Tomorrow You Will Apologize. The Year After, Persecute. How Cults Progress

Enlightened by Elton John's 5 year 180 on gay marriage? Dolce & Gabbana's forced apology?

  • Yes, that seems weird. Like someone's got a gun to their back.

  • No. They're just "coming around" to their senses.

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Jake answer the question? Why is that in 2010 Elton John was opposed to gay marriage but now he is mad at someone else for the same thing?

Why on earth do you think that Jake would know why Elton John did whatever Elton John did?

Do you imagine that Jake and Elton are best buds and that Elton calls Jake up to confide all of the details in his life?
Jake answer the question? Why is that in 2010 Elton John was opposed to gay marriage but now he is mad at someone else for the same thing?

Why on earth do you think that Jake would know why Elton John did whatever Elton John did?

Do you imagine that Jake and Elton are best buds and that Elton calls Jake up to confide all of the details in his life?

No, that's me. This thread is about me. I'm the superstar. :D
Yes, you are, our super star.


So...we've managed to bury the page where we were talking about Elton John in 2010 vs Elton John in 2015. And introduced two or three strawmen. Do you guys go to a university that teaches you "smoke and mirrors on the internet in groups" or does it just come naturally to you?
The cult has a new target.....somebody make it stop

New Orleans Saints Fleur de Lis Logo Now Being Called Racist


We already know how President Obama and the majority of liberals feel about the Washington Redskins. The nickname is racist, they won’t be allowed to go forward with a new stadium if they don’t change the name, blah, blah.

What’s intersting is what is now being considered “offensive” in the NFL.

Apparently, the fleur de lis, a staple on the side of the New Orleans Saints’ helmet, is now racist.

To all the Saints fans out there, you are all scum for supporting a team that has been around since 1967.

Remember, nobody found it racist until the left says it is so.

From Daily Caller via Federalist Papers:

The fleur de lis, a French symbol used by royal families dating back to the 13th century, and emblazoned on the New Orleans Saints helmet, is now being called a symbol of slavery, drawing comparisons to the recent uproar against the Confederate battle flag.

“As an African I find it painful, and I think people whose ancestors were enslaved here may feel it even harder than I do as an African,” said slave historian Dr. Ibrahima Seck to WWLTV.
He connects the usage of the fleur de lis, to “code noir,” or black code, which was adopted in Louisiana in 1724, and used to govern to state’s slave population.

NOT AGAIN Look Which NFL Logo Liberals are Saying is Racist now...

Seck said a slave caught running away, “would be taken before a court and the sentence would be being branded on one shoulder and with the fleur de lis, and then they would crop their ears.” …
It's French...and we know how RWrs hate the French.
So...we've managed to bury the page where we were talking about Elton John in 2010 vs Elton John in 2015. And introduced two or three strawmen. Do you guys go to a university that teaches you "smoke and mirrors on the internet in groups" or does it just come naturally to you?

No, what you said was that I (meaning moi) would be apologizing for my remarks. Lol. You were comparing me to Elton John. :D That's hilarious. Ohhh, Elton John .. . . hmm. I guess I should think about HIM before expressing my opinions on topics on a discussion board, huh?
Why should anyone apologize for what they said in the past, and later changed their mind on the subject matter after a few years of thought?

Do you still hold the same views you had when you were a teenager ( I am assuming you are not one but who the hell knows on this site )?

Also who gives a damn what a Brit think about Same Sex marriage here in the damn States?

I for one do not but I do find it funny you do and trying to use his words to justify your bigotry against a small faction of society...

In the end your OP was a call out thread started by you to attack another poster on this site and compare them to Elton John which is pathetic and stupid, but alas since the ruling on Same Sex marriage you have been a on Hyper Melt, and soon you will overload and hopefully stop posting for a time...
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In the end your OP was a call out thread started by you to attack another poster on this site and compare them to Elton John which is pathetic and stupid, but alas since the ruling on Same Sex marriage you have been a on Hyper Melt, and soon you will overload and hopefully stop posting for a time...

Nope, I have no problem whatsoever calling out Chris when she's wrong. The OP is IN FACT about the progression of cults and the insidious "rapid change" we see happening all around us.

It's very effective and the Scientology folks linked with the main perps in the LGBT movement have it down pat.

1. Begin inserting as many people as you can in positions of power, or better yet, recruit them already ensconced in power structures.

2. Gain access to media (that one is pure LGBT thanks to Hollowood)

3. Smoke and mirrors/herd program. Inflate artificially "the numbers who support us are growing!"

4. Keep up #3 like a drum beat and eventally the herd will actually support you.

5. Get yourself an education czar. Begin child-outreach programs using whatever means you can to insert your otherwise repugnant agenda (see: "gay teen suicides/bullying"). Teach a generation that "gay is OK". Then, they become voters, and consumers. You've got America by the balls at that point.

6. Once #5 is well in place, you can drop the nice guy act.

7. Begin persecuting members of your own fold for holding heretical positions.

8. Use the justice system to hold legal anvils over people's heads in power that still resist you. Utilize "fear by example", making a public spectacle out of the heads you bring to the chopping block one after the other. Have friends who are news anchors for the limelight on this process.

9. Fear properly installed, smoke and mirrors giving a false projection of the actual numbers of people who viscerally support your campaign, you put your case before the Supreme Court and hope they don't notice that behaviors (just some but not others) aren't ACTUALLY equal to a race of people.

10. Viola!

(Until the 1st & 9th Amendments stop you cold in your tracks.)
In the end your OP was a call out thread started by you to attack another poster on this site and compare them to Elton John which is pathetic and stupid, but alas since the ruling on Same Sex marriage you have been a on Hyper Melt, and soon you will overload and hopefully stop posting for a time...

Nope, I have no problem whatsoever calling out Chris when she's wrong. The OP is IN FACT about the progression of cults and the insidious "rapid change" we see happening all around us.

It's very effective and the Scientology folks linked with the main perps in the LGBT movement have it down pat.

1. Begin inserting as many people as you can in positions of power, or better yet, recruit them already ensconced in power structures.

2. Gain access to media (that one is pure LGBT thanks to Hollowood)

3. Smoke and mirrors/herd program. Inflate artificially "the numbers who support us are growing!"

4. Keep up #3 like a drum beat and eventally the herd will actually support you.

5. Get yourself an education czar. Begin child-outreach programs using whatever means you can to insert your otherwise repugnant agenda (see: "gay teen suicides/bullying"). Teach a generation that "gay is OK". Then, they become voters, and consumers. You've got America by the balls at that point.

6. Once #5 is well in place, you can drop the nice guy act.

7. Begin persecuting members of your own fold for holding heretical positions.

8. Use the justice system to hold legal anvils over people's heads in power that still resist you. Utilize "fear by example", making a public spectacle out of the heads you bring to the chopping block one after the other. Have friends who are news anchors for the limelight on this process.

9. Fear properly installed, smoke and mirrors giving a false projection of the actual numbers of people who viscerally support your campaign, you put your case before the Supreme Court and hope they don't notice that behaviors (just some but not others) aren't ACTUALLY equal to a race of people.

10. Viola!

(Until the 1st & 9th Amendments stop you cold in your tracks.)

Well, thankfully I am not wrong. You need to realize that you are paranoid and fearful. America is a free country, and all of her citizens should be free. These are taxpaying American citizens, and that's all that matters. Their sex lives should not be of concern to you. It seems as if you are obsessed with gay sex and think that sex is what defines people.
Well, thankfully I am not wrong. You need to realize that you are paranoid and fearful. America is a free country, and all of her citizens should be free. These are taxpaying American citizens, and that's all that matters. Their sex lives should not be of concern to you. It seems as if you are obsessed with gay sex and think that sex is what defines people.

Applewhite shouldn't have been free to do as he pleased. Nor Jim Jones when he was recruiting in the US. There are freedoms and there are cults. When cults start forcing people to their knees...that is a the time for legitimate fear. Your cult stops suing Christians and forcing them into 're-education programs where they have to vow allegiance to gay sex marriage...or else...' and we'll talk about me standing down. Until that time, get used to it because honey, I ain't going to lay down and piss on myself for any cult, especially yours.

Get ready. You will be apologizing for the remarks you made about "transgender youth" in the OP. What do you think of the new show "Jazz" coming out about the little boy whose parents had dressed up as a girl since before he was old enough to know what was what? Feel good about Hollywood teaching the world that grooming kids for eventual amputation of body parts is "normal now" do you?
Well, thankfully I am not wrong. You need to realize that you are paranoid and fearful. America is a free country, and all of her citizens should be free. These are taxpaying American citizens, and that's all that matters. Their sex lives should not be of concern to you. It seems as if you are obsessed with gay sex and think that sex is what defines people.

Applewhite shouldn't have been free to do as he pleased. Nor Jim Jones when he was recruiting in the US. There are freedoms and there are cults. When cults start forcing people to their knees...that is a the time for legitimate fear. Your cult stops suing Christians and forcing them into 're-education programs where they have to vow allegiance to gay sex marriage...or else...' and we'll talk about me standing down. Until that time, get used to it because honey, I ain't going to lay down and piss on myself for any cult, especially yours.

Get ready. You will be apologizing for the remarks you made about "transgender youth" in the OP. What do you think of the new show "Jazz" coming out about the little boy whose parents had dressed up as a girl since before he was old enough to know what was what? Feel good about Hollywood teaching the world that grooming kids for eventual amputation of body parts is "normal now" do you?

Gay people are not a "cult." They are just human beings who want to have dignity.
Get ready. You will be apologizing for the remarks you made about "transgender youth" in the OP. What do you think of the new show "Jazz" coming out about the little boy whose parents had dressed up as a girl since before he was old enough to know what was what? Feel good about Hollywood teaching the world that grooming kids for eventual amputation of body parts is "normal now" do you?

Um, no I will not. Number 1, I am not a member of any cults. When you say things like this, it makes you look crazy.

I don't know who "Jazz" is. No idea.

How is Hollywood teaching the world that amputation of body parts is normal? You are just nuts. That is all there is to it. Do you see a psychiatrist? I don't mean this to be offensive. It could really probably help you. You seem to have much fear and hatred of the homosexuals and it is just not rational.
Gay people are not a "cult." They are just human beings who want to have dignity.

I'll take that even deeper Chris. "Gay people" aren't "gay people" at all. They are merely people who do homosexuality for sex. As long as they keep that to themselves everything works out fine. When they try to force society to see and accept and promote that as normal (fatherless or motherless marriages) then that's when the shit hits the fan.

Also, I notice you steered away from talking about so-called transgender children. You maybe want to rephrase what you said in the OP quote? Or are you sticking to it?
Gay people are not a "cult." They are just human beings who want to have dignity.

I'll take that even deeper Chris. "Gay people" aren't "gay people" at all. They are merely people who do homosexuality for sex.

And once again you are just lying.

Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender- regardless of whether they have sex.

People who have been targeted for discrimination for centuries because they are attracted to the 'wrong gender'

You are a cult of 1
Gay people are not a "cult." They are just human beings who want to have dignity.

I'll take that even deeper Chris. "Gay people" aren't "gay people" at all. They are merely people who do homosexuality for sex.
And once again you are just lying...Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender- regardless of whether they have sex.
"Attracted" is a verb Syriusly. An action. A behavior. Just one of many the majority finds ill suited to the word "marriage".

Are you Chris? BTW, how do you feel Syriusly, about Chris's comments in the OP about transgender procedures in Oregon done on minors?
Gay people are not a "cult." They are just human beings who want to have dignity.

I'll take that even deeper Chris. "Gay people" aren't "gay people" at all. They are merely people who do homosexuality for sex.
And once again you are just lying...Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender- regardless of whether they have sex.
"Attracted" is a verb Syriusly. An action. A behavior. Just one of many the majority finds ill suited to the word "marriage".

Great way for you to dance around your lie

.Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender- regardless of whether they have sex.

Why do you feel obligated to lie in order to attack homosexuals?
Gay people are not a "cult." They are just human beings who want to have dignity.

I'll take that even deeper Chris. "Gay people" aren't "gay people" at all. They are merely people who do homosexuality for sex.
And once again you are just lying...Homosexuals are people who are attracted to the same gender- regardless of whether they have sex.
"Attracted" is a verb Syriusly. An action. A behavior.

No- 'attracted' to is not an action, nor is it a behavior.

That is entirely your invention.

Websters definition:

: sexually attracted to people of the same sex

: based on or showing a sexual attraction to people of the same sex

Homosexual is an adjective- like heterosexual and African American.

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