Tomorrow Trump will be tested....


All I wanted to get across with my O/P was to ascertain IF right wingers on here would be (or not) OK with trump lifting the Russian sanctions as Putin wants....

Simple as that.......a simple, "Yes, I'm ok with that"....Or..... "No, that would be wrong."

All I wanted to get across with my O/P was to ascertain IF right wingers on here would be (or not) OK with trump lifting the Russian sanctions as Putin wants....

Simple as that.......a simple, "Yes, I'm ok with that"....Or..... "No, that would be wrong."

RWs would love it .. prolly put on their KGB tshirts and caps.
You're right about one thing those two premise are not debatable. They are demonstratedly false

Even YOUR orange clown OPENLY admits to the hacking by Russia......His "explanation" is that only maybe 3 or 4 US intelligence outfits have confirmed this, and not 17 of them......
He just said yesterday no one knows for sure. It could have been several states.

Except we do know for sure. All of the Intel chiefs have testified to that. Trump has received Intel briefings on this matter for over a year.

These guys will never admit they were wrong about not excepting Russia hacked into our systems., because Trump won't..
Except Trump still manages to blame Obama for not doing anything,yet he did..What a manipulating freak.
As i have told you a thousand times, I just want EVIDENCE.
What is REALLY sad is how some people accept nothing more than words from people that lie to us EVERY DAY. THAT says alot...

So, you're asserting then that there is some sort of 'deep state' conspiracy afoot?
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........

With the above in mind, the "test" for Trump after meeting with Putin tomorrow, will be whether he calls for the lifting of the several sanctions imposed on Russia by president Obama. Bear in mind that the lifting of sanctions against Russia was a key component of the RNC platform last summer, and a key thorn on Putin's standing in both his own country and the rest of the world..

We'll soon see.
He has stated that they had said that it were 17 intelligence agencies that had proof that Russia had hacked into the emails, but turns out that it were three agencies. Do you think that he will listen to those three agencies after the lied has been spread around that there were 17?.
If someone had lied to you several times, but will you still turn around and believe them again?
He knows that Hillary's clan are up to something.
You're right about one thing those two premise are not debatable. They are demonstratedly false

Even YOUR orange clown OPENLY admits to the hacking by Russia......His "explanation" is that only maybe 3 or 4 US intelligence outfits have confirmed this, and not 17 of them......
He just said yesterday no one knows for sure. It could have been several states.

Except we do know for sure. All of the Intel chiefs have testified to that. Trump has received Intel briefings on this matter for over a year.
Like i said, i dont really give a damn what the govt says. They are constant failures and professional liars.
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.

fabricated ?

6 different investigations fabricated enough probable cause to make Flynn lie, money laundry itself, Sessions not recall then recuse, ... riiiiiiiiight, fabricated. uh huh.
Yes fabricated. You know that as well as I do. You simply won't admit it here.
Pseudocons like yourself have proven time and time and time again that "fabricated" means any reality or facts which threaten the delusions your masters have put into your pointy heads.
You're right about one thing those two premise are not debatable. They are demonstratedly false

Even YOUR orange clown OPENLY admits to the hacking by Russia......His "explanation" is that only maybe 3 or 4 US intelligence outfits have confirmed this, and not 17 of them......
He just said yesterday no one knows for sure. It could have been several states.

Except we do know for sure. All of the Intel chiefs have testified to that. Trump has received Intel briefings on this matter for over a year.
Like i said, i dont really give a damn what the govt says. They are constant failures and professional liars.


You're going to claim to not know this?
You're right about one thing those two premise are not debatable. They are demonstratedly false

Even YOUR orange clown OPENLY admits to the hacking by Russia......His "explanation" is that only maybe 3 or 4 US intelligence outfits have confirmed this, and not 17 of them......
He just said yesterday no one knows for sure. It could have been several states.

Except we do know for sure. All of the Intel chiefs have testified to that. Trump has received Intel briefings on this matter for over a year.
Like i said, i dont really give a damn what the govt says. They are constant failures and professional liars.


You're going to claim to not know this?
can you post a link or not?
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.

fabricated ?

6 different investigations fabricated enough probable cause to make Flynn lie, money laundry itself, Sessions not recall then recuse, ... riiiiiiiiight, fabricated. uh huh.
Yes fabricated. You know that as well as I do. You simply won't admit it here.
Two premises are no longer up for debate from either sides of the aisle; that is, that Russian hackers interfered in our election.....AND, that Trump has shown a rather unorthodox affinity toward the ex-KGB thug, Putin.........
Bullshit. Both you and I know that the whole TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated by the Clinton campaign as a distraction after it was proven that the fix was in for Clinton.

fabricated ?

6 different investigations fabricated enough probable cause to make Flynn lie, money laundry itself, Sessions not recall then recuse, ... riiiiiiiiight, fabricated. uh huh.
Yes fabricated. You know that as well as I do. You simply won't admit it here.
Pseudocons like yourself have proven time and time and time again that "fabricated" means any reality or facts which threaten the delusions your masters have put into your pointy heads.
I see you're talking about yourself again.
Even YOUR orange clown OPENLY admits to the hacking by Russia......His "explanation" is that only maybe 3 or 4 US intelligence outfits have confirmed this, and not 17 of them......
He just said yesterday no one knows for sure. It could have been several states.

Except we do know for sure. All of the Intel chiefs have testified to that. Trump has received Intel briefings on this matter for over a year.
Like i said, i dont really give a damn what the govt says. They are constant failures and professional liars.


You're going to claim to not know this?
can you post a link or not?

I'm not posting a link to something everyone knows. If you honestly don't know this, then you shouldn't be discussing it.


no outrage here


For the past seven months, a group of students and young professionals has gathered nightly to phone U.S. voters and urge them to support Barack Obama in the presidential elections.

This would not be at all unusual were it not for the fact that the callers are Palestinians living in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Palestinians Man Phone Bank for Obama


no outrage here


For the past seven months, a group of students and young professionals has gathered nightly to phone U.S. voters and urge them to support Barack Obama in the presidential elections.

This would not be at all unusual were it not for the fact that the callers are Palestinians living in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Palestinians Man Phone Bank for Obama

WOW, I must have missed THAT phone call....LOL

Was the area code a give-away???


no outrage here


For the past seven months, a group of students and young professionals has gathered nightly to phone U.S. voters and urge them to support Barack Obama in the presidential elections.

This would not be at all unusual were it not for the fact that the callers are Palestinians living in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Palestinians Man Phone Bank for Obama

WOW, I must have missed THAT phone call....LOL

Was the area code a give-away???
We can discuss how to forward calls from area codes later.

I want to know have you been holding your breath for 8 months waiting for your evidence of collusion? And even if Trump personally told Putin to hack the DNC, what's the law broken?
Actually that's exactly what it means. If you attempt to kill someone but fail to do so, you at innocent of murder. You are guilty of attempted murder which is another crime whatsoever.

So,according to nitwits like you, Russia is NOT guilty of meddling in our elections, BUT Russian IS guilty of TRYING to meddle in our elections.......LOL

No according to facts you lied, you were caught, and now your deflect.

You claimed it was indisputable that the Russians impacted the election. And I've pointed out this isn't true. The evidence available is that they may have influenced. That evidence is largely hearsay.

The evidence on the record by every official that has been asked under oath is that Russia had no impact on the results of the election. There is no evidence that a single vote was cast due to anything the Russians are alleged to have done.

So please stop lying.
Psycho Trump is already drawing large crowds in Germany - PROTESTERS.

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I want to know have you been holding your breath for 8 months waiting for your evidence of collusion? And even if Trump personally told Putin to hack the DNC, what's the law broken?

Glad you asked......Under the Logan Act, colluding with a hostile country and requesting that country to SPY on the U.S.(as Trump openly did when requesting Wikileaks as a propaganda arm of Russia to spy on Clinton) tantamount to a treasonous activity.
I want to know have you been holding your breath for 8 months waiting for your evidence of collusion? And even if Trump personally told Putin to hack the DNC, what's the law broken?

Glad you asked......Under the Logan Act, colluding with a hostile country and requesting that country to SPY on the U.S.(as Trump openly did when requesting Wikileaks as a propaganda arm of Russia to spy on Clinton) tantamount to a treasonous activity.
We are at war with Russia?

I'm so old I remember Obama mocking people for saying Russia was an adversary.

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