SLAVERY TODAY...

Did you read that article? Find any jews in that current slave trade?? Did you watch the vid on Dimona and how Israel willingly reunited Black America immigrates there with their African roots?

You dont have a case against Israel being some kind of theocratic, throw-back kind of country..
nazis didnt suddenly appeared from moon in 1939 you know...

Which is why I clearly pointed out that this 'Jewish Blood' mishigas started well before the war. In fact, it goes back to 19th Century European antisemitism.
" Which is why I clearly pointed out that this 'Jewish Blood' mishigas started well before the war. In fact, it goes back to 19th Century European antisemitism. "

Give me a break. What do you think matrilineal descent implies? Or patrilineal, for that matter. It's the blood, baby, La Raza. If I try to emigrate to Israel, I can't. You can. Because you are of the Jewish race. Far as I know, poor old Adolph didn't set Israeli immigration policy.

What do you ever get right? How did those Black American Christians become citizens of Israel? Did ya watch the video of their village in Israel? They claimed Jewish decent going back centuries before Jesus..

Lot of spanish jewish heritage.. Get informed. Be creative. they might let you in.... LOL...
Then why, oh why, are you Jews absolutely committed to open borders for us but not for you? Don't you see how malevolent that is? Are you really incapable of understanding how this forces us to view you as enemies?

Sadly, I am NOT Jewish, nor do I support open borders. What have you been smoking?
The typical anti-Jew canard.
Jews are Biblically commanded to care first for the nation in which they reside.

And, why, oh why, do 99 percent of Jewish Americans support mass immigration to America above all else, yet are fully cognizant of the mortal threat it poses to a country when it comes to Israel.
Why don't you live in your ancestral nation?
Cuz my ancestors built this one.

Are you a white nationalist?
Well, I'm white. And I'm a nationalist. So, yeah.
and racial equality..
What??? Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods, including, in many cities, ALL the rabbis, when white Christian men in Europe and North America cast, for the first time in history, slavery as a moral issue. Jews monopolized the slave trade to the Caribbean and South America (where the vast majority of African slaves went) and continued to profit from slavery there long after African slavery had been made illegal in North America and Europe.

If you actually were virtuous, you'd want to end slavery in the world TODAY !! But looking for "jews" wont get that job done.. Stop living in conspiracy-ville and get some actual knowledge..

By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times.The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.

Iabarot left Nigeria in February 2016 with a plan to head northward and buy passage on a smuggler’s boat destined for Europe, where he had heard from friends on Facebook that jobs were plentiful. The journey of more than 2,500 miles would take him across the trackless desert plains of Niger and through the lawless tribal lands of southern Libya before depositing him at the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. He never made it. Instead, he was captured the moment he arrived in Libya, then sold to armed men who kept a stable of African migrants they exploited for labor and ransom.

But along the way, tens of thousands like Iabarot are finding themselves treated not just as cargo but as chattel and trapped in a terrifying cycle of extortion, imprisonment, forced labor and prostitution, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. “They are not only facing inhuman treatment. They are being sold from one trafficker to another,” says Carlotta Sami, southern European regional spokesperson for UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency. Essentially, they are slaves: human beings who have been reduced to being possessions with a fixed value, based on assessments of the kind of income they can accrue to their owners as targets for extortion, as unpaid labor or—as is often the case with women—prostitutes.

I actually wasn't attempting any kind of virtue. But I do hate the hypocrisy and malevolence behind, say, Hollywood's consistent demonization of white Christians as responsible for the evils of slavery when, in fact, Jews were way over-represented in the slave trade and it was white Christians who put an end to slavery at great cost.

THat makes no sense at all. THey're gonna attack BOTH of us anytime they please. Jews are "over-respresented" in a lot of things. But it's not an excuse large enough to hide the entire NATIONAL TRADING guilds that were state sanctioned by white Christian nations for a couple hundred years.

Let's all just own up to our own little parts.. Not that I have any guilt BIGGER Than me not really doing shit to STOP SLAVERY TODAY...

Did you read that article? Find any jews in that current slave trade?? Did you watch the vid on Dimona and how Israel willingly reunited Black America immigrates there with their African roots?

You dont have a case against Israel being some kind of theocratic, throw-back kind of country..
What I find extremely hostile, dishonest, and malevolent is the relentless Jewish drumbeat of white Christians being the great villains of US history, the constant denigration and downplaying of our undeniable achievements, the dishonest transference of Jewish crimes on to white gentiles. White people don't seem to have any problem accepting our share of the blame--maybe to a fault--but do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation." I seriously believe they have a mental deficiency
Well, I'm white. And I'm a nationalist. So, yeah.

But, there is no "white nation". America belongs to Americans of all races, creeds, and ethnicities.

You can't be a "nationalist" without a nation.
I didn't say there was a white nation. I said I was white. And, because the nation is the best vehicle yet invented to preserve cultural treasures over generations, to protect the rights of the weak, and to have the capacity to guarantee its citizens the rule of law and political freedom, I am a nationalist.
and racial equality..
What??? Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods, including, in many cities, ALL the rabbis, when white Christian men in Europe and North America cast, for the first time in history, slavery as a moral issue. Jews monopolized the slave trade to the Caribbean and South America (where the vast majority of African slaves went) and continued to profit from slavery there long after African slavery had been made illegal in North America and Europe.

If you actually were virtuous, you'd want to end slavery in the world TODAY !! But looking for "jews" wont get that job done.. Stop living in conspiracy-ville and get some actual knowledge..

By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times.The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.

Iabarot left Nigeria in February 2016 with a plan to head northward and buy passage on a smuggler’s boat destined for Europe, where he had heard from friends on Facebook that jobs were plentiful. The journey of more than 2,500 miles would take him across the trackless desert plains of Niger and through the lawless tribal lands of southern Libya before depositing him at the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. He never made it. Instead, he was captured the moment he arrived in Libya, then sold to armed men who kept a stable of African migrants they exploited for labor and ransom.

But along the way, tens of thousands like Iabarot are finding themselves treated not just as cargo but as chattel and trapped in a terrifying cycle of extortion, imprisonment, forced labor and prostitution, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. “They are not only facing inhuman treatment. They are being sold from one trafficker to another,” says Carlotta Sami, southern European regional spokesperson for UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency. Essentially, they are slaves: human beings who have been reduced to being possessions with a fixed value, based on assessments of the kind of income they can accrue to their owners as targets for extortion, as unpaid labor or—as is often the case with women—prostitutes.

I actually wasn't attempting any kind of virtue. But I do hate the hypocrisy and malevolence behind, say, Hollywood's consistent demonization of white Christians as responsible for the evils of slavery when, in fact, Jews were way over-represented in the slave trade and it was white Christians who put an end to slavery at great cost.

THat makes no sense at all. THey're gonna attack BOTH of us anytime they please. Jews are "over-respresented" in a lot of things. But it's not an excuse large enough to hide the entire NATIONAL TRADING guilds that were state sanctioned by white Christian nations for a couple hundred years.

Let's all just own up to our own little parts.. Not that I have any guilt BIGGER Than me not really doing shit to STOP SLAVERY TODAY...

Did you read that article? Find any jews in that current slave trade?? Did you watch the vid on Dimona and how Israel willingly reunited Black America immigrates there with their African roots?

You dont have a case against Israel being some kind of theocratic, throw-back kind of country..
What I find extremely hostile, dishonest, and malevolent is the relentless Jewish drumbeat of white Christians being the great villains of US history, the constant denigration and downplaying of our undeniable achievements, the dishonest transference of Jewish crimes on to white gentiles. White people don't seem to have any problem accepting our share of the blame--maybe to a fault--but do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation." I seriously believe they have a mental deficiency

I find it extremely telling that you only see a problem if Jews might do that,
and project it on everyone else as if anything a Jew says or does,
has Levites singing a Havah Nagilah in the back...

BTW among the most prominent anti-Israel activists are Jews,
and the 3rd biggest party in our parliament is the Arab Joint List
which includes Islamist, Communist and other fractions all anti-Israel to the core.

And I haven't even mentioned our Leftist camp,
so before talking about "mental deficiencies"... folks can't get along with just 2 parties.

You folks have single cities with more homicide casualties in a decade,
then all of the casualties in the Arab-Israeli war in the past 70 years, on both sides.
and racial equality..
What??? Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods, including, in many cities, ALL the rabbis, when white Christian men in Europe and North America cast, for the first time in history, slavery as a moral issue. Jews monopolized the slave trade to the Caribbean and South America (where the vast majority of African slaves went) and continued to profit from slavery there long after African slavery had been made illegal in North America and Europe.

If you actually were virtuous, you'd want to end slavery in the world TODAY !! But looking for "jews" wont get that job done.. Stop living in conspiracy-ville and get some actual knowledge..

By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times.The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.

Iabarot left Nigeria in February 2016 with a plan to head northward and buy passage on a smuggler’s boat destined for Europe, where he had heard from friends on Facebook that jobs were plentiful. The journey of more than 2,500 miles would take him across the trackless desert plains of Niger and through the lawless tribal lands of southern Libya before depositing him at the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. He never made it. Instead, he was captured the moment he arrived in Libya, then sold to armed men who kept a stable of African migrants they exploited for labor and ransom.

But along the way, tens of thousands like Iabarot are finding themselves treated not just as cargo but as chattel and trapped in a terrifying cycle of extortion, imprisonment, forced labor and prostitution, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. “They are not only facing inhuman treatment. They are being sold from one trafficker to another,” says Carlotta Sami, southern European regional spokesperson for UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency. Essentially, they are slaves: human beings who have been reduced to being possessions with a fixed value, based on assessments of the kind of income they can accrue to their owners as targets for extortion, as unpaid labor or—as is often the case with women—prostitutes.

I actually wasn't attempting any kind of virtue. But I do hate the hypocrisy and malevolence behind, say, Hollywood's consistent demonization of white Christians as responsible for the evils of slavery when, in fact, Jews were way over-represented in the slave trade and it was white Christians who put an end to slavery at great cost.

THat makes no sense at all. THey're gonna attack BOTH of us anytime they please. Jews are "over-respresented" in a lot of things. But it's not an excuse large enough to hide the entire NATIONAL TRADING guilds that were state sanctioned by white Christian nations for a couple hundred years.

Let's all just own up to our own little parts.. Not that I have any guilt BIGGER Than me not really doing shit to STOP SLAVERY TODAY...

Did you read that article? Find any jews in that current slave trade?? Did you watch the vid on Dimona and how Israel willingly reunited Black America immigrates there with their African roots?

You dont have a case against Israel being some kind of theocratic, throw-back kind of country..
What I find extremely hostile, dishonest, and malevolent is the relentless Jewish drumbeat of white Christians being the great villains of US history, the constant denigration and downplaying of our undeniable achievements, the dishonest transference of Jewish crimes on to white gentiles. White people don't seem to have any problem accepting our share of the blame--maybe to a fault--but do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation." I seriously believe they have a mental deficiency

I find it extremely telling that you only see a problem if Jews might do that,
and project it on everyone else as if anything a Jew says or does,
has Levites singing a Havah Nagilah in the back...

BTW among the most prominent anti-Israel activists are Jews,
and the 3rd biggest party in our parliament is the Arab Joint List
which includes Islamist, Communist and other fractions all anti-Israel to the core.

And I haven't even mentioned our Leftist camp,
so before talking about "mental deficiencies"... folks can't get along with just 2 parties.

You folks have single cities with more homicide casualties in a decade,
then all of the casualties in the Arab-Israeli war in the past 70 years, on both sides.
I'll ask again: do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation."
and racial equality..
What??? Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods, including, in many cities, ALL the rabbis, when white Christian men in Europe and North America cast, for the first time in history, slavery as a moral issue. Jews monopolized the slave trade to the Caribbean and South America (where the vast majority of African slaves went) and continued to profit from slavery there long after African slavery had been made illegal in North America and Europe.

If you actually were virtuous, you'd want to end slavery in the world TODAY !! But looking for "jews" wont get that job done.. Stop living in conspiracy-ville and get some actual knowledge..

By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times.The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.

Iabarot left Nigeria in February 2016 with a plan to head northward and buy passage on a smuggler’s boat destined for Europe, where he had heard from friends on Facebook that jobs were plentiful. The journey of more than 2,500 miles would take him across the trackless desert plains of Niger and through the lawless tribal lands of southern Libya before depositing him at the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. He never made it. Instead, he was captured the moment he arrived in Libya, then sold to armed men who kept a stable of African migrants they exploited for labor and ransom.

But along the way, tens of thousands like Iabarot are finding themselves treated not just as cargo but as chattel and trapped in a terrifying cycle of extortion, imprisonment, forced labor and prostitution, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. “They are not only facing inhuman treatment. They are being sold from one trafficker to another,” says Carlotta Sami, southern European regional spokesperson for UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency. Essentially, they are slaves: human beings who have been reduced to being possessions with a fixed value, based on assessments of the kind of income they can accrue to their owners as targets for extortion, as unpaid labor or—as is often the case with women—prostitutes.

I actually wasn't attempting any kind of virtue. But I do hate the hypocrisy and malevolence behind, say, Hollywood's consistent demonization of white Christians as responsible for the evils of slavery when, in fact, Jews were way over-represented in the slave trade and it was white Christians who put an end to slavery at great cost.

THat makes no sense at all. THey're gonna attack BOTH of us anytime they please. Jews are "over-respresented" in a lot of things. But it's not an excuse large enough to hide the entire NATIONAL TRADING guilds that were state sanctioned by white Christian nations for a couple hundred years.

Let's all just own up to our own little parts.. Not that I have any guilt BIGGER Than me not really doing shit to STOP SLAVERY TODAY...

Did you read that article? Find any jews in that current slave trade?? Did you watch the vid on Dimona and how Israel willingly reunited Black America immigrates there with their African roots?

You dont have a case against Israel being some kind of theocratic, throw-back kind of country..
What I find extremely hostile, dishonest, and malevolent is the relentless Jewish drumbeat of white Christians being the great villains of US history, the constant denigration and downplaying of our undeniable achievements, the dishonest transference of Jewish crimes on to white gentiles. White people don't seem to have any problem accepting our share of the blame--maybe to a fault--but do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation." I seriously believe they have a mental deficiency

I find it extremely telling that you only see a problem if Jews might do that,
and project it on everyone else as if anything a Jew says or does,
has Levites singing a Havah Nagilah in the back...

BTW among the most prominent anti-Israel activists are Jews,
and the 3rd biggest party in our parliament is the Arab Joint List
which includes Islamist, Communist and other fractions all anti-Israel to the core.

And I haven't even mentioned our Leftist camp,
so before talking about "mental deficiencies"... folks can't get along with just 2 parties.

You folks have single cities with more homicide casualties in a decade,
then all of the casualties in the Arab-Israeli war in the past 70 years, on both sides.
I'll ask again: do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation."

Why do you ask things like that?
And we surely do not need reminding that in living memory, two thirds of Europe’s Jews were murdered for being who they were: not for what they did or did not believe.
and racial equality..
What??? Jews were still happily buying and selling Africans like packaged goods, including, in many cities, ALL the rabbis, when white Christian men in Europe and North America cast, for the first time in history, slavery as a moral issue. Jews monopolized the slave trade to the Caribbean and South America (where the vast majority of African slaves went) and continued to profit from slavery there long after African slavery had been made illegal in North America and Europe.

If you actually were virtuous, you'd want to end slavery in the world TODAY !! But looking for "jews" wont get that job done.. Stop living in conspiracy-ville and get some actual knowledge..

By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times.The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.

Iabarot left Nigeria in February 2016 with a plan to head northward and buy passage on a smuggler’s boat destined for Europe, where he had heard from friends on Facebook that jobs were plentiful. The journey of more than 2,500 miles would take him across the trackless desert plains of Niger and through the lawless tribal lands of southern Libya before depositing him at the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. He never made it. Instead, he was captured the moment he arrived in Libya, then sold to armed men who kept a stable of African migrants they exploited for labor and ransom.

But along the way, tens of thousands like Iabarot are finding themselves treated not just as cargo but as chattel and trapped in a terrifying cycle of extortion, imprisonment, forced labor and prostitution, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. “They are not only facing inhuman treatment. They are being sold from one trafficker to another,” says Carlotta Sami, southern European regional spokesperson for UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency. Essentially, they are slaves: human beings who have been reduced to being possessions with a fixed value, based on assessments of the kind of income they can accrue to their owners as targets for extortion, as unpaid labor or—as is often the case with women—prostitutes.

I actually wasn't attempting any kind of virtue. But I do hate the hypocrisy and malevolence behind, say, Hollywood's consistent demonization of white Christians as responsible for the evils of slavery when, in fact, Jews were way over-represented in the slave trade and it was white Christians who put an end to slavery at great cost.

THat makes no sense at all. THey're gonna attack BOTH of us anytime they please. Jews are "over-respresented" in a lot of things. But it's not an excuse large enough to hide the entire NATIONAL TRADING guilds that were state sanctioned by white Christian nations for a couple hundred years.

Let's all just own up to our own little parts.. Not that I have any guilt BIGGER Than me not really doing shit to STOP SLAVERY TODAY...

Did you read that article? Find any jews in that current slave trade?? Did you watch the vid on Dimona and how Israel willingly reunited Black America immigrates there with their African roots?

You dont have a case against Israel being some kind of theocratic, throw-back kind of country..
What I find extremely hostile, dishonest, and malevolent is the relentless Jewish drumbeat of white Christians being the great villains of US history, the constant denigration and downplaying of our undeniable achievements, the dishonest transference of Jewish crimes on to white gentiles. White people don't seem to have any problem accepting our share of the blame--maybe to a fault--but do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation." I seriously believe they have a mental deficiency

I find it extremely telling that you only see a problem if Jews might do that,
and project it on everyone else as if anything a Jew says or does,
has Levites singing a Havah Nagilah in the back...

BTW among the most prominent anti-Israel activists are Jews,
and the 3rd biggest party in our parliament is the Arab Joint List
which includes Islamist, Communist and other fractions all anti-Israel to the core.

And I haven't even mentioned our Leftist camp,
so before talking about "mental deficiencies"... folks can't get along with just 2 parties.

You folks have single cities with more homicide casualties in a decade,
then all of the casualties in the Arab-Israeli war in the past 70 years, on both sides.
I'll ask again: do you EVER hear a Jew say "Yes, we were the victimizer there, in that situation."

Are you serious?
Dude I live in have no idea how things go in the middle east.

Today I made a Sulhah with an Arab contractor from Sakhnin whom I cursed so the whole building heard. Yesterday my Yemeni co-worker almost killed someone with a huge tool...

Today we sat and drank coffee together,
that's a whole social ceremony happening every day, not the coffee, the Sulhah.

Man up, stop being so wimpy.
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