Tomorrow Trump will be tested....

Fact Checking Donald Trump's Crooked Hillary Allegations

Without a separate approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, uranium cannot be exported from the United States. This undercuts the insinuation Trump makes that somehow Clinton alone undermined American security interests.

Does Russia Really Own 20% Of The US' Uranium Reserves? | Zero Hedge

Still, it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases, or to suggest that any amount of the uranium will end up in Iran. The current licenses – held by the US-based subsidiaries and approved by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission – do not allow exports from any U1H US facility.

And so forth and so on.

One thing you can be sure of. The pseudocons will continue to spread this lie about Russia getting 20% of our uranium even though they know it is a lie. That's their character. The parroting rubes have no integrity.

The evidence is that Russia may have tried to influence the election. Not that they had any success.

Yes........the above is ALSO the "defense" of anyone who attempts murder but fails to kill someone........."But, but, judge, I am innocent because I failed to kill...." LOL

Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

Besides which I haven't been talking about their guilt or innocence. I have been talking about your premises. You claimed Russian interference was not debatable because it was a proven fact. This is false because evidence that they tried to interfere and failed is not evidence that they successfully interfered.

Not sure why its so difficult to admit that your claim is incorrect.
Still in denial I see.
Russia not only hacked our election, sent hundreds of trolls to invade our social media, Putin also hacked our voting data in 39 states.
I'm sure you didn't hear this because of the dubious media you follow.

Russian Hackers Attacked Infrastructure, Voting Data in 39 States - ExtremeTech

Is it really that difficult to understand the difference between attempting to influence and success at it?

Every official has testified under oath that there is no evidence Russia succeeded at influencing the election.

So please stop lying about it
He will criticize Putin if he does something stupid or draconian.
You mean like...say...invading the Ukraine? You mean like...say...shooting down a civilian airliner?

Oh, man, that's some funny shit right there. Trump has NEVER criticized Putin. He's done nothing but pray for Putin to be his bestest buddy.

Trump is an obsequious suck-up to Putin.

sure, unlike Hillary who gave 20% of our uranium to Russia, and pressed a stupid "reset" button with them.

you are as dumb as a sack of frog feet.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton!


Hey retard. Russia cannot take any of our uranium. Your masters lied to you. Idiot.

wrong, they have it and the Clinton foundation (the Clinton crime family) have millions of dollars.

your propagandists are lying to you and you are too dumb to even check out the facts.
It is you who did not check the facts. You are a parroting rube who I have never once seen use any critical thinking skills whatsoever. Will you EVER get tired of being the fool?

Why do you keep getting back in line to be lied to when you KNOW you are being lied to? Willfully stupid people like you DESERVE to be lied to.

As for the Clinton Foundation, Donald Trump was a big donor. That's one of the reasons he won't release his tax returns. You've been had by a New York limousine liberal, sucker.
The evidence is that Russia may have tried to influence the election. Not that they had any success.

Yes........the above is ALSO the "defense" of anyone who attempts murder but fails to kill someone........."But, but, judge, I am innocent because I failed to kill...." LOL

Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

Besides which I haven't been talking about their guilt or innocence. I have been talking about your premises. You claimed Russian interference was not debatable because it was a proven fact. This is false because evidence that they tried to interfere and failed is not evidence that they successfully interfered.

Not sure why its so difficult to admit that your claim is incorrect.
Still in denial I see.
Russia not only hacked our election, sent hundreds of trolls to invade our social media, Putin also hacked our voting data in 39 states.
I'm sure you didn't hear this because of the dubious media you follow.

Russian Hackers Attacked Infrastructure, Voting Data in 39 States - ExtremeTech

Is it really that difficult to understand the difference between attempting to influence and success at it?

Every official has testified under oath that there is no evidence Russia succeeded at influencing the election.

So please stop lying about it
Oh, I see. So an attempted bank robber should get off scott free, is that it? If I attempt to murder you but don't succeed, we're cool, right?
The evidence is that Russia may have tried to influence the election. Not that they had any success.

Yes........the above is ALSO the "defense" of anyone who attempts murder but fails to kill someone........."But, but, judge, I am innocent because I failed to kill...." LOL

Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

Besides which I haven't been talking about their guilt or innocence. I have been talking about your premises. You claimed Russian interference was not debatable because it was a proven fact. This is false because evidence that they tried to interfere and failed is not evidence that they successfully interfered.

Not sure why its so difficult to admit that your claim is incorrect.
Still in denial I see.
Russia not only hacked our election, sent hundreds of trolls to invade our social media, Putin also hacked our voting data in 39 states.
I'm sure you didn't hear this because of the dubious media you follow.

Russian Hackers Attacked Infrastructure, Voting Data in 39 States - ExtremeTech

Is it really that difficult to understand the difference between attempting to influence and success at it?

Every official has testified under oath that there is no evidence Russia succeeded at influencing the election.

So please stop lying about it
Oh, I see. So an attempted bank robber should get off scott free, is that it? If I attempt to murder you but don't succeed, we're cool, right?

Again, I haven't mad any statements about what consequences Russia should face.

I'm just sick of lying. And yes exaggerating someone's crimes is lying
Yes........the above is ALSO the "defense" of anyone who attempts murder but fails to kill someone........."But, but, judge, I am innocent because I failed to kill...." LOL

Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

Besides which I haven't been talking about their guilt or innocence. I have been talking about your premises. You claimed Russian interference was not debatable because it was a proven fact. This is false because evidence that they tried to interfere and failed is not evidence that they successfully interfered.

Not sure why its so difficult to admit that your claim is incorrect.
Still in denial I see.
Russia not only hacked our election, sent hundreds of trolls to invade our social media, Putin also hacked our voting data in 39 states.
I'm sure you didn't hear this because of the dubious media you follow.

Russian Hackers Attacked Infrastructure, Voting Data in 39 States - ExtremeTech

Is it really that difficult to understand the difference between attempting to influence and success at it?

Every official has testified under oath that there is no evidence Russia succeeded at influencing the election.

So please stop lying about it
Oh, I see. So an attempted bank robber should get off scott free, is that it? If I attempt to murder you but don't succeed, we're cool, right?

Again, I haven't mad any statements about what consequences Russia should face.

I'm just sick of lying. And yes exaggerating someone's crimes is lying
In several situations, Russia was successful. In some, they were probing for future operations.

This was not an attempt. There were several successful operations.

It is you who is lying. To yourself.
There are a few trolls on this forum for whom it would not surprise me in the least if they were part of the FSB's operations.
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.
There are now two Republican parties. There is the parroting pseudocon monkey wing, and then there is the conservative wing.

So when a parroting pseudocon monkey says, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton", they are demonstrating yet again just how fucking stupid they are.
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.
See, statements like this is why I am having a hard time deciding which new animal logo the pseudocon wing of the GOP should use in place of the elephant.

Redfish makes me think it should be a parrot. But then the willfull blindness of you pseudocons to the facts make me think it should be this guy:

Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.
See, statements like this is why I am having a hard time deciding which new animal logo the pseudocon wing of the GOP should use in place of the elephant.

Redfish makes me think it should be a parrot. But then the willfull blindness of you pseudocons to the facts make me think it should be this guy:

Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.
See, statements like this is why I am having a hard time deciding which new animal logo the pseudocon wing of the GOP should use in place of the elephant.

Redfish makes me think it should be a parrot. But then the willfull blindness of you pseudocons to the facts make me think it should be this guy:

Sounds like psychological projection.
sure, unlike Hillary who gave 20% of our uranium to Russia
The tards just can't help themselves. In every topic about Trump, they have no defense against the truth about the morbidly obese apprentice and have to resort to "B-b-b-but Clinton!"

And this particular lie is one Trump gave to the tards which they parrot incessantly. It's another Big Lie.

None of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

Another parrot bites the dust!


The "tards" sure seem a lot smarter than you. You complain in the first sentence that Trump calls out people too much... and now apparently, it's not enough?

If he does the right thing he listens to you guys 0%. There is no pleasing SJWs.
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.

fabricated ?

6 different investigations fabricated enough probable cause to make Flynn lie, money laundry itself, Sessions not recall then recuse, ... riiiiiiiiight, fabricated. uh huh.
sure, unlike Hillary who gave 20% of our uranium to Russia
The tards just can't help themselves. In every topic about Trump, they have no defense against the truth about the morbidly obese apprentice and have to resort to "B-b-b-but Clinton!"

And this particular lie is one Trump gave to the tards which they parrot incessantly. It's another Big Lie.

None of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

Another parrot bites the dust!


The "tards" sure seem a lot smarter than you. You complain in the first sentence that Trump calls out people too much... and now apparently, it's not enough?

If he does the right thing he listens to you guys 0%. There is no pleasing SJWs.
Trump attacks the free press, and gives a mass murderer a free pass. That makes total sense to a tard like yourself, I'm sure.
RW's lie so much they believe everyone else lies too.
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Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

So,according to nitwits like you, Russia is NOT guilty of meddling in our elections, BUT Russian IS guilty of TRYING to meddle in our elections.......LOL
Trump has never had an unkind word to say about Putin. Ever.

Call him the liar that he is, and he will tweet insults for days.

Attack our country's electoral process and help make him President, he'll kiss your ass.

"I owe you one, Vlad!

Given Trump's personality of BOTH narcissism and extreme low-self-esteem, the conversation between him and Putin could go like this......

PUTIN: "President Trump, you are the best president that the US could ever had; you won overwhelmingly (and bigly); women faun over your dashing body and hair-do; you are the very best businessman that the world has ever seen.......

Now, Donald, about my ambitions to take over ALL of the Ukraine and maybe Georgia and Estonia........can you just go golfing while I do those little excursions???

TRUMP: Thank you, Vlad and, yes, I am entitled to much more golfing.....
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.

fabricated ?

6 different investigations fabricated enough probable cause to make Flynn lie, money laundry itself, Sessions not recall then recuse, ... riiiiiiiiight, fabricated. uh huh.
Yes fabricated. You know that as well as I do. You simply won't admit it here.
Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

So,according to nitwits like you, Russia is NOT guilty of meddling in our elections, BUT Russian IS guilty of TRYING to meddle in our elections.......LOL

Russia looking no fucking problemo, United States aka "BIG BROTHER" looking, and idiots on the right go apeshit overboard nutso crazy mother fuckers ...

RW's are traitors
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.

fabricated ?

6 different investigations fabricated enough probable cause to make Flynn lie, money laundry itself, Sessions not recall then recuse, ... riiiiiiiiight, fabricated. uh huh.
Yes fabricated. You know that as well as I do. You simply won't admit it here.

probable cause ...

deal with it princess .. :itsok:

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