Tomorrow Trump will be tested....

Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........

With the above in mind, the "test" for Trump after meeting with Putin tomorrow, will be whether he calls for the lifting of the several sanctions imposed on Russia by president Obama. Bear in mind that the lifting of sanctions against Russia was a key component of the RNC platform last summer, and a key thorn on Putin's standing in both his own country and the rest of the world..

We'll soon see.
I suspect Trump will lift any sanction that was imposed as a result of the election interference. I think that means reversal of expulsions and a return of Russia's real estate that was used for hacking. I don't have any faith in Trump, but I don't really have any problem with him doing that IF he also told Putin privately that next time his personal finances would be "leaked," and we'd take down Russia's banking system.

I'm hopeful that he will see the foolishness in relieving any sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine and annexation of the Sudetenland ... I mean Crimea. There are probably 70 senators adamantly opposed to his doing this. And it would lead to a German and French confrontation.
I'm so old I remember Obama mocking people for saying Russia was an adversary.

Which would then make you about 9 or 10 years old???.....Thanks for confirming the obvious.....LOL
So far in this thread you've said you had no evidence and you think we are at war with Russia. Anything else you care to add before I ignore this topic?
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........

With the above in mind, the "test" for Trump after meeting with Putin tomorrow, will be whether he calls for the lifting of the several sanctions imposed on Russia by president Obama. Bear in mind that the lifting of sanctions against Russia was a key component of the RNC platform last summer, and a key thorn on Putin's standing in both his own country and the rest of the world..

We'll soon see.
I suspect Trump will lift any sanction that was imposed as a result of the election interference. I think that means reversal of expulsions and a return of Russia's real estate that was used for hacking. I don't have any faith in Trump, but I don't really have any problem with him doing that IF he also told Putin privately that next time his personal finances would be "leaked," and we'd take down Russia's banking system.

I'm hopeful that he will see the foolishness in relieving any sanctions imposed over the invasion of Ukraine and annexation of the Sudetenland ... I mean Crimea. There are probably 70 senators adamantly opposed to his doing this. And it would lead to a German and French confrontation.
Everyone acknowledges the sanctions were meaningless and a waste of time. AND those sanctions were planned before any of this was fabricated by the DNC.
I'm so old I remember Obama mocking people for saying Russia was an adversary.

What your half brain is alluding to is Obama's exchange with's the actual quote.......

Gov. Romney, I'm glad that you recognize that al-Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida. You said Russia .....

If in you stupor you interpret THAT is a "defense: by Obama of Russia, then no one can help your stupidity......LOL
Everyone acknowledges the sanctions were meaningless and a waste of time

By everyone......(forget it)..........BTW, is the "meaningless" of the sanctions WHY Putin hated Obama and Clinton so much???.............LOL
Everyone acknowledges the sanctions were meaningless and a waste of time

By everyone......(forget it)..........BTW, is the "meaningless" of the sanctions WHY Putin hated Obama and Clinton so much???.............LOL
I think there are two separate issues there. Yes, the trump supporters are loathe to even consider why Putin preferred Trump to Clinton so much that he risked Obama would do to him had Obama thought that Hillary would lose, or that Obama would not fear his legacy would be tarnished for destroying both Putin and Trump during the election.

But the sanctions are really meaningless in terms of dissuading Putin for interfering again, and worse even hacking the actual vote totals. That's the real fear to this. That Trump will continue living only in the moment without consideration to the effects of his actions, and that Trump's ego is so massive and fragile that Putin will play him.

There's also the slim possibility that Putin owns him. I seriously doubt Putin would call in the markers over this though.
Everyone acknowledges the sanctions were meaningless and a waste of time

By everyone......(forget it)..........BTW, is the "meaningless" of the sanctions WHY Putin hated Obama and Clinton so much???.............LOL

John Kerry has 'frank' meeting with Putin in first visit to Russia since Ukraine crisis

MOSCOW — Boris Akimov’s cellphone, which quacks like a duck, started to sound like a whole flock soon after President Vladimir V. Putin imposed sweeping food sanctions barring many Western imports last August.

Major Russian grocery chains, desperate to find new suppliers, tracked down Mr. Akimov, the founder of Russia’s fledgling farm-to-table movement, to ask urgent supply questions. How many chickens and eggs could he provide, they wanted to know, and could he deliver 100 tons of cheese, say, immediately.

Mr. Akimov, 36, who has a heavy beard and an infectious grin, had to turn them away — his 100 farmers produce nowhere near the amounts requested. LavkaLavka, the organic farm cooperative he and a friend set up about five years ago, sells between six and 12 tons of artisanal cheese annually, for example. Organic Farms Become a Winner in Putin’s Feud With the West

Tomorrow Trump will be tested....

Tomorrow? He's been tested since 2015, and for the most part failed. For what positive character traits does Trump stand above the hoi polloi? Of the few for which he does, it's not as though he applies them honorably.

Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........

With the above in mind, the "test" for Trump after meeting with Putin tomorrow, will be whether he calls for the lifting of the several sanctions imposed on Russia by president Obama. Bear in mind that the lifting of sanctions against Russia was a key component of the RNC platform last summer, and a key thorn on Putin's standing in both his own country and the rest of the world..

We'll soon see.
Jesus man, you have no idea what is going on in the world, they are sitting down to see if the two nations can avoid going to war with each other, and you still think that the Trump administration is in collusion? Are you really this daft??

I wonder if Trump will only let the Russian press in, no Americans just like he did last time he met up with a Russian...Slap America in the face again...

O slapped and crapped on america for 8 years and you were cool.
But the sanctions are really meaningless in terms of dissuading Putin for interfering again, and worse even hacking the actual vote totals. That's the real fear to this. That Trump will continue living only in the moment without consideration to the effects of his actions, and that Trump's ego is so massive and fragile that Putin will play him.

For what its worth, I never really thought that Putin "manipulated" a single vote count.......rather, Putin's propaganda efforts were very successful in his gamble that the hatred toward Obama could be carried over to Clinton..(a half black guy and a woman as president would have been just too much for some US voters)......Putin BOTH hated Obama and Clinton for belittling Putin's own corrupt elections (killing off opponents) and his foray into the Ukraine and the fraud by Putin that has now some speculating that he (Putin) is THE richest man on the planet..
Trump just sold Poland their missile defense system Obama reneged on. Who's the Putin puppet again?

STILL the orange clown.......Trump has adequately served the needs of U.S. military suppliers....AND given Putin a tremendous opportunity to remain his country;s dictator as "defender' of the Russian Bear.
Trump just sold Poland their missile defense system Obama reneged on. Who's the Putin puppet again?

STILL the orange clown.......Trump has adequately served the needs of U.S. military suppliers....AND given Putin a tremendous opportunity to remain his country;s dictator as "defender' of the Russian Bear.
Dufus thinks we are at war with Russia. :cuckoo:
Dufus thinks we are at war with Russia

So, moron, then WHY the need of an expensive missile defense in Poland....

Hell. let Poland build a wall with Trump's name on it.....I'm sure Mexico would be willing to pay for that too.................LOL
Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

Besides which I haven't been talking about their guilt or innocence. I have been talking about your premises. You claimed Russian interference was not debatable because it was a proven fact. This is false because evidence that they tried to interfere and failed is not evidence that they successfully interfered.

Not sure why its so difficult to admit that your claim is incorrect.
Still in denial I see.
Russia not only hacked our election, sent hundreds of trolls to invade our social media, Putin also hacked our voting data in 39 states.
I'm sure you didn't hear this because of the dubious media you follow.

Russian Hackers Attacked Infrastructure, Voting Data in 39 States - ExtremeTech

Is it really that difficult to understand the difference between attempting to influence and success at it?

Every official has testified under oath that there is no evidence Russia succeeded at influencing the election.

So please stop lying about it
Oh, I see. So an attempted bank robber should get off scott free, is that it? If I attempt to murder you but don't succeed, we're cool, right?

Again, I haven't mad any statements about what consequences Russia should face.

I'm just sick of lying. And yes exaggerating someone's crimes is lying
In several situations, Russia was successful. In some, they were probing for future operations.

This was not an attempt. There were several successful operations.

It is you who is lying. To yourself.

how many votes did they change and where? If they did anything it was to reveal the corruption between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the media.
There are now two Republican parties. There is the parroting pseudocon monkey wing, and then there is the conservative wing.

So when a parroting pseudocon monkey says, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton", they are demonstrating yet again just how fucking stupid they are.

the election was between Clinton and Trump, so the comparisons are appropriate.
Still in denial I see.
Russia not only hacked our election, sent hundreds of trolls to invade our social media, Putin also hacked our voting data in 39 states.
I'm sure you didn't hear this because of the dubious media you follow.

Russian Hackers Attacked Infrastructure, Voting Data in 39 States - ExtremeTech

Is it really that difficult to understand the difference between attempting to influence and success at it?

Every official has testified under oath that there is no evidence Russia succeeded at influencing the election.

So please stop lying about it
Oh, I see. So an attempted bank robber should get off scott free, is that it? If I attempt to murder you but don't succeed, we're cool, right?

Again, I haven't mad any statements about what consequences Russia should face.

I'm just sick of lying. And yes exaggerating someone's crimes is lying
In several situations, Russia was successful. In some, they were probing for future operations.

This was not an attempt. There were several successful operations.

It is you who is lying. To yourself.

how many votes did they change and where? If they did anything it was to reveal the corruption between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the media.

gnat thinks this is funny, so tell us gnat, where were the votes changed? how many were changed? and how exactly did the Russians change them?

either provide those answers or admit that you are a dumb as a sack of dead garden slugs and go away.

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