Tommy Robinson arrested

He didnā€™t interfere in any trial, moron. He was asking them questions outside of the courtroom. Only in fascist UK where there is no free speech would that be breaking any laws.
You are an idiot. You cannot interfere in the judicial process. That is why he is having an early night tonight and for the next 13 months.

Feel free to show how he ā€œinterferedā€ in any way. There was no crowd, he caused no ā€œdisturbanceā€. All he did was ask two Muslim men who were already convicted of raping under aged British white girls how they felt about their verdicts. The men then threatened him.

Of course you are upset that anyone would pay any attention to Muslim rapists and expose them. Youā€™re a Muslim apologist and despise anyone that points out their many savage acts.

Funny how Mr. Robinson got no trial, just straight from arrrest to conviction and sentencing within a day. Yet Muslim rapists of young girls got a trial, and even after being convicted were free to walk around until they decided to show up to their sentencing hearing.
Your total ignorance makes me chuckle.

Let me try and educate you.
Firstly he was not convicted and sentenced. He was free on a suspended 13 month sentence. Perhaps you dont have them in the US. Its more or less a second chance. You have been found guilty and sentenced already. But you are free under license. If you break the terms of the license you go straight to jail. Thats it.

Secondly, there are reasons why courts impose gagging orders on trials like this. I will explain this slowly and not use big words to confuse you. Where there are multiple defendants in a case there will be different trials held.
Some might last longer than others.

To ensure that all are fair the judge orders a media ban until the last trial is over.

If this is not done then the lawyers for the later trials could claim that their clients right to a fair trial was prejudiced by press reports.

The jury has to decide the case based on the evidence put before them. Not by something they have read in the paper or online.

This clowns actions jeopardise the trial and could possibly have led to rapists being set free. His actions were helping racists. Why do you not understand that ?

I suspect that when the dust has settled on this that he will be facing contempt of court charges and may face a lengthier sentence. Fingers crossed.

What a joke, a media gag order on a trial. Fascism at its finest, anything to protect Muslims. Even rapists of underage girls.
You are obviously out of your depth and trying to make it a racist issue. There are gagging orders on all sorts of trials. Terrorism,fraud,conspiracy , you name it. It happens when the iformtion in one trial may affect the chance of a free trial for a different defendant.
Its not a difficult concept to grasp.

So, now I have schooled you, why dont you go back to playing with play doh or maybe a colouring in book. You will be a lot more comfortable there.




Fox News Confirms Tommy Robinson Sentenced 13 Months For Reporting on Pedophile Grooming Trial
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

You are bigger than an idiot , you stick up for raping illegal immigrants who rape women and children. There is a special place in hell for scum.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

Where do I support rape you ignorant fuck ?
Show me where I do that.

Tommy R. was reporting on the fact that MUSLIMS over there are running a child rape / sex ring
they shut him down
he reported on it inspire of his warning form the past
they shut him down because everything going on over to destroy that country is being shut down so the public doesn't become aware of it.......


sad part this is all going on in the US RIGHGT NWO too pathetic stupid ass fkn leftist liberals.

Bringin in their sickening STUPIDITY


In short, itā€™s a Soviet-style disappearance: the UK police arrested Robinson, the court ordered the press to not talk about it, and itā€™s quite likely that Robinson will die in prison given the previous death threats made against the outspoken journalist.

Despite the gag order, US legacy media is now reporting on this sensational story.

Fox News Confirms Tommy Robinson Sentenced 13 Months For Reporting on Pedophile Grooming Trial
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

You are bigger than an idiot , you stick up for raping illegal immigrants who rape women and children. There is a special place in hell for scum.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

Where do I support rape you ignorant fuck ?
Show me where I do that.

Tommy R. was reporting on the fact that MUSLIMS over there are running a child rape / sex ring
they shut him down
he reported on it inspire of his warning form the past
they shut him down because everything going on over to destroy that country is being shut down so the public doesn't become aware of it.......


sad part this is all going on in the US RIGHGT NWO too pathetic stupid ass fkn leftist liberals.

Bringin in their sickening STUPIDITY
He was jailed for jepordising an important trial. What part of that dont you understand sparky ? Britain is a better place for it as well.
Just like when I Posted this some stupid fk puts it into CONSPIRACY to hide it and hide the information that could help children.. Yeah real conspiracy on a ligament site.

Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

You are bigger than an idiot , you stick up for raping illegal immigrants who rape women and children. There is a special place in hell for scum.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

Where do I support rape you ignorant fuck ?
Show me where I do that.

Tommy R. was reporting on the fact that MUSLIMS over there are running a child rape / sex ring
they shut him down
he reported on it inspire of his warning form the past
they shut him down because everything going on over to destroy that country is being shut down so the public doesn't become aware of it.......


sad part this is all going on in the US RIGHGT NWO too pathetic stupid ass fkn leftist liberals.

Bringin in their sickening STUPIDITY
He was jailed for jepordising an important trial. What part of that dont you understand sparky ? Britain is a better place for it as well.

your an idiot living in the world you want to hear and believe...... Keep supporting those child rapist .... because all your bs is where the REAL CONSPIRACY is dumbass.



Just like when I Posted this some stupid fk puts it into CONSPIRACY to hide it and hide the information that could help children.. Yeah real conspiracy on a ligament site.

Whats a "ligament site" dumbo ?

I did ask you for evidence taht I support rape earlier on but you seem to be ignoring that. Is this because you made it up, as usual ?
He didnā€™t interfere in any trial, moron. He was asking them questions outside of the courtroom. Only in fascist UK where there is no free speech would that be breaking any laws.
You are an idiot. You cannot interfere in the judicial process. That is why he is having an early night tonight and for the next 13 months.

Feel free to show how he ā€œinterferedā€ in any way. There was no crowd, he caused no ā€œdisturbanceā€. All he did was ask two Muslim men who were already convicted of raping under aged British white girls how they felt about their verdicts. The men then threatened him.

Of course you are upset that anyone would pay any attention to Muslim rapists and expose them. Youā€™re a Muslim apologist and despise anyone that points out their many savage acts.

Funny how Mr. Robinson got no trial, just straight from arrrest to conviction and sentencing within a day. Yet Muslim rapists of young girls got a trial, and even after being convicted were free to walk around until they decided to show up to their sentencing hearing.
Your total ignorance makes me chuckle.

Let me try and educate you.
Firstly he was not convicted and sentenced. He was free on a suspended 13 month sentence. Perhaps you dont have them in the US. Its more or less a second chance. You have been found guilty and sentenced already. But you are free under license. If you break the terms of the license you go straight to jail. Thats it.

Secondly, there are reasons why courts impose gagging orders on trials like this. I will explain this slowly and not use big words to confuse you. Where there are multiple defendants in a case there will be different trials held.
Some might last longer than others.

To ensure that all are fair the judge orders a media ban until the last trial is over.

If this is not done then the lawyers for the later trials could claim that their clients right to a fair trial was prejudiced by press reports.

The jury has to decide the case based on the evidence put before them. Not by something they have read in the paper or online.

This clowns actions jeopardise the trial and could possibly have led to rapists being set free. His actions were helping racists. Why do you not understand that ?

I suspect that when the dust has settled on this that he will be facing contempt of court charges and may face a lengthier sentence. Fingers crossed.
Did I read that correctly? 13 month suspended sentence for raping and prostituting children? And people wonder why this continues. What's needed is a rope.

Nope. 13 months for a man merely reporting on it outside the court on his cell phone. Since the judge issued a gag order on reporting on the actual rapists, for all we know they got probation, which is likely the case since the already convicted men walked into the court without being in custody of the police.
OK, that;s a little better. I thought the rapist got 13 months suspended. In the US they'd have to keep the rapist locked up for his own protection and even then he'd probably get what's coming in prison.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

You are bigger than an idiot , you stick up for raping illegal immigrants who rape women and children. There is a special place in hell for scum.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.

Where do I support rape you ignorant fuck ?
Show me where I do that.

Tommy R. was reporting on the fact that MUSLIMS over there are running a child rape / sex ring
they shut him down
he reported on it inspire of his warning form the past
they shut him down because everything going on over to destroy that country is being shut down so the public doesn't become aware of it.......


sad part this is all going on in the US RIGHGT NWO too pathetic stupid ass fkn leftist liberals.

Bringin in their sickening STUPIDITY
He was jailed for jepordising an important trial. What part of that dont you understand sparky ? Britain is a better place for it as well.

If merely talking about such a trial is ā€œjepordisingā€ it, then guess what Tommy-gurl, youā€™re guilty too.

You are in violation of the gag order. The local UK authorities have been notified, I suggest you turn yourself in for violating the law. Every time you reply to this thread, youā€™re increasing awareness of the Muslim rape trials, just like Robinson was, thus jeopardizing these important trials.
I did ask you for evidence taht I support rape earlier on but you seem to be ignoring that. Is this because you made it up, as usual ?

Nothing was made up, oh supporter of child rape.

You have been supporting the rape of children for as long as you have been posting here. Calling the rejection of such systematic rape an act of "hatred" and an example of "Racism" like you do obviously means you support it.

Otherwise you would not be indulging in all the name calling.

Like, DUH!

Mod Edit -- Excessively personal. Discuss the topic.
Last edited by a moderator:
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.
I'm curious. As with most people on the left, you seem utterly obsessed with race. So do you consider pakistani men targeting white girls to be a racist act?


They were called "easy meat" because the girls were white and they knew they had all sorts of Tommy Taints ready to defend them for the rapes and run interference for them by shouting down any who attempted to intervene.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.
I'm curious. As with most people on the left, you seem utterly obsessed with race. So do you consider pakistani men targeting white girls to be a racist act?


They were called "easy meat" because the girls were white and they knew they had all sorts of Tommy Taints ready to defend them for the rapes and run interference for them by shouting down any who attempted to intervene.
I'll never grasp the attitudes of many Europeans and what appears to be an obsession with race. The grooming gangs is the most mind boggling example. I mean I live in a neighborhood with families from virtually every corner of the world and we'd act pretty much as one over 11 year old girls, any ones daughter. I know big city police officers that would literally "disappear" these people if their superiors refused to act.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.
I'm curious. As with most people on the left, you seem utterly obsessed with race. So do you consider pakistani men targeting white girls to be a racist act?


They were called "easy meat" because the girls were white and they knew they had all sorts of Tommy Taints ready to defend them for the rapes and run interference for them by shouting down any who attempted to intervene.
I'll never grasp the attitudes of many Europeans and what appears to be an obsession with race. The grooming gangs is the most mind boggling example. I mean I live in a neighborhood with families from virtually every corner of the world and we'd act pretty much as one over 11 year old girls, any ones daughter. I know big city police officers that would literally "disappear" these people if their superiors refused to act.

It is incomprehensible when looked at logically, isn't it?

It's amazing what fear can do to a person, though, and the fear of being ostracized through the use of the dreaded "racist" accusation is so overwhelming that those like Tommy will support unmitigated evil rather than risk being called one.
Robinson is a long time petty criminal and thug. Let's hope this will keep him off the streets for a while.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Wow. Is "mortgage fraud" a thug crime in the UK? Can you get Max Security for that? Your press is too intimidated by the snowflake laws to even report on things like this. But when it benefits the shit stirrers like Russia Today and Alex Jones --- they are at LEAST keeping the public informed.

On Friday May 25th, 2018, Tommy Robinson was arrested for ā€œbreaching the peaceā€ while filming outside Leeds Crown Court during the trial of a Muslim grooming gang. The "breaching the peace" charge morphed into another ā€œcontempt of courtā€ charge, leading to Robinsonā€™s preexisting suspended three month sentence for ā€œcontempt of courtā€ being reinstated and an additional 10 month added. Robinson was swept off the streets and imprisoned within hours - placing him in a facility filled with individuals who would love to see him injured or killed. The court also instituted a shocking ā€œreporting restrictionā€ on the Robinson situation, leading to a media blackout among United Kingdom based publications and citizens.

Even Laura Southern and Stefan M. talk about how they cover up rape cases all the time. These are RAPE gangs going on over there and she clearly clarifies what Alex keeps telling those who use him as the excuse to DENY FACTS!! To deny the TRUTH, SHEEPLE never pay attention to news they should.
Man goes to prison after being told ā€˜break the law again and youā€™ll go to prison

Its no shock to find this boards most virulent racist shite defending a no mark like Lennon.
I'm curious. As with most people on the left, you seem utterly obsessed with race. So do you consider pakistani men targeting white girls to be a racist act?


They were called "easy meat" because the girls were white and they knew they had all sorts of Tommy Taints ready to defend them for the rapes and run interference for them by shouting down any who attempted to intervene.
I'll never grasp the attitudes of many Europeans and what appears to be an obsession with race. The grooming gangs is the most mind boggling example. I mean I live in a neighborhood with families from virtually every corner of the world and we'd act pretty much as one over 11 year old girls, any ones daughter. I know big city police officers that would literally "disappear" these people if their superiors refused to act.

It is incomprehensible when looked at logically, isn't it?

It's amazing what fear can do to a person, though, and the fear of being ostracized through the use of the dreaded "racist" accusation is so overwhelming that those like Tommy will support unmitigated evil rather than risk being called one.
You hit the nail on the head with one word, ostracized. I think you see this at US universities and in Us media now. Fortunately I don't think it's catching on in the US like Europe. Sure you'll hear it from the hard left but in most of the country no one gives a damn. I'm around a lot of college kids these days, my kids, neighbors, nieces & nephews, children of friends.. Massively more diverse ethnically, racially or any other divisive category you can think of, and yet here we are, getting along better than any multi-racial, multi-ethnic society in the history of the species. Europe is just plain fuccked up.
Robinson is a long time petty criminal and thug. Let's hope this will keep him off the streets for a while.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Wow. Is "mortgage fraud" a thug crime in the UK? Can you get Max Security for that? Your press is too intimidated by the snowflake laws to even report on things like this. But when it benefits the shit stirrers like Russia Today and Alex Jones --- they are at LEAST keeping the public informed.

Robinson isnt his real name.
He has convictions for -
Mortgage fraud
Football hooliganism
Travelling on false papers
Contempt of court

This has been widely reported in the UK where we understand very well what he is. Why do you find him so attractive ?

On Friday May 25th, 2018, Tommy Robinson was arrested for ā€œbreaching the peaceā€ while filming outside Leeds Crown Court during the trial of a Muslim grooming gang. The "breaching the peace" charge morphed into another ā€œcontempt of courtā€ charge, leading to Robinsonā€™s preexisting suspended three month sentence for ā€œcontempt of courtā€ being reinstated and an additional 10 month added. Robinson was swept off the streets and imprisoned within hours - placing him in a facility filled with individuals who would love to see him injured or killed. The court also instituted a shocking ā€œreporting restrictionā€ on the Robinson situation, leading to a media blackout among United Kingdom based publications and citizens.

Even Laura Southern and Stefan M. talk about how they cover up rape cases all the time. These are RAPE gangs going on over there and she clearly clarifies what Alex keeps telling those who use him as the excuse to DENY FACTS!! To deny the TRUTH, SHEEPLE never pay attention to news they should.

What reporting restriction is this ?

tommy robinson arrest - Google Search

Where is your proof that I support rape gangs ?

Im still waiting ?

Lets have THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robinson is a long time petty criminal and thug. Let's hope this will keep him off the streets for a while.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Wow. Is "mortgage fraud" a thug crime in the UK? Can you get Max Security for that? Your press is too intimidated by the snowflake laws to even report on things like this. But when it benefits the shit stirrers like Russia Today and Alex Jones --- they are at LEAST keeping the public informed.

Robinson isnt his real name.
He has convictions for -
Mortgage fraud
Football hooliganism
Travelling on false papers
Contempt of court

This has been widely reported in the UK where we understand very well what he is. Why do you find him so attractive ?
He's the only one that has the balls to point out the rape gangs. The only one. Your police and govt officials looked the other way. For decades. Your media does all it can to ignore it. For all his faults, I don't see a baby raper. Can you not understand this? I've known criminals in my life. I will work with them, I will give them a second chance. Baby rapers die, period. For the humans amongst us there is no other crime that is more vile. There can be no second chances for such crimes. It is the most obvious and unequivocal statement of war. When did the British turn French. Hell, back in the day even the French would not stand for this. Is it true that Europe is devoid of testosterone? 11 year old girls. Do you not understand the outrage? For all his faults, Tommy Robinson is the only one standing for these little girls. The only one. Can you not understand this?

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