Tom Cruise meltdown

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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2018
Cruise acted pissed off because of Covid regulations on set. Most all Hollywood people agreed with him from TV also. The same people Enslave us. Enslave us...Enslave us...Enslave us..
Cruise has $700k of his own money invested in the film. He PERSONALLY guaranteed that the prevailing protocols would be followed. If someone gets sick, not only is he fucked, but hundreds of people will lose their jobs.

He was right to react. His use of expletives was colorful but appropriate. Snowflakes need not apply.
I would be proud to have Tom Cruise lose his mind over the thought of me catching cold.

No one, with the possible exception of my dog, cares that much about me.
Cruise sounded like a man drunk on power
!! He may have been right but he sounded like a compete punk
Tom has a potty mouth ..
Looks like scientology isnt working for Cruise, he's acting all banky.

His midichlorian count must be pretty low...

Cruise acted pissed off because of Covid regulations on set. Most all Hollywood people agreed with him from TV also. The same people Enslave us. Enslave us...Enslave us...Enslave us..
I thought cruise was pissed cause they were not following social distancing guildlines.
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