'Tolerant, Peaceful' Dems At It Again...Antifa STILL Taking Cash From Russia To Spread Violence?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?


Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?

"Antifa activists stormed a Portland, Ore., rally by the right-wing group Patriot Prayer Sunday, sparking a violent confrontation that saw punches thrown and bottles hurled and ended only when police in riot gear moved in."

ANTIFA initiated the violence…and escalated it when police attempted to end it.



'Patriot Prayer' attendees, like those above, showed up for a peaceful event and had no problem showing their faces...

...as opposed to the Antifa Thugs who showed up with masks to cover their faces, to hide their true identities during their planned violence.

Gee, who does that remind you of....?


I've seen many recent posts here from Regressives who are justifying their behavior by saying that tolerance and communication no longer work.

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, precisely what the Right says.

Opposite sides of the same coin.
I've seen many recent posts here from Regressives who are justifying their behavior by saying that tolerance and communication no longer work.

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, precisely what the Right says..
...except I demonstrated, provided evidence, that nullifies / minimizes your argument.

Even the most radical groups - like white supremacists - have showed up to march PEACEFULLY, within their Constitutional RIGHTS and within the LAW, only to have Liberal extremists show up with the intent to instigate violence...and do so.

You said 'Extremists' are the problem.... REALLY?

I guess that means HILLARY CLINTON is an extremist....since her campaign paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody his supporters....

I guess that means CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS (Pelosi, Schumer, etc...) are 'EXTREMISTS' since they ramped up the 'Hate' and violent rhetoric to the point where they triggered members of their base into attempted assassinations of GOP members in Congress....

Oh sure, they vowed after that to end the violent rhetoric...and that lasted about 5 days.
I've seen many recent posts here from Regressives who are justifying their behavior by saying that tolerance and communication no longer work.

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, precisely what the Right says..
...except I demonstrated, provided evidence, that nullifies / minimizes your argument.

Even the most radical groups - like white supremacists - have showed up to march PEACEFULLY, within their Constitutional RIGHTS and within the LAW, only to have Liberal extremists show up with the intent to instigate violence...and do so.

You said 'Extremists' are the problem.... REALLY?

I guess that means HILLARY CLINTON is an extremist....since her campaign paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody his supporters....

I guess that means CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS (Pelosi, Schumer, etc...) are 'EXTREMISTS' since they ramped up the 'Hate' and violent rhetoric to the point where they triggered members of their base into attempted assassinations of GOP members in Congress....

Oh sure, they vowed after that to end the violent rhetoric...and that lasted about 5 days.
I didn't use the word "extremists".

Both ends justify the behaviors by saying that tolerance and communication don't work.

That's what I actually said. And I'm correct.

Unless you'd like to show me a few examples of right wingers advocating for tolerance and communication.
Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
I didn't use the word "extremists".

Both ends justify the behaviors by saying that tolerance and communication don't work. That's what I actually said. And I'm correct..

Ok, that means you are STILL saying Hillary and many of the Democratic Party leaders are not 'main stream', that they are outside that, on the fringe.

And, again, I demonstrated how BOTH ends do NOT justify, escalate, or justify such violence.

The GOP Presidential candidate's campaign did not hire people / groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Hillary supporters...

GOP politicians did not foster, escalate, and fan the flames of hate and violence until one of their base attempted the assassination of DNC politicians..

And are other snowflakes on this board attempting to defend violent Democrats trying to say the Black Hand, BLACK LIVES MATTER, and Antifa are REALLY not 'liberal' groups?

whatever helps you guys sleep at night and feel better about yourselves....

I didn't use the word "extremists".

Both ends justify the behaviors by saying that tolerance and communication don't work. That's what I actually said. And I'm correct..

Ok, that means you are STILL saying Hillary and many of the Democratic Party leaders are not 'main stream', that they are outside that, on the fringe.

And, again, I demonstrated how BOTH ends do NOT justify, escalate, or justify such violence.

The GOP Presidential candidate's campaign did not hire people / groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Hillary supporters...

GOP politicians did not foster, escalate, and fan the flames of hate and violence until one of their base attempted the assassination of DNC politicians..

And are other snowflakes on this board attempting to defend violent Democrats trying to say the Black Hand, BLACK LIVES MATTER, and Antifa are REALLY not 'liberal' groups?

whatever helps you guys sleep at night and feel better about yourselves....

You keep changing my point. I said "behaviors", and not just violence. Can you start addressing stuff I actually say at some point?

And maybe include right wing mass murderers like Tim McVeigh in your response.

When you show me examples of a conservative, or even yourself, advocating for tolerance and communication, you'll have something.

Until then, this is just standard partisan stuff.
Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
who are they?
Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
who are they?
far left antifascists..
Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
who are they?
far left antifascists..
and how is that not liberal?
I didn't use the word "extremists".

Both ends justify the behaviors by saying that tolerance and communication don't work. That's what I actually said. And I'm correct..

Ok, that means you are STILL saying Hillary and many of the Democratic Party leaders are not 'main stream', that they are outside that, on the fringe.

And, again, I demonstrated how BOTH ends do NOT justify, escalate, or justify such violence.

The GOP Presidential candidate's campaign did not hire people / groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Hillary supporters...

GOP politicians did not foster, escalate, and fan the flames of hate and violence until one of their base attempted the assassination of DNC politicians..

And are other snowflakes on this board attempting to defend violent Democrats trying to say the Black Hand, BLACK LIVES MATTER, and Antifa are REALLY not 'liberal' groups?

whatever helps you guys sleep at night and feel better about yourselves....

You keep changing my point. I said "behaviors", and not just violence. Can you start addressing stuff I actually say at some point?

And maybe include right wing mass murderers like Tim McVeigh in your response.

When you show me examples of a conservative, or even yourself, advocating for tolerance and communication, you'll have something.

Until then, this is just standard partisan stuff.
My bad. Perhaps if you stopped dodging the fact that you have proved no such thing, that both parties do not equally engage in violence and rhetoric....

The DNC Presidential Candidate, while simultaneously violating numerous laws to include Sedition, Obstruction, Election Law, Campaign Finance laws, etc..., hired companies to provide thugs to beat and bloody the supporters of her political rival at her rival's events. She hired thugs to beat and bloody Americans she wanted to 'rule'.

Federal Democratic politicians fanned the flames of violent rhetoric to the point they encouraged / inspired their base to attempt assassinations against Federal Republican Politicians...

Their 'actions' is a distraction from the topic of this thread, which is about continued Liberal VIOLENCE....so, again, maybe if you would stop ducking that and share any comments you have about that rather than attempting to justify / distract from it?!
Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
who are they?
far left antifascists..
Far left facists who vote Democrat. There are no liberals left in the Dem party....all a charade
I didn't use the word "extremists".

Both ends justify the behaviors by saying that tolerance and communication don't work. That's what I actually said. And I'm correct..

Ok, that means you are STILL saying Hillary and many of the Democratic Party leaders are not 'main stream', that they are outside that, on the fringe.

And, again, I demonstrated how BOTH ends do NOT justify, escalate, or justify such violence.

The GOP Presidential candidate's campaign did not hire people / groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Hillary supporters...

GOP politicians did not foster, escalate, and fan the flames of hate and violence until one of their base attempted the assassination of DNC politicians..

And are other snowflakes on this board attempting to defend violent Democrats trying to say the Black Hand, BLACK LIVES MATTER, and Antifa are REALLY not 'liberal' groups?

whatever helps you guys sleep at night and feel better about yourselves....

You keep changing my point. I said "behaviors", and not just violence. Can you start addressing stuff I actually say at some point?

And maybe include right wing mass murderers like Tim McVeigh in your response.

When you show me examples of a conservative, or even yourself, advocating for tolerance and communication, you'll have something.

Until then, this is just standard partisan stuff.
My bad. Perhaps if you stopped dodging the fact that you have proved no such thing, that both parties do not equally engage in violence and rhetoric....

The DNC Presidential Candidate, while simultaneously violating numerous laws to include Sedition, Obstruction, Election Law, Campaign Finance laws, etc..., hired companies to provide thugs to beat and bloody the supporters of her political rival at her rival's events. She hired thugs to beat and bloody Americans she wanted to 'rule'.

Federal Democratic politicians fanned the flames of violent rhetoric to the point they encouraged / inspired their base to attempt assassinations against Federal Republican Politicians...

Their 'actions' is a distraction from the topic of this thread, which is about continued Liberal VIOLENCE....so, again, maybe if you would stop ducking that and share any comments you have about that rather than attempting to justify / distract from it?!
Hell, it's impossible to "prove" anything to wingers.

I believe the two ends of the spectrum are far closer in behaviors to each other than to the rest of us.

Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
who are they?
far left antifascists..
Far left facists who vote Democrat. There are no liberals left in the Dem party....all a charade
you don't know how they vote if they vote at all..
I didn't use the word "extremists".

Both ends justify the behaviors by saying that tolerance and communication don't work. That's what I actually said. And I'm correct..

Ok, that means you are STILL saying Hillary and many of the Democratic Party leaders are not 'main stream', that they are outside that, on the fringe.

And, again, I demonstrated how BOTH ends do NOT justify, escalate, or justify such violence.

The GOP Presidential candidate's campaign did not hire people / groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Hillary supporters...

GOP politicians did not foster, escalate, and fan the flames of hate and violence until one of their base attempted the assassination of DNC politicians..

And are other snowflakes on this board attempting to defend violent Democrats trying to say the Black Hand, BLACK LIVES MATTER, and Antifa are REALLY not 'liberal' groups?

whatever helps you guys sleep at night and feel better about yourselves....

You keep changing my point. I said "behaviors", and not just violence. Can you start addressing stuff I actually say at some point?

And maybe include right wing mass murderers like Tim McVeigh in your response.

When you show me examples of a conservative, or even yourself, advocating for tolerance and communication, you'll have something.

Until then, this is just standard partisan stuff.
My bad. Perhaps if you stopped dodging the fact that you have proved no such thing, that both parties do not equally engage in violence and rhetoric....

The DNC Presidential Candidate, while simultaneously violating numerous laws to include Sedition, Obstruction, Election Law, Campaign Finance laws, etc..., hired companies to provide thugs to beat and bloody the supporters of her political rival at her rival's events. She hired thugs to beat and bloody Americans she wanted to 'rule'.

Federal Democratic politicians fanned the flames of violent rhetoric to the point they encouraged / inspired their base to attempt assassinations against Federal Republican Politicians...

Their 'actions' is a distraction from the topic of this thread, which is about continued Liberal VIOLENCE....so, again, maybe if you would stop ducking that and share any comments you have about that rather than attempting to justify / distract from it?!
Hell, it's impossible to "prove" anything to wingers.

I believe the two ends of the spectrum are far closer in behaviors to each other than to the rest of us.

well I suppose some think differently. why can't you accept that? your evidence is weak at best. Timothy McVeigh. A punk who got pissed. he isn't a group, he was an individual who was sick. We all think so. So now point to other right wing extremists taking apart streets.
Hell, it's impossible to "prove" anything to wingers.

Actually it's really easy...

Just post the evidence of Republicans hiding the crimes of Russians and helping them successfully buy Uranium One and acquire a portion of the US stockpile of Uranium....

Just post the evidence of Republicans knowing about, hiding the evidence of, and assisting the Russians run psyops programs to successfully get their base to organize and march for the Russians...

Just post the evidence of Republicans knowing about, hiding the evidence of, and assisting the Russians pay conservative groups to spread racial hate, division, and violence....

Just post the evidence of Republicans knowing about and hiding the evidence of the Russians attempting to hack our power grid...

Just post the evidence of Candidate Trump's campaign paying groups to send thugs to beat up Hillary supporters at her rallies....

That should take you, as it has with Mueller finding evidence against Trump, 2+ years to ... unsuccessfully .. accomplish...

Activist mob storms Patriot Prayer rally, battles cops with fireworks, weapons


how Liberal Extremists showed up at Trump rallies and beat and bloodied his supporters...only to learn later that the Hillary Campaign had paid groups to send thugs to instigate violence at her opposing candidate's events?

View attachment 196607

Remember how violent, hate-filled Leftists / Democratic Party Politician rhetoric
escalated levels of hatred within their base, causing one Liberal to attempt to assassinate Republicans while they practiced softball?

Remember how Antifa showed up at a KKK/Nazi rally and violence ensued...and the Liberal media bashed the white supremacists for the violence and hammered the President for daring to claim BOTH sides were to blame...only to have it reported later that the leader of the Antifa group openly declared they arrived intent on instigating violence?!

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

Remember how it was exposed that Russia used social media and PAID liberal groups (The Black Hand, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, etc...) to spread racial division and violence?

Exclusive: Fake black activist accounts linked to Russian government

Did Russia fake black activism on Facebook to sow division in the US?

'Antonio French, a prominent activist and Black Lives Matter supporter in Ferguson, Missouri, where Russia reportedly targeted at least one of its Facebook ads, said he was particularly concerned about the way social media enabled propagandists to engage in “micro targeting” of specific groups.

“We know that the US government was extremely worried that this type of message was effective,” he said. Jacobson also noted that Soviet intelligence sought to discredit Martin Luther King Jr and promote more militant activist groups in hopes of provoking a full-blown “race war”
“They want to see people rioting in the streets,” he said.

Levin speculated that one of the goals of a Russian Black Lives Matter campaign could have been to promote overall distrust in the political system with the hope of depressing black voters’ turnout.'


Despite their crocodile tears and promises to tone down / end their violent rhetoric, Democrats CONTINUE to engage in emotion manipulation and in instigating / committing acts of violence to further divide this country and to push their Liberal, anti-American agendas and ideology.

In light of continued Liberal violence, several questions need to be asked:

Are these Liberal groups STILL being PAID by RUSSIA to continue to spread division and violence in the United States...or are they doing so now because they agree with Russia's goal of creating an even further division?

Are Liberals / snowflakes STILL being duped and manipulated like marionettes by the Russians through social media? Or is it the DNC still pulling their strings and manipulating events, as they did during the 2016 campaign?

Are legally-owned firearms and the Constitutionally-protected right to own them a bigger threat to our Democracy, or is it the continued partnership of the Left / the violent actions/attacks on Americans designed to cause division, spread violence, and intimidate Americans to threaten their 1st Amendment rights?
These people are not liberals, duh, any dope could easily see that...But not the rightist dopes.
who are they?
far left antifascists..
Far left facists who vote Democrat. There are no liberals left in the Dem party....all a charade
you don't know how they vote if they vote at all..
Lmao.....think it's pretty obvious who they support....motivated enough to take to the streets but not vote? Unlikely

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