Tolerant left at it again Michael Shannon wants Trump supporters to die now

Wow. Well, the responses so far have pretty much illustrated the point of the OP.
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In all fairness I wouldn't care if 40 million libturds committed mass suicide.

Actor Michael Shannon: Time for Trump voters to die

And Hillary called the Republicans deplorable ..
Republicans health care plan is die quickly.

It's on tape.

His comments are stupid. That being said, who the hell is Michael Shannon?
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There really is something wrong with the soul of a country when people who disagree with each other literally want the other to die.

In the Middle East it's about religion, here it's about politics.

Pretty fucked up.
Yeah, if only liberals were as tolerant as you RWNJ traitors.

Please...all you left-tards.....don't ever stop! :lol: Please continue to demonize half the Nation and call them deplorable, racist, homophobic shits. That worked great for you guys. :thup:

I want you folks to guarantee that in a few more election cycles there will only be a few fringe white people (nut-jobs such as yourself) that will ever vote for the Democrat Party again.

This last election cycle you guys got only 31% of the white male vote and less than 43% of the white female vote. So please, please..don't stop. :D
There really is something wrong with the soul of a country when people who disagree with each other literally want the other to die.

In the Middle East it's about religion, here it's about politics.

Pretty fucked up.

Some people believe in political dogma just as zealously.

Draw a picture of muhamed, cities burn. Defeat a leftist in an election, cities burn.

I don't WANT these assholes dead, but if they did commit mass suicide I can't say I would grieve.

Even a little bit...


There really is something wrong with the soul of a country when people who disagree with each other literally want the other to die.

In the Middle East it's about religion, here it's about politics.

Pretty fucked up.

Take solace in the fact that here it is mostly just bluster.

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