Tomorrow night Romney needs to remind America of one thing....

Romney said it was a tragedy that we didn't get a deal so we could stay there longer.

His best bet would be to quietly try to change the subject.

On the contrary. The president will want to say Romney's positions are extreme so pointing out that they had the same thoughts on the subject will make Obama look foolish.

Romney is going to want to make Obama's positions out to be extreme, so he's not going to be pointing this out either.

A draw is a win for the challenger.
The Libya debacle is gonna hurt Obama. There's no question about that. He can't blame it away. It's all his awful mess. Romney should do very well in this Debate. Give him a slight edge, and then let the chips fall where they may on Election Day.
obama will try to grasp the straw that he got Bin Laden and tamed Al Quaeda. He will sink when the questioning turns to Iran and exhibit his lack of knowledge or interest to the world. He will be washed away in a tidal wave should a question about Israel/Palestine come up. He will no doubt be skewered about his intentions of flexibility regarding Russia.

obama may imagine that he can cram for these exam questions, but Romney will simply bury him. Romney just knows more about what's going on in the middle east than obama does. He has a tutor with all the answers. Romney actually talks to Netanyahu, they are friends and have been friends since college. obama doesn't even attend his own security briefings.
you left out one tiny bit of info :eusa_whistle: Obama voted against the Gulf War II. ;)

Irrelevant. This is 2012 not 2001

Irrelevant? You must be drinking the extra-strenth drudge/fox kool aid today. You are saying that Obama should be criticized for not cleaning up a mess fast enough left by the last repub admin. :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand: :lol: GTFO of here!!! :p
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The Libya debacle is gonna hurt Obama. There's no question about that. He can't blame it away. It's all his awful mess. Romney should do very well in this Debate. Give him a slight edge, and then let the chips fall where they may on Election Day.

Democrats are already squirming over calling it Benghazigate.
you left out one tiny bit of info :eusa_whistle: Obama voted against the Gulf War II. ;)

Irrelevant. This is 2012 not 2001

Irrelevant? You must be drinking the extra-strenth drudge/fox kool aid today. You are saying that Obama should be criticized for not cleaning up a mess fast enough left by the last repub admin. :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand: :lol: GTFO of here!!! :p

When obama himself tries to extend the war he voted against a decade earlier it is indeed irrelevant.
On the contrary. The president will want to say Romney's positions are extreme so pointing out that they had the same thoughts on the subject will make Obama look foolish.

Romney is going to want to make Obama's positions out to be extreme, so he's not going to be pointing this out either.

A draw is a win for the challenger.

It's not going to be a draw, at least not on this issue. It's not going to be brought up at all.

My expectations for the debate are that Romney will be trying to paint Obama as an "appeaser" and basically some sort of naive peacenik, and in the process will make himself look foolish by adopting radical neoconservative bellicosity to differentiate himself. Obama, in contrast, will come off looking reasonable to the majority of people watching. Romney's going to make Obama look like the "peace candidate" to a nation that's tired of war. Not a good strategy. Also, all Obama has to do to counter Romney is to say Osama bin-Laden is dead. I could be wrong, of course, but this is what I expect to happen.
Face it. The middle east has fallen appart under Obamas watch and all he has done is played catch up.
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

I cant wait for this one Grampa........the pumpkin is set up right on a tee stage right and Romney will have a nice Lousiville Slugger leaning against his lecturn to be used when the debate ends.'ll be nice for Romney not to start at a 2:1 on stage disadvantage.:D
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

It's nice to see someone besides me knows that little fact about the Iraq withdraw.

Oh, Obama knows it. The libtards that post in here know it.

The difference is, you accept it.. they don't.
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

I cant wait for this one Grampa........the pumpkin is set up right on a tee stage right and Romney will have a nice Lousiville Slugger leaning against his lecturn to be used when the debate ends.'ll be nice for Romney not to start at a 2:1 on stage disadvantage.:D

What's your point?
you left out one tiny bit of info :eusa_whistle: Obama voted against Gulf War II. ;) :lol:

Obama was against the Iraq Surge too.

And it worked

Maybe Obama can have Clinton take his place in this debate?

[ame=]Obama Said The Surge Would Actually Worsen Sectarian Violenc - YouTube[/ame]
you left out one tiny bit of info :eusa_whistle: Obama voted against Gulf War II. ;) :lol:

Obama was against the Iraq Surge too.

And it worked

Maybe Obama can have Clinton take his place in this debate?

it *cough* "worked so well that Iraq is now assisting syria & cozying up to iran. :eusa_eh: :clap2: & only cost us/U.S. @ $2 TRILLION tax-payer money :) (put on the tax-payer credit card by Cheney/Bu$h II mind you ;) )
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Irrelevant? You must be drinking the extra-strenth drudge/fox kool aid today. You are saying that Obama should be criticized for not cleaning up a mess fast enough left by the last repub admin. :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand: :lol: GTFO of here!!! :p

When obama himself tries to extend the war he voted against a decade earlier it is indeed irrelevant.


Republicans lied about their reasons for going to war and then fucked up the execution......Mission Accomplished my ass
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

That's right, Gramps. After Obama's negotiations failed, we were essentially "kicked out." Maliki had just about agreed to troops staying beyond 2011 until Obama wanted immunity for the soldiers. That is what crushed the deal.

Heres more:

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations

1. But what about the extensive negotiations the administration has been engaged in for months, regarding U.S. offers to leave thousands of uniformed soldiers in Iraq past the deadline? It has been well reported that those negotiations, led by U.S. Ambassador James Jeffrey, Army Gen. Lloyd Austin, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and White House official Brett McGurk, had been stalled over the U.S. demand that the remaining troops receive immunity from Iraqi courts

2. As recently as August, 2011, Maliki's office was discussing allowing 8,000 to 20,000 U.S. troops to remain until next year, Iraqi Ambassador Samir Sumaida'iesaid in an interview with The Cable. He told us that there was widespread support in Iraq for such an extension, but the Obama administration was demanding that immunity for U.S. troops be endorsed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was never really possible.

3. In July, Panetta urgedIraqi leaders to, "Dammit, make a decision" about the U.S. troop extension. In August, he told reportersthat, "My view is that they finally did say, ‘Yes.'" On Oct. 17, he was still pushing for the extension and said, "At the present time I'm not discouraged because we're still in negotiations with the Iraqis."

4. So what's the consequence of the failed negotiations? One consequence could be a security vacuum in Iraq that will be filled by Iran.

5. "It's particularly troubling because having some sort of presence there would have really facilitated our policy vis-a-vis the Iranians and what's going on in Syria. The Iranian influence is going up in Iraq," said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

How the Obama administration bungled the Iraq withdrawal negotiations | The Cable
When obama starts bragging about ending the Iraq war Romney needs to pounce and remind everyone of this.

The exit strategy and timeline for the Iraq war was Bush's NOT Obama's. In fact Obama tried to negotiate with Iraq to keep our troops there beyond the deadline for withdrawl but FAILED in his negotiations.

He should also comment on Obama's eagerness to blame Bush for every failure yet never give him credit when its Bush's policies that led to success.

Bush had six years to win his blunder of a war

It was far from "Mission Accomplished"

EVERYONE should blame Bush for his disastrous foreign policy decisions

looks like Romney wants to double down

True, the Nation can’t afford a third Bush term, either with regard to foreign or fiscal policy.

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