Tom Cotton Suggests We Could Take Care Of Iran With 'Several Days' Of Bombing


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Eliminating Iran's nuclear facilities with U.S. missile strikes would take a matter of days, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said in a radio interview Tuesday.

"Even if military action were required -- and we certainly should have kept the credible threat of military force on the table throughout which always improves diplomacy -- the president is trying to make you think it would be 150,000 heavy mechanized troops on the ground in the Middle East again as we saw in Iraq. That's simply not the case," Cotton told Tony Perkins on the Family Research Council's Washington Watch program, according to CNN.

"It would be something more along the lines of what President Clinton did in December 1998 during Operation Desert Fox," he added. "Several days of air and naval bombing against Iraq's weapons of mass destruction facilities for exactly the same kind of behavior -- for interfering with weapons inspectors and for disobeying Security Council resolutions. All we're asking is that the president simply be as tough as in the protection of America's national security interest as Bill Clinton was."

Iraq isn't Iran, in terms of geography or military capability. "Several days" of bombing may indeed knock out some of Iran's nuclear facilities. The obvious follow-up question, however, is: What happens after the bombing ceases? Cotton, a defense hawk who gained prominence by authoring a controversial letter in protest of nuclear negotiations with Iran, didn't get into that answer Tuesday. But several high-ranking U.S. military officials have already made the consequences of bombing clear.

"The United States would obviously be blamed and we could possibly be the target of retaliation from Iran, striking our ships, striking our military bases," former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in 2011, adding that "severe economic consequences ... could impact a very fragile economy in Europe and a fragile economy here in the United States."

Far from preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, Panetta said, an attack could actually motivate it to accelerate the enrichment process deeper underground and "we would have an escalation that would take place that would not only involve many lives, but I think could consume the Middle East in a confrontation and a conflict that we would regret."

Tom Cotton Suggests We Could Take Care Of Iran With Several Days Of Bombing

Tom Cotton: Bombing Iran would take several days -

Why is this NaziCon peckerwood so anxious to start another war in the Middle East? It's very interesting that Cotton makes the case that President George W. Bush should have followed President Bill Clinton's effective strategy in Iraq - instead of an invasion that cost much blood and treasure.
Yeah, it has been obvious for some time the GOP wants war after war after war after war. They seem to think our military never tires, and that PTSD after four, five, six, seven combat tours is imaginary. They seem to think it is important country club memberships not be allowed to expire for defense contractors, and that WWII-level spending on defense even though we are not facing an existential threat has nothing to do with our budget problems.

"We need to shoot a bunch of them there million dollar missiles at something. We weren't using them anyway. Then I'm going on Face The Nation to complain about Moochelle's vacations."
Cotton is undoubtedly right. We could do that and Iran needs to know that nothing's off the table.
People who think we need to bomb Iran say it is because Iran threatened to "wipe Israel off the map".

It never occurs to them that inside Iran, the people there might believe they need a nuke because of guys like McCain and Cotton keep threatening to bomb Iran.
Yeah, it has been obvious for some time the GOP wants war after war after war after war.

Good God man grow the fuck up.
Chickenhawks are behind bombing Iran because the thought that Iran might actually start reducing its enriched uranium stockpiles and submitting to inspections terrifies the living shit out of them.

They would literally rather die than say, "It worked." This possibility must absolutely be avoided at all costs. They will throw a whole sack of monkey wrenches into the works. Party before country.
of course iran would blame the USA Lakhota , that just shows that they have thinking ability . USA Navy and military bases would have to be on guard . I don't care about europes economy and USA economy should pick up as our USA bomb makers start hiring bomb makers just out of college and university and out of their MOM's basements . By bombing and continuation of crushing sanctions the 'iranians' might eventually be willing to get on their knees to beg for peace Lakhota !!
It's nice to have a cerebral president instead of some warmongering cowboy like Yosemite Sam or Quick Draw McGraw.
think you mean a foolish prez that just leaves the problem for the next generations Lakhota . Hey , its ok with me , I'm just an advocate for a strong USA that carries a big stick ready for use when needed . That kinda thinking is disappearing and the young 'know nothings' will have to deal with the future . Like I said , ok with me Lakhota !!
Yeah, it has been obvious for some time the GOP wants war after war after war after war. They seem to think our military never tires, and that PTSD after four, five, six, seven combat tours is imaginary. They seem to think it is important country club memberships not be allowed to expire for defense contractors, and that WWII-level spending on defense even though we are not facing an existential threat has nothing to do with our budget problems.

"We need to shoot a bunch of them there million dollar missiles at something. We weren't using them anyway. Then I'm going on Face The Nation to complain about Moochelle's vacations."

Meh, we've had decades of "war after war after war after war" with loony tunes of all flavors in congress and the white house. It matters not Republican nor Democrat: we've been at war for a long, long time. :(

What we need is a good global, natural catastrophe to set things right. :D
Sort of a shame he didn't have more time to show he's insane BEFORE suggesting those doddering old fools sign onto is letter to Iran.

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