Tom Arnold: 80% Of Gun Owners Shoot Themselves Or Family Member

If Arnold is correct then and 80% of gun owners shot themselves or family members then gun owners would mostly be eradicated with a generation, wouldn't they?

Hell, there would be nobody living in South Chicago within ten years, would there?
No the arguments for gun ownership are actually very good the best being self preservation

43 times more likely to have someone you care about killed by that gun than a bad guy... it sounds more like "Natural Selection"
Since there are 600 MILLION firearms in private hands and over 150 million firearms owners if your statistic were true there would be MILLIONS of deaths and accidents yet there are not less then 500 people die a year due to accidental firearms use and only 11000 a year are murdered and MOST of those are criminals.
The bearing of arms is a Constitutional right there's your fucking benefit. Smart people call that freedom. Oh yeah and then there's the is the benefit of self-defense because the average police response time is 4 minutes and the interaction between criminal and victim is 90 secs.

Most of Europe limits gun ownership and they have more freedom than we do.

There's no 'benefit" living next to gun-toting maniacs compensating for tiny dicks. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
In a Liberals mind limiting things is freedom please detail those that Europe enjoys over the US. There has been some type of firearm in every home I've lived in for the entirety of my almost 50 years no one has been shot. Last I don't have to compensate for anything it is my Constitutional right to bear arms.
Then please move
I bet we can start a Go Fund Me and get more than enough to ship your sorry ass over to Europe

Nope.. we're going to fix this country...

I took an oath to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Time to work on the domestic ones.
We took a different oath mine included defending the Constitution, all of it, which includes the right to bear arms.
The bearing of arms is a Constitutional right there's your fucking benefit. Smart people call that freedom. Oh yeah and then there's the is the benefit of self-defense because the average police response time is 4 minutes and the interaction between criminal and victim is 90 secs.

Most of Europe limits gun ownership and they have more freedom than we do.

There's no 'benefit" living next to gun-toting maniacs compensating for tiny dicks. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Since when is my neighbor owning a gun a benefit to anyone but himself?

How many things do you own to benefit your neighbor?
Most of Europe limits gun ownership and they have more freedom than we do.


In most of Europe, they'll prosecute you as a criminal for holding and expressing the “wrong” beliefs and opinions. In England, with gun control having completely failed to address their growing crime problem, they're going after knives, now.

Many of the crucial freedoms that we Americans take for granted, are not recognized or upheld in most of Europe. Europe is infested with tyrants and savages.

Then please move
I bet we can start a Go Fund Me and get more than enough to ship your sorry ass over to Europe

I took an oath to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Time to work on the domestic ones.

Anti-American filth such as you, who despise this country, who despise the Constitution of this country, and who despise everything on which this country was founded and for which it stands, •are• the enemy.

Assuming that you are not lying about having taken that oath, then the oath you took was to uphold the Constitution of this country, and to defend it against all enemies, foreign or domestic. Yet, on this forum, you've never expressed anything but deep hatred and contempt for the Constitution, for the principles it establishes, for the human rights that it affirms; and a desire to overturn nearly all of it.
There's no 'benefit" living next to gun-toting maniacs compensating for tiny dicks.

Most of us wouldn't know about that. We'll leave it to you to be the experienced expert on compensating for a tiny dick, or other perceived sexual inadequacies.
What a perfect, living example of why one should not incinerate their brain on a lifelong combo of coke and speed. You're seeing the paranoid, cognitively mangled end result of it right there.

Is there any reason this fuck is famous besides being Roseanne's former man-whore?
I think what he was going for was that 80% of gun deaths are suicides and domestic violence... He probably should have phrased it better, but that's pretty much accurate.
Read the cite. You have leaned over so far you've fallen on your face.

"This explains why 80% of gun owners shoot themselves or members of their own families."

— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) November 30, 2018
How is it possible to misunderstand what the man said. 80% of gun owners would be, conservatively, over 80 million people with family members maybe 150 million. You can not justify stupidity or fix it.

But that's 80 million gun owners spread out over 57 states.....
Why would I care what a mentally ill (like most comedians and actors), drug addicted slob thinks, or says?
Since there are 600 MILLION firearms in private hands and over 150 million firearms owners if your statistic were true there would be MILLIONS of deaths and accidents yet there are not less then 500 people die a year due to accidental firearms use and only 11000 a year are murdered and MOST of those are criminals.

Obviously, you failed math at an early age.

First, the number of guns in private hands are less than 300 million, half of those in the hands of 3% of the population that are super-owners.

Second, we have 33,000 gun deaths a year... we banned lawn darts after only a few people got killed.

Most of us wouldn't know about that. We'll leave it to you to be the experienced expert on compensating for a tiny dick, or other perceived sexual inadequacies.

Again, buddy, you belong to a cult started by a guy who fucked 14 year olds to prove what a man he was... he was compensating.

I think you got the wrong Joe.
Anti-American filth such as you, who despise this country, who despise the Constitution of this country, and who despise everything on which this country was founded and for which it stands, •are• the enemy.

Assuming that you are not lying about having taken that oath, then the oath you took was to uphold the Constitution of this country, and to defend it against all enemies, foreign or domestic. Yet, on this forum, you've never expressed anything but deep hatred and contempt for the Constitution, for the principles it establishes, for the human rights that it affirms; and a desire to overturn nearly all of it.

I recognize it is a flawed document created by slave owners to protect slave owners...

I care about the country, not a piece of paper. Any fool who thinks a piece of paper protects them needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942"
Since there are 600 MILLION firearms in private hands and over 150 million firearms owners if your statistic were true there would be MILLIONS of deaths and accidents yet there are not less then 500 people die a year due to accidental firearms use and only 11000 a year are murdered and MOST of those are criminals.

Obviously, you failed math at an early age.

First, the number of guns in private hands are less than 300 million, half of those in the hands of 3% of the population that are super-owners.

Second, we have 33,000 gun deaths a year... we banned lawn darts after only a few people got killed.

Most of us wouldn't know about that. We'll leave it to you to be the experienced expert on compensating for a tiny dick, or other perceived sexual inadequacies.

Again, buddy, you belong to a cult started by a guy who fucked 14 year olds to prove what a man he was... he was compensating.

I think you got the wrong Joe.
More Fake facts from the liar and retard. The last study done by the Government shows that almost half of all households have at least one firearm in them. And further the record firearm sales the last 10 years are proof we have a HELL of a lot more then 300 million firearms in private hands, but more to the point, if your fake stat was true that would include law enforcement at all levels since everyone of them has at least one firearm also in the House. The fact is that of murders 80 to 90 percent are criminals shooting other criminals or their families. Accidental firearms deaths are less then 500 a year.
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More Fake facts from the liar and retard. The last study done by the Government shows that almost half of all households have at least one firearm in them.

No, it doesn't.

American gun ownership drops to lowest in nearly 40 years

The percent of American households owning guns is at a near-40 year low in the latest CBS News poll released this month.

According to the survey, which was conducted among 1,001 Americans in the aftermath of the Orlando nightclub shooting, 36 percent of U.S. adults either own a firearm personally, or live with someone who does.
Since there are 600 MILLION firearms in private hands and over 150 million firearms owners if your statistic were true there would be MILLIONS of deaths and accidents yet there are not less then 500 people die a year due to accidental firearms use and only 11000 a year are murdered and MOST of those are criminals.

Obviously, you failed math at an early age.

First, the number of guns in private hands are less than 300 million, half of those in the hands of 3% of the population that are super-owners.

Second, we have 33,000 gun deaths a year... we banned lawn darts after only a few people got killed.

Most of us wouldn't know about that. We'll leave it to you to be the experienced expert on compensating for a tiny dick, or other perceived sexual inadequacies.

Again, buddy, you belong to a cult started by a guy who fucked 14 year olds to prove what a man he was... he was compensating.

I think you got the wrong Joe.
More Fake facts from the liar and retard. The last study done by the Government shows that almost half of all households have at least one firearm in them.

No, it doesn't.

American gun ownership drops to lowest in nearly 40 years

The percent of American households owning guns is at a near-40 year low in the latest CBS News poll released this month.

According to the survey, which was conducted among 1,001 Americans in the aftermath of the Orlando nightclub shooting, 36 percent of U.S. adults either own a firearm personally, or live with someone who does.
This man went down on Roseann. Russian roulette seems more appealing.

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