Tolerant England versus racist Poland: where woukd you rather live?

Whether you like the white ones or the black ones. Helmut Kohl liked the black ones.

"Amerikaner" are always good - black and/or white - but Helmut Kohl is not famous in Germany because he had been a gourmet.
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The problem is Muslims will occupy Poland too, sooner or later.
An average Muslim family has 3 - 4 kids, polish only 1,23 pro a women

So you can see that the Polish will die out. Concrete 1.2/2.1 * 100 ~ 50%-60%. This means every generation shrinks around 40%-50%. And this is the same in Scandinavia, Germany, France or Italy for example; and also in GB. What you can see in case of the Polish is that this tendence is independent from any Muslims but a typical characteristic of Europe and/or Northamerica. Worldwide this would be a good effect because we would need meanwhile ressources of more planets like the only one Earth we and the rest of god's creation still have.

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So you can see that the Polish will die out. Concrete 1.2/2.1 * 100 ~ 50%-60%. This means every generation shrinks around 40%-50%. And this is the same in Scandinavia, Germany, France or Italy for example; and also in GB. What you can see in case of the Polish is that this tendence is independent from any Muslims but a typical characteristic of Europe and/or Northamerica. Worldwide this would be a good effect because we would need meanwhile ressources of more planets like the only one Earth we and the rest of god's creation still have.

Did you know the universe is a hologram?
Did you know the universe is a hologram?

One of the possibilities to see the universe. It is for sure very astonishing that the amount of possible information seems to corellate to two dimensions and not to three dimensions. Why do you ask? Because of the holograms Poland and Great Britain?
Poland 100%. Why would a Catholic want to live in a Muslim country.
Poland 100%. Why would a Catholic want to live in a Muslim country.

Why should a Catholic like to live in a country where it is for a Catholic forbidden to become king or queen? On the others side: Why should a Catholic like to live in a state under the rule of a corrupt government which is the law?
Why should a Catholic like to live in a country where it is for a Catholic forbidden to become king or queen? On the others side: Why should a Catholic like to live in a state under the rule of a corrupt government which is the law?
And why would anybody want to read your babblings about hypothetical situations of near complete disinterest and certain irrelevance to normal living?
Don't they have visiting at weekends in your home with special interest activities to keep you happy but not incontinent ?

Which psychological problem do you have now, Putinist? Although the opposition won the election, President Duda has instructed Prime Minister Morawiecki to form a new government. Never heard the word "corruption"?
And why would anybody want to read your babblings about hypothetical situations of near complete disinterest and certain irrelevance to normal living?
Don't they have visiting at weekends in your home with special interest activities to keep you happy but not incontinent ?

Don't forget to take all of your soldiers and to leave the Ukraine, Russian. Yesterday!

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