Tommy Robinson arrested

Robinson is a long time petty criminal and thug. Let's hope this will keep him off the streets for a while.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Wow. Is "mortgage fraud" a thug crime in the UK? Can you get Max Security for that? Your press is too intimidated by the snowflake laws to even report on things like this. But when it benefits the shit stirrers like Russia Today and Alex Jones --- they are at LEAST keeping the public informed.

Robinson isnt his real name.
He has convictions for -
Mortgage fraud
Football hooliganism
Travelling on false papers
Contempt of court

This has been widely reported in the UK where we understand very well what he is. Why do you find him so attractive ?
He's the only one that has the balls to point out the rape gangs. The only one. Your police and govt officials looked the other way. For decades. Your media does all it can to ignore it. For all his faults, I don't see a baby raper. Can you not understand this? I've known criminals in my life. I will work with them, I will give them a second chance. Baby rapers die, period. For the humans amongst us there is no other crime that is more vile. There can be no second chances for such crimes. It is the most obvious and unequivocal statement of war. When did the British turn French. Hell, back in the day even the French would not stand for this. Is it true that Europe is devoid of testosterone? 11 year old girls. Do you not understand the outrage? For all his faults, Tommy Robinson is the only one standing for these little girls. The only one. Can you not understand this?
Something vile has happened to the British recently. It is why they are being replaced by foreigners
-"The UK has become a police state that can now throw you in jail just for speaking the truth! " -

When will the people in the UK protest and take a stand??

It's disgusting the cowardice of their population! What a pathetic joke the UK has become.
Yep, Orwell predicted this "a lie is the truth and the truth is a lie"
For the humans amongst us there is no other crime that is more vile.

Key word being human. Humans are capable of empathy.

About the only thing I haven't figured out is cause and effect. Does extreme political zealotry create such indifference to the suffering of children that they support the degradation, or is it that those who are incapable of normal human feelings are more prone to political zealotry?

I have certainly read "The true Believer", but it still amazes me that there are those such as some in this thread whose sympathies obviously lie with the Islamic Rapists and not their child victims.
Mod Note:

Stop the personal attacks, get back to the subject of the topic.

On Friday May 25th, 2018, Tommy Robinson was arrested for “breaching the peace” while filming outside Leeds Crown Court during the trial of a Muslim grooming gang. The "breaching the peace" charge morphed into another “contempt of court” charge, leading to Robinson’s preexisting suspended three month sentence for “contempt of court” being reinstated and an additional 10 month added. Robinson was swept off the streets and imprisoned within hours - placing him in a facility filled with individuals who would love to see him injured or killed. The court also instituted a shocking “reporting restriction” on the Robinson situation, leading to a media blackout among United Kingdom based publications and citizens.

Even Laura Southern and Stefan M. talk about how they cover up rape cases all the time. These are RAPE gangs going on over there and she clearly clarifies what Alex keeps telling those who use him as the excuse to DENY FACTS!! To deny the TRUTH, SHEEPLE never pay attention to news they should.

What reporting restriction is this ?

tommy robinson arrest - Google Search

Where is your proof that I support rape gangs ?

Im still waiting ?

Lets have THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You support silencing and jailing anyone who dares talk about Muslim rape gangs. Everyone here knows you’re a Muslim apologist and a deviant.

Everyone here knows you’re a Muslim apologist and a deviant.

do they?

Do they have proof?

or is it more bullshit?
Robinson is a long time petty criminal and thug. Let's hope this will keep him off the streets for a while.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Wow. Is "mortgage fraud" a thug crime in the UK? Can you get Max Security for that? Your press is too intimidated by the snowflake laws to even report on things like this. But when it benefits the shit stirrers like Russia Today and Alex Jones --- they are at LEAST keeping the public informed.

Robinson isnt his real name.
He has convictions for -
Mortgage fraud
Football hooliganism
Travelling on false papers
Contempt of court

This has been widely reported in the UK where we understand very well what he is. Why do you find him so attractive ?
He's the only one that has the balls to point out the rape gangs. The only one. Your police and govt officials looked the other way. For decades. Your media does all it can to ignore it. For all his faults, I don't see a baby raper. Can you not understand this? I've known criminals in my life. I will work with them, I will give them a second chance. Baby rapers die, period. For the humans amongst us there is no other crime that is more vile. There can be no second chances for such crimes. It is the most obvious and unequivocal statement of war. When did the British turn French. Hell, back in the day even the French would not stand for this. Is it true that Europe is devoid of testosterone? 11 year old girls. Do you not understand the outrage? For all his faults, Tommy Robinson is the only one standing for these little girls. The only one. Can you not understand this?
Something vile has happened to the British recently. It is why they are being replaced by foreigners
Yes Orwell predicted it...the UK has become a tyrannical mess and the US isn't far behind.
Robinson is a long time petty criminal and thug. Let's hope this will keep him off the streets for a while.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Wow. Is "mortgage fraud" a thug crime in the UK? Can you get Max Security for that? Your press is too intimidated by the snowflake laws to even report on things like this. But when it benefits the shit stirrers like Russia Today and Alex Jones --- they are at LEAST keeping the public informed.

Robinson isnt his real name.
He has convictions for -
Mortgage fraud
Football hooliganism
Travelling on false papers
Contempt of court

This has been widely reported in the UK where we understand very well what he is. Why do you find him so attractive ?
He's the only one that has the balls to point out the rape gangs. The only one. Your police and govt officials looked the other way. For decades. Your media does all it can to ignore it. For all his faults, I don't see a baby raper. Can you not understand this? I've known criminals in my life. I will work with them, I will give them a second chance. Baby rapers die, period. For the humans amongst us there is no other crime that is more vile. There can be no second chances for such crimes. It is the most obvious and unequivocal statement of war. When did the British turn French. Hell, back in the day even the French would not stand for this. Is it true that Europe is devoid of testosterone? 11 year old girls. Do you not understand the outrage? For all his faults, Tommy Robinson is the only one standing for these little girls. The only one. Can you not understand this?
Something vile has happened to the British recently. It is why they are being replaced by foreigners
Yes Orwell predicted it...the UK has become a tyrannical mess and the US isn't far behind.

And to think the idiots over there started out as we are doing here, and as the Trump hating idiots chant on they will see the same thing the sad part is as much as they are being warned about. CHILD SEX RINGS, THE PPL OF THE COUNTRY HAVE LOST THEIR RIGHTS FOR THE RIGHTS OF THESE MUSLIMS......... THE US MORONS won't believe a thing they have to sacrifice their own kids, wives, mothers, sisters and daughters before the dumb fks see a thing of truth.

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