Tolerant England versus racist Poland: where woukd you rather live?


Well, how about much better teeth, then?
You are truly a Dinosaur and not a Dog .

Your once famous teeth ( so brash ) are way down the league these days and way below the British .

Rubbish food , drugs and more drugs and excessive acid in the Land of the Fatties .
right, just that one guy. one muslim. Your BS is like a one way mirror. But I can see thru it.
The OP tried to present it that one guy acting like a jerk at his wedding was indicitive of all Muslims... when it was clear the other people at his wedding were equally offended by his actions.

I'm not even sure that guy was a Muslim... the dress looked pretty western to me.
Canada, thanks.

Figures. Canadians hate Jews, too.
Where do you get this prevailing myth about the teeth? Even amongst reasonably intelligent people?
/——/ It’s not a myth. British dental care is atrocious. Up until recently, Britain outlawed teeth whitening. British actors had to travel to the US to get their teeth fixed.

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