Tom Price, AAPS, and the ACA


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Wikipedia

If you do not know what the AAPS is about , here is a Wiki Leak and do your own investigation. They are a group of DR's, that want the Gov to stay the heck out of health care, as well as the FDA. They are anti Medicaid, Medicare, Nurse Practitioners , Physician Assistants, etc. Its headquarters in Arizona which is why Arizona is doing so bad in the ACA, which most GOP run states are.

Trump had his token rare disease girl there yesterday, Pompe a genetic rare disease, read about the Orphan Drug Act of 1983. Rand Paul also fighting against the ACA was a member of AAPS. Yesterday was the yearly Rare Disease Day across the world.

Now of course the AAPS is anti Clinical Trials, and will lead to very unsafe measures. I have no problem if someone in their right mind wants to take an experimental drug as a last chance, if they sign paperwork releasing all rights to the drug company and doctor as long as the FDA approves it and can follow what happens, but that patient is on its own (the FDA does not need to prove its safe and able to be sold but just as a part of clinical trial, I mean be a human guinea pig if one lost all hope, BUT the FDA needs to be made aware.

Ask yourself this one question: would you like to pay a lot for a med that has no effect or causes sudden cardiac arrest? or worst, make one an invalid?

Ask yourself when watching these commercials on TV if you want to take the nice new pill on the market?? pay attention when they list the side effects.

Best to take a medication that has been around of at least a decade or two of regular use, because all drugs are chemicals , and even after FDA approval , they many interact with other meds and most of the side effects are well known and so that is why nursing home residents are on so many meds, meds to counteract the side effects of other meds.

AAPS is doing a great disservice to the publics health, taking away care, government oversight, ever hear about bad implants causing cancer and leaking lately, no that is because of government oversight and regulations.

We need these regulations, and the AAPS is a very greedy club that wants gov regs out of healthcare.
The american healthcare system is one of the worst amongst advanced post industrial nations; shittier outcomes for waaaaaaaaaaaay more expense.

Exactly as designed, for profit.

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