Tommy Guns & Gangsters


Sep 23, 2010

Senators Reid and Di Fi obviously think the machine gun argument will blow away all opposition to gun controls (pun intended):

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) mocked Second Amendment rights activists while announcing his support for a ban on assault weapons and limits to high-capacity magazine clips on the Senate floor today.

REID: In the 1920s, organized crime was committing murders with machine guns. So Congress dramatically limited the sale and transfer of machine guns. As a result, machine guns all but disappeared from the streets. We can and should take the same common-sense approach to safeguard Americans from modern weapons of war.

That is why I will vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban – because we must strike a better balance between the right to defend ourselves and the right of every child in America to grow up safe from gun violence. I will vote for the ban because maintaining law and order is more important than satisfying conspiracy theorists who believe in black helicopters and false flags. And I will vote for the ban because saving the lives of young police officers and innocent civilians is more important than preventing imagined tyranny.​

Reid: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny"

Reid Mocks Gun Rights: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny" | RealClearPolitics

Here’s Di Fi’s abbreviated version on yesterday’s FOX News Sunday:

WALLACE: Shouldn't they have the right to decide whatever weapon they feel they need to protect themselves?

FEINSTEIN: Well, how about a machine gun then? We did away with machine guns because of how they're used. I think we should do away with assault weapons because of how they're used.

Boston Police commissioner on marathon investigation; Feinstein and King talk War on Terror; 'Big Brother' the solution to homeland security? | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

Let’s first reiterate the reason for the Second Amendment. See the OP in this thread:

Now let’s look at the Tommy Gun argument.

Back in the Roaring Twenties Americans had no fear of tyranny. Back then the federal government was not loaded with Socialist UN-loving traitors; most especially the US Senate. I doubt if even one American thought there were traitors in Congress in the heyday of Tommy Guns. In short: The people in today’s government are much different than the people who banned Tommy Guns.

Just to be clear. Back in the twenties and thirties Congress was home to crooks and perverts aplenty. In that sense nothing has changed. Back then, treason at the highest levels of government was an alien concept no American thought about until Alger Hiss came along. Trust in the federal government has been going down ever since Hiss.

The sad fact is this: Many Americans know that every traitor in Congress, and in the Administration, are doing their best to enslave Americans in their drive to establish a global government. Disarming the American people is essential before another layer of government can be rammed down the throats of a free people. Traitors are blind to the consequences of their objective. Fools like Reid and Di Fi do as much damage as the people they stooge for.

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is proof of what gun controls is all about, but you’ll never hear traitors mention it even though they all support it. Happily, REPUBLICAN senators like Mike Lee are doing the right thing, but you’d never know it from media coverage:

. . . many senators have grave concerns about the treaty infringing upon America’s ability to sell weapons to its allies, such as Israel and South Korea. Additionally, many fear that it could serve as a precursor to domestic gun confiscation here at home.

Lee called the United Nations “a threat to our sovereignty” and said legislation development should not rest with the international body of the U.N. General Assembly or the Security Council, but rather, “We should be legislating through our own body.”

Lee said he also believes it’s time the United States “should start cutting funding to the United Nations,” claiming “the United Nations is not consistent with American values” where “national sovereignty is destroyed incrementally.”

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty

The Small Arms Treaty is an incremental approach to disarming law-abiding Americans.

Finally, it was the federal government that gave the country Prohibition that led to gangsterism, organized crime, and the widespread use of Tommy Guns. They even amended the Constitution to take a freedom away from Americans. The government then banned Tommy Guns to solve a problem it created. Can you see the parallel?

The federal government gave us the United Nations, now it would solve the problem it created by handing America’s sovereignty to the UN.
The machine gun didn't disappear from the streets because of gun control and laws against them. They disappeared from the streets the same way they disappeared from the military. They were replaced by the M3.

If Dianne Feinstein really believes that Machine Gun Kelly would have turned in his machine gun because there was a law against it, she does not have the intelligence to keep her office.
I saw that yesterday too.
She thinks that we did away with machine guns.
She needs to educate herself before she makes any gun laws.

I wonder how much of a fit she would have if she really knew that Americans can and do own machine guns and that it is still legal.
Difficult to get one but it's not illegal.
Is it legal for a US citizen to posess an automatic rifle such as an M16 and if not why?

To peach176: Tommy Gun ownership became more difficult, though not illegal, after Bonnie and Clyde came to a bad end:

. . . a 1934 law passed a month after outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were killed in a hail of machine gun bullets. It required machine gun owners to pay a hefty tax, be fingerprinted and be listed on a national registry.

The Decades-Old Gun Ban That's Still On The Books
by David Welna
January 16, 2013 5:39 PM

The Decades-Old Gun Ban That's Still On The Books : It's All Politics : NPR

Does universal background checks ring a bell?
If the democrat majority in the senate stops obstructing the investigation into operation Fast/Furious we might trust Harry and Dianne a little more.

Senators Reid and Di Fi obviously think the machine gun argument will blow away all opposition to gun controls (pun intended):

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) mocked Second Amendment rights activists while announcing his support for a ban on assault weapons and limits to high-capacity magazine clips on the Senate floor today.

REID: In the 1920s, organized crime was committing murders with machine guns. So Congress dramatically limited the sale and transfer of machine guns. As a result, machine guns all but disappeared from the streets. We can and should take the same common-sense approach to safeguard Americans from modern weapons of war.

That is why I will vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban – because we must strike a better balance between the right to defend ourselves and the right of every child in America to grow up safe from gun violence. I will vote for the ban because maintaining law and order is more important than satisfying conspiracy theorists who believe in black helicopters and false flags. And I will vote for the ban because saving the lives of young police officers and innocent civilians is more important than preventing imagined tyranny.​

Reid: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny"

Reid Mocks Gun Rights: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny" | RealClearPolitics

Here’s Di Fi’s abbreviated version on yesterday’s FOX News Sunday:

WALLACE: Shouldn't they have the right to decide whatever weapon they feel they need to protect themselves?

FEINSTEIN: Well, how about a machine gun then? We did away with machine guns because of how they're used. I think we should do away with assault weapons because of how they're used.

Boston Police commissioner on marathon investigation; Feinstein and King talk War on Terror; 'Big Brother' the solution to homeland security? | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

Let’s first reiterate the reason for the Second Amendment. See the OP in this thread:

Now let’s look at the Tommy Gun argument.

Back in the Roaring Twenties Americans had no fear of tyranny. Back then the federal government was not loaded with Socialist UN-loving traitors; most especially the US Senate. I doubt if even one American thought there were traitors in Congress in the heyday of Tommy Guns. In short: The people in today’s government are much different than the people who banned Tommy Guns.

Just to be clear. Back in the twenties and thirties Congress was home to crooks and perverts aplenty. In that sense nothing has changed. Back then, treason at the highest levels of government was an alien concept no American thought about until Alger Hiss came along. Trust in the federal government has been going down ever since Hiss.

The sad fact is this: Many Americans know that every traitor in Congress, and in the Administration, are doing their best to enslave Americans in their drive to establish a global government. Disarming the American people is essential before another layer of government can be rammed down the throats of a free people. Traitors are blind to the consequences of their objective. Fools like Reid and Di Fi do as much damage as the people they stooge for.

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty is proof of what gun controls is all about, but you’ll never hear traitors mention it even though they all support it. Happily, REPUBLICAN senators like Mike Lee are doing the right thing, but you’d never know it from media coverage:

. . . many senators have grave concerns about the treaty infringing upon America’s ability to sell weapons to its allies, such as Israel and South Korea. Additionally, many fear that it could serve as a precursor to domestic gun confiscation here at home.

Lee called the United Nations “a threat to our sovereignty” and said legislation development should not rest with the international body of the U.N. General Assembly or the Security Council, but rather, “We should be legislating through our own body.”

Lee said he also believes it’s time the United States “should start cutting funding to the United Nations,” claiming “the United Nations is not consistent with American values” where “national sovereignty is destroyed incrementally.”

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty

The Small Arms Treaty is an incremental approach to disarming law-abiding Americans.

Finally, it was the federal government that gave the country Prohibition that led to gangsterism, organized crime, and the widespread use of Tommy Guns. They even amended the Constitution to take a freedom away from Americans. The government then banned Tommy Guns to solve a problem it created. Can you see the parallel?

The federal government gave us the United Nations, now it would solve the problem it created by handing America’s sovereignty to the UN.

My 1928 Thompson looks just like that picture! :)

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